3 ways to make disciples. Making Disciples - Part 6 - Motivating Disciples.
3 ways to make disciples And finally, in Revelation, we see that people from every tribe and tongue will gather before the throne of God. Nov 3, 2014 · Talking to people throughout your day about God’s Word and what you have learned is another good way to make disciples. And that’s the pattern Paul lays out for us in 2 Timothy 2:2: What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, commit to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. Give. The Bible is the Word of God. Jun 20, 2019 · The priority of disciple making is undeniable in the Bible. Three Thirds (3/3) Google Slides. This call is meant for us, too! It shows we’re invited to be disciples of Jesus and disciplemakers for Him as well. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:18-20, New International Version). Disciplers should help those whom they disciple to know they have mastered the "skills" of the Feb 25, 2013 · 3. “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. That is when we are being our most effective - when we are training and equipping disciples who will in turn train and equip others to make more disciples. ” We’re not just to be about bringing people into a relationship with God. ” That is what it means. 28:19–20). Making Disciples - Part 7 - Teaching and Training Disciples . . Often, this is the sole way in which we engage disciples – not so with Jesus and his disciples. By Ken Adams. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. They see rapid rates of multiplication and they deploy people into other campuses, cities, and countries to make disciples for Christ. Jul 31, 2017 · The only way this world can get more Jesus is if more of us are sharing Jesus! But how? I found these great 4 ways to make disciples from The Gospel Coalition: 4 Ways to Make Disciples. The Best Means to Make Mature Disciples. As you work with your disciples, you will have to “customize” (or make personal) your approach for each one. Our Lord continue to bless you as you intentionally purpose to make disciples. Making disciples is teaching a disciple how to make disciples. It’s a call every single person receives who places his or her faith in Jesus Christ (Matt. Whether you are a seasoned Christian or a new Christian, you will enjoy these Bible studies. We don’t become a Christian by making disciples, but once we are in Christ, few things come closer to Nov 21, 2022 · He is unlocking the thinking of the disciples on the value of each person. Here are some of the specifics: Dec 17, 2024 · In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus tells us to “go and make disciples…teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:18–20, NIV, bold added). Today I want to focus on the challenge that introverts (“intentionals”) have in making disciples and three key steps they need to take in order to become a fruitful and lasting disciple Biblically, to be a disciple is to make disciples. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20). To go deeper than the one-size-fits-all, lowest common denominator approach, we need to get more personal. How do we make disciples? How to Make Disciples of All Nations There are different stages of faith and discipleship. Spiritual Growth: Discipleship deepens our understanding of God's Word, strengthens our relationship with Him, and helps us become more Christ-like. God’s Motive: love, the Greatest Commandment ever received. Extroverts are normally more relational while introverts are normally more intentional. Nov 13, 2019 · Teach, re-teach, and teach again about the priority of making disciples. Too many people think that it’s the minister or a pastor or the elders who make disciples. Sep 26, 2023 · The impact of "making disciples who make disciples" When we take the Great Commission seriously and commit ourselves to "making disciples who make disciples", incredible things happen. To ‘make disciples’ means to make unbelievers become disciples of Jesus Christ through the procedures of soul-winning, baptism, and teaching or nurturing them in the obedience of the word of God; hence make disciples consists of: 1. Jesus taught that making disciples involves four clear steps. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. As we have already stated, evangelism is the first step in the disciple-making process. Specifically, it’s initiating a relationship in which you The 3 Circles gospel sharing method is a simple and effective way to communicate the message of the Christian gospel using a visual representation. “Make disciples” is the primary command of the Great Commission. 5. 3 Ways Christian Community Can Support Your Spiritual Growth Through the Holy Spirit’s gift of love, diverse members of a Christian community become a blessing to each other, helping each other to spiritually grow. Casting vision will be fun as it will force you and your team (paid or volunteer) to think of creative ways to communicate Jesus’ command along with your church’s definition of a disciple. But the heart of this message is to be real with people. We must try our best to do good and obey what God teaches us. Nations here is not a reference to the approximately two hundred geopolitical nations, or countries, recognized in the world today. “If they don’t teach the way you do it, they can learn from it. Every disciple is different and responds to different ideas, goals, and techniques. JESUS’ METHOD. The goal is not simply to make converts but to intentionally send others out so that they too may train others to be sent out (2 Timothy 2:2). Groups are another legitimate way to make disciples. Step 3: Empowering Your Students to Reach Others. There are several ways to help disciples make disciples. Through giving, we have the ability to partner with other believers to make an even bigger and more global impact for the Kingdom. Let’s begin with my definition. Practically speaking, there is a huge gap for us between the imperatives to “go” and “make disciples. Used by permission. Making disciples involves showing others how to follow Jesus by being a good example, teaching them about the Bible, encouraging them to pray, and helping them find a supportive community. Jan 1, 2025 · So no matter what your goals are for the year, here are five ways to seek God first and grow closer to Him in 2025: 1. The process of making disciples starts with evangelism and continues with a lifetime of growth commonly referred to as discipleship. When we make disciples who make disciples, we create a ripple effect that can transform communities and nations. ” This is why we must make the kind of disciples that Jesus made—and make them the way that Jesus made them. 3 Ways Technology Can Help Your Church Make Disciples . Renew a thrust for evangelism by focusing attention on disciple-making. Consider these five traits of a disciplemaker to assess your spiritual growth and gauge how to invest in those you’re discipling. It isn’t merely a call to get members for our churches. Oct 10, 2017 · Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. —We help disciples make disciples. grace community church, ramona, ca a practical plan to make disciples elder approved 2013‐12‐18 / updated 2015‐02‐09 3 they are more ready. As a Christian, discipleship comes with the territory. Let’s look at each part of what He said. Why Make Disciples? THE GREAT COMMISSION OF JESUS IS TO MAKE DISCIPLES (MATT. Jesus didn’t mass produce disciples. I had to admit that Jesus made this promise Jun 2, 2022 · In his commentary on the Commission, D. May 30, 2016 · Jesus taught his disciples to live in view not of today or tomorrow, but eternity. Then Jesus came up and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Are you a disciple? Consider the following 3 keys to discipleship: 1) Know the faith. This powerful king has an important message to his people. Our job also includes helping them become disciples who make disciples. I can remember when I was a new pastor and God was burdening me about making disciples. Discipleship isn’t a choice. The second is a promise: ‘And Jesus and the apostles showed us that disciples are made by other disciples. And to me, when we're talking about Jesus style, disciple-making we see one of the passages in Paul's writings. The faith is the foundation of discipleship. Read this article, Ridiculously Simple: 3 Ways to Make Disciples, to learn more Mar 15, 2017 · Pastor, don’t waste your time preaching about discipleship from your pulpit until you are ready to practice it personally with others. As a youth leader, you have the incredible opportunity to use your ministry to make a Gospel impact on the teens in your community. Through these three ways, you can reflect on the vastness of the universe, the amazing stories of God's deliverance in the Bible, and the testimonies of 3 Ways Bright Hope Multiplies Disciples. So the primary question given our “new reality” is simple: how do we make disciples in the midst of all the chaos of life? Let me suggest three “micro-shifts” to help pastors get started. The idea is to help the person you’re 3 I. The disciples would have understood Jesus’ words to have some pretty important implications. Mar 30, 2021 · It’s “Go, therefore, and make disciples”; that’s a lifelong process! That’s how long it takes to teach these converts how to observe all that the Lord has commanded his people. But Jesus did not just teach a way of life; He is the way to life (John 14:6). Model intentional transparency (lead by example) This is key, and it is not easy – but in order to develop a relationship that goes deeper and that allows room for accountability, you will need to lead the way by being open and transparent. As you embark on this journey, remember the importance of intentionality, learning, humility, prayer, and cultural sensitivity. ” Jan 16, 2012 · 2. ” This calling is not simply a call to evangelism. The disciples also asked Jesus many questions. The church circle is indeed an effective model for short-term discipleship stories that can be used to train disciples to obey Jesus and identify as a church around the practice of those stories that correspond to the passage in Acts 2:36-47. We are being our most effective when we are training and equipping disciples who will in turn train and equip others to make more disciples. May 7, 2022 · Jesus commands us to make disciples. Let them be free to make mistakes and have the safety to fail and make mistakes,” he says. Jesus had disciples and He told His disciples to “Go and make disciples. The Bible only uses the word “Christian” three times. “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men. ” (John 13:34-35) He could have told them many different things at this moment, but he chose to emphasize the need to love one another. We do not need to reinvent the wheel, we have tools to hand (though largely forgotten) for making mature disciples. INDIVIDUAL LESSONS Introduction – Foundations for Fantastic Studies Lesson 1 – Seeking God Lesson… Aug 2, 2017 · A few studies from the early 2000s show that between 3 percent and 6 percent of people who went forward at evangelistic rallies became part of a worshipping community. Put one way, the heart of the church’s mission is making disciples who make disciples. If you follow Jesus, see people as individuals God loves, not projects. What is a disciple, though? Surely it’s more than simply knowing Jesus. Making Disciples - Part 3 - Why Raise Up Disciples . And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. A discipler commissions disciples to live and serve as Christ's messenger to others. ” Oct 3, 2024 · 3 Ways to Better the World Around You In yesterday’s readings, we heard a lot about love and marriage. The Way: How to Make Disciples – Free Download. 7. Provide a Pastor with Biblical and Theological Training Educating and empowering pastors is crucial in helping them share the hope of Christ with the extreme poor. Nov 13, 2020 · Making disciples is much more than teaching biblical truths for life change; it is also calling on disciples to act on those truths. They have boards and leaders committed to making disciples. Questions are a two-way street. “Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” (Matt. They also teach these things comprehensively, in the way that Christ commanded. If you study the life of Christ and are willing to make disciples who make disciples, you already have the plan and power to accomplish the task. Here’s a comprehensive approach on how to make disciples, from identifying the right individuals to fostering deep, and lasting relationships. 3 Ways Christian Community Can Support Your Spiritual Growth. Read. In many cases, He simply went up to them and told them, “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men” (Mark 1:17). So it is vitally important to raise up disciplemakers who equip and disciple the saved, so that they become mature in Christ (Colossians 1:28). I remember one of the businessmen who invested in me saying, “Craig, just pray for God to give you one man to pour your life into. That being said, there are many different ways we can disciple others effectively. ” These tips will help you do so effectively. Jan 1, 2014 · We need to discover ways to spend personal time with those we're discipling, getting to know them and helping them experience the blessing of Christian fellowship. This is why Christ’s command to make disciples is so important. John 13:3-5 NIV. Allow Disciples to Make Mistakes. It is broad enough to include everyone, but specific enough to meet each spiritual generation where they are. The principles in this book are accessible to everyone, no matter your age, occupation, or stage of life. Jun 1, 2023 · Make Disciples In conclusion, cross-cultural disciple making is an incredible opportunity to expand the reach of the gospel and share the love of Christ with people from diverse backgrounds. The Bible is where we learn of His love and discover His plan of redemption. Tariku knows that disciples won’t always do things perfectly the first time. How did Jesus make this kind of disciple? Many Ways to Make Disciples 1. Making Disciples - Part 4 - Who is a Disciple . POD gives a clear and simple framework for this multiplication of disciples. 3 Ways to Make Disciples - Tyler Penn at #v3con24 •Leave sin, love people, and talk about Jesus! So how does one go about making disciples? Well, there is no magic formula. And remember, I am with you always, to the end Oct 30, 2023 · Let’s go back up to the mountain in Galilee. ” He is unlocking the thinking of the disciples on the value of each person. What do disciples of Christ look like? Describe some characteristics of a true disciple. It is more a matter of obedience than anything else. The Word makes disciples and Christ makes disciples through the Word. He called us to make disciples. May 2, 2023 · Disciple multiplication is critical to the growth and health of the church. Over the last 20 years, pastors have been wrestling with many questions about the Great Commission and how to make disciples. People are curious about new media and will often make time for a three-minute film. ” To make disciples through a Sunday school ministry, at least three things need to happen, probably more, but these are at least a starting point for creating disciples through your Sunday school ministry: Sep 29, 2017 · The thing to remember in all of this is Jesus never called us to fill a church building. The disciples spent a lot of time with Jesus in the normal rhythms of life. It starts with a declaration of power: ‘All authority … has been given to me’. Dec 11, 2013 · In the original Greek language the phrase “make disciples” is the main verb which is the command, as opposed to “go. Discipleship happens through intentional relationships where we are Jesus extended this dominion and creation mandate to be one of making disciples in every nation. It must continue to go on. Read the Blog Post: https://multiplyingdisciples. Acts 1:8). To help with your creativity, we’ve compiled three ways to make disciples in the digital age while holding fast to Gospel truths. Feb 19, 2017 · Let me add a couple more vital ways we must make disciples who make disciples. us/ridiculously-simple-3-ways-to-make-disciples Join our next Virtual Disciple Making Training: https://multip Jul 23, 2024 · We are to share the gospel with everyone so that more and more people might call Him “Master. The end goal is growth that will result in mature, relationally connected disciples. Just as Jesus put on flesh to enter our world (John 1:14), we “incarnate” the gospel to the world around us through the witness of both our words and our lives. They have staff that spend every waking breath leading people to Christ and helping them grow in their faith. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. As Scot McKnight wrote, “Most of evangelism today is obsessed with getting someone to make a decision; the apostles, however, were obsessed with making disciples. Commit to investing in others because God put them on Sep 26, 2016 · Disciples Make Disciples. When you share things you struggle with it can have a huge effect on the person you are sharing with. It sounds like the enthronement of a king. 1. Mar 1, 2022 · Jesus’ plan for multiplication is making disciples who make disciples who plant churches that make disciples. Jesus calls His followers to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). Making Disciples - Part 6 - Motivating Disciples. Teach: As the Gospel Coalition states, discipling IS teaching. The goal is not simply to make converts but to intentionally send others out that they too may train others to be sent out (2 Timothy 2:2). It is not just a suggestion but a divine mandate that we must take seriously. The first step is to engage spiritual explorers with the gospel of Jesus. So, I was determined that I would raise my future children in a Christian home, where God was the center of our lives. Read this article, Ridiculously Simple: 3 Ways to Make Disciples, to learn more. It enables us to empower missionaries and ministries in the advancement of the Gospel and to spread our reach further than we could on Always move toward the goal of releasing spiritually mature disciples of Jesus, who will then go on to make disciples of Jesus. Disciples are people who have wholeheartedly committed to follow the thinking and conduct of the Jesus sought out and choose the twelve disciples and not the other way around (John 15:16). 2. To make disciples is to reproduce yourself. Jesus, knowing He was going to be betrayed soon, decided to serve His disciples. He said, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Certainly, we must preach the gospel. It requires our ministry of presence. We teach with words and in this case can teach the words Jesus taught his disciples, the words Jul 29, 2019 · Changes in how we play church aren’t going to matter at all if we don’t address the core problem: we’re not making disciples who make disciples. Each of Matthew’s major discourses have a similar purpose (chapters 10; 13; 19; 24-25). Jun 10, 2024 · But what did Jesus say? “Go therefore and make disciples. Jesus intended for His disciples to make disciples. ” (Matthew 28:16-20, NIV) Aug 6, 2019 · There is no way we can do the work of making disciples without studying the Word of God, and gaining experience and maturity through what we learn. Jesus’ phrase “go make disciples” is better read as “make disciples as you are going. _____ 5 CHURCH DEFINED THE WORD “CHURCH” IS USED THREE DIFFERENT WAYS IN THE BIBLE: 1. This is good news because it means that God can use each of us to be disciple-making disciples. In case you missed it, we define a disciple as someone who is “following Jesus, being changed by Jesus and is committed to the mission of Jesus” (Matthew 4:19). He engaged the twelve as individuals and intentionally turned away others who wanted to follow Him (Mark 5:18-19, John 6:61-66). We Must Trust the Holy Spirit to Work. In Matthew 28 he commands missionaries to make disciples of all the nations. Lingering indefinitely in Jerusalem, or in Galilee, will not fulfill the mission. The first is an order: ‘Go therefore and make disciples …’. It is how we learn more about Him, fall more in love with Him, and become more like Him. Oct 2, 2017 · We exist to make disciples who make disciples. For example, Facebook is planning to open virtual reality rooms in 2022. Before Robby Gallaty began writing books on discipleship, before he pastored a church committed to discipling members—before any of that—he was a new convert sitting at a table in a Chinese restaurant learning what it means to be a follower of Jesus from a seminary student named David Platt. Nov 14, 2005 · To make disciples is to help new believers grow spiritually and become dedicated, committed, faithful, mature disciples of Jesus, and in turn, repeat the process with someone else. He forgives His disciples’ sins, gives them new hearts , and unites them to Himself forever. Not only did he heavily invest in His own disciples, but He told them and tells us to go make disciples also. There are several way to help disciples make disciples. In fact, the discipleship process looks a little different for each person. We are called to make disciples who make disciples. Jun 4, 2024 · When you begin to make disciples in your church, beginning with the right person is critical. ” (Matthew 28:19). Learn how to grow your faith by focusing on God's character and works in creation, the Bible, and history. Matthew 28:19-20. What is involved in making disciples? The final verse of this passage helps us understand the “how” of making disciples. — We help disciples make disciples. Do this over and over in a variety of settings and ways. ” Follow me – a disciple knows and follows Christ. 28:19). In this way, the reader can easily hold me accountable for my understanding and application presented in this paper. Others think it means some kind of personal work program. Join our next Virtual Disciple Making Training: click here. But the Great Commission calls us to make disciples, not just converts. Apr 20, 2021 · We are called to make disciples who make disciples. Engage spiritual explorers. This is a problem. Aug 31, 2021 · A holistic relationship where the goal was that the disciple would become just like the rabbi. All you need is the willingness to go and do it. But the word “disciple” is used over 250 times. One way to quickly sort potential disciple makers is by personality. When I read the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) to go and make disciples, I wanted my children to be those first disciples that I could pour my heart into. When Jesus told His disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, they wouldn’t have seen this as a casual assignment to squeeze between other interests. The Word teaches, reproves, corrects, and trains in righteousness (2 Tim. Jesus placed a high priority on the concept of discipleship. Loving each other was the only way the disciples could survive such a painful experience. . There is no “one” way to make a disciple. (4) MENTORING. It is moving. All nations are to be disciples, and this implies you have to go to them (cf. The disciples’ questions reveal their level of comprehension, and what is needed for them to move forward. With advances in technology, we will soon have new ways to disciple people. The Way of Discipleship: Studies to Make Disciples is a Bible study series used within CMU ministries to help seekers become disciples. It involves drawing three circles, with the first circle representing God’s design, the second circle representing sin, and the third circle representing the Gospel. So, think today, who is your one you are discipling or who do you want to move towards intentionally with the gospel? What might making disciples look like in your home, your church, your neighborhood, or your workplace? Pray and allow God to lead the way as you seek to make disciples who make disciples, just like Christ did. But actually, the task of "making disciples" involves three things: evangelism, edification & equipping. As you can see there are a number of ways we can teach and help others grow into fully mature disciples of Jesus, we just need to do it. 6. Jesus' words in Matthew 28:19-20 are clear: "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything that I've commanded you. Disciple-making is the best way to reach a lost world. For each stage, examine the ways you can encourage someone to take the next step towards becoming a lifelong follower of Christ and a multiplying disciple. ” So, I started praying. Jul 24, 2017 · Short scenes from the film can be a great way to begin spiritual conversations with those around you. The great commission in Matthew 28:18–20 has a magnificent structure. It is to bring others to Christ, help them get on their feet spiritually, and then do that again and again. Christians are commanded to “go and make disciples. If we’re going to know how to do anything as Christians, we need to know how to make disciples. ” 10 Practical Ways To Make Disciples Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit – Matthew 28:19. Dec 2, 2019 · This article offers three surprisingly simple ways to get to know people, including “not yet” believers—non-Christians you hope will one day follow Jesus. With that misunderstanding out of the way, we can begin to understand Christian discipleship. We try to help others follow Jesus; we do deliberate spiritual good; we pray for gospel influence; we proclaim God’s words, and we do all this for the sake of the Last Day. It is the best way to bring the saved to maturity. 3 The Great Commission applies to A discipleship pathway is a sequenced plan to move disciples from one stage of growth to the next. Love God with all your being. Nov 2, 2017 · The process is fluid. But then I encountered the text I mentioned at the end of the last chapter, “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). " Jan 3, 2025 · These resources help youth leaders create an atmosphere where their students can learn how to make disciples, and then go and become disciple-makers themselves. Many do not realize that God will partner with us in disciple making. 28:19-20) and in the power of the Spirit (Acts 1:8), a mature disciple eagerly goes to make disciples of neighbors and nations. Discipleship and making disciples are essential for every believer. Matthew 4:19 gives us a clear, uncomplicated image of what a disciple looks like, and helps a church know if it is obeying the command to make disciples. God commands us to make disciples and teach them. Oct 11, 2017 · We know Jesus commanded His church to make disciples of the nations. Here are some of the specifics: Making and multiplying disciples is not complicated. In Heb 3 the writer commands all Christians to exhort each other and build each other up every day. If I knew I was going to die soon, I guarantee you I would not be washing people’s feet. ” Therefore, to make disciples is the main thing. It is the best way, in turn, to propagate the most important mission on planet earth for others. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. It starts with believing that Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus is casting His global vision to His disciples. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of 5. Jesus made it abundantly clear that we are to make disciples of all nations (Matt. Feb 20, 2018 · Q&A With Robby Gallaty. Sep 1, 2023 · The night before his crucifixion, Jesus gave his disciples a new commandment—to “love one another. by Aaron Earls. What is discipling in addition to helping others follow Jesus? It’s doing them spiritual good. It is a living thing. One-to-many. Jan 25, 2016 · So that “make disciples” is one Greek word there, and it means “get them converted to Jesus. ” The Lord did not send us just to issue a summons to believe and leave it at that. ” Jan 5, 2025 · Making Disciples - Part 2 - The Great Commission . Apr 13, 2022 · Faith and Prayer are inseparable. Financial giving is a great way to participate in the Great Commission. Children must know why God does what He does. Therefore, the fourth step is releasing this new disciple to multiply his life in the lives of others. This task is should not be taken lightly. The message consists of two sentences. This would need to become their primary focus. Between His resurrection and ascension, Jesus left us what we now call “The Great Commission. So my view of myself told me that I could never make disciples. They can also be provided with evangelism and discipleship tools that are easy to use and transferable. Think About Your Message. ” He didn’t say to go and make Christians. This method uses three interconnected circles to explain key concepts: God’s Design, Brokenness, and the Gospel. Here, then, are 9 practical ways to help you and I become disciple-making disciples. Not first and foremost “have daily devotions” or “give to the poor,” but make disciples. This is the culmination of our grace-fueled efforts to make disciples and plant churches of these disciples among all nations. There is so much hate in this world, so much intolerance, but we as Catholic Christians are called to be love in this world. Making disciples is an essential aspect of the Christian faith, but it can be challenging to know where to – Listen to Ridiculously Simple- 3 Ways to Make Disciples by Multiplying Disciples instantly on your tablet, phone or browser - no downloads needed. The spread of the gospel throughout the world will happen as we obey this call to “make disciples. Feb 13, 2020 · 3. Here are some other questions Jesus asks his disciples: 16:13-15; 17:24-27. Or it can mean the whole process of conversion, baptism, and teaching the ways of Jesus as it is used in Matthew 28:19–20: “Go therefore and make disciples. At Matthew 28:16-20, the remaining eleven are commissioned to make disciples just like Jesus made disciples – despite their failures and hesitancy. The universal Church [Matthew 16:18] 2. Rather, Christ calls us to make disciples. In Jesus’ time, Jewish rabbis and Greek philosophers had disciples who followed their teachings and ways of life. Aug 4, 2022 · Disciples leave their former ways and apply a leader or teacher’s ways to their own lives. Each week, Wes visits with various guests to study another biblical topic, exploring the relevance Scripture has for our lives today. Be constantly involved in training others to do the work of making disciples. What a privilege it is to invite others to come alongside us! God wants a multiplication of healthy disciples of Jesus, people who are learning to love like Him and are equipped to make other disciples of Jesus. Our churches have seen a seeker-sensitive revolution, innovations in guest services, advances in technology, and great improvement in our worship experiences. Before His death, Jesus told His men, “By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples,” (John 15. You are a messenger of the gospel, and Read the Blog Post: click here. One thing is to challenge and encourage them to invite others into a collaborative discipleship group. In fact, it was His parting instructions. Matthew 28:19-20 Feb 2, 2021 · By the way, I believe phygital describes our cultural future. Let’s explore some of these questions and consider some answers. Just as much as GO is a command, so is MAKE DISCIPLES. Jesus Christ, Disciplemaker by Bill Hull Nov 3, 2022 · In Ephesians 4:15–16, Paul describes the role of the local church in forming disciples: “Speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so Nov 21, 2022 · For their part, the disciples came to Jesus and listened carefully. Learn and train the Three Thirds by clicking the Sep 30, 2020 · Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. We must replicate disciples. Soul-winning 2. Discover how intentional disciple-making can transform lives and strengthen every church’s foundation. Jun 16, 2021 · He did not say, “Go therefore and make converts of as many people as possible. Making Disciples - Part 5 - Selecting Disciples . It means to be a “follower. This growth Jun 9, 2016 · Begin with the end in mind. Kids need to understand God’s mission for His followers—go make disciples of all people everywhere (Matthew 28:18-20). The primary purpose of being a disciple is to tell others about Jesus and make them disciples. Preaching is an effective way of helping Christians grow in their faith as the Word of God we proclaim encourages, convicts, and challenges Christians to live for Christ. 28:18–20). View - FREE How do you Use the Three Circles?The Three Circles Gospel Tool is a simple way to share the Gospel and make disciples. 28:19, NLT). ” All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. It is active. (Head) I will make you – a disciple is being changed by Christ way they live. Evangelism The Great Commission tells Christians to make disciples of unbelievers. Observing. 8 ESV). Carson notes that while “the main imperatival force” and “the main emphasis” is on the verb “make disciples,” we should not downplay or overlook the effect of the participle going (“go and make disciples”). Disciple-making is Word-centered, people-to-people ministry. Sep 21, 2016 · Following Christ means making disciples. If we have faith that God is sovereign, cares for us, and loves to communicate with us, we will pray. 8 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. Baptism 3. He seeks to redeem the world as we co-labor with him–that is why he teaches us to make disciples. The Great Commission, which commands God’s people to make disciples, also commands those disciple-makers to teach the new believers to obey everything Jesus commanded. Disciple making should result in disciples who make disciples who make disciples, in an ongoing process of reproduction. Nov 21, 2019 · Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. Question: Are you a disciple? The idea of disciple carries the idea of commitment. Christ commanded His followers to go and make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20). Disciples show love to everyone, just like Jesus loves unconditionally. In the Great Commission, Jesus told his followers to “make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20). Peter and Paul in their letters command each Christians to use their gifts to build up and serve others. So that is the last thing we are to do — teach others to obey all Jesus has commanded. But if you were to ask Christians today what it means to make disciples, you’d probably get jumbled thoughts, ambiguous answers, likely even some blank stares. When Jesus said “make disciples” we cannot help but remember how he made disciples: three years of teaching twelve men on the dusty road. But what exactly is a disciple and how should we make disciples? Learn how the Bible defines a disciple and the 3 specific ways Jesus teaches us to make disciples – in this 1st lesson in the new series, “How to Make Disciples. (Colossians 1:28; Galatians 3:19; 1 Thessalonians 2:18-19) So, examine the disciple making strategy you are using in your discipling relationships. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to And these words, perhaps with the occasional exception of “obnoxious,” did not describe me. Matthew 28:18-20 says, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to The best way to learn is through experience. God’s Mission: disciples, the Greatest Commission ever given. Nor is there a “right” way to do it. Is Mentoring Discipleship? I have been discipled from good preaching and teaching, but mentoring is where I can attribute most of my personal spiritual growth. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Every disciple must make disciples. A. ” Someone once said, “The main thing is to make the main the main thing. There have been discussions about discipleship definitions, pathways, and communities. The guide is provided on this website free of charge along with audio tutorials explaining how to best use it. A Better Way: Make Disciples Wherever Life Happens by Dale Losch This inspiring and practical book will help you understand disciple-making the way Jesus designed. Making Little Disciples Oct 29, 2020 · 3 Ways to Make Disciples. May 6, 2023 · These three obedience-based methods are: the Three Circles Gospel Tool, the Three Thirds Process, and the 12 Practice Church Circle. These principles recognize the continuing fundamental relationship between the ultimate disciple-maker, Jesus, and his disciples. Nov 19, 2021 · We are to make disciples of “all nations” (panta ta ethne) (Matthew 28:19). Others think that offering social events such as softball, bake sales, voter registration and such is the way to take care of the business of making disciples. Keep scenes from the film in the local language on your phone, and be prepared to share them with people in a café, on a bus, in a waiting room, or on a plane Nov 21, 2022 · Of course, disciple-makers are also disciples. 4. Perhaps, ultimately, one will glean a well-supported and well-rounded method for obeying Jesus’ command to make disciples – imitators of those who have emulated the Christ for millennia. 3. Faith and Obedience are the main themes and structure of the Westminster Catechisms. The city or regional Church [Revelation 3:1] 3 Oct 1, 2020 · After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him. Oct 2, 2024 · Study the Bible with Wes McAdams. His words echo in the back of our minds, “Go therefore and make disciples . Discipleship is teaching people about Jesus. Disciple-making, then, is the Word of God shaping men and women within life-on-life relationships. Teach Having a heart to teach others about the Gospel should propel you to teach others about the good news of Jesus Christ. In obedience to the great commission (Matt. Practical Ways We Can Preach to Make Disciples Disciples are made through the ministry of the Word entrusted to the church, including preaching, teaching, evangelism, and counseling. by CDM Team | Oct 29, 2020 | SENDMovement, Video Blog | 0 comments. Sometimes pastors, especially in rural areas, are voted into their role but have no formal education or training. Sep 3, 2020 · children in the ways of God. We keep ourselves from being ashamed and shaming the gospel when we rightly (not wrongly) share God’s word with others (2 Timothy 2:15). Consider some adaptation of the 3-Strand Church Model: Crowd + Cell + CORE = Church. This is what many people did after hearing the teaching of Jesus. Apr 8, 2016 · 1. ” And here is what he means. ” You now know how to be a disciple of Christ, so it is your turn to make disciples amongst your neighbors, friends, and family members. We’ll break down each of these methods and provide step-by-step guides on how to make disciples using them. It involves the initiation and the instruction of every believer into an ever-deepening relationship with Jesus Christ. Feb 12, 2024 · We will not be able to make disciples of others if we stay behind locked gates, closed doors, and drawn windows. Our end goal as a disciple maker will be that we fulfill the command in Ephesians 4:12-13 and equip all God’s people for service and release them to be who God created them to be. 1Corinthians 11 one, follow me as I follow the example of Christ. Soon virtual in-person meetings, with all the elements of virtual reality, will be as common as Zoom meetings became in 2020. 3:16–17). lgo jubv yhwr ycqq gnwdjs cizm gflly kkktt sydj qasqel