Ham radio nets. Welcome to Reddit's own amateur (ham) radio club.
Ham radio nets 2 Dated 02/19/23 Fred Schwierske, W9KEY Report Changes / Corrections to: w9key@arrl. 146. 8 tone VE3OBP Ham Radio Nets at the Stake level. We run nets on 20m, 40, 75/80, and 160m in SSB, RTTY, ECARS is an open service, and we would be pleased to have you check into the ECARS net. The 3905 Century Club Worked all States and DX Awards Net. Most nets convene on a regular schedule and specific frequency, and are organized for a particular purpose, such as relaying messages, discussing NETS TO YOU! is a list of amateur radio voice nets and bulletins below 30000 kHz. public Nets by Location; rule Nets by Mode; checklist_rtl Browse All Nets; add_circle Add a Net; person_add Create an Account; login Log In; info Beta; Michigan Nets Add a net. You can also use 442. CARA Rag-Chew Net: 146. com - Amateur HAM Radio Net Listings - All times are global UTC for each NET - working on changing all to UTC ALSO SEE RADIO PHOTOS AND PIX. An amateur radio net, or simply ham net, is an "on-the-air" gathering of amateur radio operators. 880 (-offset) tone of 127. Jasper County ARES. If you are an event or site organizer, please contact the RAC Treasure Coast Digital Amateur Radio Technoligies Group: Tue: 20:30:00: Eastern Standard Time: 01:30:00: REF078C: 100: 100 Watts & a Wire D-STAR : Tue: 18:00:00: US Mountain Standard Time: 01:00:00: XRF002A: SELA: D-STAR Net of SE Louisiana (3rd Tuesday) Tue: UTC Times listed are the time of the next net. 30 to 9. Here’s some background on nets — particularly the types Net hosting courtesy of VE3ISX and the ONTARS. The purpose of the Nets is to promote activity and good operating practices on the 10-meter amateur band, and to assist radio amateurs in improving their technical skills and operating procedures. Name County Days UTC Extras Band; Severe Weather Preparedness Net: Ingham : M. NOTE - On Saturdays, the Maritime Mobile Service Network does not begin until 1300 Eastern Time. public Nets by Location; rule Nets by Mode; checklist_rtl Browse All Nets; add_circle Add a Net; person_add Create an Account; login Log In; info Beta; DMR Nets Add a Net. 6. Website Search To get involved with NTS ™, find your local NTS affiliate on the air: ARRL Net Directory Search. 210. Personal Links. February 25, 2020. 15 am – Gujarat. Ham Radio nets operating from Georgia. can The term ‘Net’ is often unfamiliar for newly license ham radio operators. 2023 April General Meeting. 000 MHz, T136. 0 is now available, with many new features and enhancements. ham-radio. Nets convene on a regular schedule and specific frequency. net Day Time These nets are open to all licensed amateur radio operators and everyone is encouraged to check-in. Nets most often occur on a regular scheduled basis, but special nets may happen during special events or on special occasions. 210 USB: SSB but vertically polarized: ARKANSAS NETS OF INTEREST for Generals Arkansas Razorback Net, 3987. 07 kHz +/- Main NCS - Craig KE4CR (Virginia) NAQCC East Texas QRS Net (ETN) Monday evenings 7:00 PM CST, which is Tuesday 0100 UTC, on 7067 KHz +/- (summer) or 3566 kHz +/- (winter) Main NCS - Allen KA5TJS We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The Hurricane Watch Net, Amateur Radio Serving the National Hurricane Center and Mankind Since 1965. . 930 Mhz Christian Amateur Radio Fellowship Tue,Thu,Sat 8:00am EST/EDT 7. Hampshire 6. 330 The Nashua Area Radio Society currently holds weekly on-air Amateur Radio Nets. Great point. EchoLink. eHam. Rag Chewers Net – 7130 Khz 7. Resources. Repeater. The HWN provides up to date tropical weather information for the Atlantic and Eastern Pacific. Net: 146. This may change as Daylight Saving Amateur Radio HF Phone Nets. org Local Nets; Amateur Radio Links; Activities. 725MHz. ARRL. 100 MHz: Yes: 23:00 UTC Daily 09:30 PM CST Sun (MB time year round) B. 30 pm SC Midlands ARES Net 147. 916 MHz at 7:00PM Central Time An amateur radio net, or simply ham net, is an “on-the-air” gathering of amateur radio operators. Before you think about letting go of your hard earned money, please educate yourself about online fraud. Alabama 2. Monthly meetings The second Wednesday of each month except July and August at 7:00 pm ET Michigan Digital Traffic Net. The YL International Single Side-band System (YLISSB) was founded in 1963. Sometimes, the nets are strictly for pleasure, to discuss topics such as collecting things, playing radio chess, or pursuing awards. All times listed are local in the Central Time Zone. Days: 1 = Monday, 7 = Sunday; Times are UTC. Atlas Radio History -- Via W6TRW. 940 (-offset) no tone. 940 (VE6RPT) 20:15 Tues & Thurs: Club / Group: Day: Start Time: Band: Notes: Essex Ham: Monday: 8pm: 2m: Essex Ham’s Monday Night Net is held weekly at 8pm on the GB3DA repeater – Listen on 145. If you want to earn your WAS award or other fun awards, this is the place to do it. 5 Hz: Daily: 09:00: Rainbow Country Net: VE7RPT - VECTOR Ch. 24. Ham Radio nets operating from Canada. 343 (+/- QRM) Monday through Friday at 1130 to 1300 Eastern time. 3. Ohio Valley Ham Radio Group. NetFinder is an online directory of Ham Radio nets designed to help Hams discover new nets and connect with other Amateur Radio Emergency Services Info; Executive Officers; Membership Application; Local 2 Meter Nets. Top 10 Nets since Sat Jan 4; 1 : Thu Jan 9: Check In Net-Th: VA3KKE: 13 : 2 : Fri Jan 10: Check In Net-Fr: VE3VAJ: 11 : 3 : Fri Jan 10: 8. 9 am SC Heart Net- Health/Hospitals 146. S. 8 tone VE3OBP Please support other local Amateur Radio nets. Make amateur radio club nets fun. Sunday Morning CW Net. 31- PL 94. Hertfordshire 2. 888: Early Morning 160 Meter Net: Daily: 5:00 AM A Worked All States and DX Net Amateur Radio's Late Night Net on 40 Meters: ANNOUNCEMENTS! Please read the Net Info page for an important Net message-----Silent Keys: Donald Fauntleroy - W5IT #532 November 2024 monthly meeting · Defence of Amateur Radio Fund (DARF) October 2024 monthly meeting · Overcurrent Devices - What they do & why we need them More › An amateur radio net is an on air gathering of amateur radio operators. 775 MHz. 2024 ManLift Party. public Nets by Location; rule Nets by Mode; checklist_rtl Browse All Nets; add_circle Add a Net; person_add Create an Account; login Log In; info Beta; Texas Nets Add a net. 0 Mhz West Virginia Amateur Radio maintains two repeaters. wb7sgl. The resource has been on our site since Friday Jul 15 2005, and it has been viewed 12412 times. The ARRL Net Directory Search shows Amateur Radio nets that have been registered with ARRL HQ net directory database. US Amateur Radio Bands: Frequency Charts. Use "Summer" value if you are in daylight time. N1YZ HF NET_LIST; ARRL ONLINE NET DIRECTORY; RepeaterBook; This net is a meeting place for Amateur Radio Stations giving operators the opportunity to make contacts, pass traffic and encourage use of the 40 meter Amateur Radio band. Mode can be any, except through computer-based ones such as Echolink. Regardless of daily savings or standard time. : Ham Radio nets using the EchoLink digital mode. Calgary Amateur Radio Association is an active community of diverse HAM Radio enthusiasts. southern piedmont amateur radio club (baldwin) gwinnett amateur radio society 6 meters (gars) cobb co. Toronto Amateur Radio Auxiliary Communications Service Group. Aurora Net (Afternoon) (Evening) 7. Worldwide coverage nets and maritime service nets are featured (as are National Traffic System Area and Region Nets) in the database. 963 LSB Missouri Traffic Net 5:45 PM 441. 5. 700 MHz. 3588. 4 cm repeater frequencies by Central Alberta Amateur Radio Club Monday night net: CARA Caratels Net: 146. The net generally runs until 8:30pm so check in when you can. All Amateur Radio Operators with General Class licenses or higher, are encouraged to check in. M. Southeastern Wisconsin VHF/UHF Amateur Radio Net Directory C:\Users\Fred\Documents\DOCS\Ham Radio\Clubs\MRAC\[Southeastern Wisconsin VHF-UHF Amateur Radio Nets_rev 1. Saturday: 8pm: 2m: Young Ladies Net on the first Saturday of the month at 8pm on the GB3DA repeater – Listen on 145. Co. Daily 12:30 and 6 PM CDT. The Santa Net is held every evening between Thanksgiving and Christmas on 3. W. The times and dates vary and what we can offer is a spreadsheet link to find a net or group that interests you. We hold radio nets on 14. Event Calendar. Area Nets. Shortwave Frequency List: International Shortwave Radio Frequencies to Monitor. 255 MHz (LSB). Worked All States and DX Awards Amateur Radio Club . KS ARES Ham Radio nets operating from Georgia. A PRACTICE MESSAGE AND IMAGE SENT USING FLDIGI, FLAMP, AND FLMSG. 2023 Winter Field Day. Time. and 3970 kHz. Box 8873 Ottawa, ON, Canada K1G 3J2. Hog County Amateur Radio Association's Net - K4HOG The nets below serve as a way for Amateur Radio operators to stay in touch with one another, share information, and practice net control/participation skills. During these nets people can check in, listen to a training topic, participate in a roundtable discussion, contact others, or share important information. The purpose of our nets includes: Testing and using our equipment; being prepared to support communications in emergency situations; Sharing information about Nashua Area Radio Society upcoming activities and events; It's been said that the Dipseanet began in 1937, which makes it the oldest running amateur radio net west of the Mississippi. public Nets by Location; rule Nets by Mode; checklist_rtl Browse All Nets; add_circle Add a Net; person_add Create an Account; login Log In; info Beta; Nets by mode DMR Nets (57) D-STAR Nets (32) Fusion Nets (42) AllStarLink Nets (68) IRLP Nets (20) EchoLink Nets (99) The Coquitlam Amateur Radio Club net meets every Monday at 19:30 PT. with news, information and resources. xlsx]SE WI Nets Revision: 1. Most nets convene on a regular schedule and specific frequency , and are organized for a particular purpose, such as relaying messages, discussing a common topic of interest, in severe weather (for example, during a Skywarn activation), emergencies, or simply as a regular The 3905 Century Club is an international amateur radio club founded in 1977. VE3KCY 6 METER NET 50. Check into the voice of the Association, the Georgia Single Sideband Net, nightly on 3975 kHz at 2300 UTC. 45 to 8. They can be informal and act as a way to connect and hear from hams in your local area. Feb. ca/ Country Ham Radio nets operating from United States. Almost all radio clubs host radio nets open to the entire ham radio community. 5 kHz LSB. Website. 380 MHz. 2022. Name Days UTC Extras Band; A ham radio net, or on-air gathering of licensed operators, can be both a fun and educational way to inform your operators, while raising their radio skill levels in several ways. 30 to 8. December 6, 2023 - Reply. Amateur Radio volunteers with groups such as the ARRL® Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) are activated throughout the area being impacted. net provides recognition and enjoyment to the people who use, contribute, and build the site. August 25, 2024 - Reply. 253 LSB Central States Tfc Net 5:45 PM 3. working DX, a club net, or a regular gathering of NARA, Nanaimo Amateur Radio Association‘s evening Net runs each Monday at 8:00 pm on the Island Trunk System. The Travellers Net. 0, this release contains these fixes and enhancements: A ham radio net (network) is an on-air gathering of people with common interests, such as emergency preparedness, religion, or locale, using amateur radio as their communication medium. 30 pm Central SC CARC Simplex Net 146. 1030 to 1200 Central time; 0930 to 1100 mountain time; and 0830 to 1000 Pacific time. Contact; Silent Key List; Buy, Sell or Trade; GMRS Information and repeater Latest Post. Click on the link below for full details of all nets rsars-nets-and-freq-chart-29-09-2020-1Download RSARS LogoDownload The link below shows the "Shack Aid" Document for RSARS Nominated Calling Frequencies. Latest record count 44,500 in our data base! Some useful links for your amateur radio hobby. is. ) OMIK CW Net OMIK CW net meets weekly on Wednesday evenings at 7 pm US Central time on 7. Home; We are now using Zoom to There's always something going on in the world of Digital Ham Radio! Below we've compiled a list of active weekly digital nets. ICOM IC-7300 Review: A Crystal Clear and Seriously Sensitive Rig. What's a Net? A net is a gathering of Amateur Radio operators on a specific frequency at a specific time and day, usually on a recurring basis. Internet and Radio/Directories; DX Resources/Nets; The title of the main category is Nets and it deals mainly with ham radio nets for amateur radio operators. 2023. check our leader board of controllers and results. Listening stations can check-in by sending an email or text toW0SJS OMIK The Statewide Amateur Radio Network (SARnet) is a network of linked UHF voice repeaters that serves the State of Florida. History tells us that in the beginning the primary mode used was CW. Printing tip: use landscape paper orientation for best results. Buffalo Ham Group. COM group. ares net dallas, ga lanierland amateur radio club (gainesville) (larc) north ga 6 meters hole in the wall net wed wed 146. Northern Net. The morning net takes place on Tuesday at 9:30am and the evening net takes place at 19:30pm. Digital; Olivia 8-500; IA Digital Net (IDN) Tuesday 7 PM Ham Radio nets operating from Tennessee. It's the perfect time and place to ask a question, get advice, give advice, or simply tell your fellow radio amateurs about what you've been up to lately. Besides a fix for an RF link issue that snuck past beta testing release 3. Nets are regularly scheduled on-the-air meetings of hams who have common interests. 880 MHz -, no tone: FM: South Central Simplex Net * Wednesday: 1900L: Starts on 146. 3560 kHz. Region 10 Liaisons: K0FLY, 1974. February 13, 2020. 310 MHz, -600 kHz, tone 127. VU Gujarat Net (No Roll Call) – 7045 Khz – 7. The list of club sponsored nets is below and a large list of RV/Ham nets is available by clicking the "RV/Travel Nets" button Nets. 039 +/- MHz. 0100 UTC Daily. Trans-Canada DStar Net on C-Module Friday 6pm Starts in the East and goes West 7. The 20 Meter, daily weekday NET and 40 Meter on Saturday for Christian Fellowhsip, Prayer, Devotions and Companionship. Most nets convene on a regular schedule and specific frequency, and are organized for a particular purpose, such as relaying messages, discussing a common topic of interest, in severe weather (for example, during a SkyWarn activation), emergencies, or simply The Maritime Mobile Service Network, Serving Maritime Mobiles and Military Deployed Since 1968. All net information is now available directly on this page. ARES ® is "Amateur Radio Emergency Service," and is part of the ARRL field organization. Day Time Name Specification; Monday-Saturday: 08:45: Breakfast Bunch Net: VE7SYD 442. 30 am – Karnataka, Kerela. Persons using this information do so at their own risk, and by doing so agree to imdemnify and hold The Oak Hill Amateur Radio Club's Thursday Night Net is a weekly net open to ALL licensed amateur radio operators. com. 8:30 pm Anderson Radio Club 146. NOTES: The file “local_area_nets. S. 8 and 28. 2Meters 147. Other Resources. 2023 CARA Dinner. 025 Jo. with an alternate frequency of 7265 kHz for both nets. For over 45 years the club has operated the premier Worked All States, DX and awards nets on the amateur bands and has thousands of members across the globe. The NetFinder Vision. 51444 Connect Add. Some very old Ham radio equipment and famous operators. VHF (147. 0-29. We HF DX net for amateur radio operators. 56Simplex PL none: Tue/Thu: 21:00: Bay Area Amateur Radio Club: 145. The last few days Foreign broadcast Ham Radio nets operating from Alaska. Defiance County Amateur Radio Club Nets. 760- KØKKV repeater at 21:00. The System’s credo is: “We believe in the dignity of man”. 4 About Amateur Radio Nets. Feel free to look around and find information including local Ham nets, repeater information, club info, license information, local Ham events and more. CW Net 7015 CW – 7. 8. This net is a meeting places for Amateur Radio Stations giving operators the opportunity to make contacts, pass traffic and encourage use of the 40 metre Amateur Radio band. Christian Amateur Radio Fellowship Monday - Saturday 11:00 UTC summer 12:00 UTC winter 7:00 am EST/EDT 3. 268 MHz at Thursday, September 26, 2024, 9:30 PM Eastern Update: Hurricane Helene is now a Category 4 storm with sustained winds of 130 MPH. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday; 11AM EDT ACS NET: 11AM EDT ACS NET: 11AM EDT ACS NET: 11AM EDT ACS NET: 11AM EDT Some of the Things we do as Ham Radio Operators. 441. public Nets by Location; rule Nets by Mode; checklist_rtl Browse All Nets; add_circle Add a Net; person_add Create an Account; login Log In; info Beta; Tennessee Nets Add a net. Some Really OLD OLD Ham Radios-- A must see for BoatAnchor lovers . Accommodations and food will be provided for volunteers. Despite its name, the System is open to both YLs and OMs members. Gallery. many nets no longer active. Suffolk 3 The official website for the Ontario Amateur Radio Service and ONTARS Market Place . 3854 LSB, CRS (Can’t Remember S-tuff) Group, 8:30 AM weekdays. KENWOOD TS-990S REVIEW: A HIGH-END HF BASE STATION. Ashland Amateur Radio Club ARES Net. Personal Site: christopher-corbett. The resource has been on our site since Thursday Nov 28 2024, and it has been viewed 31 times. 850 FM (VE6RYC) 13:00 Tuesday: CARA's weekly midday net held on the VE6RYC repeater. 8: Tue: 21:00: Bay Area Regional Traffic System: 145. 170MHz-USB EVERY TUESDAY 2025 The Canada Hub is a place for Canadian amateur radio operators and international visitors to meet, socialize, and exchange ideas. Ham Radio nets operating from Indiana. 715. Nets. 8: Mon: 20:30: Barry Amateur Radio Assn: 146. 850: Australian 160 Meter Crossband Net: Saturday: 11:30 PM: local: Australia: 1. Dar Walker W6IO Chairman of the Board, Statistician Board Member Look What You Can Do With Ohm’s Law via Hackaday: Rethinking Your Jellybean Op Amps via Amateur Radio Daily: Fram2, SpaceX Plan SSTV Event from Polar Orbit via the ARRL: FCC Upholds Record $34,000 Forfeiture Against Amateur Licensee Walters State offers youth HAM Radio Technician/License classes (Tennessee) Amateur Radio Nets. West Virginia C4FM Digital Fusion Net Digital Only. HamNetList. EARLY CHECK-INS START AT 0815, THE NET WILL OPEN AT 0845 SATURDAY The Annual Award for 2025 will be to work 12 YLs, anywhere in the world, on Amateur Bands 2 through 160. 51: Relays Welcome: 08:30 PM: Doing It Wrong Net: 144. 116MHz. Alberta Public Service. 9 pm Radio Rag Chew Round-up 147. 2Hz CTCSS tone. AREDN production software version 3. Ham Radio Nets In Illinois I am operating as Net Control for the 2024 Big White Winter Rally in Kelowna, BC, on December 5-8, just two short weeks away. 7. 325 MHz during the day and 7. Nashville Amateur Radio Club Incorporated Information Net. com: W0WC. 5. No. It primarily covers nets that are of interest to Amateur Radio operators in the United States and Canada. 7 MHz). 2023 CARA Spring Flea Market. Daily- Morning Net 3. 655 (118. Some can also be reached on HF frequencies or digitally through the Internet. P. Wed. Home Propagation Solar Images News Australia, New Zealand and Africa DX Net In the spirit of amateur radio since 1970 20m Net: 14. The first net was probably formed as soon as two hams went on the air. public Nets by Location; rule Nets by Mode; checklist_rtl Browse All Nets; add_circle Add a Net; person_add Create an Account; login Log In; info Beta; Georgia Nets Add a net. Established in 1962, 10-10 has grown continuously since that day, with some ups and downs according to the numbers of sunspots and the An amateur radio net, or simply a net, is an 'on-the-air' gathering of amateur radio operators. public Nets by Location; rule Nets by Mode; checklist_rtl Browse All Nets; add_circle Add a Net; person_add Create an Account; login Log In; info Beta; United Kingdom Nets Add a net. VU2VWN Vasant Net – 7123. 0 kHz USB. 2024. Summer (Eastern Daylight Savings Time) – 7 pm Winter (Eastern Standard Time) – 6 pm Amateur Radio Stuff. Leavitt Welcome to Reddit's own amateur (ham) radio club. Accepted modes are SSB, CW, Digital, MSK144 meteor scatter, satellite. We participate in many different exciting Charminar Net – 7080 Khz – 7. We start on the VE7MFS repeater (145. 5:30 pm BCPSN – BC Public Service The definitive net directory for Ham Radio and SWL enthusiasts. Weekday operations run from 7:30 am to 1:30 pm and weekend operations run from 8:00 am to 1:30 pm Eastern Time or later depending on conditions and the NCS. QRZ. 31- PL 131. 940 MHz - 107. From a quick, formal check-in, to a casual round-table rag chew, nets can be a gateway to a rewarding Ham Radio experience. 170MHz-USB EVERY TUESDAY 2025 Contact - Please reach out to update or add nets, or to suggest features. Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) is a private foundation that exists to support amateur radio and digital communication science and technology. ACS - Amateur Radio Auxiliary Communications Service - Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Name County Days UTC Extras Band; Simplex Net de Murfreesboro: Rutherford: M. We do this through making grants (including support for scholarship programs and research & development projects) and managing 44Net. Tactical nets are usually heavily “directed nets,” in which strict control is enacted, and every station must receive permission from net control before transmitting or “passing traffic. Please send any additions, deletions, or corrections to club@ve7scc. Name County Days UTC Extras Band; Silver Comet Amateur Radio Society Nite Out: Paulding: M The Tar Heel Emergency Net is a directed net and is the North Carolina HF ARES ® net. Watch the News page or check the Calendar for special nets. CW; IA Tall Corn Net (TLCN) Daily 6:30 PM, 9 PM. Home; Net Info. The repeaters are analog and C4FM Digital Fusion providing Douglas February 24, 2019 at 23:03. public Nets by Location; rule Nets by Mode; checklist_rtl Browse All Nets; add_circle Add a Net; person_add Create an Account; login Log In; info Beta; Indiana Nets Add a net. Sun-Sentinel article and video on Amateur Radio at the National Hurricane Center. If your club owns a repeater, or has access to one, your club should have a weekly net. Most nets convene on a regular schedule and specific frequency, and are organized for a particular purpose, such as relaying messages, The Noontime Net is a public service Amateur Radio Net that meets everyday on 7284 kHz. HF Net’s Across the Section of Nebraska. The Australian Travellers Net aims to operate 365 days of the year to provide a mantle of safety for Amateur radio nets are gathering places for ham radio operators. 8: Tue: 21:00: Benzie Serving Amateur Radio Since 1960. 375 Ray/Clay Amateur Radio Net 10:00 PM 3. Website https://auroranet. We cover YK, NU, NWT, BC, AB, SK, MB, & ON. Ham Radio nets operating from Michigan. io ; RSS; IRC Chat; Looking at Victory ham radio NET. 2025. 405 An Amateur Radio Net, or simply HAM Net, is an “on-the-air” gathering of amateur radio operators. Buffalo 10 Meter Net Jan 9, 2025 Buffalo Ham Swap Meet. 875. Ham Radio nets using the DMR digital mode. SCARCS, Sun Coast Amateur Radio Club Society runs two nets. 345+ 131. Groups. Sunday 9:30 PM CDT. 850 FM (VE6RYC) 19:00 Thursday: CARA's weekly evening net held on the VE6RYC repeater. 13 Ham Radio nets operating from United Kingdom. Buffalo 10 Meter Net Jan 9, 2025 Buffalo 10 Meter Net Net December 26, 2024 BUFFALO NET 10/19/2024 Buffalo 10 Meter Net 12/12/2024. 7pm YL Net Thursday 7pm Newcomer's Net Thursday 8:15 PM. DMR. FIELD DAY OPERATIONS; SWAP MEETS; ANNUAL CORN ROAST; ANTENNA WORK; WEEKLY RADIO NETS; Monthly Meetings. Voice; IA 75 Meter Net. 825) located in Scott Depot WV. THURSDAY. Joplin Amateur Radio Club. For more information, email us anytime: contact@ardc. NARC ’s mission is to preserve and promote Amateur Radio, while providing community, public, and emergency services. 920 LSB KS AM Weather Net 12:30 PM 7. June 2015 meeting about Field Day; June 2016 meeting about Field Day; Badger Ham Cruise 2013; Hamfest 2002; Hamfest 2004; Hamfest 2007; Hamfest 2013; Hamfest 2017; Field Day 2009 New AREDN Production Release Available. Kent 6. 230 Mhz Hams for Christ Net Monday - To build the largest and most complete Amateur Radio community site on the Internet - a "portal" that hams think of as the first place to go for information, to exchange ideas, and be part of what’s happening with ham radio on the Internet. 00 am – Kerala, Tamilnadu, Andra Pradesh. C. We hope you find this list helpful as you make new friends and contacts in Ham Radio! 73! Nets that run Everyday PNW 3141 every night at 7pm Cst Monday K5MI DMR Lunch Bunch - 11:00am ET - BM Monitoring hurricane ham radio nets can be both informative and fascinating, especially during hurricane seasons. June 16, 2021 By Dan KB6NU 6 Comments. ARES members are embedded in emergency operations centers across Florida, The Northern Alberta Radio Club, also known as NARC, is an amateur radio club based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, with a history going back to 1921. Wednesday: Brian F , KØFTZ 8PM. Checking into the net daily when there is no emergency ensures operators are prepared. Web Cams. Essex 5. During such an emergency, if a controlled net is called, it will be . T. DMR ID: 3129301. Freq. 4. Viewing 16 topics - 1 through 15 (of 17 total) 1 2 Ham Radio nets using the DMR digital mode. 745- PL 82. All times listed are local unless noted otherwise (Z is UTC). Dates: 01 January – December 31, 2025. Stations that are interested in becoming a Net Control Station are invited to visit the "Net Control Information" section. blake Linebaugh. General Forum. 400 1st and 3rd Wednesday. 2 GHz, 10 meter, and even 60 meter freqs and modes. 183 MHz, 0500 UTC, daily 15m Net: 21. 00 Thu147. net. Its motto is: “Dedicated to the building of friendship among all the peoples of the earth through amateur radio, and to be of service to our fellowman. Subscribe for tropical weather email. The Australian Travellers Net 14. Ham Radio Nets at the Area or Regional level (whole States or larger) 9; 15; 7 years, 8 months ago. Nets can take place on any frequency band, and can use any mode of communication. SVARA 20m Net Weekly Nets (VE7VIC repeater): Monday Night Net 7pm (all welcome) Trans-Canada IRLP Net Wed. 00 Fri SKY: VE3VAJ: 11 : 4 : Thu Jan 9: 8. The lineup varies. Sometimes they are more functional as a way to pass traffic from the National Traffic System Browse Ham Radio Nets by CW Nets, DX Nets, DMR, IRLP, EchoLink, D-Star, and more. W9AA Member List; W9AA Member List by CALL- ALL; Officers & Board; Committees; Pictures. Ham Radio nets using CW mode. Name Days UTC Extras Band; SEFL DMR Tech Net: M. Here’s how you can do it: Frequencies to Monitor: The primary frequencies for the Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) are 14. Berkshire 4. 73, Louisville Ham Radio Net Manager: Maureen K6BSC Desert Radio Amateur Transmitting Society (Desert RATS) Coachella Valley and southern Mojave Desert, Southern California: 146. 5, 5:25 PM daily, Net Ham Radio nets using the DMR digital mode. 2. This is a topic-oriented net that runs about an hour. -Please email the Webmaster with any updates, changes or corrections to keep this list up-to-date. pdf” is no longer maintained. Site Navigation. The Network has donated 1 hour to the USCG Amateur Radio Net. We are seeking licensed radio amateurs to operate at the event on December 7. -Some schedules may change at any time without prior notice. 2 PL: 1830 local for Amateur Radio Newsline; 1900 local net: Monday: Net Control: Bob KO6TZ The Condor Connection: Arizona, California: List of 1. 04+ PL 123: Sun: 19:00: Alger Amateur 2 Meter Net 145. All frequencies are FM unless otherwise noted. DSTAR We are a group of Christian Amateur Radio operators who meet for a time of fellowship and an opportunity to share favorite scripture passages, brief Christian devotionals, prayer requests, and any testimonies you would like to share with the net. 46 to 8. LCARES voice nets. Menu | RAC Events | Newsletter/signup | Every Friday night at 6:30 pm AM Guys NET dust off your boat anchors! Congratulations ONTARS 53 years old. A net can be casual and light-hearted, but it's a little easier to control, and wastes less time, when you can keep the agenda flowing. Current net control operators include Lance VA3LP, Tom Stefanac VA3VWX, Chris VE3RWJ, Dave VE5UO The official website for the Ontario Amateur Radio Service and ONTARS Market Place . In the event of an emergency, radio operators are asked to report into the net and offer their services. Skywide & Other Radio Nets. Resource Details You will find this resource in just one category on our links directory. F. Nets are organised for a particular purpose, e. O. Michigan New Amateur The National Association for Amateur Radio ® 225 Main Street Newington, CT, 06111-1400 USA Tel: 1-860-594-0200 | Fax: 1-860-594-0259 Toll-free: 1-888-277-5289 hq@arrl. Resource Details You will find this resource in 2 categories on our links directory. Further direction would be provided at that time. 5 kHz USB Alt 7114. Some clubs in my area even have topics on their nets for preparedness as well as in specific ham nets. Horndean and District Amateur Radio Club Net 160m CW The Eastern Nebraska Two Meter ARES Net can be heard every night on the Lincoln Amateur Radio Clubs 146. You can start with my Online SwapShop Safety Tips and there are some more links to follow there. I am involved in nets, both preparedness specific and otherwise, all week. They’re virtual meeting locations on the airwaves, often conducted on VHF/UHF repeaters or on a simplex frequency. EchoLink is available for our net WV8AR-R NODE 439354 . 7256 LSB, Blue Bat Net (Motorola), N9LAZ, 4 You're probably here because you're interested in buying or selling some good used ham radio gear. Have fun but be safe! Ham Radio nets operating from Indiana. Net Finder is working toward a future in which every Amateur Radio net is cataloged in a ham radio nets for amateur radio operators category is a curation of 45 web resources on , NetLogger, County Hunter Net Procedures, Corn Cob Net. The 3905 Century Club. DX Resources/Nets; The title of the main category is Nets and it deals mainly with ham radio nets for amateur radio operators. 00 am – Maharastra. Name County Days UTC Extras Band; Houston AMSAT Net: Harris: M. These nets inform members about club events, provide a forum for club members to get help with any technical problems they may have, build camaraderie among club members, and are just Moosehorn Amateur Radio Club Net: Sunday: 1830L: Repeater, 146. 8am ECT Net Wed. The repeaters are operated by their local trustees and the network that connects them together does not interfere with the local use of the repeaters. Name Days UTC Extras Band; YARC Digital Net: M. public Nets by Location; rule Nets by Mode; checklist_rtl Browse All Nets; add_circle Add a Net; person_add Create an Account; login Log In; info Beta; United States Nets Add a net. It first appeared in its original form in the early 1990s in the print publications REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING and DX LISTENING DIGEST, and in the late 1990s in REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL About Tags Archive RSS Introducing NetFinder - The Definitive Ham Radio Net Directory. April 18, 2023. Glowbugs Times-- Great blog for BoatAnchor & DIY lovers . 0) 146. org ARRL Donate Now 10-10 Daily Nets. Hurricane Watch Net –Operating since Labor Day Weekend, 1965 this net is run by Amateur Radio operators in support of the National Hurricane Center The net talks about topics related to Amateur Radio. The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U. 825 Offset + 5. 30 pm GSP SkyWarn Net (Upstate) 444. Important note: The following list of used and swap events and sites are submitted by the organizers of these events themselves and are not maintained by RAC directly. 8:30 PM 147. Ham Radio nets using the EchoLink digital mode. OVMRC 2m Net (FM) OVMRC 80m Pot Hole Net (SSB) OVMRC 6m Pot Lid Net (CW) Club Meetings; Field Day; Presentations; Courses; Social. 700+ using a 146. 3. This also offers an opportunity to provide a brief personal update to the group and touch base with friends. 205 MHz, 0400 UTC, Saturday , currently Flux-A-K Indices Sunspot Number A list operation, say your call sign, stand by for calls. 790- PL 127. g. 3 Hz) followed by FM Read More. 982KHz 07:30 / 12:30 Check In to Nets! In the ham radio universe, a net (a shortened form of the word “network”) is an on-the-air gathering that usually convenes at a specific frequency and at a specific date and time. Buckinghamshire 1. It is open and ALL Amateur Radio operators are asked to check in with us. Freqy Net Day Time Zone Location Other; 1. 9 pm Greater Pee Dee 146. If you’re new to Amateur Radio, you may want to see what it’s all about or attend our training The net is currently on 7. 45 Khz – 7. Name County Days UTC Extras Band; Aurora Amateur Radio Group Weekly Net: Kodiak Island Borough Amateur Radio Nets –There are eleven different types and are defined by the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) as follows: DX Net – used to exchange information on long-distance (DX) communications opportunities. 3 hz Trans Canada Net, Welcome to the Amateur Radio Kentuckiana website! Here you will find helpful resources for Radio Amateurs in Louisville, Kentucky and the greater Kentuckiana area. Find and join ham radio nets on various bands, modes, and frequencies. Nets can be organized by a club, service organization or individuals—open to all or The net control may be relaxed in some “open nets” where communications are sparse, allowing stations to freely call directly to one another. Thursday 8:00 P. We usually have a net question of the night and it always sparks good idea’s and information to share from ALL of our experiences in Ham Radio. England 1. 27 tone 123) and UHF (441. GitHub - Please feel free to browse the and contribute to the code or submit tickets. 2 Meters. 09 MO-KAN Council of Amateur Radio Clubs Net 8:30 PM 147. Meets on the First Sunday of each month on 3939 kHz LSB to discuss amateur radio support of all types of emergency communications including (but not limited to) MARS, SAR, CAP, public service events. The USCG ARN is NOT a traffic net but rather a gathering of past and present members of the Ham Radio nets operating from Ontario. Fixed: SO CAL PAPA SYSTEM NEW HAM NET WED 19:00 PST 21:00 31078 PAPA BRIDGE. Share the magic of Ham Radio and Santa Claus with your children, grandchildren, and neighborhood kids. 8. 33 TWA Amateur Radio Club Net 9:00 PM 147. ” The SVARA (Submarine Veterans Amateur Radio) is dedicated to public relations of submarines. 18; 32; 6 years, 1 month ago. 805+ (100. Menu | RAC Events | Newsletter/signup | Controller News Every Friday night at 6:30 pm AM Guys NET dust off your boat anchors! VE3KCY 6 METER NET 50. Sometime after WWII, and the end of that period of radio silence, the primary mode became SSB phone though I am sure there were still a lot of folks using a straight key. When: Every Net Name Frequency (MHz) Day(s) Time; Alcona County ARES Net: 147. Our regular club meetings are held at 10 am on the RVRN now has ham radio nets for every class of license, and even one net that does not require an FCC license. ” Arkansas Diamond Amateur Radio Club Net: Arkansas Diamond Amateur Radio Club SimplexNet: 146. Greater London 2. If you are wondering what Amateur Radio is about, it's basically a two way radio service where licensed operators throughout the world experiment and communicate with each other on frequencies reserved for license holders. Welcome to our 2025 website Revision: 12th January 2025. We also encourage everyone to join our weekly “Trans-Canada Net” held every Sunday at 1pm Eastern time. 275 +5. Net Operations occur daily on 7. public Nets by Location; rule Nets by Mode; checklist_rtl Browse All Nets; add_circle Add a Net; person_add Create an Account; login Log In; info Beta; EchoLink Nets Add a Net. AG7MW . 52 FM, then operates on various 2 meter, 440, 6 meter, 220 MHz, 900 MHz, 1. 10-10 holds daily (except Sunday) SSB nets at 1800Z on 28. Ottawa Amateur Radio Club Inc. Net Logger; Net Schedules; Net Scripts; Net Operations; Net Controller Info; Checkin Lookup; CW Nets 101; Checkins Map; Net Checkins (Archive) Nets — regularly scheduled on-the-air meetings of hams who have common interests — are among the oldest ham radio activities. Hayfield Every Sunday at 19:30 on Repeater VE4BDN. 7277 LSB, GMARC Net, 1 PM weekdays. FCC ULS License: 4103443. The purpose this net is to provide communications during emergencies, to provide training in all aspects of net operations, to serve as a forum for discussions and to KØMIK - OMIK Amateur Radio Association - Net Schedule (NOTE: The UTC Clock above is provided by Time. LCARES digital nets ***** Social HF Nets courtesy of the Fulton County Amateur Radio Club and Adam T. Browse nets by name, day, UTC, extras, band, quarter, century, wireless association, and website. Use "Winter" value if you are in standard time. Bruxelle Every Thursday at 19:30 on Repeater VE4HS. Net Managers: KB0L noon, K0DPL eve. The Royal Signals Amateur Radio Society Nets and Frequencies The Society runs a number of nets which are open to both Members and Visitors. Resources listed under Ham Radio category belongs to DX Resources main The ARRL Net Directory Search shows Amateur Radio nets that have been registered with ARRL HQ net directory database. Streamed online for those out of the area. 547 CW QKS CW NTS Tfc Net Tuesday 7:00 AM 3. Voice; IA 160 Meter Net. Join us on-air. Ten-Ten International Net, or 10-10 for short, is an organization of amateur radio operators dedicated to maintaining high levels of amateur radio communications on the 10-meter amateur band (28. 8) 9:00 pm 9:00 pm southeastern linked repeater system (ga,al,tn,ky,in,il) Ham Radio nets operating from Texas. The East Coast Amateur Radio Service, Inc. 30 am – Kerala List of Kits for ham radio; Radio Nets; Emergency Preparedness; Members. December 26, 2021. Cately. Nets are an opportunity for Hams Ham Radio nets operating from Florida. Net Manager: W0FS. 272 at 23:30Z Monday, & Tuesday starts at 23:00Z Note, Tuedays Net has a hard stop time of 01:30Z as another net would like to start at that time, an informal on Wednesday, 23:30 Thursday , Friday, and Saturday the vintage net run by Jon K1BCR 23:00 please check netlogger also check Vintage Net Results. Antique Ham Radios -- Nick England KD4CPL Atlas 210X / 215X Transceivers-- From ON6AB. Nets held on the VE3SKY repeater. * denotes nets that operate at UTC times, and thus have a variable local start depending on the time of year. Name County Days UTC Extras Band; Amateur Radio of Decatur County: M. Daily. 100 MHz 7. Net Schedule starting Thursday, August 15: NAQCC East Coast QRS Net (ECN) Thursday evenings 7:30 PM EST, which is Friday 0030 UTC on 7030. Ham Radio Operators Still Important to Hurricane Prediction AP Article CQ Magazine Skywarn & Hurricane Article February 2009 (Acrobat PDF 3. uhfseg wrkv saehta pedsqe dovqzxua aoowrq bjex qko rztsrao nkg