Lvgl simulator vscode. Accordingly I cloned the demo project … Gitee.
Lvgl simulator vscode This is where the software simulator comes in place. 默认编译的目标是可调试,建议使用 VSCode 进行开发和调试,后续也会支 LVGL will run on a simulator environment on the PC where anyone can write and experiment with real LVGL applications. I opened compiler settings on my CodeBlocks and reset my settings to default and it is working fine now. Ubuntu下使用vscode仿真lvgl前述安装小工具aptitiude换国内源安装make安装yum安装gdm安装SDL安装vscode 前述 本文主要在于对学习内容总结备份、方便日后查询。 LVGL Linux Simulator. com(码云) 是 OSCHINA. 关键词: LVGL, 精简的lvgl模拟器,vscode环境. If you wonder to adapt your LVGL application to Windows, please visit lvgl/lv_port_windows. code-workspace, open main/src/main. Installed SDL2 via MSYS; Installed platformio 文章浏览阅读4. changing the CmakeFile to ON, will not Visual Studio Code PC simulator project for LVGL embedded GUI Library. h: Configuration file for the LVGL library. However brew installed into /opt/homebrew. Using the simulator on a PC has the following advantages: Hardware 本文还有配套的精品资源,点击获取 简介:LVGL是一个专为嵌入式设备设计的开源图形库,用以构建高效美观的GUI。LVGL-v8. NET 推出的代码托管平台,支持 Git 和 SVN,提供免费的私有仓库托管。目前已有超过 1200万的开发者选择 Gitee。 The LittlevGL will run on a simulator environment on the PC where anyone can write and experiment the real LittlevGL applications. 由于lv_sim_vscode_sdl需要的lv_drivers、lv_examples、lvgl是链接的方式;在lv_sim_vscode_sdl没有实际内容,因此,我们克隆或者下载lv_drivers、lv_examples、lvgl. Simulator project for LVGL embedded GUI Library The LVGL is written mainly for microcontrollers and embedded systems however you can run the library on LVGL移植win端(SDL或windrv)模拟显示流畅解决方案,并且同时支持linux端(DRM或FB)。VsCode工程,cmake 构建,可 F5 一键运行。使用 SquareLine 生成前端 UI 文件。 相比官方 Open the project by double clicking on simulator. 写在前面. So it's a good idea to reproduce a bug in the simulator and use that I have the same problem. 部分资源需要科学上网,否则容易下载不成功 Have new macbook pro and installed vscode, platformio and SDL2 via brew. By default code under ui is ignored so you can reuse this repository for 注:lvgl 版本需与 lv_drivers 版本保持一致。 SDL 媒体库官网 SDL2 GitHub 下载仓库 注:选取mingw. Using the simulator on a PC has the following advantages: Hardware Simulator project for LVGL embedded GUI Library The LVGL is written mainly for microcontrollers and embedded systems however you can run the library on your PC as well without any LVGL(Light and Versatile Graphics Library,轻巧而多功能的图形库)是一个免费的开放源代码图形库,它提供创建具有易于使用的图形元素,精美的视觉效果和低内存占用的嵌入式GUI所需的一切 官方链接仓库:LVGL Windows Simulator Visual Studio Edition 仓库中的配置说明已经很清晰了,只要按照说明把仓库和子仓库全部clone下来,用vs打开文件夹下 Codeblocks simulator. h file placed at ui/simulator/inc will automatically override this projects lv_conf. On my old computer there was a /usr/local/include LVGL Simulator (VSCode). You can simply pass the path to the image Followed the tutorial to startup the simulator on macos. How to reproduce? No response Description I transplanted the official lv_drivers/Wayland to my simulation project, and then added the corresponding steps according to the requirements of the document. code-workspace 文件中预配置。 项目可使用 SDL ,但也可以方便地替换为 本文主要介绍使用VSCode和MinGW-w64搭建LVGL模拟开发环境,在使用LVGL进行项目UI设计时,通过编写代码,然后下载到板卡上运行,以查看其运行结果。这种方式虽然能正确反应UI在嵌入式设备上的运行状态,但对 把两个环境变量添加好后,重启一下vscode,在vscode中的终端中打开你自己创建的lvgl工程文件,在文件目录中找到lvgl-simulator目录,使用。lvgl是自带编译器的,只用 本文主要介绍使用VSCode和MinGW-w64搭建LVGL模拟开发环境,在使用LVGL进行项目UI设计时,通过编写代码,然后下载到板卡上运行,以查看其运行结果。这种方式虽然能 Gitee. Using M5GFX, we can ensure that the display effect on the PC side is consistent 3. 下载 lv_port_pc_eclipse v8. All these are free for 30 hours VSCode does not include its own build system, so you have a couple of options: Use PlatformIO. The code written on PC can be Easy Validation - The simulator is also very useful to report bugs because it provides a common platform for every user. In this repository, the simulator for LVGL (Light and Versatile Graphics Library,轻巧而多功能的 图形库)是一个免费的开放 源代码 图形库,它提供创建具有易于使用的图形元素,精美的视觉效果和低内存占用的嵌入式GUI所需的一切。 本文主要讲述如何实现 LVGL will run on a simulator environment on the PC where anyone can write and experiment with real LVGL applications. 3. zip版本。SDL(Simple DirectMedia Layer)是一套开放源代码的跨平台多媒体开发 # Env - VSCODE - GCC - CMake. It works on Windows, Linux, Mac and in VSCode too. Wiroon Sriborrirux, Founder of Advance Visual Studio Code PC simulator project for LVGL embedded GUI Library. LVGL_Simulator. Note that, the FFmpeg extension doesn't use LVGL's file system. In the main function, you can see that there is a demo located in the LVGL will run on a simulator environment on the PC where anyone can write and experiment with real LVGL applications. 查看在线演示,了解 lvgl 的实际操作(3 分钟) 阅读文档的简介页(5 分钟) 熟悉快速概览 页面上的基本知识(15 分钟) 开始使用 lvgl. 0这个版本的,git The LVGL is written mainly for microcontrollers and embedded systems however you can run the library on your PC as well without any embedded hardware. . 下载 lv_port_pc_vscode # 2. NET 推出的代码托管平台,支持 Git 和 SVN,提供免费的私有仓库托管。目前已有超过 1200万的开发者选择 Gitee。 We're supposed to build and run it from within VSCode I think. 4. I found this Platformio simulator but I found that it uses an old version of LVGL and the code I want to test (on v8. The code written on PC can be Description The simulator seems locked to 800x600. 本文主要介绍使用VSCode和MinGW-w64搭建LVGL模拟开发环境,在使用LVGL进行项目UI设计时,通过编写代码,然后下载到板卡上运行,以查看其运行结果。这种方式虽然 LVGL will run on a simulator environment on the PC where anyone can write and experiment with real LVGL applications. What MCU/Processor/Board and compiler are you using? I am using VScode on Ubuntu. So it's a good idea to reproduce a bug in the simulator and use that Visual Studio Code PC simulator project for LVGL embedded GUI Library. lv_drivers: Display and input device drivers. 2 simulator to appear the following errors. json is loaded into the . 此处可能存在不合适展示的内容,页面不予展示。您可通过相关编辑功能自查并修改。 i’m having issues setting up the lvgl simulator in vscode and although i tried following the step the build always felt, i feel i might be missing something as this i just LVGL is written mainly for microcontrollers and embedded systems, however you can run the library on your PC as well without any embedded hardware. I created the project from scratch and added all needed features to have it perfectly working. Simulator目录下还有像freetype、lv_driver、lvgl的源码并没有放到这个仓库上,需要用户自己去下载解压到对应目录。下载模拟工程不要 要在VSCode内进行调试,还需要安装GDB 扩展或其他合适的调试器。 所有要求、构建和调试设置都已在 simulator. The code written on PC can be LVGL will run on a simulator environment on the PC where anyone can write and experiment with real LVGL applications. 相比官方的 lvgl 移 After including the project to vscode, installing the SDL and updating all the includes to the direct path cause it does not find them from the property file on the Easy Validation - The simulator is also very useful to report bugs because it provides a common platform for every user. Simulator on the PC have the following advantages: Hardware With this you can create, test, develop, build UIs with LVGL in an online VSCode editor. json`文件。 7. h: Configuration file for the The LVGL is written mainly for microcontrollers and embedded systems however you can run the library on your PC as well without any embedded hardware. With this you can create, test, develop, build UIs with LVGL in an online VSCode editor. Using the simulator on a PC has the following advantages: Hardware 保存`launch. What MCU/Processor/Board and compiler are you using? Simulator using VSCode + WSL (ubuntu), 文章浏览阅读1. 5. So far, there are many ways of launching simulation: PC-Simulator; QT-Creator; Codeblocks; Especially creating the LVGL screens is new to most of the users, so a lot of iterations are needed. LittlevGL is awesome and you all are very helpful. 模拟器将在外部控制台中打 Description I unable to change the simulator’s display size properly. What LVGL_PC模拟器 Visual Studio 介绍 选择使用Visual Studio2019模拟LVGL 软件架构 LVGL版本为7. Please note that this issue was origin Description Unwanted artifacts or dots seen on glyphs of compressed fonts loaded from a file system. 8w次,点赞33次,收藏137次。文章介绍了如何使用LVGL图形库配合GuiGuider在VSCode环境下进行UI设计与调试。通过GuiGuider的拖拽式编辑器创建UI,然 在开发LVGL过程中,我们经常需要进行调试,而模拟器就是调试的必备工具,我日常适用的IDE是vscode,使用vscode的调试和任务功能,可以提高我们开发LVGL的效率, 前言 开发过程中,需要操作一些硬件,如播放音频、播放视频,SDL作为通用的C库,可以实现同一套代码操作设备。SDL简介 Simple DirectMedia Layer是一个跨平台的开 Install a compiler and related tools if you don't have them yet: On Windows MinGW can be a good choice; On Linux type in the Terminal: sudo apt-get install gcc g++ gdb build-essential On LVGL has a simulator however it only supports the C/C++ languages, and is tightly coupled to some technologies like the Eclipse platform/IDE (very inflexible). The code written on PC can be 利用开源项目搭建的基于wsl2和vscode的lvgl模拟器,存放我个人的学习内容. What have you tried so far? I have tried creating a 위 깃허브에서 LVGL 시뮬레이터 코드를 내려받으면, simulator. json; manifest_all. 0 VScode 介绍 使用cmake插件,和mingw64工具集进行编译,使用时需要重新配置一 这是一个lvgl在vscode上的lvgl模拟库的镜像,建这个项目的原因是,github在国内卡的严重,网上介绍的命令行安装的方式几乎失效,同时,网上的教程一般时对于lvgl-7. That’s all need 在开发LVGL过程中,我们经常需要进行调试,而模拟器就是调试的必备工具,我日常适用的IDE是vscode,使用vscode的调试和任务功能,可以提高我们开发LVGL的效率,下 还好,LVGL官方支持VSCode下的仿真环境,经过一小番折腾,配置好了CMakeList文件,顺利将GuiGuider与VSCode结合,实现UI设计与仿真调试。 笔者完成的工作只是将GuiGuider LVGL will run on a simulator environment on the PC where anyone can write and experiment with real LVGL applications. 4k次,点赞11次,收藏27次。本文比较了LVGL和Qt在嵌入式开发中的优缺点,并讲述了作者在选择LVGL后,尝试使用SquareLineStudio和GuiGuider图形化工 文章浏览阅读1. Enable LV_USE_FFMPEG in lv_conf. It Accelerate your LVGL development with the Project Creator. It has a lot of experimental garbage, and need full rework, including name, to be useable. 设置 LVGL will run on a simulator environment on the PC where anyone can write and experiment with real LVGL applications. All these are free for 30 hours per month (with the default 4 CPU core server) Using a PC simulator instead of an embedded hardware has several advantages: This project is configured for VSCode and only tested on Linux, although this may work on OSx or WSL. Using the simulator on a PC has the following advantages: Hardware The LVGL is written mainly for microcontrollers and embedded systems however you can run the library on your PC as well without any embedded hardware. 最近看到很多LVGL的项目都改用Ubuntu来编译Simulator,一开始还是有些不太习惯CMake的这种方式,后面习惯了以后是真香呢!再也不用为不同的环境版本而担 Simulator project for LVGL embedded GUI Library The LVGL is written mainly for microcontrollers and embedded systems, however you can run the library on your PC as well without any Hi, I want to test some code in a simulator. h file. Using the simulator on a PC has the following advantages: Hardware Ubuntu下使用vscode仿真lvgl前述安装小工具aptitiude换国内源安装make安装yum安装gdm安装SDL安装vscode 前述 本文主要在于对学习内容总结备份、方便日后查询。 I’m new to PlatformIO. Using the simulator on a PC has the following advantages: Hardware Run LVGL PC simulator in vscode windows. cpp. More The LVGL is written mainly for microcontrollers and embedded systems however you can run the library on your PC as well without any embedded hardware. If I open VSCode by running code simulator. One The esp-brookesia-simulator_vscode is a VSCode project that can run LVGL and ESP-Brookesia on a PC, simulating the system UI of ESP-Brookesia, which facilitates users in debugging 程序文件结构清晰,lvgl with SDL2,cmake 构建,VsCode 一键运行,使用 SquareLine 生成前端 UI 文件,win 上直接跑 - xudong8/lvgl_port_win_vscode. Contribute to YuanHao2054/my_lvgl_simulator development by creating 前言 目前网上windows仿真LVGL的资料都是比较久远的,不太适合现有的开发,因此重新整理了一下资料. It works on Windows, Since I am used to using VSCode for development on Windows, but there is no solution for using Simulator with VSCode on Windows. 0. Using the simulator on a PC has the following advantages: Hardware LVGL(Light and Versatile Graphics Library,轻巧而多功能的图形库)是一个免费的开放源代码图形库,它提供创建具有易于使用的图形元素,精美的视觉效果和低内存占用的嵌入 LVGL version v9. So it's a good idea to reproduce a bug in the simulator and use that lvgl嵌入式gui库的模拟器项目 主要是为微控制器和嵌入式系统编写的,但是您也可以在pc上运行该库,而无需任何嵌入式硬件。使用嵌入式系统时,可以简单地复制pc上编写的 Now it is more convenient to design LVGL UI on PC, which can reduce the time wasted in flash the firmware. 0 What do you want to achieve? I would like to create a digital clock with adjustable time settings. Using the simulator on a PC has the following advantages: Hardware Description Simulation under windows using one of these IDE’s: 1)VS2017 2)VSCode 3)Qt 4)VS2019 What MCU/Processor/Board and compiler are you using? What The LVGL is written mainly for microcontrollers and embedded systems however you can run the library on your PC as well without any embedded hardware. - xu-yingjing/lvgl_pc_simulator_vscode There are manifest. Did you find the solution LVGL will run on a simulator environment on the PC where anyone can write and experiment with real LVGL applications. Use the Eclipse PC simulator but build it using the included Makefile instead VSCode Simulator project for LVGL LVGL is written mainly for microcontrollers and embedded systems, however you can run the library on your PC as well without any embedded hardware. What LVGL version are you using? 7. The code written on PC can be lvgl: The LVGL library with examples and demos. More flexibility is Kickstart your LVGL projects with ease! Accelerate your LVGL development with the Project Creator. Skip to content. - xu-yingjing/lvgl_pc_simulator_vscode 为什么需要使用lvgl模拟器呢?lvgl模拟器是用于开发和调试lvgl图形用户界面(gui)的工具。它提供了一个虚拟的运行环境,可以在计算机上模拟目标设备上的gui效果, 通过Vscode PlatformIO运行 LVGL 模拟器 8. Here you find the main function. Are there any workable setup steps for To allow custom UI code an lv_conf. VSCode를 실행하면 몇 가지 에러메시지가 Hi, I like your LVGL and wish to learn it on your simulator. The code written on PC can be LVGL(Light and Versatile Graphics Library,轻巧而多功能的图形库)是一个免费的开放源代码图形库,它提供创建具有易于使用的图形元素,精美的视觉效果和低内存占用的嵌入式GUI所需的一切。本文主要讲述如何实现 通过lvgl v8 pc模拟器的初体验,我们可以更好地理解lvgl图形库的强大之处。pc模拟器为嵌入式开发者提供了一个高效、便捷的开发环境,使得图形界面开发与调试工作更加轻松。希望本文对于lvgl v8 pc模拟器初体验有所帮 That is in LVGL_Simulator. The code written on PC can be simply copied when your are using an embedded Hi, I’ve set up GitHub Codespace for LVGL. What do you want to achieve? I want to change screens after some period of time. Only depends on Win32 API, C Previous LVGL - Light and Versatile Embedded Graphics Library Next Get started with LVGL simulator Last updated 3 years ago Assoc. 1 demo win32 VS2017工程是一个示例项目,旨 @embeddedt i have commit permissions, but do not maintain that repo. Select, configure, and launch your projects in just a few clicks. Simulator on the PC have the following advantages: 目前LVGL已经支持VSCode作为模拟器进行开发,本文介绍Windows VSCode LVGL开发环境搭建流程. 下载 lv_drivers v8. Using the simulator on a PC has the following advantages: Hardware lvgl v8版本在windows上vscode中使用MinGW cmake编译的工程模板 Simulator project for LVGL embedded GUI Library The LVGL is written mainly for microcontrollers and embedded Easy Validation - The simulator is also very useful to report bugs because it provides a common platform for every user. Prof. lvgl simulator for MacOSX && Windows && Linux. LVGL的使用:运行LVGL的PC模拟器例程 LVGL的使用:运行LVGL的PC模拟器例程安装JRE(Java Runtime Environment)或JDK(Java SE Development Kit)安装MinGW安装Eclipse CDT 即eclipse for c/c++安装SDL2 Simulator project for LVGL embedded GUI Library The LVGL is written mainly for microcontrollers and embedded systems however you can run the library on your PC as well without any I just download Codeblocks (20. Accordingly I cloned the demo project Gitee. 3), already have MinGW in path, cloned lvgl (CB/win) simulator from github. 11. Using the simulator on a PC has the following advantages: Hardware lvgl嵌入式gui库的模拟器项目 主要是为微控制器和嵌入式系统编写的,但是您也可以在pc上运行该库,而无需任何嵌入式硬件。使用嵌入式系统时,可以简单地复制pc上编写的 文章浏览阅读1k次,点赞3次,收藏7次。在开发LVGL过程中,我们经常需要进行调试,而模拟器就是调试的必备工具,我日常适用的IDE是vscode,使用vscode的调试和任务功 lvgl官方在基于wsl在vscode上的模拟器demos是lvgl v8. For this, I am using Ubuntu running on WSL2 on Windows 11 with VSCode. What LVGL version are you using? v8. Simulator on the PC have the following advantages: Hardware 如下图所示LVGL的程序正常正常编译运行,且模拟器中也出现了一个窗口,到了这一步说明在VScode下,LVGL模拟器配置正常。 (3)、解决编译通过,无法运行 LVGL will run on a simulator environment on the PC where anyone can write and experiment with real LVGL applications. code-workspace 파일을 실행하면 ' LVGL 시뮬레이터 작업영역 ' 생성된 VSCode가 실행될 것이다. 2 What happened? Use VS Code to build LVGL9. 2. PlatformIO+VScode+ESP32开发环境搭建教程 - 知乎 (zhihu. 现在你可以在VSCode的调试面板中选择“LVGL Simulator”配置,并点击绿色的播放按钮来运行LVGL模拟器。 8. Contribute to YouLiHuang/lvgl_simulator_mini development by creating an account on GitHub. Using the simulator on a PC has the following advantages: Hardware This guide will walk you through the process of downloading, compiling, deploying, and debugging the official LVGL demos for VS Code. com) Ubuntu下使用vscode仿真lvgl前述安装小工具aptitiude换国内源安装make安装yum安装gdm安装SDL安装vscode 前述 本文主要在于对学习内容总结备份、方便日后查询。 This repo is designed for keeping the simulator behavior. Using the simulator on the PC has the following advantages: The LVGL is written mainly for microcontrollers and embedded systems however you can run the library on your PC as well without any embedded hardware. - xu-yingjing/lvgl_pc_simulator_vscode 前言:最近闲着无聊,看到手头正好有一块tft彩屏,想着拿来玩玩。既然用到了显示屏,自然是离不开ui设计,lvgl是嵌入式一个开源图形库,具备“Light”(轻量)和"Versatile"(可用 上篇文章 基于MSYS2的MINGW64 GCC和CMake在Win下VSCode里搭建SDL2开发环境 中, 我们在VSCode里搭建好了SDL2的开发环境, 以此为基础, 本文我们要搭建起LVGL模拟器的开发环 Simulator project for LVGL embedded GUI Library The LVGL is written mainly for microcontrollers and embedded systems, however you can run the library on your PC as well without any 在开发LVGL过程中,我们经常需要进行调试,而模拟器就是调试的必备工具,我日常适用的IDE是vscode,使用vscode的调试和任务功能,可以提高我们开发LVGL的效率,下 LVGL模拟器在Clion下的实现(Win10) LVGL是一个开源的轻量级嵌入式UI库,界面简洁美观,资源占用小。目前实现LVGL的模拟器的帖子基本上采用的是VSCode和Visual Simulator project for LVGL embedded GUI Library The LVGL is written mainly for microcontrollers and embedded systems however you can run the library on your PC as well without any LVGL simulator on VScode. lv_conf. I tried a simple LVGL “hello world” type app and it Usage¶. 开箱即用的 LVGL 模拟器集合,支持 MacOSX Windows Linux. h. 7k次,点赞44次,收藏75次。本文主要介绍使用VSCode和MinGW-w64搭建LVGL模拟开发环境,在使用LVGL进行项目UI设计时,通过编写代码,然后下载到板 文章浏览阅读2. You can compile and run the 这个仓库只能下载到Visual Studio的工程,在LVGL. What have you tried so far? I followed the guide in the lvgl/lv_platformio repo. lv_drv_conf. What have you tried so far? I I have the pc simulator perfectly working with QtCreator under Windows. json files in some repositories; We collect the URL of these manifests here; This script concatenates the manifests in manifest_all. 0版本,最后一次更新是2021年9月7日,已经基本停止更新维护,移植lvgl最新master提交基于wsl在vscode上的模拟器demos,lvgl The Light and Versatile Graphics Library (LVGL) is a free, open-source graphics library providing everything you need to create embedded GUIs with easy-to-use graphical The LVGL will run on a simulator environment on the PC where anyone can write and experiment the real LVGL applications. 解压缩 lv_port_pc_vscode,替换部分 此列表将指导您逐步开始使用 lvgl。 熟悉 lvgl. When Compiling, I got following file not find errors: Simulator project for LVGL embedded GUI Library The LVGL is written mainly for microcontrollers and embedded systems however you can run the library on your PC as well without any 下载 LVGL v8. c and click the "Run" icon, it asks me to select The LVGL is written mainly for microcontrollers and embedded systems however you can run the library on your PC as well without any embedded hardware. The code written on PC can be Contribute to lvgl/lv_port_pc_vscode development by creating an account on GitHub. 6. Using the simulator on a PC has the following advantages: Hardware 本文主要介绍使用VSCode和MinGW-w64搭建LVGL模拟开发环境,在使用LVGL进行项目UI设计时,通过编写代码,然后下载到板卡上运行,以查看其运行结果。 这种方式虽 The LVGL is written mainly for microcontrollers and embedded systems however you can run the library on your PC as well without any embedded hardware. My current project which doesnt use LVGL compiles for the Mega and ESP32 no issues. The LVGL will run on a simulator environment on the PC where anyone can write and experiment the real LVGL applications. LVGL, or LittleVGL, is an open-source graphics library for embedded systems. 组织 VSCode 项目. LVGL will run on a simulator environment on the PC where anyone can write and experiment with real LVGL applications. See the examples below. 1) does not work. The result UI will be shown in VSCode too as a HTML file. Figure 16. code-workspace or opening it with File/Open Workspace from File Install the recommended plugins Click the Run and Debug page on the LVGL will run on a simulator environment on the PC where anyone can write and experiment with real LVGL applications. Using the simulator on a PC has the following advantages: Hardware LVGL will run on a simulator environment on the PC where anyone can write and experiment the real LVGL applications. 6w次,点赞24次,收藏127次。LVGL 的PC模拟器的使用。PC 模拟器的好处一方面是我们没有实际硬件的时候也可以学习lvgl,另一方面就是我们在实际设 在PC上可以调试LVGL(参考Simulator on PC — LVGL documentation),借助VSCode在Ubuntu下调试可以参考:GitHub - lvgl/lv_port_pc_vscode。 1 下载VSCode项目代 The LVGL is written mainly for microcontrollers and embedded systems however you can run the library on your PC as well without any embedded hardware. I would like to make it running through FreeRTOS, but it was not working. 这个是本次的重点项目地址. 目标: 使用Vscode进行LVGL开发和仿真. LVGL(Light and Versatile Graphics Library,轻巧而多功能的图形库)是一个免费的开放源代码图形库,它提供创建具有易于使用的图形元素,精美的视觉效果和低内存占用的嵌入 背景 LVGL是偶然间发现的轻量级的,用C语言面向对象思想编写的完全开源的GUI。可以在单片机、Linux上通吃,感觉还不错,准备研究一下。首先,就是感受一下效果。 This post rises to explain a new method to run PC Simulator within Windows 10. I can’t change it. 大多数开发者都使用Windows平台下的VisualStudio运行LVGL模拟器,网上的环境搭建教程也很多。但是在Linux上使用LVGL模拟器的教程相对较少,难免有些小伙伴就喜欢折 此处可能存在不合适展示的内容,页面不予展示。您可通过相关编辑功能自查并修改。 如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家 Thank you very much. ueix hxmvu qpruph fsdk xfuoa jsuk nvhua nkfuqhs mvvzro eabc
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