Elex 2 armor sets Survive; Stolen Equipment; Goods Trader – He's selling armor, grenades, instructions on making boosters and food. I bought full set of armor every time there was new one to buy. 4 (thus version numbering changed from 0. pak file onto elexresman/elex2resman to unpack it. As a melee build I joined Morkons for the reason of having "rites" which work well with it Video with Elex 2 item location - Standard Morkon Shirt🎞️️️️️️️️Item Location Playlist: https://www. 3MB ; 2-- Cleric Go to elex r/elex • by Tho i do think that the cape and hood armor looks cool too, don't know if they are accessible tho. That's pretty much the only difference with this choice of gods. #6. 5 usermapmarkers used to mark searched items/NPCsv 1. I have the infected and 6th power missions and have no way to progress them. There is always some shit you don't need to sell. Honestly i think the defactor armor still looks the best but you kinda left it out. On this page This article is about Armor items. Members Online. Is the alb commander armor better then the armor you get from factions? If so, can you just wear the Alb commander set and even join a faction like the bersekers? Since I want to do my playthrough as a melee build. You can choose from almost all items available in the game. That's totally weird, even Risen had more viable gear acquirement "system". Press 1. tv/kuposaurus Come follow me on Twitch! Another awesome factionless set. Company premises: North Abessa Dam Converter in North Abessa Company premises: Central Abessa Converter in South Abessa Some people were keen on the Elexetor armor - here you go. New Melee, Magic and Ranged The canon choices were being a berserker and romancing Caja, I guess, but there also a lot happened between Elex 1 and Elex 2. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Chances are you'll be using this armor until you get your first set of faction armor. Miscellaneous. All Main Missions List; Chapter 1: The Hunt Begins. Having at least 1 skill point - you don't lose skill points until you spend them. Join the page discussion Tired of anon posting? Register! Submit. 3) Merge all unpacked folders. The rebel armor is neutral, so you do not need to be in a faction. Thankfully, Irissa will still take your side. 3. Also only this two factions generally have their special two handed weapons (best in game overall). 7 MB. Nergal. victor221. 5. Finding the correct trainer - each trainer has their own specialty and can't teach you any skill you want. Thanks! Will I be able to get the final cool Morkons armor if I align with Kriiton? Or what it depends on? In short: No, this way you get armor from another faction. Tier 1 and 2 armor (worker/hunter armor, ELEX - 2 I'm a Berserker Warrior right now, considering becoming a Paladin or an Outlaw. Last edited by Arndell; Oct 22, 2017 @ 10:07am < Guides, Glitchs, Chits and other stuff: https://www. pak in the /data/packed folder. 0-1. Armor Guides; Best Armor Tier List: Armor List: List of Contents. From the armors given Alb is by far the helmet i can best live with, so it has to be their set. Here is my list after 50hrs of playing: Pros Quests - A lot of quests are interconnected and have effects on each other, especially the ones you do in the towns of different factions. The best Cleric chest armor has 105 armor value, whereas the best Morkon and Outlaw chest armors have Travelling merchants and armorers are often selling the defecator armor. Only with Ravaac is it possible to get the best Morkon armor. A fantasy science-fiction game set in an infinite, procedurally-generated universe. Calan's light comes 3rd. 0, any other version won't work coz im using hardcoded addresses! How it works: But Clerics have skill, which give 60% immunity in 3 lvl. Excellent rebel pants and shirt were available via Hello there, this the Morkon Faction Armor set in Elex 2#elex2 #piranhabytes #thqnordic ELEX II. Morkons - crushers, grinders and rail hammers, berserkers - different axes. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Merchants sell the rebel armor, often found from the traveling merchants. Home; All Wikis; Forum; About Us; Contact; Follow Us; Contributions to Fextralife Twitch. Developed by Counterplay Games & Gearbox Members Online. Playing on ultra you will still get hit for a lot of dmg even with good armor provided the game has the same principles that Elex 1 had. Not all potential trader Transferring saves to Elex 2; Walkthrough. Name Benefit Description Cost Location Adventurer Specialization: Armor +5, Lock picking +1: Increases the armor value and locks are easier to open. Learn more about the list of armor in the game, as well as their stats and what they are. Menu. shadwstrm. If you want any better you have to advance your rank in a faction. 3MB ; 2-- Cleric Twitch. They are a bit worse than faction armor. NFL NBA Go to elex r/elex For Elex on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "get armor similar to what you lost at start of game". So the devs had to recode to make it separate workbenches. Home; Boards; News; Q&A; Community; Elex; get armor similar to what you lost at start of game; Keith_I2 4 years ago #1. I liked the Morkon faction armor you get at the end and story options the most. Can someone please tell me (and the rest of the Elex This page of the guide to Elex 2 explains how to get better weapons and armor. Reply reply more reply More replies. Elex: Map of Quests; Edan [Goliet] Abessa [Domed City] Tavar [The Fort] Ignadon [The Hort] Main quests. An Alb Agent is an Albs mission in ELEX 2 that's required to progress within the ELEX 2 Albs Faction. Just Showcasing The Alb Armor Sets#Elex2 #Piranhabytes #THQNordic ELEX 2 Faction armour set images? Spoiler [I’ve tagged this post as a spoiler because of what I’m asking, but I’m not able to play the game until the end of next week. The Albs ELEX II. Download for free. Additionally, you can get the clerics' armor sets from the cleric trader with Elex 2 Overhaul as long as you have the Personal ID card you get from their trainer (Heinrich, I guess). ELEX Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. twitch. There is no apparent level cap, though as with Elex, you'll The planet of Magalan and the continent has many locations, from cities to ruins to low-key spots and regions. Oct 24, 2017 @ 4:55am Can The best armor you can get before you join a faction is Rebel armor and it can give you max 167 armor (excellent version). Do I report this guy which leads to him being brainwashed by the clerics or do I help him escape illegaly? Do I snitch on this guy breaking the law to earn the favor of the berserkers, but this leads to his exile and death? It felt like your decisions make a difference. You can buy it from any faction armorer. This is the second (and final) quest of the Berserkers faction - you'll receive it immediately after completing the On the Road to Becoming a Warrior mission. 1 Credits The file ELEX 2 Enhanced v. Is that for real, in the base game, or is that a mod? If it's a mod, is there any "official" way of getting Elexetor Armor? Also, does anybody knows where one can find a Rebel Armor Set? Armor Cost Value; Acolyte Armor +16 5000 : 1000 : Captain Armor +30 20000 : 4000 : Commander's Armor +39 35000 : 7000 : Cultivator Armor +16 5000 : 1000 : Enforcer Armor +20 10000 : 2000 : Hunter Armor +12 800 : 160 : Legate Armor +20 10000 : 2000 : Mechanic Shirt +12 800 : 160 : Miner Shirt +14 1000 : 200 : Paladin Armor +30 20000 : 4000 2) Drag each mod . I'm not against more content but what happened to the map? Elex 1 had a lot more of them. And I still can learn Albs magic. Elex 2's world feels worse than 1 with bizarre ♥♥♥♥ like the molemen in gay biker outfits, the bizarre Billy Idol ♥♥♥♥ and the Clerics losing their identity almost entirely, with Edit 2 : it appears that, unlike Elex 1, we can freely use permanent stat potions since they count as bonus only and will always have the same value even when base attributes become more expensive and cost more AP Reply reply Mallagar574 • no need to keep pots, they count as bonus stats, not base stats so they won't increase AP required to increase the stat Armor: According to this guide, armor shall also behave like "Extra Hitpoints" Never use the small ones for 100xp, you can upgrade 2 of them into the +2 attribute point 'Elex drink' and 2 of those into a +1 skill point 'Strong elex drink'. File Size: 298. Reply Noone read the question, I dont have answers and I'm entirely just complaining but nobody sent pictures of the armour sets, just guides on how to get stuff and which ones they liked Reply More posts you may like. Trying to understand if I'm missing something, like some additional bonuses for staying a Berserker or additional hidden Berserker armor bonuses or is that just how things Didn't have issue with money a single time in Elex. Submit Submit Close. r/elex. The only real difference is accessibility based on your faction. com. I think the traveling vendor sells the set too if you don't want to find the 7 Elex, she leaves and tells you to report everything to Azok Next up, report to Azok. The perks/abilities you get with the faction were fun and useful as well. The "rebel" armor versions are factionless and most vendors sell them. You have the option to give it to Zarik and, upon reporting back to Irissa, he’ll set you up. 1 set quests to "success" (my thanks to Yhoko, WOP)v 1. Merchants & Traders are like shops where you can buy and sell weapons, armor and equipment. For outlaws I could do the same MagusTheMagician has done Code: Select all Head: 82E4BEFF09B9E092:Excellent Alb Helmet F96CBDADAFC2068D:Excellent Cleric Helmet D3F5DF7EB3F48A90:Excellent Skyand Helmet F51E9E0785D0EC86:Very Good Cleric Helmet 9E4153E2DD1ADCA3:Very Good Outlaw Helmet 87661D0AFD4E2986:Very Good Skyand Helmet 1A7A7F30E7A80A8F:Good Alb Helmet 2) Drag each mod . Beat ATOT with a random This is a list of all armor and suits in STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl. Travelling merchants; Crafting Regent Armor is one of the types of body armor in ELEX. Sign in to edit History Talk (0) Subcategories. For example best berserker armor (paladin) has 93 armor, best rebel armor has 81 and cost around the same. The only cool armor in Elex 2 is the Morkons. On this page you will learn how to get the best armor or how to use crafting to get better weapons. Load more. I am back in Elex 2 with some Modding Content, and everything Elex will be in english nowThis Armor is the best mix of both armor from Elex 1 and 2All the cl Cohh plays ELEX II on Ultra difficulty to see what it has to offer. E2 has DX11 and DX12 /packed folders. Looking for Alb tier armor sets, haven't found anything around Ignadon yet, anyone know where to look? Join the Albs? The dialogue with the Ignadaon NPCs (Irissa, Azok, I like the final armor for all the factions in Elex 1 because they look so much better. 2) +5% Quest XP amulet from the Northern-west most worlds heart in Edan. Posted by u/BadKlaus14 - 2 votes and 3 comments Valheim is a brutal exploration and survival game for solo play or 2-10 (Co-op PvE) players, set in a procedurally-generated purgatory inspired by viking culture. Much like the first game, there is no definitive armor set where all the pieces will be the same type, besides a few armor . 7. Mar 15, 2022 @ 5:31am Originally posted by JuLLe: Merchants sell the rebel armor, often found from the traveling merchants. 50GHzMemory: 16 GB RAM (15. Merchants are located mainly in faction settlements and in the Bastion. Amulets (23 P) Armor by slot (5 C) R. You cant miss it Reply reply That looks like the one you get from not joining with any faction, assuming that's Elex 2 Reply reply The unofficial subreddit for the discussion of No Man's Sky. Reply reply If you consider this video usefull, please SUBSCRIBE and check the bell button, thank you :) ELEX 2 savegame modifier. Simply ask Crony for it. Anonymous. For the Armor statistc, see Armor (statistic). Timeline; Standalone Elexetor Armor Set, New Sounds and more. In Elex 2 you can get highest quality Rebel Armor sets from travelling merchants. Oct 24, 2017 @ 4:14am Better Armor Without Faction Can i buy better armor without joining any faction currently have hunter armor with me and the armor is one of those perks you get for joining one. It replaces both a Body and Legs piece if you have it; by Parrying and Armor stats it is a match for the highest grade Body and Leg armor pieces put together of one of the other Factions (such as the Regent Armor and Regent Pants worn together), so if you Hi all, I just bought Elex 1, and I saw you can get Alb commander armor but that you cannot join the Albs as in Elex 2. Since you have a jet-pak, you're already set. So when will this be added? Reply Replies (0) 2 +1. You still only get the alb armors at the end of the game (all characters can get the commander armor, while the cold ending is needed for elexetor armor), so it is mostly for looks and fooling around in the postgame. The below locations are based on the Teleporter in the given area. Meet or find different Characters throughout the locations in the world. tv/cohhcarnageCohhCarnage's ELEX II playlist: https:// #Elex2#Bestweapon#SkyandArmorElex 2 Skyand Armor Update (Secret Location)Drop A Like!!!!! If you liked the video Hit The Sub!!!!! If you rock me with ELEX. I have to pander to the moronic Morkon commander because the game won't let me kill his psycho ass, just knock him out. v 1. A mega mod to all aspects of combat and more. 2nd is Enhanced Laser rifle PT3. next gothic With the armor spell buff, this cap (of 50%?) is reached even with T3 armor. Adds gloves and changes the visor color to green. List of All Armor and Suits; Is There a Set Artifact Respawn Time? Weird Ball; Weird Bolt; Weird Flower; Weird Nut; Weird Pot; Weird Water; Second Version of the Item Spawner ( now with armor ) note : its made for Steam 1. Available on PS4, PS5 & Epic Games Store. From lists I have found says it's in the game. if you catch him inside of the castle after rescuing him and buy the elex sleep until morning and buy from him again in the castle he will walk back in the opposite direction rinse and repeat this. The armour skill doesn't scale with levels. All you need for Elex (2) is two tools, a compressor (nvcompress), a packer (elex2resman for E2) and some This page of the Elex 2 game guide contains a walkthrough of the On the Road to Becoming a Paladin mission. Choices I made in a quest for the clerics near the beginning of the game had consequences in a quest I did for the It's the best Energy rifle in elex 2 (see the above weapon list). I have been through two whole playthroughs and still have yet to locate this alleged armor. I don't think it's worth it, for me it's more like cosmetic thing rather then armor itself. The exact level appears to be in line with the levels you'd need to get promoted in a faction. Having more HP pays more, than having high armor value. Sadly there is no neutral armor set that you can advance in. go It can be learned from the lore and npc's ingame (both in Elex 1 and 2) and also only berserkers have best melee weapons in the game on pair with morkons. If you consider this video usefull, please SUBSCRIBE and check the bell button, thank you :) Liqour (Booze, not wine, not beer) and Pure Elex are the both ingredients for making an Elex Potion (+2 stat points) or strong Elex Potion (+1 Skill Point). When you have stronger weapons, you can fight more demanding enemies, and thus make progress in the storyline. Thanks! Below is a list of all possible armor sets in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. This page will be updated when more is known. com/playlist?list=PLsq39NMj2UglwYDP2kUcywxzSFRzaybMK🔔 GET NOTIFIED: SUB! https://www. " dialog line. Submit. tv/kuposaurus Come follow me on Twitch! Another sweet armor set that you can wear without a faction. Set in a bright fantasy universe, utilize melee combat to hunt for loot, don legendary armor sets, and pursue vicious enemies. nexusmods. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews ELEX II > General Discussions > Topic Details. Author When it comes to pure picture replacement it's rather simple. Rings (23 P) S. Our tips will help you make the critical choice between the Berserkers and Claws. 3 search the dead Retexture of the "Excellent Cleric Armor set" to look like the Regent set from Elex 1. 4) Baltram and George (author and co-author of the elex(2)resman) btw: Caja and Nyra are having Zarik's "I synchronize the coordinates with my adjutor. tv/kuposaurus Come follow me on Twitch! Top faction armor can save you from some weaker attacks, but strong ones will still hit you pretty hard, unless you have tons of HP. 95 GB RAM usable)Current resolution: 1920 x 1080, 60HzOperating s Anyone interested in items can tinker with the Savegame Modifier down at Nexus Mods. A note on attributes: there is an attribute cap of 100, though you'll never need 100 in anything to equip gear or acquire abilities. youtube. This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total. Uploaded: 11 Feb 2023 Last Update: 12 Feb 2023. Reply reply More replies. For RP reasons, I'd prefer to pick Berserkers, but the difference in armor rating between Excellent armor sets is quite big. I am searching for both Laser Rifle MK3 and Skyand armor. He became disillusioned and left the civilised world to go live in the wilderness, turning his back on any guild. 2000: Berserker The merchant that sells 25 elex at a time is through a missing trader mission you get in the castle. Maxed all skills etc. Just answer through dialogs with more emotions and you can drink as much Elex Potions After extensively playing ELEX with additional Armors (sepratist, elexator, alb commander pieces) thanks to this mod https://www. You don't have to use them right away but you can hoard them to visit a specific trainer and purchase Visual Improvement for the "Good Outlaw Armor set". It won't let you add items, but if you park yourself near Smith, the first merchant, you can keep changing the cheap armor he sells into other items. The list later on should come in handy, as it will tell you who to visit to upgrade a skill. Free & Easy to steal Hunter Armor at the Survival Trainer's house south of Goliet. A. Combine 2 littles to a normal one, its much better. Adds gloves and changes the visor color to green. - Watch live at https://www. For the Armor abililty, see Armor (ability). Newsroom. Purchased from the Armor Master at the Hort upon reaching the rank of Regent Armor Category page. The world in elex 1 feels better to explore. Due to the sheer size of the game and hidden side quests and tucked away NPCs. ll find a Cleric uniform inside. Future plans: ReDo Defector armor (suggest your ideas), add armors throughout the world (no idea how yet). Press * to unpack all files. The early game in Elex 2 feels harder than for example Elex 1 because as you have stated most of the early quests include fighting (especially the one for Caja is extra hard for the start) and the ELEX > General Discussions > Topic Details. It's available in Steam Early Access, developed by Iron Gate and published by Coffee Stain. View Mobile Site Follow on IG Commander's Armor is one of the types of body armor in ELEX. 8 is a modification for Elex 2, a(n) rpg game. Merchants & Traders Location Map for ELEX II. NOTE: This is one of the only known full-body armor pieces. You get first armor set for free and than work your Twitch. Alb armor looks great but I wish there was another level of armor you could be awarded higher than commander. Alien Isolation but you're the Alien This is elex 2 on Xbox series x. Being that the game revolves around the duality of fantastical elements like magic and advanced technology Specializations - Elex 2. The high grade sets are also very durable and give excellent protection. Azgardis Alien: Isolation is a survival horror game set in the universe of the 1979 movie Alien. Drag the merged folder onto elexresman/elex2resman to pack it. Weapons, uniques, trophies. And considering you sell some weapons for like 30k GPU: GeForce GTX 1060 6GBCPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600K CPU @ 3. ] Does anyone know of a page or link that shows off the armour set visuals for each faction? I was a Cleric in ELEX 1 and absolutely loved the visuals, but I would love to see how every faction’s armour sets look The quality of these rebel armor sets changes daily, so its good to keep checking on the travelling traders daily till you see the very best (and the most expensive) rebel armor pieces on sale. Jax tried to raly the non-albs, and none of them heeded his warnings. The only better option you'll get that I know of is Scrap Scavenger armor from Tavar that only give an extra point of armor over the Hunter suit. Even if you use every possible armor buffs (bone soup, berserker spell, alb spell, full armor set), strong enemies will still kill you pretty fast. These items will get you very close to using some early legendary weapons, so I would recommend only buying one weapon from a merchant to use in between the Morkons are edgy molemen who worship murder and came out of nowhere. This can be purchased from the Camp Master at the Fort after attaining the rank of Enforcer. Weasel – He's selling Go to elex r/elex. So best Berserker armor is whorse than Alb armor? Or they did some balance changes, cuz i saw in a video an Alb armor with 100 In Elex, there are a ton of weapons, armor, and loot to find across the world of Magalan. Whatever you say to him, he won't be concerned about Zarik, only about replacing him. There's no Goliet or domed city and Ignadon is pretty much gone. Sunglasses (4 P) Pages in category "Armor" The following 103 pages are in this category, out of 103 total. First I have choosen Clerics because the normal NPCS there are all nice people and would date "Eva" there , also how the NPCS talk there and what opinions they have , apart their commanders they are the same bricks, like in the other ELEX 2 savegame modifier. Once I obtained them I just decided not to join any faction! And overall Elex 2 is somehow become less demanding, like less hardcore comparing to the first game Mar 13, 2022 @ 12:10am I have joined Clerics for resistance from purple aliens and Energy weapons, the old armor design is still nice, while "rebel" armor looks like crap. com/elex/mods/13?tab The Enforcer Armor is one of the types of body protection in ELEX. Very early in the game, work your way up to the large round structure titled Ice Palace. Updated to patch 1. Sports. 8MB 3-- Outlaw Armor Retexture. Or maybe I'm missing Where can I find the alb armor trader that sells armor exclusively to the albs only in the alb depot?? Advertisement Coins. Newsroom Games Reviews Download Guides Interactive Maps. 2. It was just one in Elex. if you can do it fast enough he will stay inside the castle as long as you get to him before he I was very confused when I first saw all the requirements for the ultimate set of armor and I'm already 25+ lvl wiping everything out with flamethrower I've stole somewhere long ago. it’s possible to ask if he wants something else in return. Even the Albs commander armor in Elex 2 looks downgraded when compared to Elex 1. 1 to 0. ELEX II Map with location of Traders & Merchants in Magalan, ELEX II Maps & Walkthrough. 6) Alrik, the crafting trainer at Goliet sells the crafting plans for small + medium elex potions, he also trains you in chemistry, pretty vital to play the game in my opinion. Buzz will tell you to get Zarik’s armor, Hi all, I just bought Elex 1, and I saw you can get Alb commander armor but that you cannot join the Albs as in Elex 2. Introduction; Maps. Armor. Installation - Extract the "data" folder from the downloaded file in your main Elex 2 directory - If you want to use this retexture with other texture mods you can merge the files using elex2resman_v0. 4) Place the merged . Dont drink the little Elex Potions. #1. Mar 1, 2022 @ 10:45pm Where can I find Alb armor? Looking for Alb tier armor sets, haven't found anything around Ignadon yet, anyone know where to look? Mar 1, 2022 @ 10:45pm Where can I find Alb armor? Looking Here are the armor sets for cleric faction in Elex 2#Elex2 #Piranhabytes #THQNordic I've seen a YT video, where somebody picks up Elexetor Armor, by Capt'n Spike's location. There a bunch of different sets around the world in chests and hack lockers, you just need to get I'm interested to see what you think are the biggest strengths and weaknesses of Elex 2. The world of elex 2 was very disappointing to me due to just how much PB cut out of the map. com/playlist?list It's the rebel armor. ELEX II. Game-Maps. Available now on PC/MacOS/Linux, PlayStation 3/4/5, Xbox 360/One/X, Nintendo Switch, and iOS/Android. The best armor you can get before you join a faction is Rebel armor and it can give you max 167 armor (excellent version). Ignore it (it's part of my unreleased Dynamic Armor in Elex will be covered on this page. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion. Everything else in the game is nearly the same. c Visual Improvement for the "Good Outlaw Armor set". Armor both fractions have the same stats. 0 coins. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. What it does. Part 2 is much more linear and therefore worse. Modify ELEX 2 savegames, player's inventory. This page of the guide to Elex 2 explains how to get better weapons and armor. Drinking Elex Potions rises your cold. 24 Mar 2021 18:54 . htwaeoazumlahslttpficakmxfntzfvykjbseztszrwclwydolgtgjtfrjyduraoraie