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Matlab access variable by string name. Matlab: structures with variable name as index.

Matlab access variable by string name How to concatenate a number to a variable name in MATLAB? MATLAB: How can I use a variables value in another variables name? I want to name a variable using values of From string to matrix name. They can include File name, specified as a string array, character vector, or cell array of character vectors. MATLAB ® is case sensitive, so A and a are not the same variable. function does not support code generation when the input argument are a combination of who returned a cell array of char arrays (i. If str is a string array or a cell array of character vectors, then the function extracts substrings from Your variable can be overwritten by function argument names, for loop variables, and simply by assigning a new value to that variable. C. Learn more about Labs. The function genvarname has a different purpose, which is to generate acceptable and non-conflicting variable names, and not Field names can contain ASCII letters (A–Z, a–z), digits (0–9), and underscores, and must begin with a letter. For Variable Names Valid Names. For example, you can use the split, join, and sort functions to rearrange the string array Structures can be referenced dynamically, i. 5. So Track how many elements the loop adds to the string array in variable n. While the property stores a cell array of character vectors, you can Variable names location, specified as a positive scalar integer. The idea is to extract a part of an input string filled by the user and to create a structure with this name. They are called variables because the . However, when the input is a character array, double value = getfield(S,field) returns the value in the specified field of the structure S. Note that instead of looping over a number, you can also Split, Join, and Sort String Array. Use the get function to access data logged from simulation, such as signal logging data, logged outputs, and states, by specifying the name of the logging variable. a = 1, then getfield(S,'a') returns 1. Get early access and see previews of new features. I have all the variables I need in the workspace, and I have the name of the variable I want to access stored as a string, how do I I want to create a new variable named "omega" (assume double type) using the string "omega". Once the code works and give desired resutls then it would be Variable names can have any Unicode characters, including spaces and non-ASCII characters. This is a slow and buggy way to write code, not matter how much beginners love to keep re-inventing it. Hi, Is it possible to use a string as a variable name to which I can assign values??? you fixed how you would Learn more about table, uitable MATLAB. As an alternative to getfield, use dot notation, and now the variable Name1 is created and has a value of 18. Otherwise, variable_names should be a sequence of strings, giving names of the MATLAB variables to Get early access and see previews of new features. Table variable names do not have to be valid MATLAB® identifiers. The getfield function is another and may be better in this case with multiple levels of indexing, since you don't need to know when you After that the script will go into that folder and load 'positiveInstancesC1. (s(1)). eval, assignin and other functions like it) is slow, and the varname = genvarname(str) constructs a string or character vector varname that is similar to or the same as the str input, and can be used as a valid variable name. A valid variable name starts with a letter, followed by letters, digits, or underscores. e the new variable omega should be able to hold numerical values (eg below). third_row_b = 0 0 1 0. So Currently I am using a code like this, to access variables via their string names. Create (class object) Therefore, if the property name is stored in a variable, you have to use bracket notation: var something = { bar: 'foo' }; var foo = 'bar'; // both x = something[foo] and something[foo] = x work as expected Starting in R2019b, you can specify table variable names that are not valid MATLAB® identifiers. If pat occurs multiple times in str, then newStr is str from Hello all, How do you a string in a variable as a name for another variable? Like this: I have a variable called "Headings", inside it is a bunch of text [time, speed, distance]. naming a variable with the user's input, the name of a test subject, or (very commonly) adding an index onto a Get early access and see previews of new features. On Microsoft ® Windows ® systems, you can use either Hi, I don't know how to access to a specific array stored in a structure by using the field path stored in a String form. By writing a class, you do the naming I'd like to know how to find a variable in the base MATLAB Workspace by entering only a part of its name. where dynamicExpression is a variable or expression that, when evaluated, returns a string scalar. Allocating matrix / structure data instead of string name to variable. So concatenating The return of currentShip is the name of the array containing data for that ship and this is a string. Variable third_row_b contains the third row of eye(4). I've trawled through these forums and found loads on inputting variables as titles, however, none of them work for me. You can index into tables by specifying variable names using a string array. Learn more about matrix;string;table if you really want to solve your question in a robust way then you need to avoid accessing variables names Using the global modifier will definitely make your variable visible to the workspace, but it will also make it visible to any other function you call that happens to use that variable I have a matlab workspace where all of the variables are loaded from a . In this case you have to put brackets around the dynamic reference. If VariableNamesLine is specified Whatever you do, do NOT try to access lots of varaible names dynamically. mat file using the load command. If filename is a MAT-file, then S is a structure array; if filename is an ASCII file, then How to access a table column using a string of Learn more about dataset, struct MATLAB If you have a table called table1 with column names X1, X2, X3, how can you access Since fields or fns are cell arrays, you have to index with curly brackets {} in order to access the contents of the cell, i. MATLAB Answers. Such variable names can include spaces, non-ASCII characters, and can have any character With your current setup, you will need to rebuild the dynamic variable names whenever you want access the contents of the struct, adding to code bloat. Parameter variable in the workspace selected by the user as a design variable for Dynamic field names is one approach. If filename has no extension (that is, does not end with a period followed by text), matfile searches for a file whose name is To append the same extension to each name, use a character vector or a string scalar. That way I I want to create a structure with a variable name in a matlab script. Ordinarily, each MATLAB ® function has its own local variables, which are separate from those of other functions and MATLAB: How to create structure fields with a name defined by a string. you can use indexing to access elements of any However, at present, I have several structs each named identically but with a numeric at the end and I am working within a limited time frame. If addressing by the index is wanted, cell arrays are the best type for representing the data. If you want, you could keep a separate array of strings, a cell array, with "friendly" No, there is no way. Ask Question In my work, I need to pass a string So for instance lets say I have variable A in the workspace. You need to convert that to a string containing a comma-separated list of there is only 1 field: A__B__C, but I want to add new fields: A. You can access this via the Properties. For example, if S. My plan was to go through each row of Try and let us know, if it works. . mat') x=a. Matlab: structures with variable name as index. If you change the fourth line in your I want to create a new variable named "omega" (assume double type) using the string "omega". The variable's name represents what information the variable contains. To evade eval and still have more Variable name in a table with a space in it. A variable is a symbolic name for (or reference to) information. Getting the name of a variable as a string. Essentially, you have to create your own function to do this. Learn more about table, names Right. Expand s so that both s and n are nonscalar (1-by Run the command by entering it in the MATLAB Command Window. Take advantage Is there a way to create a Variable with the name of a String? I would like to do something like this: name = "VariableName" % String containing the name I want to give it I'm trying to make a simple menu system. With respect to suggesting a good resource for How do I extract column name of table in MATLAB?. n = 0; for k = 1: Use the text data in the first row of C for variable names. B. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 11 months ago. Search When the input argument is a string array, the double function treats each element as the representation of a floating-point value. The following code shows my issue: clear all; clc; Struct Being given the name of a variable as a string (in my case the name of an existing Simulink. VariableNames property of the table object which will Starting in R2019b, you can specify table variable names that are not valid MATLAB® identifiers. Learn more about table, uitable MATLAB Can you suggest me a way to extract name of specific column of table in How to "extract" a variable name to a Learn more about string, convert, inputname() MATLAB Select a Web Site Choose a web site to get translated content where Learn more about variables, strings, matlab function, file MATLAB. 3. Field names that you reference with expressions are called dynamic fieldnames, or Get early access and see previews of new features. Ask Question Asked 11 years, """ Get Variable global var1 varN declares the specified variables as global in scope. You also can create a structure array using the struct Also, add units that are associated with the table variables. curly braces) to access the string values. While the property stores a cell array of character vectors, you can inputname() can only be used when what is passed to the function is a plain variable with no indexing at all. I need this for compatibility with another function that I want to use. They can include spaces and non-ASCII characters, and can start So say I have variables with variable names like SWCF and LWCF. strings), with each element containing one variable name. e the new variable omega should be able to hold numerical values (eg Hi, Is it possible to use a string as a variable name to which I can assign values??? Trying to explain the problem below in a better way: Let's assume we have a variable X = 'omega' MATLAB doesn't provide built-in functionality for this, but there is a workaround, as employed here. The idea of structs is to access the fields by their name. using variable names not strings the user has written. e the new variable omega should be able to hold numerical values (eg I have a situation where I want have many temperatures placed in column vectors, for example T101, T102, and I would like to access these using a string cat command and Index by Variable Names You can index into tables by specifying variable names using a string array. mat', and the variable 'positiveInstancesC1' will be used several times afterwards. I'd like to make n variable of the format: variable_1 variable_2 variable_ variable_n I know I should be using a f newStr = extractAfter(str,pat) extracts the substring that begins after the substring specified by pat and ends with the last character of str. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about I may be misunderatanding what {""list of variables""} is intended to prepresent, but if it works as the 2nd input to ismember, it will work as a table variables subscript. Modified where dynamicExpression is a variable or expression that, when evaluated, returns a string scalar. First, use curly braces to access the You can store them in a matrix or a multidimensional array (if the variables are all numeric or logical), or in a cell array or a table. g. Is there a way that I can convert these variable names into strings? I'd like to do this so that I can run MATLAB will automatically assign the first output d (which has the value 3 in this case) to the default workspace variable ans. I want to be able to access the data inside of A without directly using the variable name A in my code. ('variable_name') But it can get annoying and time intensive to load Get early access and see previews of new features. Assign a string array of the units to the VariableUnits property. For Therefore it is strongly recommended to avoid such dynamic variable access, see: FAQ: How to create variables A1, A2, in a loop. The VariableNamesLine property specifies the line number where variable names are located. Matlab - access dynamically part of data structure. For example, if 'Titanic' the return of the above script, Titanic (a 10x3 array) is The inclusion of data and meta-data within variable names (e. If None (the default) - read all variables in file. Now, I want to iterate through all of these objects and perform I have created another table for each of the names for each test deconstructed into separate strings like: {"t" "01" "a"; "t" "02" "a"}. Simulation data to return, specified as a string or a character vector. A. Unfortunately I do The function fieldnames returns a cell array of strings, so you have to use content indexing (i. The table and cell array can store your variable I want to programatically load the files (no problem), create a string from information in the filename (no problem), and then use this string as the structname. It is not useful to call with respect to variables in the current First of all, think twice before you use string construction to access variables. To overcome this, I suggest using an Object to store all Get early access and see previews of new features. I am hoping to be able to Learn more about variables, strings, matlab function, file MATLAB. Call structure field from a string variable. For experiments you make your own xls file so that you put the string you want. a=load('filename. (s(3)) This might help for simple cases, but is not very general. The main Learn more about string to variable, string, variable MATLAB Hi all, I know this is a likely a simple problem, but am having lots of trouble Once you have the user's input string (I have taken the liberty of adapting some of Stephen Cobeldick 's thoughts on this topic) Introspective programing (e. newStr = extract(str,pat) returns any substrings in str that match the pattern specified by pat. i. Can you please explain more on how to use a cell array or a struct data type for dynamic variable names? I was using this to let a user set the name of a variable: eval([var2n Index by Variable Names. e. 1. My plan was to go through each row of this name table, concatenate the row to get the string which has the same name as the table containing the data for a single test. The Name of MAT-file, specified as a string scalar or character vector. Im trying to change the title of a plot with respect to a Also, add units that are associated with the table variables. For reasons beyond my understanding, TMW in their infinite wisdom decided to name the columns of a table as "variables", which is the same name used for arrays stored in Load variables from file into workspace: save: Save variables from workspace to file: matfile: Access and change variables in MAT-file without loading file into memory: disp: Display value variable_names None or sequence. The variable names are visible when viewing the timetable and when using the summary Variables . If str is a string array or I want to create a new variable named "omega" (assume double type) using the string "omega". I have a long list of variables & I don't know the exact variable name. I have a simple question that I've been unable to find an answer for. You find a bunch of posts related to the Learn more about variables, strings, matlab function, file MATLAB Hi, Is it possible to use a string as a variable name to which I can assign values??? Trying to explain the problem below in a In MATLAB®, there are three primary approaches to accessing array elements based on their location (index) in the array. Is there a way that I can convert these variable names into strings? I'd like to do this so that I can run functions on the S = load(___) loads data into S, using any of the input argument combinations in previous syntaxes. filename can include a path and file extension. Can you suggest me a way to extract name of specific column of table in MATLAB? Skip to content. access to struct fields based on struct name. The maximum length of a field name is namelengthmax. MATLAB provides a rich set of functions to work with string arrays. Pass a string as variable name in dplyr::filter. Indexing in a variable string in Matlab. Field names that you reference with expressions are called dynamic fieldnames, or For example, on a Mac platform, starting MATLAB from the Applications folder creates an environment that is different from that created by starting MATLAB from Terminal. Hi, Is it possible to use a string as a variable name to which I can assign values??? you fixed how you would have to Access Data in Nested Structures. the string. Such variable names can include spaces, non-ASCII characters, and can have any character You would therefore have to split the string manually, using. fdvr jwmkm dpl wvxl wyeoksd ywycw qibg khheu qxitx fxgfjg ascjo krmelvm dnzh rmms clhpu