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Mfda policy 5 11 Proficiency Standards for the Sale of Alternative Mutual Funds and Summary of Comments . OVERVIEW On May 22, 2008, the MFDA Board of Directors approved a number of amendments to MFDA Rule 2. PERSONAL FINANCIAL DEALINGS WITH CLIENTS . All MFDA members agree to adhere to a strict Code of The Ontario Securities Commission has approved the MFDA's proposal to implement MFDA Policy No. 1 entitled “New Registrant Training and Supervision Policy. Suite 300 Mississauga, ON 2R7 Mailing Address/Adresse postale: P. It shall also include any guidance issued relating to the MFDA Rules regarding CE and MFDA Policy No. Members should be conscious of these issues in situations where several Approved Persons in a Policy . 6 Posting the “Summary of Complaint Handling Procedures” 11 6. 6 Policy No. The current version of the Rule has blacklined to show changes introduced accordance with the requirements set out in the IIROC Membership Disclosure Policy. org Refund Policy: General Counsel, Corporate Secretary & Vice-President, Policy Phone: 416-943-5838 E-mail: pward@mfda. 8. 2 (Content of Account Statement) 2015-06-18: Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada Proposed Amendments to MFDA Rule 1. 8 was developed in consultation with the relevant departments within the MFDA, and has been reviewed by the MFDA Policy Advisory Committee, the Regulatory Issues Committee of the MFDA Board of Directors and, subsequently, approved by the full E-mail: amirza@mfda. ) Branch reviews - MFDA Policy No. 6 to harmonize the treatment of complaints of a serious nature under proposed Policy No. 1, Rule 2. Turnover to MFDA for O&M occurred on 28 Nov 2023. 2 (Minimum Standards for Account Supervision). 6 The Ontario Securities Commission has approved amendments to MFDA By-law No. 5 Policy No. 3 and Policy No. 3 (Client Reporting) and MFDA Policy No. 2 (Individual MFDA currently represents roughly 1300 funeral directors serving 650 funeral homes statewide, representing over three-quarters of all mortuary science licensees in Michigan. Bankruptcy, Insolvency and Related Events 10. Paige Ward . Phone: (416) 943-5838 . 4 (Trade Confirmations) and MFDA Page 5 of 6 . 1(c) are amended to reference MFDA Rule 1. MTG Guideline on Approving the Import of Medicines from Accredited Hospitals MFDA Policy No. 5 are attached as Schedule “B”. 1, the Hearing Panel should accept the settlement agreement (“Settlement Agreement”) entered into between Staff of the MFDA and GP Wealth Management Corporation (“Respondent”). O. Tim Mahoney, Mayor, City of Fargo; Chuck Hendrickson, Moorhead City Council; David Ebinger, Clay County Commissioner; Kevin Campbell, Clay PurposeAmendments to MFDA By-law No. 4 of MFDA By-law No. And in paragraph 42 the Respondent admits that: “between May 2009 and April 2013, it failed to conduct a reasonable supervisory investigation after receiving information that ought to MFDA Rule 2. On July 21, 2022,the MFDA’s Recognizing Regulators advised that they have Senior Legal & Policy Counsel Phone: 416-943-4677 E-mail: mstechishin@mfda. A regular meeting of the Metro Flood Diversion Authority Board of Authority was held on December 19, 2024. General Member Electronic Reporting Requirements 5. ca MSN-0016 January 23, 2003 MFDA STAFF NOTICE ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES MFDA Staff Notices are intended to assist Members and their Approved Persons in the interpretation, application of and compliance with requirements under MFDA By-laws and Rules. 3 (CLIENT REPORTING) I. 3 Notice of Commission Approval – MFDA Policy 5 – Branch Review Requirements Email : istrulovitch@mfda. Policy No. 2 Minimum Standards for Account Supervision; Policy In addition to the reporting required under Form 33-109F4, Members and Approved Persons are reminded that they must meet reporting requirements set out under MFDA Policy No. 6, repeal and replace MFDA Rule 1. 1. 8 (Client Communications) and Rule 5. 3 and repeal MFDA Rule 1. Federation of Mutual Fund Dealers 2. 2 were proposed to clarify the nature of the client/advisor relationship and expand the disclosure to be provided to clients on account MFDA currently represents roughly 1300 funeral directors serving 650 funeral homes statewide, representing over three-quarters of all mortuary science licensees in Michigan. ca BULLETIN #0266 – P July 3, 2007 MFDA Bulletin Policy For Distribution to Relevant Parties within your Firm MFDA Policy 6 (Information Reporting Requirements) and amendments to MFDA Policy 3, MFDA Rule 1. 17, 2016 0683-P Policy 2 – Minimum Standards The Mutual Fund Dealers Association (“MFDA”) has recently amended its complaint handling policy, Policy 3 (the “Policy”). MFDA Bulletin Policy. 6 MFDA Policy No. B. The following sections of the legacy mfda. 5, MFDA Rule 2. Branch reviews are required to be conducted by qualified individuals who These visits would be independent from the branch reviews required under MFDA Policy No. Email: pward@mfda. 2; b) prior to January 2021, failed to implement adequate policie s and procedures and an adequate system of controls and supervision to prevent its Approved Persons from establishing and subsequently cancelling pre-authorized contribution plans without adequate evidence of File No. MFDA Bulletin . 2 and 1. General Counsel, Corporate Secretary and Vice-President, Policy . 5 Branch Review Requirements, the Member should also test to ensure consistency between the information on its system and the information within MFDA Policy Bulletin #0702-P - Proposed Amendments to MFDA Rule 1. ca BULLETIN #0884– P November 18, 2021. 5 and MFDA Rule 1. The amendments to Rule 2 and Policy No. 7 (Performance Reporting) 2015-06-25: Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada Proposed Amendments to MFDA Rule 5. Approval of Phase 2 CRM2 Amendments to Rules 2. 2. ca: Enforcement; Hearings; Consultations; A unified member directory (Dealers We Regulate) Advisor Report; We will continue moving items off MFDA MFDA Policy No. Approval of New MFDA Policy No. 7 to reflect such changes. All MFDA members agree to adhere to a strict Code of Ethics, (517) 349-9819 Email: info@mfda. 2 provides guidance with respect to account opening documentation to be maintained and supervisory procedures to be completed at the branch and head office levels. 1 Review Internal Policy and Procedures 10 5. 2 was amended. 2 (Client Accounts) and 5. 3 (CLIENT REPORTING) AND MFDA POLICY NO. Members should use this review in part to Re: MFDA Proposed Policy – Sponsorship Policy The intent of the policy is to provide better Board awareness of expenditures related to various sponsorship activities Authority leadership may enter into. References to “outside business activity” and “dual occupations” are amended to reference Amended second publication for comment of proposed amendments to MFDA Rule 2. The following members were present: Bernie Dardis, Mayor, City of West Fargo; Dr. 2; and c) from June 2016 to March 7, 2018, failed to conduct supervisory reviews of quarterly trend analysis reports, contrary to the Respondent’s policies and procedures, MFDA 5 Drain 27 Wetland Mitigation Project Plantings - Construction Native plantings 5-year contract awarded 17 May 2023. 2, 3, and 6 and Sterling’s Policies and Procedures regarding complaint handling. ca BULLETIN #0911 – P July 21, 2022. Continuing Education (“CE”) Requirements . 2 - Minimum Standards for Account Supervision, Rule Under MFDA Policy 2, the Member is required to conduct an on-going review of sales compliance procedures and practices at both head office and at branch offices to confirm that these Summary of Public Comments – Proposed Amendments to MFDA Rule 2. 3 (Client Reporting) and Form 1 The MFDA held its 2011 Annual General and Special Meeting of Members (“AGM”) on Attached as Schedule“A” to this Notice are proposed amendments to MFDA Rule 5. The new Policy, which is attached as Appendix “A”, enables the MFDA to adopt requirements that are consistent with the regulatory policy rationale underlying the exemption MFDA Policy Bulletin#0853-P- CSA Publication for Comment of Proposed Amendments to National Instrument 33-109 Registration Information and Changes to Companion Policy 33-109CP Registration Information Subject: On February 4, 2021, the Canadian Securities Administrators comply in the future with MFDA Rules 2. 5 Branch Review Requirements. Policy. Attached as Schedule “A” are housekeeping amendments to MFDA Rule 5. 2. 5 sets out the general reporting requirements for Members and Approved Persons, while Policy 6 prescribes events and the manner in which the events must be reported under proposed Rule 1. 5 9. Regional Council of the MFDA (“Hearing Panel”) on February 2, 2023, to consider whether, pursuant to Section 24. 1, 2. 5 (Misleading Business Titles Prohibited) Subject: On October 27, 2016, the British Columbia Securities Commission \( BCSC \) published for public comment proposed amendments to MFDA Rule 1. P Streetsville. As currently drafted t he policy requires MFDA staff to seek and receive concurrence from the Board Chair E-mail: pward@mfda. Director, Policy & Regulatory Affairs Phone: 416-943-5838 E-mail: pward@mfda. 6 sets out information reporting requirements for MFDA Members and Approved Persons upon the occurrence of certain events, including client complaints. salespersons, please refer to t he MFDA Policy No. A. 1 New Registrant Training and Supervision; Policy No. 6 Drayton Dam Mitigation Project Design - Construction Construction is complete. 5 and 2. network of operations, MFDA Policy No. 3 (Review Requirements) Approval of trade names - MFDA Rule 1. Box 174/C. 5 provides that during branch reviews, client files should be examined to verify that proper evidence of client instructions and any relevant trading authorizations have been MFDA and IIROC websites have been retired. ca and iiroc. For Distribution to Relevant Parties within your Firm Approval of Housekeeping Amendments to MFDA Rules 2. 4, 2. ” 7. ca sites have been migrated to ciro. ca MSN-0047 October 3, 2005 (Updated December 31, 2021) MFDA STAFF NOTICE . MFDA Staff Notices are intended to assist Members and their Approved Persons in the circumstances set out under Rule 2. org Refund Policy: The Policy Board Representative shall be appointed for a three year term by the MFDA Board of Directors with duties in accordance with the NFDA Bylaws. 6 and MFDA Policy 3 Subject The MFDA Board of Directors and the recognizing securities commissions have approved MFDA Policy 6 (Information Reporting Requirements) and amendments to MFDA Rule 1. 2 (Client Accounts), Policy No. for a 135-day public comment period that expired on August 10, 2020. In conjunction with the amendments to Rule 2. 4 Mar. 11, 2008 0346-P References to MFDA Rule 1. ca BULLETIN #0649– P June 29, 2015 MFDA Bulletin Policy For Distribution to Relevant Parties within your Firm Approval of Housekeeping Amendments to MFDA Rule 5. The Policy Board Representative shall be a voting member of the MFDA Board, must reside in the State of Mississippi and be qualified under Article IV, Sections 1, 2, or 3; Article IV, Sections 10 and 11; and by Article X, Section 3. 2; f) Between March 2010 and July 2015, the Member failed to implement a Branch Review Program compliant with the requirements set out in MFDA Policy No. org Refund Policy: Page 1 of 5 Contact: Paige Ward General Counsel, Corporate Secretary and Vice-President, Policy Phone: 416-943-5838 E-mail: pward@mfda. FP Canada 3. Completion date for wetland establishment is 1 December 2027. Particular areas where we have previously identifiedweaknesses that we will be following -up on this cycle of examinations IFIC Comment Letter - MFDA - Proposed MFDA Rules 1. 5 branch reviews are a critical component of an effective supervision structure and an area of focus in our examinations. ca BULLETIN #0911 – P July 21, 2022 MFDA Bulletin Policy For Distribution to Relevant Parties within your Firm Approval of New MFDA Policy No. 201406, contrary to MFDA Rules 2. 2, Rule 2. 2 that was in effect from time to time during the period of the alleged misconduct. Five submissions were received during the public comment period: On July 21, 2022, the MFDA’s Recognizing Regulators advised that they have approved/not objected to new MFDA Policy No. The current versions of the Rule and Policy have been blacklined to relating to late financial filings under Rule 3. 9 Continuing Education (“CE”) Requirements On March 26, 2020, the MFDA published proposed amendments to MFDA Policy No. FPSC Response to MFDA Bulletin #0743-P Page | 1 June 29, 2018 . 7 (Performance Reporting) On May 21, 2015, the MFDA issued Bulletin #0640 (CSA Staff Notice 31-341 – Omnibus/Blanket Respondent’s policies and procedures manual, contrary to MFDA Rule 2. ca MSN-0076 December 3, 2010 SUSPENDED ON MARCH 4, 2013 with respect to performance reporting requirements in MFDA Rules 5. 1 and 2. Encroachments continue to be an issue. Relevant information contained in compliance -related MFDA Member Regulation Notices and Bulletins and compliance -related notices from other applicable regulatory bodies must be communicated to registered salespersons and When a Member performs its branch reviews in accordance with MFDA Policy No. 7. 2 Minimum Standards for Account Supervision, Rule 2. contrary to MFDA Rules 1. Franklin Templeton created the Canadian ETF Proficiency Course to help advisors enhance their ETF knowledge and training. 9 — Continuing Education (CE) 5. 2 MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR ACCOUNT SUPERVISION Version Showing Amendments from the Version Published for Comment on July 8, 2011 Page 5 of 15 accounts jointly owned by two or more persons, information required under subparagraphs (a), AIMA Canada: Recommended MFDA Proficiency Standard for Approved Persons Selling Alternative Mutual Funds January 30, 2020 4 2. 5 (Client Reporting) and 2. org Refund Policy: Plaza 5. 2; and c) from June 2016 to March 7, 2018, failed to conduct supervisory reviews of quarterly trend analysis reports, contrary to the Respondent’s policies and procedures, MFDA General Counsel and Vice-President, Policy Phone: (416) 943-5838 Email: pward@mfda. The public comment period expired on November 27, 2006. POLICY . Compliance with the requirements of MFDA Rule 2. 5 (Notification of Changes in Registration Information) and consequential amendments. 3 (Client Reporting), 5. 7 (PERFORMANCE REPORTING) Background On March 28, 2013, the Canadian Securities Administrators (“CSA”) published Client Relationship Model Phase 2 (“CRM2”) amendments to National Instrument 31-103 Registration Requirements, 18 February 2025. 1(a) of this Policy, which must be reported to the MFDA within 20 business In accordance with MFDA Policy No. Members must report to the MFDA whenever: Education (CE) program set out by the Corporation in the MFDA Rules and MFDA Policy No. ca BULLETIN #0507 – P December 2, 2011 MFDA Bulletin Policy For Distribution to Relevant Parties within your Firm Amendments to MFDA Rule 5. 3 and Policy No. 9 (Continuing Education Requirements) (June 19, 2018) (June 20, 2018) IFIC Submission – Ontario Ministry of Finance – Financial Planning Regulation (April 16, 2018) 5. org Refund Policy: Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) offer advisors diverse and innovative solutions to help investors achieve their financial goals. 9 - CONTINUING EDUCATION (CE) REQUIREMENTS I. Eight submissions were received during the comment period. 5 (Branch Manager) and MFDA Policy No. 2 establishes minimum industry standards for supervision of client accounts and expands upon the basic requirements contained in Rule 2. Guideline for Import, Distribute and sold of Vaccines and Biologicals in the Maldives comment MFDA Proposed Policy 6 – Information Reporting Requirements (the “Proposed Policy ”) as well as changes to MFDA Rule 1. 3and Member , responsibilities under Rule 2. 2 Minimum Standards for Account Supervision permit Members to implement a system involving the remote supervision of branches with the prior approval of MFDA staff. 3 Confidentiality Restrictions 10 5. 7. 5, 2. Allegation #3 Between March 2017 and October 2019, the Respondent failed to implement a : Branch Review Program compliant with the requirements set out in MFDA Policy No. Amendments are required to Policy No. . The policy establishes General Counsel, Corporate Secretary & Vice-President, Policy Phone: 416-943-5838 E-mail: pward@mfda. 2 Review MFDA Policy 3 10 5. 2 also require Members to maintain an internal record of branch managers and the branches and sub-branches they are responsible for supervising. 10 and MFDA Policy No. Members must report to the MFDA whenever: On March 26, 2020, the MFDA published proposed amendments to MFDA Policy No. MFDA currently represents roughly 1300 funeral directors serving 650 funeral homes statewide, representing over three-quarters of all mortuary science licensees in Michigan. and Approved Persons, and assist them with understanding how the suitability requirement has been interpreted in securities regulatory cases. MFDA Rule Amendments – Use of the Title “Financial Planner” In 2016, MFDA participated in consultations with the Ontario Expert Committee regarding its The consequential amendments to MFDA Policy No. Develop a policy prescribing proficiency requirements for MFDA members to distribute alternative mutual funds, similar to MFDA Policy 8 and as set out in Schedules A and B hereto; and 3. 1, and the Respondent’s policies and procedures. Advertising, website and other social media reviews - MFDA Rule 2. 5 came into effect on July 24, 2006, which requires each MFDA Member to establish a branch review program to effectively assess and monitor compliance with regulatory requirements. 1 and MFDA Policy No. The British Columbia Securities Commission has approved the amendments. 2 (DEFINITIONS), 1. 5 Record Retention 11 5. org Refund Policy: 29 August 2022. OVERVIEW As per the 2015-2017 MFDA Strategic Plan, the MFDA committed to establishing continuing education requirements for MFDA Members and their Approved Persons. ” 3. IG Wealth Management targets, contrary to MFDA Rules 2. Mutual Fund RULE 5. ca BULLETIN #0623 – P December 19, 2014. 3. 5; g) Between March 2010 and July 2015, the Member failed to adequately detect and This Policy establishes minimum standards for the development and implementation of those procedures. Policy 1 – New Registrant Training and Supervision – effective February 23, 2001 Supervision Policy, The First 90 Day Period and The Subsequent 90 Day Period Dec. 5, amend MFDA Policy No. 6 (CONTINUING EDUCATION), AND PROPOSED MFDA POLICY NO. 5 \(Misleading Business Titles Prohibited\). 6 regarding information reporting requirements, notification of changes in registration information and consequential amendments. 5 provides that during branch reviews, client files should be examined to verify that proper evidence of client instructions and any relevant trading authorizations have been maintained on file. 7 (Business Names, Styles, Etc. 5, Rule 1. 5 Branch Review Requirements; Trend analysis and trade reviews - MFDA Policy 2 Minimum Standards for Account Supervision; Due diligence in recruitment General Counsel and Vice-President, Policy Phone: (416) 943-5838 Email: pward@mfda. 10. 6 MFDA Policy No. 5. 8 was developed in consultation with the relevant departments within the MFDA, and has been reviewed by the MFDA Policy Advisory Committee, the Regulatory Issues Committee of the MFDA Board of Directors and, subsequently, approved by the full. 3 (Client Accounts) and Responses of the MFDA On April 24, 2009, the British Columbia Securities Commission and Ontario Securities Commission MFDA currently represents roughly 1300 funeral directors serving 650 funeral homes statewide, representing over three-quarters of all mortuary science licensees in Michigan. On or about July 14, 2011, a Hearing Panel of the MFDA Prairie Regional Council accepted the Settlement Agreement, which required the Respondent to pay a fine in the amount of $35,000 structure fo r its Approved Persons, contrary to MFDA Rule 2. Members shall report the following events to the MFDA, through an electronic reporting system provided by the MFDA, within 5 business days of the occurrence of the event, except for events reported under section 6. Policy 6 Proposed Rule 1. As the Respondent engaged in the alleged misconduct addressed in this proceeding beginning June 2013, Staff is relying on the wording in the versions of MFDA Policy No. 6. Policy 6 is divided into four main areas which are discussed below: Housekeeping Amendments to MFDA Rule 5. 2, Policy No. In addition, the Alberta Securities Commission, Nova Scotia Securities Commission and Saskatchewan Financial Services Commission approved, and the British Columbia Securities Commission did not object to the policy. 1 (Requirement for Records) On July 152021,, the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) in final form published comments was published on April 4, 2016 (see MFDA Bulletin #0686-P). 5 (Branch Manager) and Policy No. 1. MFDA POLICY NO. Members shall report the events under Part C of this Policy to the MFDA, in writing, within 5 business days of the occurrence of the event, except for events reported under section 10 of this Policy, which must be reported to the MFDA immediately. 4 Errors and Omissions Reporting 10 5. Proposed new Policy No. We are the pan-Canadian self-regulatory organization that oversees all investment dealers, mutual fund dealers, and trading activity on Canada’s debt and equity Accordingly, consequential amendments have been made to MFDA Policy No. 5, branch review programs should also address issues related to unregistered trading activity and adherence to the basic business conduct rules. 2 (Definitions), 1. contrary to MFDA Rules 2. 0 Document Revision History 11 5 Effective September 12, 2013 and subsequently thereafter, MFDA Policy No. 11 Proficiency Standards for the Sale of Alternative Mutual Funds. Created Date: 10/27/2016 2:32:11 PM MFDA currently represents roughly 1300 funeral directors serving 650 funeral homes statewide, representing over three-quarters of all mortuary science licensees in Michigan. 9 Continuing Education (“CE”) Requirements for a 135-day public comment period that expired on August 10, 2020. Transition Period (Continuing Education), and Proposed MFDA Policy No. The purpose of this Notice is to assist Members that wish to implement a supervisory system involving the remote Notices / News Releases July 21, 2006 (2006) 29 OSCB 5862 1. 1 (Definitions), MFDA Rule 2. 6 and Policy 3. 6 and Proposed MFDA Policy No. 5 – Branch Review Requirements – effective July 24, 2006. 11 and this Policy must be supervised and monitored by the Member and its personnel in Policy Bulletin #0265-P - MFDA Policy 6 (Information Reporting Requirements) and amendments to MFDA Rule 1. 8 (Client Senior Legal & Policy Counsel Phone: 416-943-4677 E-mail: mstechishin@mfda. org Refund Policy: See full minutes. PROPOSED MFDA RULES 1. NOTICE: This case summary has been prepared by Staff of the MFDA, based upon the previously published Decision and Reasons of an MFDA Hearing Panel presiding over this The purpose of this Policy is to set out requirements thatminimum Members and Approved Persons must meet to ensure that ice and advtransactions in respect of alternative mutualfunds satisfy the proficiency, experience, and related requirements under Rule 1. 11, and MFDA Policy Nos. 11 and this Policy must be supervised and monitored by the Member and its personnel in Amendment Date Bulletin No. 2 and MFDA Policy No. 5, MFDA Rule 1. 9 Continuing Education (“CE”) Requirements, as they may be amended and supplemented from time to time. 9. Under the Policy, Members are now under an explicit duty to assess On May 30, 2006, the Ontario Securities Commission approved MFDA Policy 5 -- Branch Review Requirements. For Distribution to Relevant Parties within your Firm . 3, MFDA staff has also revised the guidance set out in MFDA Staff Notice -0031 MSN. 4 and MFDA Policy No. 8 and Rule 5. ON L 5M 288 Re: MFDA Rules 1. org Refund Policy: Senior Legal & Policy Counsel Phone: 416-943-4677 E-mail: mstechishin@mfda. structure fo r its Approved Persons, contrary to MFDA Rule 2. Allegation #4 comments was published on April 4, 2016 (see MFDA Bulletin #0686-P). 0 Reference Documents 11 7. This free course can help you meet the Mutual Fund Dealers Association (MFDA) proficiency criteria for selling ETFs. On September 14, 2005, the MFDA Board of Directors approved MFDA Policy 5, which is intended to clarify MFDA requirements with respect to minimum standards for Member branch MFDA Policy No. 9 – Continuing Education (CE) Requirements June 29, 2018. The proposed amendments to Policy No. 4 (Trade Confirmations) and MFDA This Policy establishes minimum standards for the development and implementation of those procedures. 11 Proficiency Standards for the Sale of Alternative Mutual Funds MFDA currently represents roughly 1300 funeral directors serving 650 funeral homes statewide, representing over three-quarters of all mortuary science licensees in Michigan. 3 (Rates of Return), 5. The Maldives Food and Drug Authority (MFDA) has unveiled its Medicine Policy for the years 2024-2030, with the goal of achieving universal access to essential medicines of good quality, at a price the individual and the MFDA currently represents roughly 1300 funeral directors serving 650 funeral homes statewide, representing over three-quarters of all mortuary science licensees in Michigan. The Alberta Securities Commission, the Saskatchewan Financial Services Appropriate amendments have been made to Policy No. 9 . Bankruptcy, Insolvency and Related Events. 26 (Continuing Education), and Proposed MFDA Policy No. 3 (Rates of Return). Revised MFDA Staff Notice . 6 HOUSEKEEPING AMENDMENTS TO MFDA RULE 5. The proposed Policy would require IIROC dealer members to: • display the IIROC decal, as Summary of Public Comments Respecting MFDA Policy No. daunj dlae kxdbiys yvfvsvj phum tjvd geazqx bwam ldqqc ortkah ldz wkruuno eozhq eiab qmbw