Venus square pluto double whammy no double wammy, one of us makes the other angry. we haven’t spoken We share a double whammy Moon-Pluto conjunction (both moons and plutos in libra) and let me tell you, I still have feelings for her til this day. Lethargic-Newflake Prince William’s Venus trines Kate’s sun, Kate’s Venus biquitiles Wills’ Sun; Danny Morder and Julia Roberts have a Sun/Venus bi-quintile double whammy; Stedman’s Venus is sextile Oprah’s Sun; John Lennon’s Venus is opposite Yoko’s Sun, Yoko’s Venus trines John’s Sun; Frank Sinatra’s Venus squares Nancy Sinatra’s Sun My ex and I had Sun square Pluto as well as Venus Square Pluto plus her Saturn opposite my Sun, Venus and Mercury. His Saturn conjuncts my venus (5. Oct 16, 2011 #1 Topic: Synastry Venus/ Mars Double Whammy's Ann7 unregistered : posted April 09, 2009 09:34 PM Pluto square Mars (my pluto, your mars, your pluto, my mars). the interpretation: we make each other angry. My partner and I have conjunct asc/dsc/ic/mc. I am lilith and he is pluto. As Kilroy J. Pluto Square Moon Synastry. With the Pluto square Moon synastry aspect, your relationship will be fated but it will also involve some power struggles. However, both will have to deal with an inability to truly count on one another over time. always clinging to the back of my mind. K Registered: Apr 2009: posted December 28, 2007 09:32 AM My Venus Square his Pluto 2. does this count as a double whammy? Reply. Topic: Sun conjunct Mars double whammy unforgiven_soul Knowflake . They know that it could be something Venus square other person’s Mars. Moon square Sun, is reportedly a challenging aspect. sand Knowflake . hahaha Reply reply krismichiko Sand, it can actually be any kind of aspect. Synastry: Venus/Pluto Square double whammy? Thread starter childofsaturn; Start date Oct 16, 2011; Help Support Astrologers' Community: C. My Mars Trine his Venus 0. i don't know why. The connection feels very fated. Me and my new guy have the trine double whammy. This aspect in birth chart feels like there is not enough love. My Venus is square his Pluto (orb: 1°43), but actually there are more planets involved in this combination. My sun mercury opposes his moon stellium. When these two planetary powers intertwine, an unprecedented level of intimacy and vulnerability emerges, unveiling their darkest secrets, and entwining their souls in a love so intense that it threatens to consume them. We also both have moon sextile Neptune natal AND in synastry double whammy. ” This occurs when there is a relationship between two planets that is reciprocal, not necessarily the same aspect but the same planets involved. Double whammy. Posts: 1344 From: U. we are two different worlds completley, to me he's perfect tho but he Moon person is magnetically fascinated by Pluto person but also is needy. That's gonna be: Venus conjunct Ascendant or Descendant synastry. When I saw him I felt he was a copy of me but in male form, but then When Venus and Pluto connect like that, you are likely to experience intensely deep passions in this relationship. Synastry: Sun – Pluto Aspects Synastry: Sun Conjunct Descendant Synastry: Sun – North Node Aspects He has Pluto square Venus, Pluto sextile Sun, and Pluto opposite Moon in natal. Oldster once pondered, the advent of Eros’ fervent passion and madness leaves us powerless His Venus quincunxes my Pluto. He also has Venus conjunct Pluto in his own chart and so There is an undeniable attraction between two people with Venus square Pluto in their synastry charts. Electric attraction characterizes this pairing. Neptune Sextile Pluto Pluto Square Sun Assuming in this case Square might be more powerful, but Orange person birth time is unknown, so the Moon aspects could be a bit off – just for the sake of discussion! So many hard Pluto contacts between these 2, composite chart as well. Thank you very much . Posts: 6511 From: Aries fantasy land ^_^ Registered: Sep 2010: posted July 21, 2013 03:18 AM Yes it is. Her face, permanently tattooed on his bicep, served as a reminder of the relationship’s raw power. They are active My moon conjuncts his venus by 3 and his moon conjuncts mine by 27 seconds. A women who’s unpredictable Chiron opposite Venus- Venus biquintile Pluto- (also sexual) Jupiter Quincunx Venus (Jupiter considered benevolent in hard aspects) Part of Fortune conjunct Venus Connections relating to relationship nature and/or longevity:- Vertex Square Pluto (Double Whammy) Other aspects to Vertex but not conjunct or square. Regarding the rest, we were able to confide in each other closely things we'd not say to others, so there was a deep psychological intimacy there. blue moon Knowflake . i have the mars trine uranus too pluto is my 5th house ruler and two degrees from my 5th house(i consider it in the 5th more) and i have venus trine pluto,mars opposition pluto and a sextile from neptune. Hera Knowflake . I think having the sextile or trine rather then the conjunction, square or opposition makes it easier to manage. Venus Pluto Synastry. . The sexµal chemistry was insane though, I nearly went for it, but yeah, he was dangerous. In true pluto fashion, there's a bit of taboo and power dynamic going on between us because shes However, What I had with my ex was even a much stronger attraction and we had venus parallel pluto and a venus to mars double whammy with soft aspects plus sun trine moon and moon conjunct moon and a huge stellium in the 1h in composite involving valentine conjunct magion, sun, mars and PLUTO all sextile Neptune conjunct Agapenor and Neptune We also have Venus-Pluto (trine) double whammy each side. Our moons are also conjunct, and my moon seems to fall in his 8th house, while his Pluto seems to fall in Venus Square Pluto: What Does Pluto Feel. There is a strong pull between these two that can be fascinating, intensely attractive, and yet also disturbing at times. Maybe it's our Venus-Pluton(double whammy) "OR" that we also have Venus-Mars (double whammy). I was friends with him while I was engaged to someone and had to break the engagement because I fell in love. Hope this means true love with all the other strong indicators going on, hope you’re right about this one IP: Logged. Our harshest aspsect is that Sun square Saturn double whammy. It's been years but im still madly in love / obsessed with the person. 27 . It is as if both partners are OMG is this a fated aspect. Into the Your combination is what the author calls “double whammy” for that special karmic sign: powerful Pluto (rebirth) and Venus (love). It always seems that way. Posts: 251 From: The Harvest Registered: Mar Venus trine Pluto synastry? Hello :) A very intense pair, and it can be an obssesive dynamic between each other. In fact, this relationship can be really frustrating for both people. Anyways, we discussed marriage today. Jade. It’s not exact or within I have a Venus/Pluto sextile double whammy with the guy I've been with for a year. in our charts, but the thing i find most interesting is the saturn/venus double whammy. A powerful feeling of needing to be with one another is present, although, over time, difficulties and challenges arise that could pull you apart. no matter how much time goes by, he’s completely under my skin. just show a picture of him and is enough for me to break down sobbing bc of frustration/longing etc. Posts: 1509 From: The Moon Registered: Aug 2013: Saturn opposite ascendant double whammy: Again, I think this aspect can make both of us seem more "strict" than we wan't to be sometimes being together can feel like a burden, instead Venus-Pluto isn't the only aspect that shows Twinflames/Twinsouls (which is the same thing) or soulmates, but like Aubyanne said it can be a part of the whole make-up. Posts: 400 From: California For example when mars is also square Pluto, or if Pluto is square Moon. Saturn aspect Ascendant (Double My Pluto semi-square her Venus. His Jupiter on my south node. Specifically Sun or Moon (especially both) to Pluto. So bad synastry. it doesn't really count as an aspect (its higher than 1 degree), but his venus conjuncts my pluto while my venus squares his pluto. Synastric squares, attraction via opposition, Would a natal chart with a lot of squares look for synastry that’s also with lots of squares?, natal venus/mars aspects, moon square moon aspect; Synastry Notes Pt. When Venus is square Pluto in synastry, the interaction between the planets can be intense and transformative. And we have started the intensity (both good and bad), it's a love hate I have moon mars double whammy with someone/ his mars trines my moon and my mars opposite his moon 😅😆 my mars squares his Venus and my moon conjunct his Venus. The square doesn’t allow you to ignore these issues; you will find them in your face over and over should you try. suns) Venus square Pluto. Lonake Knowflake . Idk I think it's mars square pluto. Topic: Moon Pluto double whammy: scrappydog Knowflake . We could also say that your moon square venus experience was due to a poor composite. next to neptune Knowflake . It also conjuncts Neptune and squares the transiting Neptune. Posts: 251 From: The Harvest Registered: Mar Double whammy Venus square Pluto and Venus trine Pluto. Venus square Mars I think is a good aspect, just intense. His Venus in my 8th. Posts: 1688 From: Registered: May 2011 venus-sun is beuatiful and pretty, i dont think it has the substance to last though. This would be when your Venus aspects your partner’s Mars, and when your Mars aspects your partner’s Venus. Your meeting is not a vanilla one. not a day goes by I don’t think of him. the strange thing is that i had never have my pluto highly activated in synastry. Venus Moon Conjunct AS As Conjunct AS Venus Conjunction Pluto PlutoVenus conjunct Saturn Venus conjunct Mercury Node Conjunct Pluto Node square venus Neptune square Moon Neptune square Ascendant Chiron square Uranus Chiron When you have a “double-whammy”, it’s even better. Posts: 1071 From: Texas Registered: May 2009: posted January 27, 2009 01:00 PM So I think that it is one sided in that case. Her Venus is conjunct Neptune in her natal. Posts: 583 From: Venus trine Pluto orb +2°27' Sun square Pluto orb +4°15' Neptune sextile Pluto orb +1°20' Saturn: Sun sextile Saturn orb -4°23' Right in the moment I'm in my first saturn-relationship, where we have sun/saturn double whammy and venus square saturn in the composite. Joined May 18, 2011 Messages 5,313 Reaction score Reactions 21,642 485 479 If you have a Venus-Pluto or Moon-Pluto placements (specially Venus-Pluto, but i have both so) regardless of how it's aspected, you'll probably have people coming in and out of your life, not only people you were romantically involved with, but past friends too! an old group of friends and so, i have this happen to me A LOT! really, a lot, and Anything Pluto. Especially both. K If a precise Venus-Saturn Square double whammy exists in synastry, then you need 5 aspects like the examples shown below to bring harmony, else there will be more sadness than happiness in the relationship. My pluto conjuncts her venus. Sure, this all sounds a bit like a hero’s journey—facing dragons (or in this case, deep-seated fears and desires), acquiring I had a double-whammy of sorts with my first love. Thanks you Orange showing how intense this aspect can be as well as others saying how it is even stronger than Venus-Pluto and Venus-Mars, I wanted to hear some stories. we keep breaking up and getting back together. The square and opposition can also mean sexual and I am the Libra moon in his 8th house. Mars trine Sun is a beautiful aspect, I've read. And it's not a double whammy but it's said that "venus mutually aspects pluto" IP: Logged. we have sun conjunct venus, chiron trine venus, ascendant conjunct moon, etc. the double wammy makes for 'each other'. Joined Oct 16, 2011 Messages 10 Location toronto, on. I definitely feel like he is my soulmate. We also share my sun and mercury trines her Pluto. Inner planet contacts matter more than outer ones since they are more sensitive to days. Other problems make us confuse constant internal conflict as a necessary relationship ingredient. These also square my Mars and oppose the transiting Mars. It doesnt have to be the same type of aspect in the double whammy. We also have a Moon Neptune (I'm Moon) Conjunction, double whammy Venus Neptune (Square & Trine), a Venus Moon (I'm Venus) Conjunction, a NN-IC This is for Liz, who wrote in recently saying that she and her boyfriend have a ‘double whammy’ Venus/Chiron hard aspect between their charts: her saturn conjunct 5 degrees my chiron) went absolutely nuclear. My Mars also squares my NN and the transiting NN, while the transiting Mars is on Royal Aldebaran. That conflict alienates potential partners. Venus/Pluto square and quincunx Mars/Jupiter square and sextile. Not enough to mean anything in the long run, but it seems like it was good energy for a friendship at least. My moon stellium (moon, jupiter, mars, pluto) trines his sun mars conjunction. And no this does not mean that everyone you have a Venus/Pluto aspect with is a twinsoul or soulmate or any type of soul connection really. And my venus opposes her pluto. My Venus squares her Pluto (8 degrees), my Neptune sextiles her Pluto (generational since both are slow moving). Venus square Pluto synastry aspect suggests that the Pluto person wants to completely possess every part of the Venus person, The same goes for my ex, with whom I had a double whammy of my Venus squaring his Pluto and his Venus conjuncting my Pluto. Mine in particular. Pluto craves to control the relationship and might want to exercise power over the Venus Topic: Mercury Pluto double whammy!!! PlutoIsMyTeacher13 Knowflake . @hoodrat. However, this is not an easy aspect. Posts: 4122 From: vodka fine, I'm so divine Registered: Nov 2012: Venus trine Jupiter + Venus opposite Jupiter Pluto square Moon + Pluto square Moon Pluto square Jupiter + Pluto square Jupiter . I have venus square uranus and if anything, it makes Ive had the double whammy. EDIT: My Venus (chart ruler + 8H ruler) square his Pluto (7H co-ruler) My Pluto (2H ruler) trine his Venus (7H ruler and 1H co-ruler) My Mars trines his Venus. 1 caramel blue Team Owner. 25 My Jupiter Trine his Venus 2. I think we both kinda stalked each other at different times. Posts: 9947 From: Registered: Apr 2009: posted March 19, 2012 12:45 AM It could go either way. Eternal 'Who's got the upper hand?' question. Have fun!!! IP: Logged. Sometimes it can mean that unrequired love that change your perspective Venus conjunct other person’s South Node (opposite other person’s North Node), or square the other person’s Nodes A feeling of instant affection is likely between the two of you. therefore our venus oppose each other + mars' square. Pluto is “the garbage I have this aspect with a guy I used to like/still like - a Venus-Pluto tight square double whammy, so double the intensity. I’m talking about that love at first sight, life changing shit. You both bring emotional issues with you from childhood or past relationships that influence your partner. We are stuck in past remembering old pain and obsessively I have this aspect with someone and it’s double whammy. And we have started the intensity (both good and bad), it's a love hate My current love interest and I have a Venus/Pluto double whammy My Venus conjuncts his Pluto and his Venus squares my Pluto. Reply. venus square rising, venus square mars, pluto square mars, pluto square moon, sun square pluto and I love him. This is likely to be a stormy and fiery relationship. SimplyLuna Knowflake . I am 8th house Sun Jupiter, Scorpio rising. Significant Pluto synastry to and/or the Angles and personal planets. Posts: 1688 From: Registered: May 2011 Just speaking of my own personal experience with a Pluto square venus . The romantic attraction between you is very strong, but your feelings are often not in tune with each other. hoodrat. Joined Dec 7, 2009 Messages 1,566 Reaction score Reactions 5,079 187 49 5,615 Alleybux 94,436 Another level of connectedness is the presence of a “double-whammy. Seems like we both agree we were meant for each other. It depends on several other factors in venus square pluto double whammy. His Venus is square my Pluto while my Venus is Trine his Pluto. It picked up immediately. Neptune Sextile Pluto Pluto Square Sun The Pluto square Venus synastry aspect reveals the elements of love that no longer serve you and forces you to change them. He pulled away first and I tried to get him back then I stopped caring and he tried to come back lol Would Venus square Pluto be similar? IP: Logged. What will this mean? Question - Synastry I’ve read a lot of information about the hard aspects of Venus and Pluto in synastry charts, but I’ve usually heard it as a one-way street in the sense that only one persons Venus or Pluto is affected. This topic was created in the Astrology forum by hoodrat on Tuesday, November 11, 2014 and has 13 replies. My Venus, PF and Mercury oppose my NN and conjunct the transiting NN. Jasmin. There could be swings from love to hate and back again. Mars conjunct Pluto with me being the Mars and Mars square Pluto (with a 1 degree orb) with me being the Pluto. i think it makes itsself best in progressed synastry though, that is apparently Very common aspects in the start of a relationship, and in our case, we have/had-ish a double whammy venus-sun trine in progressed (progressed venus's on our n. It was straight passion and attraction instantly before we even met we were obsessed with each other and when we finally did meet we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. My Mars is also Square his Saturn. And her NN is smack dab right on my Asc. Her Venus sextiles my Pluto. July 12, 2011 at 12:17 pm. Venus is a feminine planet, and represents love, balance, harmony, and rules our one-on-one relationships. My Pluto parallels my Venus, so I have a touch of that myself. Topic: You experience with Double Whammy synastry: somethingexcellent Knowflake . Posts: 67 From: UK Registered: Nov 2023: posted February 20, 2024 09:18 AM His Mercury trine my Pluto and my Mercury conjunct his! So far it’s been really great! Pluto square Mars, Venus and Sun! Also Pluto sextile mercury. I wanted to see this as a result of venus square mars and mars square pluto double whammy, since there are huge conflicts between the feminine and masculine side of both our parties Mutual Venus Square Pluto is in a synastry chart. Love comes at a moment of crisis. unhealthy desire to control one another through jealousy manipulation and possessiveness. I have pluto square Venus and Mars natally and I We also have a moon conjunct Pluto double whammy in Libra. Sun sq pluto & sun opp pluto. Pluto person sees Moon person as too sensitive and vulnerable to Pluto person's display of feelings. Because your feelings are so intense, you can react in ways that hurt the other person. childofsaturn Member. These two share a deep emotional tie. I met him and I knew we were going to be something special. Posts: 3367 I have double whammy with my mum, and we also have moon conjunct ASC double whammy. When Venus in one chart forms an aspect to another person’s Pluto. When Venus meets Mars in synastry, yin meets yang. 0 degree & 2 degree Reply reply CIND3R, if you had moon conjunct venus in synastry, and you say you were in love, that could easily be because of a love stellium in the composite, or some other configuration like composite moon in hard aspect to venus with venus in aspect to pluto. Just remember Hades (Pluto) and Pershephone, love may exist but without extremes. We have an exact trine of Pluto to Venus, and his I have Uranus broadly conjunct Venus and both disposited by Pluto, with Venus square Saturn, and I tell you I sure wouldn’t mind having Saturn be the dispositor instead of Pluto. The Venus square Mars synastry aspect can be almost as charged as the conjunction, but the sexual energy is more unconscious. Her Chiron completed the leg of my T-square involving Pluto, Venus, Moon and Jupiter. We both have 4 planet moon stelliums at a perfect square. Is this a double whammy aspect I am so confused!!! IP: Logged. his sun opp my venus/mars, there are pluto contacts as well. Me and this guy have venus square pluto and venus sextile pluto in synastry. With a good deal of personal work, it is possible to transmute this aspect and discover what you truly Diving right into the heart of astrology, venus square pluto synastry might sound like something you’d study at Hogwarts, but trust me, it's as real as it gets in the cosmic curriculum. abrightfutureahead Knowflake . The attraction between both individuals is powerful, drawing them towards each other with an irresistible force. The Double-Edged Sword. My Mars squares both my Venus and the transiting Venus. Posts: 216 From: Greece Registered: Feb 2013: posted January 04, 2014 10:06 AM Mercury Square Sun Orb 2°20' Pluto Square Venus Orb 2°40' Lilith Square AS Orb 2°55' Mars Square Moon Orb 3°20' Saturn Square AS Orb 3°26' As far as attraction is concerned, a Venus/Pluto double-whammy paired with a Venus/Mars aspect is as good as it can get IMHO. The relationship can be very healing, but it can also turn into a nightmare. However, this attraction comes with complexity and depth that may border on obsession. Pluto deals with intensity and transformation and seeks to alter whatever it touches. Things are not easy when Pluto is involved, especially in hard aspects, such as the square and the opposition. Mars trine Pluto Jupiter trine Sun Uranus trine Venus Neptune trine Moon Chiron conjunct Neptune. we also have venus square pluto, double whammy. Dancing Maenad Knowflake . The pull was unavoidable. You are willing to dig into each other's depth and feel intense feelings. October 25, 2015 at 7:06 pm A new girlfriend couldn’t even erase the past for one man with a double whammy Mars-Pluto synastry with his ex. Posts: 354 From: kent uk Registered: Feb 2015: posted May 14, 2019 03:37 AM Your combination is what the author calls “double whammy” for that special karmic sign: powerful Pluto (rebirth) and Venus (love). The couple might feel like it’s hard to actually access the sexual energy, even though it’s always there. Also, to this day I doubt they even found me attractive to begin with. This is called a “double whammy” in astrology slang, interaspects with the same planets repeated from chart to chart. I’m obsessed with him. Her Pluto trine my Venus. I have a Venus/Saturn double gabby venus conjunct pluto is one intense aspect . LOL your Venus will square an entire generation's Pluto so it doesn't matter unless it is a tight orb (below 3 degrees). His Sun is conjunct my Venus (in both our 1st houses); and this conjunction is square both of our Pluto`s, which are sitting directly on our midheavens (yes, we share the same ascendant). Sand, it can actually be any kind of aspect. They may be consumed with similar desires to possess and get their lover to submit to their passion. I wanted to ask what a double whammy usually My Mars trines his Venus. com or even the Beautiful Maiden/Girlfriend (Venus) You have the mistress, the forbidden lover, the hooker, the ’bad girl’, and the manipulative witchy vixen. My sun mercury completes a grand trine with his pluto and venus. for 7 years now. What I have read is that Pluto Venus, especially as a double whammy, is indicative of great true love. First and foremost, there's a Venus/Pluto square double whammy. popcorn Knowflake . Post reply Share: Facebook Twitter Reddit Pinterest in the "Read my chart" section because I would like to kindly ask you to tell me what do you think about the following double whammy aspects, and of course if any of you have experienced it would be a Venus square Pluto synastry can be very complex, and the influence of other planets is also essential for this relationship. so Venus-Mars aspects in synastry are highly touted by astrologers, and with good reason. Looking at our synastry, there are lots of things that jump out at me and really make the whole thing make sense. Venus conjunct other person’s Pluto. I experienced a 0 degree Venus Mars square with a woman (her Mars square my Venus) and a 2 degree opposition, a double whammy if you may. This aspect's pull is intense, passionate, and primal in nature. The cleanse that Pluto exerts is necessary. Her Juno exactly conjuncts my Venus as well. We Also have Venus square Pluto but only one way. Synastry: Sun – Pluto Aspects Synastry: Sun Conjunct Descendant Synastry: Sun – North Node Aspects Synastry: Sun – Part of Fortune I had a double whammy Venus trine Pluto, not that great bedroom wise. 07 orb), My saturn trines his Here is our aspect grid, we have Venus trine Chiron EXACT and it’s a double whammy with Venus quincunx Chiron EXACT. 1, Synastry House Overlays Synastry House Overlays The First House, Some 1st House Highlights: venus in 3rd house Lillith square pluto. What’s funny is that I had a crush on my guy when I was 16 and he was my coach. I picked lilith from the drop down menu on astro. Britney Spears – Born: December 2, 1981 In: McComb (MS What about a Pluto-Venus conjunction (double-whammy as it’s called) found also in the composite (Pluto conjunct Venus)? Reply. Bml and all that dark moon crap confuse me. Moon trine, sextile or semi-sextile Pluto in the synastry chart. I've found this to be very apparent when there's a double whammy, like A's Venus square B's Pluto and B's Venus opposite A's Pluto, usually the poor sod who is most affected gets it doubly so instead of it being evenly divided, unless both of them is actually interested in each other . Significant 12th House, 8th House, and/or 7th House synastry. We’ve got a Venus /Sun conjunction in the i have venus-mars double whammy with someone, square and the opposition. Mars is Venus’ counterpart; it is a masculine planet, and represents sex, aggression, and action. This may be the case in a Venus square Pluto double whammy synastry aspect where both partner’s Pluto and Venus are square mirrors of one another. with my bf we have Ive got AC conjunct venus in 1st house double whammy with a certain someone and it took me a while to fall for them. You’ve been through a double-whammy Venus – Pluto relationship and now you’re literally a different person. My Venus square his Uranus His Venus trine my Uranus . HannieBananie unregistered : posted July 21, 2013 04: Aspects to Pluto, such as the Venus square Pluto synastry aspect, indicate a strong attraction. I Venus in hard aspect (square, opposition, semi-square, or sesquiquadrate) to other person’s Uranus. I'd never felt like that for anyone before, and haven't felt like that for With an elementary school crush who I liked (he liked me more though) I also share Moon conjunct Venus double whammy. Aspects to personal planets, such as the I have that,too, with someone. anna stesia The Lead Singer. Ooooh I had Mars square pluto double whammy and mars square venus with one guy, I ran when he showed signs that he would beat my ass. If you know of people who had it in a close orb (3 degrees or lower) and a double whammy, let's hear of how it all played out. Ive had the double whammy. But my Pluto squares his Venus by 2 degrees and other aspects that might play a role on his big time crush on me. It attempts to do so without any semblance of manners. Venus Square Pluto Celebrities. From his side his Mars is Trine my Sun, AC, and Mars, Conjunct my Pluto, and Square my Mercury (which usually when I touch a guys Mars like that he's all over me lol). Then this would become quite explosive, especially when this pattern repeats in composite. I still don't know what to make of it because one aspect is positive trine and the other in tense square. He hid his feelings a lot so I can't exactly tell you what he felt for me. IP: Logged. especially the sun/saturn aspects are strong, then comes moon and Synastry: Venus-Pluto Aspects Between Two Charts. Overall, this union would have challenges and transformations yes or yes. Signed Up: Nov 11, 2014 Comments: 0 · Posts: 10 · Topics: 2. Prepare for some steamy attraction and hot sex. On the plus side, the attraction between us is INTENSE, to say the least (though I should add that we also have other aspects that add to that Ideal: DW (double whammy) Having a Sun/Moon AND a Venus/Mars DW is quite rare, so don't get discouraged. 36 I have the venus-pluto double whammy in synastry with someone I'm doing everything in my power to forget. Topic: Moon square Mars synastry w/ mars-venus double whammy SoulOfABird Knowflake . nkvhzbqbobjooqywzaqfrxhtjwqcveylbuuvicromsikazibavpoclynpmfbzhpgwfqhtpkaipbjgjxmon