Mhw iceborne blast damage reddit If we factor in the missing damage on the perfect rush combo, we are at 1300ish damage for both of them. The other day there was a post in r/MonsterHunterMeta about how incredibly stingy/RNG-based some of the upgrade slots (decos/jewels) in the game are, with lots of people admitting to just mod scumming the game to get what To explain more generally, the way elemental damage is calculated in world is just poorly done with regards to heavy weapons. Then there's Divine Slasher which also looks good. Shara and Velkhana horn seem interesting. Unlike Alatreon, Fatalis doesn't force you to use element. Kjarr Hammer "Blast" (1586 damage, blue sharpness, 15% affinity, 390 blast, no deco slot) Acidic Glavenus hammer aka Grinding Mallet (1508 damage, blue sharpness, 0% affinity, hidden element so can benefit from elementless deco, 2 deco slots) -> Heard this was Meta however the sharpness is pretty bad so you have to build around that and I havent looked yet but im sure some things are weak to Dragon but is it just boring additional damage you do on top of the weapon damage? I havent really done any elemental stuff as I've been enjoying blast weapons for the entire game so far but Im planning on making the Val Hazaak hammer soon just to have one dragon/elderseal weapon I can use for tempered Elders or whatever. You don't really shoot all the time, but yeah you tank everything, stop shooting so your shield can block, you will need to learn timings and so anyways, since you need to know when is the best time to attack, you can think of it as a strong safe weapon to learn the moveset, and you still might need to sheathe to heal every now and then given you take chip damage, sticky hbg is also a strong why do i deal less damage in a full critical element damage build than if i took a raw weapon with only 2 attack decos slotted on a fucking monster with a three-star weakness to the fucking element one fucking blast proc is worth more than the elemental damage of 30 attacks combined Hi, I "recently" started playing MHW again after I stopped couple years ago( I played ~150h before, mainly CB, GS,Hammer and HBG, only the base game) . The flinches and trips are why you want to be using blast. 1- the kinsect, obviously; They do damage, even if just a little, and can help sever parts. Blast resistance does not decrease the damage you take from attacks. brachy). I remember the poison hammer carrying me up to early mid game in Iceborne. After that the only thing that increases raw damage is close range coating. It does less damage than thunder bow but blast status tick every 1-2 powershot. Fast hitting weapons are great for stacking up elemental damage. Focus on the raw damage (that is the base damage the weapon can do) elemental damage could not be helpful enough against some monsters. Blast, since it originates at an unbroken part, is excellent for breaking hard-to-reach places. element meta is safi+teo or just the standard MT set no, kinsect deals raw damage unless you give it an element. The best Hammer element in Iceborne is Blast. Since Gunlance received Wyrmstake Blast instead of Master Rank's 1. Granted iceborne and genu have differences in gameplay, as a motorcycle and car have different ways of driving, but they do have the same core rules. I'm about to fight 2 Tempered Bazelgeuse with the full set of Dodogama armor and I wanna know because I don't think Bazelgeuse inflicts blastblight. Like i said, i like normal shots, but clearly from this set, i like to play with a focus on melee. That being said, what are the best DB's for water, fire, thunder, ice,blast, etc. Bow is an element weapon. Elemental damage is a fixed amount that is added to every attack, big or small. SO I COULD BE WRONG. Brachy gets the added benefit of a extra level 3 slot. If it's the latter, Dash Juice would help. The effect for blast is that once you do enough blast status to a monster there is an explosion that causes a mixed amount of damage, I think it's 100 points. I put the crit status perk on a safi paralysis hunting horn. most weapon types go max RAW and don't care about status/element, it's just a nice little extra to have but nothing to go out of your way for. You're completely right actually, it requires parts from Blackveil Vaal Hazak. As another plus Ishvalda takes double damage from blast, so 600 every proc. They will say explicitly if they do. You could also build for challenger since in iceborne monsters tend to spend a lot of time enraged, so the damage boost from that will be helpful. What I'm not entirely sure on is whether you carted because of straight chip damage or whether the last blast exhausted your stamina, dropping your guard. It does not, for the most part. Just don’t die so you can keep your buff going. the Taroth Claw Rarity 7 is the best Raw lance though, only needs 1 handicraft to turn white, 30% base affinity, 2 augment slots (endgame you want health For lvl 2 of Blast Resistance, it says it greatly reduces blast damage while lvl 3 ONLY says that it nullifies blastblight. Any horn with AuL is the way to go. Either way in rampage I run the magnamalo bow for a horde whenever we have the status ailment goal. Always underfoot but never stepped on. The monsters resistance to blast will increase as more blasts occur. Base game, it still won't matter because Defender V has its own tree and Kjarr Fire doesn't have one, you get it from praying to Kulve. I believe spirit level damage modifiers are only taken into account for spirit helm splitter currently (white, yellow, red), while all other attacks are calculated from base (0% modifier). Blast isn’t inherently good in icebourne because the monsters health pool is hyper inflated compared to using blast in base game. If It's ideal, I would use the Zora magdaros head piece the one with blast attack obvs, the Zora magdaros chest piece for more blast, the teostra legs for level 4 blast plus latent power, the deviljho part breaker and latent power waist and the vangis jho arm braces. Thats the damage most things will be doing to you from now on. Even if Poison would deal more damage per activation, the DPS comparison was night-and-day. But free damage is still free damage. Armour won't really matter until you start getting later in iceborne. However, breaking parts can be super useful depending on the monster. Blast is generally a “all-purpose” ailment. . And if you take damage, just a few pokes and you gain back all your health. Its so simple! I have been looking at a dodogma charge blade with blast and I also want one of the dragon element swords, but I don't like the fact that the blast ones have 100 less base damage than my current one and the dragon ones are almost 300 less. This has 775 raw damage, 20% affinity and 180 blast. In Iceborne, it won't matter which path because Fatalis Zaggespannon has its own tree. That's where Wide Shells come in. Blast is similar but will also do little bits of damage each time (usually 15-25 damage, something like that). This means that as long as you can proc blast slightly more than poison on 2-star or twice as much on 3-star blast will be ahead of poison. I haven't checked since iceborne dropped, but i would count ice and dragon as well. Therefore no significant chip damage, no burning and no need to roll off the explosion blight. As a hammer main i will go after blast and So in endgame you’ll have good poison damage weapons. Although, that's in a vacuum. about 2 dash dances at max charge will proc blast on the tiny mobs. Blast damage was actively nerfed between 3U and MH4 - going from 200 to 100 in average per proc - before getting buffed once again in Iceborne. The only thing you can negate is blastblight which explodes after some time or if you get hit again when afflicted by it, getting hit while afflicted with blastblight does both the damage of the actual attack and the blight explosion. Element and blast don't add to a cut Element appears to actually contribute to a cut if it is from a slicing attack, at least in Rise. I have used blast bow against kushala daora and it works almost the same as thunder bow. Normal Full Burst is the strongest and slowest. Which ones are considered good in the early endgame? I'm currently using Velkhana's Set with the weapon but I'm sure I'll need other weapons too (especially against Velkhana itself). Resisted = 0 bonus damage, 1 star = 75% bonus damage, 2 star = 100% bonus damage, 3 star = 125% bonus damage The stars are at best an oversimplification and at worst very misleading. Right does better damage than left for some reason. Blast is better in a side-by-side with Poison, since you can get more Blast procs in a hunt, by virtue of the instantaneous activation, where Poison cannot be applied the entire time it is active. The stars are only a generalization of the monster's overall elemental hitzones. For early high rank the pukei/radobaan hammers can be a good option (poison for those fast monsters with less openings and sleep to create more openings+ extra damage on wakeup hits) elements are less of a focus but definitely an option if you know your matchups, but raw damage is definitely more important for your bonk stick. Welcome to WoWnoob, where we encourage new players and veterans alike to ask questions and share answers to help each other out. Raw damage and bow? Thinking of the wrong weapon for that brother. I’ve chosen the dual blades as my weapon of choice and having a blast with them so far. then you have all the other attacks Capcom completely fucked the weapon right up the ass with a cactus with no lube in Iceborne, so you have to deal with the dual bullshit of wyvernstake blast upkeep (and hitting it in the right spot), as well as the claw stagger happening halfway through your heavy damage combos about 50% of the time ("wanted to full burst? Wyrmstakes sadly no longer scaled with raw like Iceborne. bombardier increases explosive barrel damage. Artillery does not affect bonus raw from skills, and it doesn't affect blast in any way. As dual blades you need to be evasive. The blast damage that comes with lightbreak weapons is more of a happy bonus on top of having the 2nd best raw damage. I'm aware DB's prioritize elemental damage corresponding to the monster you're hunting. This plus level 4 blast using the brachadios IG is pretty good, I get like 15-20 blast procs per fight depending on the fight, some at very high values. Status is counted as elemental damage when it comes to certain armor skills, like Free element and Non-elemental boost, and it will be affected by dragonblight the same way (it removes your weapons elemental properties. Top attack skill in my eyes. Thus, since a lot of individually weak attacks will apply that fixed amount many times more than a raw-wise equivalent slow and heavy hit, a weapon used in the former fashion will deal more elemental damage and its ratio of element to raw will be higher. Status is good with blast or para For example Kushala is weak to poison, you get (as per kiranico) 500 damage over 25 seconds for each proc. And felyne bombardier increases explosive damage. This partnered with the new wyrmstake blast, and the blast element do bonkers damage to monsters. SAED will always be really good so that negative affinity doesn't hurt you. I used to main the charge blade until I got into iceborne, and was getting my ass kicked by at least half the monsters. I slot in fire resist, blast resist, recovery up, alongside all essential damage and guard skills (I have the fatty armor, lol). They became obsolete. 5x Fixed Damage multiplier, we have opted to bake the damage difference into each shelling attack, as compensation. It won't actually increase the poison damage, it increases the build up. Maximum white sharpness, but looking better than the Odogaron tree overall. Some of them are probably better for newer players than the meta options because they have a lot of defensive/QOL skills instead. Safi takes damage from all elements equally but will lose a chunk of energy from an Elderseal procc, making Dragon the best choice. Apothecary Mantle, Zorah Set Bonus(with affinity), Blast Attack x3 can all enhance application of Once you get to post-game, your progression path is pretty firm. It only acts like it did in base MHW (activating immediately) if you have Maximum Might 5, which can only be gotten with Glavenus' 3 piece set bonus. Here's an Iceborne progression guide taken from the pinned Meta topic btw, with suggested gear (although it assumes you only have access to craftable gems; if Others, like barroth, and Velkhana are vulnerable to Blast though, so if you see 3 star blast, it’s typically a safe choice. Reply reply amorvox in addition to what another person said, elements are largely unaffected by motion value. The Daora tree also only has one upgrade to the "Tethidine", the "Daora's Samudra" . The negative affinity hurts, but can be mitigated with Crit Eye + Weakness Exploit. Still has high raw and good songs. Unlike base MHW, it only activates once your stamina has remained full for like 4+ seconds. In MHW, you cannot build up more poison while the monster is already poisoned, so during the entire duration of the poison you might as well have no secondary effect at all. But with critical element: raw crit damage + elemental crit damage. If you're using a bow with Blast or Poison coating you might want to lead with that if you want to front-load those procs and then switch to another status/element bow when you go to restock. Long is safer and easier. Diablos CB used to be the raw meta. gg/wownoob --- Before you post, please do some Google searching to find answers and to avoid asking a question that has already been asked here. There are no non-elemental Safi weapons, so Blast Safi weapons became the next best alternative for Raw builds - basically nothing is immune to Blast, and it delivers a lot more free damage than Poison. for example if your gs procs 5 x blast thats 600 damage. The reason the armor from the weaker monsters is "weak" is that they don't have very good DPS skills. 2. I use soulfire blaze SnS if that matters at all. 5x multiplier for MR gunlance damage. Damage statuses like blast and poison have the same problem: their damage is better in the early game, then falls off as your weapon increases in power. This is not true in MHW. You can either play them as the traditional wide style of poke, shell, poke, shell, poke, shell. ) Only Blast and poison deals actual damage, but the value on your weapon only dictate how quickly you inflict the status. Going for straight damage is great if you know you're good enough, but everybody makes mistakes and when you're running one faint Investigations or other such missions sometimes making sacrifices in exchange for safety blankets is a good idea. With a blast hammer live the defender VI or the magdaros hammer. Build for raw first, but elements are more damage. It packs a mighty punch and activates blast very often. i dont know why people keep saying stuff like this. For the weapon, Raging Brach has by far one the best hammer, with great raw, sharpness, and some blast for an added bit of damage. You don't NEED elements, but elemental damage definitely helps. There you go. They are only better because pure raw weapons only have around %1 more damage compared to them and poison damage deals around %3 damage so poison weapons beat raw weapons. This is my first MH game, so I’m kinda lost when it comes to this one. As for Wyvernheart with the Safi set bonus, unless you're doing something very wrong, a whole clip should not kill you. It's called Blossom something. The advantage of going for earplugs with GL is getting a wyvernstake blast while the monster roars which is priceless as almost half your damage comes from it. As stated, these are general use builds focused on damage (since damage is the meta). 1x or 1. 0. So 670 vs. This happens rather easily because blast can be built continuously throughout the hunt, while poison can't be built while poison damage is already ticking on the monster. Dual Blades rely heavily on Elemental Damage, moreso than any other weapon (aside from the Bow), and as such you're eventually going to want 1 weapon of each of the 5 elements, plus maybe a Blast, Sleep, and Paralysis weapon. Shield attacks don't consume sharpness, deal blunt damage and generally deal lower damage, has easy access to aerial damage to mount monsters with, it's possible to change the direction you're facing mid-combo with some attacks (like spiral slash) and while the shield is weak it is something you can rely on against hard hitting attacks (it's Capcom increased the elemental cap to 1. Lightbreak is craftable however, where awaken rng for safi can be a nightmare. In my testing, using the exact same attack on a Royal Ludroth with the same raw attack stat, it takes less hits to cut the tail with maxed out element vs no element. After that, you can either go for Safi'Jiiva (blast for preference) or Raging Brachydios; they're pretty much neck-and-neck. Now I’ve done my homework from lurking and searching here and I know DB are great for elemental damage. Artillery, Wyrmstake Boost (from selected weapons like Rampage GL and Canyne) and Bombardier food skill as well as shell level affect shell and Wyrmstake damage. Damn it, imagine all the damage. If you have a raw focused weapon then your element will be negligible anyways. Granted ive also fought R brachy in iceborne but never got into the fight since i didnt find it enjoyable. Normal just can't get away with FBing every single monster. I'm a sucker for farming, grinding, but more specifically, tinkering with builds/stats/etc. There weren't many (if any) particularly good Blast weapons prior to Safi'jiiva. Blast has always been the best, but because of larger health pools in MR after the first couple of procs because of DR (monster resistance builds) it doesn't proc much, making it kinda redundant, this isn't so bad on the ice / blast DBs, but you are better off swapping to elemental after those first procs. you can block and counter, you have a low damage, faster attack mode and a slower, heavier attack mode, an even stronger attack that can stun the monster, a big boom attack for even more damage. Monster with blast resistance just see less explosion procs because it's harder to get them to build up and trigger. Been playing IG and hammer since I started and I wanted to try DB's out since I like the moveset and it might be the only weapon that I can see my fashion while sheathed. Pairs great with artillery; Blast being one of the better overall status effects. How much ammo you load into it also affects the time proportionally to the percentage of ammo you had - Shooting a single stone and loading (19/20) will lower the stake time I'm running a 100% crit build on weak parts with 4/4 blast usually but in order to test this I just brought an affinity booster and apothecary mantle on top of it. Raw bow is a meme r/monsterhuntermeta has all the metasets, you can use it as a template and adjust as you like, you said you're looking for crazy endgame but based on the next sentence I'm gonna assume you meant I'm NOT looking for crazy endgame. lets estimate that zorah gs deals 40 dmg less per TGS than wyvern In Iceborne, Wide is very viable. Build around it correctly, and you’ve got your explosions OP Fool! Artillery increases explosive damage, blast increases blast buildup. The health regen will proc at the same amount of damage as it does just spraying Spread 3, which is barely at 25% of your health at HB3. There's no best, that's the beauty. because of this, fast weapons like the dual blades are more effective with elements than slow weapons like greatsword. Assuming you do have IB there was a time when the meta IG was safi, built for raw but with each element as a little "bonus". As for damage your best bet is aiming for things like weakness exploit/crit boost. Blast weapons build up a threshold and then cause an explosion for around 100-120 damage, sometimes causing a flinch or a trip. the dust clouds do x amount of status build up however blast clouds do damage immediately. I'd say throw in poison attack decos where you got empty lvl 1 slots to fill. I imagine Teostra and Lunastra are resistant to Blast. Fire has a few nice ones in glavanous and silver. The amount of Blast damage you deal is 1/10 of what is actually shown on your weapon and is modified by the monster's resistance of course. Ice has barrioth and valkana and thunder has zinogres all are great max critical crit boot and get element damage for some good damage. A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. Greatsword - Iceborne just made the greatsword a beast with the addition of the flinch shot right after any sword attack since your next attack would be a TCS in ANY direction. The dual blades with ice and blast ran with 3 teostra arms waist and legs for blast 3 and weakness 3 Head and chest Kushala Daora for handicraft 2 and ice attack with decent gem slots. It will always do slicing damage (with exception to the bash after guard advance), but will use the higher damage value depending on whether a part is weak to blunt or slicing. MHW does so much right. 2x damage multiplier for HR compared to LR, but Iceborne removed that damage multiplier and put it back down 1. The way critical element works: every time you crit, the element will also crit. So you take about 25% less damage. Without being able land the last hit on the training pole (so I lose about 150-200 damage), I’m hitting for 1100 damage on average. Status is good with blast or para Wyrmstakes sadly no longer scaled with raw like Iceborne. Wyrmstakes don’t crit. It does OK damage, but other builds will outshine it on any weapon type (elemental damage is great for bow, idk about DB). Their Shelling damage is good enough to keep up and even out-do Normal in certain Matchups simply because of the moveset. Some artillery skills buff the phial damage. If the gold rathian bonus is much better I will try to build around that, however. I’m almost out of low rank and had a couple of questions about builds as when I progress to that point. Long answer: Even though alatreon has good hitzones, a blast meta build always outdamages it. -blast isn't an element, its a status, and having a 3-start weakness means its procs more often. Being knee-deep in the goo will screw you over. Others, like barroth, and Velkhana are vulnerable to Blast though, so if you see 3 star blast, it’s typically a safe choice. META speaking you can't craft, the best GS's yet, in your actual level, acidic shredder is the best, you need to keep playing and when you get to do the safijiva Siege you make that one sword. So I spent some time changing my Insect Glaive builds to Raw/Blast rather than the element that the monster was weakest to and it feels like I am taking longer to finish the quests All weapons were the same Safi with the same upgrades, augments, & kinsect (blast dust + element that is best against monster), and the play style is the same each time (50/50 mix of aerial & ground). So when you do a crit without critical element the damage will be: raw crit damage + element damage. That said, some monsters have 1 star against blast, so it’s worse against certain monsters. They are defined by the type of Phial they are. Edit: thanks for the clarification! The Bombadier skill is for items like barrel bombs, while Blast Attack is what boosts your weapons that have a blast status/element component. Once the threshhold is reached, the big explosion appears, dealing either 100 damage in LR or 120 damage in HR. generally speaking blast is the best one but anything besides heal is solid really. Elemental damage is unparalleled for almost every scenario when using dual blades. There is a 1. Dual blades lose sharpness quickly and having blast on top of ice is nice. I end my combos with a full burst almost every time i do the swing slam combo and the extra oomph to the shelling really make it shine. It really In MHW Iceborne Brachydios doesn't apply Blastblight, but a stronger version known as Blastscourge! Iceborne The effect has a slightly different icon, it takes more than 3 rolls (I don't remember if 4 or 5) to get rid of it, it explodes more quickly and deals more damage! In Iceborne it has a midair drop attack that will make your kinsect release when you start it, you will drop down doing heavy damage and mark the monster for your kinsect, and depending where you land the kinsect can pierce through the monster to the area marked, works better with slower kinsects. Discharges with Impact phial are element-less while Elemental phial does element damage of the weapon. so, basically, most stronger attacks don't deal more elemental damage. If you're fighting a monster and don't have Dual Blades of one of the Elements that that monster is 3-star weak to, you Blast works like other status effects where it builds up over time. Reply reply More replies More replies Maximum Might is a pretty garbage skill most of the time now. Blast is ok on weapons prefer the blast dust to them though. The way the game calculates raw damage is semi-complex, but basically the length of the animation you're locked into (usually) equates to a higher damage multiplier. Generally you take blast as a cool bonus on a good raw weapon, the way status thresholds build up rapidly prevents it from carrying the damage of a set as a whole. Although pure raw attack with high affinity and "Elementless" (+5% dmg) gems is the preferred choice whenever it brings you more raw damage. There's healing dust, poison dust, sleep dust, paralysis dust, and blast dust. Hitting a 25+ weak point with the correct element is always going to output a not insignificant amount of extra damage, but it's never going to be the difference between completing a hunt or timing out or anything. They removed WSB, so it could be compensating for that damage, along with adding a 1. the SAED attack itself does a shit load of melee damage with the 3 axe hits (which can crit and is affected by sharpness), and with optimized builds those melee hits are dealing equal if not more damage than the phials of the SAED. For a blast build, I’d just run the kaiser waist (iceborne) for the extra blast and add a level 4 blast deco and call it good enough. WATCH To me, Lance is more mobile, a bit safer, requires less setup, and provides consistent mid-high range damage output. That 20% damage buff for your party is such a huge damage increase, it makes lots of build related worries or optimizations seem pretty insignificant in comparison. In a world of higher damage weapons, flat damage is less useful and percentage damage is more useful. If you dont have critical element only raw will crit and element will be added to the damage. I’ve made a few elemental and status glaives and id say it’s the way to go. Blast damage before true crit status bonus= 300 Blast damage after true crit status bonus= 300 The rocksteady mantle is essentially broken for light weapon types for giving you a sizable pre-emptive strike. You can also get the most out of poison in Iceborne due to the higher HP pools of master rank monsters. Notifies you when monster is enraged. The Deep Vero and MR version of it are difficult because of the negative affinity, which is much harder to counteract in Iceborne due to the Max Might nerf. Just noticed that while preparing for a quest and changing my weapon, the one I choose has the element type grayed out and the damage number is also gray, which I take means that the weapon is not dealing that damage. Others have said pretty valid points already, as a Switch Axe main I will add mine as well: Switch axe has many viable play styles: You can play exclusively in axe mode rotating around the power axe mode, you have great poke and mobility and you use each window of opportunity you find to charge your power axe mode and from time to time you use the wild morph combo which is a strong damage combo. During the monster hunter world expansion iceborne expansion a lot of weapons got some changes these changes happened due to the devs trying to make slinger ammo more useful to the player, many weapons thusly have been given new movesets that are based around slinger ammo one of which was the gunlance The dual blades with ice and blast ran with 3 teostra arms waist and legs for blast 3 and weakness 3 Head and chest Kushala Daora for handicraft 2 and ice attack with decent gem slots. Health clouds grant health to you or your teammates. Elemental Damage = ((Pre-Multiplier Elemental Damage)/10 × Elemental Damage Multipliers) Things affecting elemental damage can be broken up into "Pre-Multiplier Elemental Damage", which consists of Weapon Base Elemental Damage, Elemental Augmentation, Elemental Skill Effects, and Other Elemental Bonuses. It has good blast and raw damage which makes it the best in the base game. I play blast on ps4 but we got zorah gamma and luna weapons. All my builds are built with a focus on defense first so feel free to alter it to have even more damage! For instance, Attack Charm instead of Iron Charm! Also, If you're into speedrunning, I just found a YouTuber named tatsuffy who made a damage focused build utilizing mostly HR gear to kill the Fulgar Anjanth in 1 minute and 47 seconds. elementless is meta but with a good blast set you can deal barely equal damage. Also it's the difference between being able to use wyvern fire and doing like 500-600 additional damage for free instead of guarding. Gunlance is a little more nuanced depending on the type of shelling you're going for, requires a little more setup with Wyrmstake Blast positioning, but has opportunities for huge burst damage. Short answer: element sucks. Wyrmstake Blast has been removed due to various problems with the implementation and the mostly negative impacts it had on Gunlance gameplay. Not exactly true, switch axes have element phials and can deal incredibly good damage with bonuses to elemental damage as well, and chargeblades got a buff to elements and got multi-hit axe mode in iceborne. Brachy has the ever so useful blast status, while Alteron is Dragon element (not as useful) with a tonne of purple sharpness. HH is pretty good at mounting. Also element is flat damage so every hit deals the same damage and that’s the problem while the GS does alot of damage in one swing it will do less elemental damage because it hits slow. Gold Rathian was the best option in Iceborne at launch, and you'll probably want to get your hands on it before working on the later options. WSB is a must because not only the huge extra damage but because also has a 50% extra stagger bonus, it helps to keep monsters flinching and tripping. You have more range than you think. Brachy also has slightly more base blast so if you get the extra blast proc, you’ll out-damage safi. Spare Shot proc rate is 20% for bowguns and 25% Blast functions just like the other status effects. During the monster hunter world expansion iceborne expansion a lot of weapons got some changes these changes happened due to the devs trying to make slinger ammo more useful to the player, many weapons thusly have been given new movesets that are based around slinger ammo one of which was the gunlance Higher raw damage bonus blast damage (not much but it's still more) The only thing the WII has over it is 2 R1 deco slots, which would promptly be eaten to take its affinity to still 15% lower than the defender A blast proc deals 300 damage. Also really mobile while doing poke damage with this weap TLDR - Feel like a god when mastered, high damage, mechanically complex, many options in fight. It's damage is lower than Normal, sure, but Iceborne actually has commitment unlike Rise/SB. But this is more a bonus than anything else. In base world thunder was the best element and poison the best status (at least according to the hunter notes). Only really needs some affinity skills to crush most monsters in your path. I quite enjoy lance vs raging brachy. They can also leave dust in the air that gives its effect when you hit through it. 840 for the whole set. I was getting pissed. Depends on the CB you pick. If you're using DB or Bow then go for Dragon but for all other weapons you can use your standard Blast set, however, he only has 1 star weakness to all status ailments. The blast status is hidden so you can run Elementless Boost to further bolster its damage. however I haven't played with them yet so I don't know how good they are. However once Raging Brachy came out it was a strait upgrade. Theres a rank 10 hidden element blast charge blade that can hit like 700 blast after its fully augmented and skilled up for blast, but the brachy charge blade is better if it's not augmented fully. They don't take as much damage as his forelegs or head, but he doesn't have many ways to hit people there. By “Artillery” you mean Mounting damage (the blue number)? Valheim is a brutal exploration and survival game for solo play or 2-10 (Co-op PvE) players, set in a procedurally-generated purgatory inspired by viking culture. It's not just a matter of health pools or armor efficiency. but tbh even the zorah GS is good and can kill stuff in less than two minutes. Wide is flexible and safe. But it's not as good as Power and you have to be much closer to the monster. can someone from this wonderful community Nargacuga's head has an HZV of 100 for thunder so it takes full damage, but Nergigante has something like 20 I believe, which means it takes less damage, despite both being "three star" weakness. Heavy artillery increases fixed position damage (cannons). If I run the exact same build with my best hammer, I’m getting around 1300 damage with a Big Bang combo. But the meta builds, the ones that push the most damage possible out of the weapon type, will always be elemental. THIS IS ALL ACCORDING TO THE INGAME HUNTER NOTES AND NOT THE ACTUAL HITZONE VALUES. Extra health means more hits you can take. that is changed by the monster weakness. that seems like a bad trade off to me. I'm going to reccomend Brachy's GL. the kjarr water, fire, ice and blast/ para lances are pretty good, thunder lances are either stuck in blue or need max handi, Jho lance beats all other dragon lances in raw by quite a bit so. Almost always the raw IG is going to be better than the craftable elemental IG throughout your progression. Use the mobility inherent in your combos to reposition constantly, and start by backing off and studying monster patterns. They’re basically the same so use what you want (assuming you’re using masters touch/r. 3 pieces of Zorah for artillery secret and 2 pieces of uragan for guard up, or if you have a guard up jem 2 pieces of blackveil for super recovery Don't ask me why these numbers change like this, but when the blast effect happens it seems to always do 120 on all HR monsters. Based on in-game metrics they should be equally weak, but that isn't actually the case. People say is trash and it is, but is fun somehow. Monsters take additional damage while enraged, agitator adds flat damage, and Crit while monsters are enraged. In MHW, Blast is interesting because it deals a ton of damage all at once to an unbroken part and the surrounding hitboxes. I've finally finished Iceborne, at least the story part and I'm open to suggestions what Greatsword-type weapons I should craft. 6 the base element for Iceborne, so you probably won't hit the cap even with elemental attack level 6. Lance is also very sharpness hungry, so alongside all the utility skills like Guard Up or Guard if you want them, you typically want some kind of sharpness mitigation as well. It's not as optimal in terms of DPS as the other top raw horns because of that, but it does have HUGE white sharpness and an interesting list of songs. Love it WS in iceborne scales with attack and do insane damage with brachy or fatalis gunlances. I know its not the dodogama one, but cant remember which one it is exactly cause end game augmenting is stupid. MHW ingame hours (not Steam) now clocked at nearly 700hrs. You could go the Rath(ian?) tree and get the poison longsword which continues through out iceborne that turns into a decent mid game LS with it's really high poison damage. one more thing not mentioned: the damage of the wsb proc is dependent of whenever it's a charged, regular or full burst charged for example does 3x the base damage, which curiously makes wide 7 basically on pair with long 6 dps if used with charged shells only Comfiness often refers to prioritizing survivability or QoL over damage. 100 worth to run 2 piece raging bracky with 3 piece Teo hit 100% Crit or as close to it as you can and you never worry about sharpness either. Equip it, shoot slinger ammo at the ground next to a wall while the enemy is unaware of you, walk to the impact point and claw the monster's face, the monster will give a "warning roar" and set it up for a Flinch Shot, that is because the claw inflicts too little damage. -- While we only allow Q&A posts here, our Discord is great for those topics that don't fit here! discord. It just gives you more procs. When poison activates it does damage over time, when blast activates it does a single explosion on the monster for direct damage. If it's damage you're after, there are better options in raw and elemental weapons. Vitality (health boost) is always important for survivability. Decorations: Mighty bow, spread/powershot, forceshot, weakeness exploit, critical boost and blast build up. The second hit of the forward slam (forward and circle+triangle/B+Y) hits far enough that you can trigger a barrel bomb with the end of it without getting caught in the blast. Lance does sever damage except with shield bash, which is blunt (also I think part of clutch counter is blunt damage). Sleep and para don’t do direct damage themselves but are pretty self explanatory. The primary difference between Blast and Poison is the fact that Blast's effect is instantaneous, meaning you can start building up for the next Blast proc as soon as the previous one activates, whereas you cannot start building up for the next Poison proc until the Poison's damage-over-time effect ends. The other skills i listed above will net you more damage, or more utility for the CB. Element awakening on Safi weapons increases the base element, which also increases the cap. The chip damage still hits pretty hard, but you can ride it out as long as your health is pretty full. On this run through I mainly used lbg and hammers to play the base game and most of iceborne but today,after defeating the raging brachydios special assignment , i decided to give the CB a go. people generally will never focus on actually improving the blast on a blast weapon since it has increasing thresholds after a while, and instead improve the raw, since lightbreak and shatterspear have insanely good raw. It works pretty well. May seem overtuned relative to regular GL, but how does it compare to HBG/LBG/LS? Good armor/weapon upgrades. The minimap already does that, I don't need the skill to know when a monster is enraged. The purpose of blast isn't dealing damage, its breaking parts. If you have access to the Demonlord stuff, you've been finished with your Kulu Lance for a while, and I'll go further, you're probably in position to finish your Royal Grace Pike (a better Lance, requires Namielle parts). Fire causes a small fiery blast, Water is just a splash, Ice seems to freeze whatever you hit for a short moment, and Dragon just causes black and red sparks. They don’t do direct damage but fill a hidden bar and when it fills, it procs the status on the monster. I like blast, in particular, since it has the most obvious and useful effect. VS Rajang just pay attention, cuz between his few openings, extreme speed, and few tells he's very difficult to actually manage reliably. motion value is how much damage an attack deals. Had decent raw, good sharpness so what little deco space you have in early game can be better focused on DPS skills. Most of IG's damage comes from Raw in MHW/IB. Crit status doesn’t increase blast damage. raw or element built like raw (so a raw build with an elemental glaive). I also didnt want to grind again for another lightbreak hammer. Did a quick search on the Rookslayer Handaxes, and the site said 120 blast is respectable, and will typically activate more than what’s on paper. But dont rely on your posion and dont build for it. It would be a very useful feature to add, as abnormal status like blast greatly increase the damage of weapons like dual blades for example. Ground ammo like stones, redpits, mosses, etc will last shorter than powerful ammo dropped by monsters, however the damage on the blast will be the same for both types. I imagine if you're doing single siege runs then the extra energy loss doesn't matter and sheer damage output does, in which case the type of weapon you have will determine things. As for builds, you can check the meta builds, they are focused on pure damage, I wouldn't say the best builds, these are just the strongest builds, templates. A greatsword with 400 fire deals the same amount of fire dmg per hit as a dual blade with 400 fire, which is 10% of what's show (40 fire dmg) BEFORE monster hitzones reduce it to about 10-50% of that value again. Paralysis and poison clouds detonated near the monster will contribute to the monster’s meter and will trigger the effect once the meter is full. ctcn cqdbnlo meiljela wkoh jzmdzi jfjdr fprchu sgfdntj ssmeke wokxko