Zs6bkw antenna 80m Initially the antenna was a ZS6BKW design but trimmed for the application. The ZS6BKW JUNIOR(early 1980's) was derived from the G5RV by Brian Austin (G0GSF, formerly Unlike the original G5RV, which requires an antenna tuner on all bands, the ZS6BKW / G5RV is capable of operating on 10, 12, 17, 20 & 40m bands, generally without a tuner, and with SWR readings usually at 1. The ZS6BKW is not an 80m antenna without a tuner. 00 MHz (40 m) 1:1 40 puurrfect . Make sure the ladder line is clear of conductive materials and the ground. 00 The ZS6BKW Multiband HF Antenna Posted in Antenna, Articles. The wires at the bottom section of the 450 ohm feed line are connected together to provide a common feed point. The feed line made of two-wire cable should hang freely and be routed away from the dipole On 80m where the antenna is 1/2 wavelength, the antenna is exactly the same as a half wave dipole. On each of these The ZS6BKW antenna is an improved multi band version of the G5RV. Antenna addons (10) Cables & Connectors (1) Clamps (0) 60 Band Traps instructions Used one of the ZS6BKW antennas for a while, on a 35ft Rohn tower, held it off the tower about 6 inches with specially designed plastic mounts. archive. The ZS6BKW JUNIOR(early 1980's) was derived from the G5RV by Brian Austin (G0GSF, formerly The ZS6BKW antenna is an optimized variant of the venerable old G5RV. This was followed with 24 feet of LMR400 to the tuner. Brand: Wire Antennas UK Product Code: 1:1 CURRENT BALUN 800w /1Kw; Availability: 5 It is a great antenna for HAM radio operators living in small controlled housing, hams desiring a very stealthy RV antenna, Field Day operations, sailboats, portable operating. 2m and tweaking the length of the wires, ending up at 13. So, it’s a cousin to ZS6BKW - Junior, half size to cover ZS6BKW, All Band Performance 80m-10m ; No Tuner Required for 10,12,17, The ZS6BKW JUNIOR antenna is an optimized variant of the venerable old G5RV. 5 m + 38. graywoulf said: I have been reading up on the ZS6BKW antenna and I have a question. Many Hams use wire antennas, and most Hams use them at least for the HF Bands below 10 MHz. £81. Antenna is a half wave antenna with Kevlar wire. ZS6BKW - G5RV - Yagi Beam Antenna 1:1 CURRENT BALUN 800w /1Kw. 06 and 24. I built the model in 4NEC2 and ran some frequency sweeps using various parameter sets from published sources and some of my own. I had an old vertical that was failing and replaced it with this 10-80m. A 14 meters ( 46 ft ) multi band antenna for small gardens that works well on 80 meters Main bands (@~50 ohm) are 80m / 40m / 30m / 17m / 15m / 12m . A rugged G5RV will always use Die erste SZ6BKW die ich je baute war auf 80m kaum abzustimmen, während die letzte ZS6BKW die ich baute am selben Tranceiver sehr gut spielte. Hari Windom Extension Kit 30/15m With a modern in-built auto-tuner, it's at best a 3-band antenna (80m, 20m, 12m). He developed computer programs that were used in conjunction with Smith charts to calculate the optimum dimensions for his variant Delta 80 multi band full wave loop HF antenna. 10M 12M 15M 160M 17M 20M 23cm 2M 30M 40M 4M 60M 6M 70cm 80M Active Antenna Books Antenna Calculators Array Baluns Bazooka Beverage C-Pole Capacitive What I would recommend though is to make the G5RV into a ZS6BKW instead. If you put a 94ft long ZS6BKW up against a full size 80m 133ft tuned dipole at the same height, the difference between them is not much. This is the antenna for you guys who want to get on HF effectively, and haven’t too much space or cash to throw around. This is the latest version. 38 MHz (80m) 7:1 20 tunes easily with ATU. HF ZS6BKW Multi Band The 80 Meter antenna was cut to my specification (CW portion of 80M versus the middle of the band), and shipped the day after I ordered it. as ZS6BKW (3) OFF CENTRE FED WINDOM (4) End-Fed Wire Antenna 9:1 Non Resonant (4) 10M (32) 12M (23) 15M (25) 17M (25) 20M (35) 30M (24) 40M (34) 60M (7) 80m Coil for Small Gardens. Listed under the Antennas/ZS6BKW category that is about ZS6BKW antenna. 11, 18. 5' The ZS6BKW antenna is an improved multi band version of the G5RV. All Band Performance 80m-6m; Rated to Full Legal Limit; Rugged Weather Proofed; Quality 450 Ohm Ladder Line and Stranded Tinned Copper Wire; High Simply put, from a performance perspective, the ZS6BKW G5RV antenna is top notch. 1115 ft of any copper or steel wire, With a modern in-built auto-tuner, it's at best a 3-band antenna (80m, 20m, 12m). One of the problems with the BKW is that it is a tad short for 80m and is a bit of a miss match on that band so performance takes a hit. So it was Wire antennas are a great simple way to work 40M and 80M rather than a noisy vertical antenna that requires horizontal radials. The ZS6BKW antenna needs two feeder lengths to cover 80, 40, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10m Actually, it’s a design from ZS6BKW (aka G0GSF), similar to the G5RV, but it actually resonates on five bands, (well 6, actually) and doesn’t rely on a tuner (ATU) to make it work. 60 meters wire 7. FAQ. Moravian Falls, NC 28654 United States of America (828) 80M OCF Windom Di-Pole Purchased my 2nd, 8 band antenna, so I could put one up at my brothers place, for when I visit. Antenna impedance – Theory and practice examples; Antenna Wire; Antenna radiation pattern depending on length and height; Antenna tuners; The BalUn and impedance transformer; End-fed antennas, a critical view; Common mode filters; Power EndFed Antennas Overall length is 38 ft of twin lead and 36 ft of 16 gauge wire. 160 is a bit tricky and for small or low antennas a vertical over a good ground plane will always work better. An excellent antenna when installed at 30 feet or higher and no tuner Review Summary For : Ni4L ZS6BKW/G5RV Optimized Multi Band HF Dipole Antenna; Reviews: 4 MSRP: 112. I also get better reports when switching The ZS6BKW was a commercial antenna, and the End-fed was my home brew copy of the 80M My Antenna end fed. 80m, 40m, 20m, and 10m. Brand: Wire Antennas UK; Product Antenna works without a tuner and no balun is required easy field trip antenna or base antenna. A small antenna for all amateur bands, including 80 meters, and in a small garden without the compromise. Brand: Wire Antennas UK Product Code: 1:1 CURRENT BALUN 800w /1Kw; Availability: 5 ZS6BKW (3) OFF CENTRE FED WINDOM (4) End-Fed Wire Antenna 9:1 Non Resonant (4) 10M (32) 12M (23) 15M (25) 17M (25) 20M (35) 30M (24) 40M (34) 60M (7) 80M (17) 160M (0) Show All HF. The ribbon cable should hang downwards and forms part of the radiating antenna. EZNEC far field plot 40m. A combination of inductance Die ZS6BKW wurde von Brian Austin, ZS6BKW, entwickelt. So, it’s a cousin to t This article details how I made a ZS6BKW multi-band antenna for a permanent home installation. " Until I got active on 40/80m band. Popular shortwave antennas for several bands, with twin wire feed, 200 or 1000 W, with or without choke. ZS6BKW 80-10m . g. Check out an antenna called the ZS6BKW, its a modern variant of the G5RV but unlike the G5RV which was designed as a 20m gain antenna and random dipole on other bands the ZS6BKW is computer designed to match on 40, 20, 17, 12, 10 and 6m with no tuner. Brand: Wire Antennas UK Product Code: 1:1 CURRENT BALUN 800w /1Kw; Availability: 5 ZS6BKW Antenna Install & Report ANTENNA Archived post. You can see the 300 feedline terminated at a 1:1 BALUN choke view west to the Brindabella Ranges ZS6BKW antenna apex at 9 metres mounted as an Inverted V ZS6BKW antenna at Mt My own experiments over the years have shown that, on 80m, this antenna will perform close to a full sized dipole for DX contacts, despite the small size, because of the low angle of radiation (30 degrees) and full size elements. SOTA – ZS6BKW Antenna #2 at Mt Stromlo. nothing says antenna cannot be bent if done with common sense. The suspension can be straight or angled, if the available space does not allow it otherwise. As you will find out, the simplicity of it is what makes it stay in the air - light weight and simple. Multiband Antennas ‐G5RV Page 3. It’s running North South, and I have a couple trees I want to put a 40/30/20/10 fan Manual 1:49 UnUn for Mini End Fed antenna; Manual ZS6BKW, G5RV (junior/mini) Technique. This document describes modifications that can be made to the ZS6BKW antenna to improve its performance on all HF bands. With a good external tuner it's probably a 5-band antenna (80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, 12m). 3. Inverted L 160/6 meter band HF Antenna SWL 3KW Dipole Marconi Ni4L. 98 Quick Subscribe to Our Newsletter Subscribe via Email About Ni4L Antennas & Electronics LLC 3861 Mount Olive Church Rd. A series capacitor is added to lower the SWR on 80m. Michael Harvey VK2JMJ December 2021. An impedance transformer (49:1) to feed a high imped. The antenna model is pretty simple and nowhere near perfect. This HF multi band antenna for small gardens that works well on 80 meters Main bands (@~50 ohm) are . -The low SWR comes thru losses in the end stubs lenght adjustment. Supposedly it doesn't need an antenna tuner for operation on the 10/12/17/20/40 meter bands. It’s only different then the G5RV as they changed the SWR to lower levels. The feedline acts as an "automatic" HF ZS6BKW Junior Multi Band Antenna. 00 The 160m/80m broadband antenna design objectives were to have: 160 and 80 m antennas since I had no antennas for these bands, the antennas had to be hidden because of covenant restrictions, open wire feeders would be too visible to be allowed, QRO operation was considered as a necessity for 160 and 80 m, a low SWR on both ends of 80 meters is a must requirement, I agree here and you can put out a very respectable signal with a 90ft doublet on 80m. I was just wondering how many folks use a ZS6BKW antenna. This HF multi band antenna for small gardens that works well on 80 meters Main bands (@~50 ohm) are 80m / 40m / 30m / 17m / 15m / 12m. The G5RV is a 102 ft center-fed dipole fed with ~30 ft of 300 ohm ZS6BKW(G5RV) as an inv. Add to Cart. Another thing, the ZS6BKW doesn’t function on 80m, it’s radiation is practically nothing. 5:1, and the "standard" design should be north of 4:1 unless you've got some relay-controlled stuff going on. The specs on this antenna state that it needs to be at least 40' or higher and it also Based on some things that PRCGuy wrote I decided to make a ZS6BKW antenna that is a variation on the G5RV theme. 95 foot span with 60 foot pole at one end and 20 feet at other end equals 175 feet. Details. That length can be physically shortened or made to look longer at RF by adding inductance in that length. Using a tuner 6, 15, 30 & 80m bands with much higher efficiency then the original G5RV. I also get better reports when switching The ZS6BKW/G0GSF antenna system is also somewhat sensitive to the wire diameter. 5 m . It is built to the very rugged high standards demanded by W8AMZ Amateur Radios Products. 00; Qty: Kit includes : 110mH Coil only plus instructions. Review Summary For : W8AMZ G5RV Multi Band 10-80m Dipole HF Antenna NEW\ Reviews: 13 MSRP: 57. 5 feet of 300 ohm window line. Using a tuner, 6, 15, 30 & 80m bands are attained with much higher efficiency than the original G5RV. I've been working FT8 across 80m, 20m, 17m, & 40m, all with minimal swr using the IC-7300's tuner. Which is fed against a counterpoise wire and the outer screen of the model of a ZS6BKW (G5RV variant) antenna I already had, complete with 450 ohm feed line. Each Antenna is handmade to order with materials Greetings, all. He developed computer programs that were used in conjunction with Smith charts to calculate the optimum dimensions for his variant The ZS6BKW antenna is an optimized variant of the venerable old G5RV. A 10-inch parallel stub is added to shift the resonant frequency on 10m within the technician band. 00 Ex Tax: £66. The tree i ZS6BKW - G5RV - Yagi Beam Antenna 1:1 CURRENT BALUN 800w /1Kw. Verified owner. -These are a single band antennas tuned to the band in question. It is a center-fed doublet (fancy name for a dipole), with a very specific length of balanced feedline. 00; Ex Tax: £35. G-Whip Antenna Products . I can set the mast at the edge of the woods or maybe into the clearing about 30 yards away from the house running the wire through the trees. Home I built the G5RV and then I turned it into the version ZS6BKW which is the use at the moment. The antenna shown gives a low SWR over much of the amateur bands of 40, 20, 18, 12 and 10 metres. The ladder line drop is 41'. I have it diagonally on my property, to fit on the lot. 51 metres), with a 40 ft (11. Grundlegendes Design: 80m: 3,65: 3,56 MHz: Einem Monoband-Dipol leicht unterlegen bis ZS6BKW - G5RV - Yagi Beam Antenna 1:1 CURRENT BALUN 800w /1Kw. This antenna is built to last and provide yea Short video where we add a capacitor to an existing ZS6BKW HF antenna to raise the 80M resonant point to the voice portion of the band without negatively imp The first thing that makes me think something is wrong is that you're seeing a 1. The pattern doesn’t show the traditional nulls off the end due to ground reflections. Open comment sort options Currently, I think it's performing well. ZS6BKW construction details - VK2ACD. ZS6BKW / G5RV Optimized Multi Band HF Dipole Antenna Poly-Stealth Ni4L. It is what is known as an extended double zepp (or very close) and so it offers some gain, about 3 db, in the broadside in favored directions. Mine shows 5. ZS6BKW antenna category is a curation of 22 web resources on , Revisiting the GR5V and ZS6BKW Multi-band Antennas, The ZS6BKW Multiband HF Antenna, ZS6BKW wire antenna . I can't get this antenna up to the Hari G5RV / ZS6BKW Antennas . Made from copper wire. Based on these rough simulations though, it looks like I’m warming a lot of clouds (ham speak for when your Small Garden Multi Band HF Antenna 80m / 40m / 30m / 20m / 17m /15m / 12m This HF multi band antenna for small gardens that works well on 80 meters Main bands (@~50 ohm) are . Antennas. The G5RV is probably the most popular multi band antenna in the world. There have been various recipes for extending the common ZS6BKW to 80m, one of the most popular is that proposed by W5DXP. ZS6BKW (aka G0GSF), similar to the G5RV, but it actually resonates on 6 bands, and doesn’t rely on a tuner (ATU) to make it work. My biggest reservation concerning the ZS6BKW antenna is what to do with the ladder line and coax. Actually, it’s a design from ZS6BKW (aka G0GSF), similar to the G5RV, but it actually resonates on five bands, (well 6, actually) and doesn’t rely on a tuner (ATU) to make it work. VAT, plus shipping €79. The design appeared in TT (RadCom) Jan & Feb 1993, but is also in Pat Hawker’s ZS6BKW - G5RV - Yagi Beam Antenna 1:1 CURRENT BALUN 800w /1Kw. I did it and it's the best antenna I ever had on HF (80-40-30-20-17-12-10 and 6m). October 8, 2023. ZS6BKW - Junior, half size to cover ZS6BKW, All Band Performance 80m-10m ; No Tuner Required for 10,12,17, The ZS6BKW JUNIOR antenna is an optimized variant of the venerable old G5RV. What is it you wish to do? Are you trying to shorten a dipole with traps to get you 80m? If that is the case then what design are you using? 80m Loop Antenna. incl. ZS6BKW - Junior, half size to cover ZS6BKW, All Band Performance 80m-10m ; No Tuner Required f. 1, 14. ZS6BKW, offset center fed 80m dipole, 80m end fed half wave (64:1 transformer type), etc, will get you on the air on all HF bands easier and cheaper I use two of these crossing and A/B switching. 001uF 2000 volt cap in each leg of the The Ultimate ZS6BKW G5RV - Simply the Best! All Band Performance 80m-6m; Tuner Required Rated to Full Legal Limit 2KW Rugged Weather Proofed Internal Solder Joints Machine Crimping Silver Plated w/Teflon SO-239 Connector SO-239 Stainless Screws Quality 450 Ohm Ladder Line 100% UV Stable Components High Quality PVC Dogb Simply put, from a performance Small Garden Multi Band HF Antenna 80m / 40m / 30m / 20m / 17m /15m / 12m This HF multi band antenna for small gardens that works well on 80 meters Main bands (@~50 ohm) are . The mast can get up to 40' or so, which will make for a good apex. The G5RV Pro ZS6BKW . Nice having multi band access, and made some great DX contacts, with just 100W. These antennas work best in a flat-top config at least 30ft above ground (half wavelenth on 20m it'll favor DX). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. December 26, 2021. 10. Overall, a very significant improvement over the G5RV. Brand: Wire Antennas UK Product Code: 1:1 CURRENT BALUN 800w /1Kw; Availability: 5 The ZS6BKW antenna evolved from an optimization of the G5RV antenna that, in general, sacrifices 75m operation to gain 17m and 10m operation. The G5RV Antenna System Re-Visited Part 3: The Almost-No-ATU ZS6BKW - Cebik. Only ZS6BKW / G5RV Optimized Multi Band HF Dipole Antenna Poly-Stealth Ni4L. He developed computer programs that were used in conjunction with Smith charts to calculate the optimum dimensions for his variant The first concept of this antenna was conceived by G5RV and later improved by ZS6BKW using computer calculations. The antenna is one continuous line of tangle free wire on each leg, and will not have the problems of oxidation and corrosion seen on previous doublet antennas. Those of you that have seen my recent alerts may have seen that I’m looking for QSOs on 80M CW. e. Theory: Antennas are basically a resonant element in the sky. 10m. Easy to tune, forgiving an a true performer. org), more bands with out an ATU - W5DXP. An excellent antenna when installed at 30 feet Delta 80m multi band full wave loop HF antenna. 2 meters per side (3x) I am not sure what you are asking here. available in two sizes covering either 80 - 10m or 40 - 10m. ZS6BKW vs G5RV - AARA Presentation, includes charts, plots, and MMANA-GAL files. Icom IC-703 operating on 80m. £63. For 160m, could I short the 2 leads of the 450ohm ladder line together where So the pitch feels more like ZS6BKW: the best* antenna that you can own! *this puppy will get you EME to KO on 20m; If you happen to have two 200ft towers in rural South Dakota 300ft away from each other with a good metal ground plane. I have put up three Double Bazooka antennas since installing the ZS6BKW, and they have lower base noise levels and high signals received. The ZS6BKW antenna is a better match for our bands than the G5RV. 2 m) downlead. Actually, it’s a design from ZS6BKW (aka G0GSF), similar to the G5RV, but it actually resonates on five bands, After reducing the length of the ladder line to the design figure of 12. There is also a shortened G5RV antenna, this one is called the G5RV junior. It had a small loop that David talked about that seemed to cause no problem, and was fed by 60ft of LMR 400. EZNEC far field plot 80m. Small property. Unlike the original G5RV, which requires an antenna tuner on all bands, the ZS6BKW / G5RV is capable of operating on 10, 12, 17, 20 & 40m bands, generally without a tuner, and with SWR readings usually at 1. The ZS6BKW antenna evolved from an optimization of the G5RV antenna that, in general, sacrifices 75m operation to gain 17m and 10m operation. It features a 4:1 balun at the feed point 50ohm coax. New comments cannot be posted. 5:1 or less. Way, way better on all the upper bands and a little better on 40M and about the same on 80m. top of page. 00; Description: The ZS6BKW/G5RV is capable of operating on 10, 12, 17, 20 & 40m bands generally without a tuner, with SWR readings usually 1. 00 Ex Tax: £55. Ich verglich d After some web-searching on multi-band antennas without traps, I decided to try ZS6BKW-optimized version of the venerable G5RV antenna system. Delta Loop Antennas (14) Double Bazooka (12) Half Wave End Fed Antenna (32) HF G5RV Antenna (2) HF QRP (8) Marconi Inverted L G7FEK (2) ZS6BKW (3) OFF CENTRE FED WINDOM (4) End-Fed Wire Antenna 9:1 Non Resonant (4) 10M (32) 12M (23) 15M (25) 17M (25) 20M (35) 30M (24) 40M (34) 60M (7) 11 M (CB) (10) 80M (17) 160M (0) 10 METER BAND HWEF VERTICAL ANTENNA 49:1 impedance transformer 100 Watts. The question: What are some better antennas out there for these low bands? I’ve thought the zs6bkw antenna evolved from an optimization of the g5rv antenna the swr on 80m is too high and the 40 ft ladder line matching section is a little too long on 17m and a little too short on 10m. 25 meters ) leg and a 90 foot ( 27. +44 (0) 7753225261. The other Dave-W0LEV has every good points with regard to the end fed, because there really is no such animal! G5RV/ZS6BKW Antennas. 4 meters ) leg, totaling 135 feet or 41 meters setup as T Top . The design appeared in TT (RadCom) It’s only 90 ft long (27. In the case of the ZS6BKW, usually the 6, 10, 12, 17, 20, 40 meter band can be worked without a tuner, for 80 meters a simple tuner is sufficient. He developed computer programs that were used in conjunction with Smith charts to calculate the optimum dimensions for his variant Unlike the original G5RV, which requires an antenna tuner on all bands, the ZS6BKW / G5RV is capable of operating on 10, 12, 17, 20 & 40m bands, generally without a tuner, and with SWR readings usually at 1. Covers band concerned: 20 meters and 10 meters 21. Other bands can be brought within matching range by incurring losses in the coax! "Of all the G5RV antenna system cousins, the ZS6BKW/G0GSF antenna system has come closest to achieving the goal that is ZS6BKW (regular or compact design) will get you on 40/20/17/12/10/6m with out an ATU, the internal ATU will touch up anything on those bands where its not perfect. Have you compared it to other antennas using A/B switch? Have you done any mods to improve SWR on 80m or added 15m? Are you happy with the antenna? I've added cap to improve 80m swr. The G5RV was designed in the 1940s as a 20m antenna with a little gain and it happens to be long enough to work ok down to 80m needing a tuner on all bands except maybe 20m. 60 Band Traps instructions ZS6BKW - Junior, half size to cover ZS6BKW, All Band Performance 80m-10m ; No Tuner Required for 10,12,17, The ZS6BKW JUNIOR antenna is an optimized variant of the venerable old G5RV. Here is the ZS6BKW antenna installed at AK6R fine tuned for the CW/FT8 frequencies on 40-20-17-12-10 meters. I am thinking the peak of the ZS6BKW (G5RV like antenna) would be at max 35'. I've also compared it to a few other antennas using A/B switch. A The ZS6BKW antenna is an optimized variant of the venerable old G5RV. Locked post. I really am intrigued by the potential for some lower angle of radiation (from the vertical component of the antenna) that the ZS6BKW and the Carolina Windom purport to offer. This video demonstrates the use of the ZS6BKW antenna on 80 meters, which is a band the antenna is not designed to operate. I think you're seeing some kind of fake resonance (akin to a dummy load), unless perhaps your ZS6BKW - Junior, half size to cover ZS6BKW, All Band Performance 80m-10m ; No Tuner Required for 10,12,17, The ZS6BKW JUNIOR antenna is an optimized variant of the venerable old G5RV. 6m ( 44. His ZS6BKW multiband antenna took the original G5RV And it will probably have a better match on most bands 40 through 10 than the easy thing. £55. However The basic idea of the G5RV is a balanced 80m half-wave resonant antenna with a section of high impedance line at the feed point to aid in matching the antenna to the rest of the coax transmission line to the source. Brand: Wire Antennas UK Product Code: 1:1 CURRENT BALUN 800w /1Kw; Availability: 5 Looking at functionality, 80M and 40M had moderate VSWR readings. LF; MF; UHF; MICROWAVE; Accessories. txt) or read online for free. and there’s a significant improvement on bands other than 80m, it’s like my antenna woke up suddenly. He developed computer programs that were used in conjunction with Smith charts to calculate the optimum dimensions for his variant yes, this is why the ZS6BKW is a good antenna on 20 meters. Kevlar; HF. 250 countries worked in past 4 years in on those wires. His method inserts a 500pF capacitor in series with one leg of the The ZS6BKW antenna is an optimized variant of the venerable old G5RV. All you need is 2 x 45. 99; Description: This antenna is rated to operate at full legal limit 2KW. Sie ist eine Weiterentwicklung der G5RV-Antenne und zielt darauf ab, einige ihrer Schwächen zu beseitigen. 00. this time looking The G5RV Pro ZS6BKW All Band Performance 80m-6m Rated to Full Legal Limit Rugged Weather Proofed Quality 450 Ohm Ladder Line and Stranded Tinned Copper Wire High Quality PVC Dogbone Insulators Uses Top Quality 1:1 Balun This G5RV is 92 feet long. feed in center with coax or open line . Probably less than 2dB not counting feedline loss. 1 MHz (30 m) high high needs atu The ZS6BKW antenna is an optimized variant of the venerable old G5RV. This enjoy will provide years of reliable service and great Improving 80m. The Antenna is a full wave loop designed to operate on 40m (7MHz), 15m (21MHz) and 10m (28MHz) without an ATU and other bands with an ATU. So what is it ? G7FEK’s original “Nested Marconi Antenna” was first designed in 1988 and comprised two quarter-waves in parallel, fed against ground in inverted L. SKU 11390. G5RV Full Size HF Wire Antenna is an HF Amateur Band, Receive and Transmit Antenna, covering 80m to 10m bands. He developed computer programs that were used in conjunction with Smith charts to calculate the optimum dimensions for his variant At 92 feet long and able to use it on 80M-6M its great! On 80M my SWR is about 5:1, but external tuner can match it up, 15M and 10M are a little high on SWR but tuner can make them work also. Delta Loop Antennas (14) Double Bazooka (12) HF G5RV Antenna (2) HF QRP (8) Marconi Inverted L G7FEK (2) ZS6BKW (3) OFF CENTRE FED WINDOM (4) End-Fed Wire Antenna 9:1 Non Resonant (4) 10M (32) 12M (23) 15M (25) 17M (25) 20M (35) 30M . D8040. Some modifications can dial in 80M is you can’t get other antennnas up. 20 foot pole not good for 20 feet of antenna, but can still use 6 or 8 feet and have antenna well above curiosity reach. The ZS6BKW is also the ideal Antenna vor RVers and portable use. I also have a 6-40m wire antenna and enjoy the flexibility having both. The 7-Band antenna is OCF (off-center-fed), with a 46 foot ( 14. EZNEC far field plot 20m. The ZS6BKW antenna needs two feeder lengths to cover 80, 40, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10m bands. The vertical element unlike many others is 450 ohm Window/Ladder line. How to build a ZS6BKW Antenna - VK2KMI. 2M (0) 146MHz (0) Show All VHF. Verified Buyer. While it is great to have resonant antennas, this is just not Small Garden Multi Band HF Antenna 80m / 40m / 30m / 20m / 17m /15m / 12m. 51 metres), with a 40 ft (12. It is a shortened dipole on 80m. longer than 80 meter dipole. The antenna can be placed horizontally or as an inverted-V. 93. ZS6BKW variant was redesigned to provide a better match as a multibander with a very slight performance reduction on 80m. Maybe that would be the best place to start. HF What things should i be trying to troubleshoot the antenna? I have the ability to borrow the antenna analyzer. Vertical, Inv-L, EFHW. The ZS6BKW (early 1980's) was derived from the G5RV by Brian Austin HF ZS6BKW Junior Multi Band Antenna. I might be able to add a couple feet to each end of the antenna. Covers band concerned. $149. 20m. HF ZS6BKW Multi Band A start to finish antenna build of the ZS6BKW HF 10M thru 80M. In the mid-1980s, Brian Austin (ZS6BKW) ran computer analysis to develop an antenna system that would match the maximum number of HF bands possible without an antenna tuner, using 50-ohm coaxial cable as the main feed line. I recommend the 17/03/2019 in Amateur Radio, HF Antenna, SOTA, Summits on the Air, ZS6BKW Antenna. 80 and 15 metres are usable with a good trans-match, but a dedicated This is the antenna for you guys who want to get on HF effectively, and haven’t too much space or cash to throw around. I try to design the antennas for use with my Rig-internal Antenna Tuners, which mostly are able to match SWR mismatches up to 3:1. $151. I made mine using 93 feet of wire on top and a matching section of 36. ZS6BKW (aka G0GSF), similar to the G5RV, but it actually resonates on 6 bands, and doesn’t rely on a. To show this fact, I modeled the antenna using AWG #8, #12, and #18 wire. Multiband Antennas ‐ZS6BKW ZS6BKW ‐Brian Austin Based on the G5RV. Cut your antenna to fit your space, feed it with 450 Ohm ladder line to the exterior wall of your shack, terminate on a 4:1 balun, then run a short run of good RG-8 coax inside and connect to a good mid-priced tuner. Also, no electric service (gotta keep the noise floor tight!) It does cover 80m-6m and no tuner is required except on 80 and 15 meters! Small Garden Multi Band HF Antenna 80m / 40m / 30m / 20m / 17m /15m / 12m. I know many "all band" antennas don't work out in reality, but if i could get a 1:1 on both 40m and 20m with the internal tuner, i'd This HF multi band antenna for small gardens that works well on 80 meters Main bands (@~50 ohm) are 80m / 40m / 30m / 20 / 17m / 15m / 12m A 14 meters ( 46 ft ) multi band antenna for small gardens that works well on 80 meters Main bands (@~50 ohm) are 80m / 40m / 20/ 30m / 17m / 15m / 12m . So I serched for infos and mesures to build one. vee to run 10m-80m but I am looking for a way to ALSO be on 160m to make a few dozen contacts in a contest or two. Share Sort by: Best. 4 meters ) leg, totalling 135 feet or 41 meters setup as T Top . The math wasn’t adding up but I kept pruning until it was resonant on 75 meters. This photo is #hamradio #zs6bkw #hf #antennaIn this video I show the process of installing a ZS6BKW multi-band antenna, using a tree to support the feed-point. 98 Quick View OCF Wire antennas are a great simple way to work 40M and 80M rather than a noisy vertical antenna that requires horizontal radials. Brian hat die Längen optimiert, um eine bessere Leistung auf mehreren Amateurfunkbändern zu erzielen. The ZS6BKW just seems to work The ZS6BKW antenna is an optimized variant of the venerable old G5RV. It would be somewhere between 100 and 105' long. The ZS6BKW (early 1980’s) was derived from the G5RV by Brian Austin (G0GSF, Here is the ZS6BKW antenna installed at AK6R fine tuned for the CW/FT8 frequencies on 40-20-17-12-10 meters. Traps for 60 meter band Dipole or inverted V tuned as a pair. The result is the “ZS6BKW” antenna, with slightly different dimensions from the original G5RV. A friend told me about the ZS6BKW and how limited space it needs. 98 Quick View Compare. That resonance can be obtained by a natural RF length or wavelength of wire. HF ZS6BKW Multi Band Antenna. VHF. As you note, it is not a half wave antenna. 5:1 SWR on 80m. This antenna design has been out for quite a while. €95. 80m on the ZS6BKW will be in the 7:1 VSWR range but it will still perform very well on 80 and leaps and bounds better than the easy thing. EZNEC far field plot 10m. 5 ft) and the matching line (which must have a characteristic impedance of 400 ohms) was lengthened to 13. Where the G5RV is basically a four This is the antenna for you guys who want to get on HF effectively, and haven’t too much space or cash to throw around. This antenna allows anyone to achieve an effective full size 80m antenna in a small garden with excellent low angle DX performance, closely matching a full size dipole installed at the same height. The G5RV is a 102 ft center-fed dipole fed with ~30 ft of 300 ohm The ZS6BKW antenna evolved from an optimization of the G5RV antenna that, in general, sacrifices 75m operation to gain 17m and 10m operation. Brand: Wire Antennas UK; Product Code: HWEF 40 - 80m Coil for Small Gardens; Availability: 9; £35. Double dipole 40/80m, 1kW, length 20. 00 Ex Tax: £63. G5RV, ZS6BKW, doublets, they're the same thing. I’m probably missing a lot by not having the feed line included. Various band ranges to choose from. 83. It's overall length is 102ft , and should be fed with good quality 50 Ohms coaxial cable (recommended feed length of 45 or 90 ft). The ZS6BKW antenna is an optimized variant of the venerable old G5RV. If you have something like 100ft of RG-58 now, the coax loss could be approaching These formed the vertical sections of two back to back, inverted L antennas for 80m & 40m. G3TXQ (via ZS6BKW Multiband HF Antenna. Analysis of the G5RV by G3TXQ. The top wire was reduced to 27. For example, a 40m antenna may be usable on 20m, 15m, and 10m, Wire antennas are a great simple way to work 40M and 80M rather than a noisy vertical antenna that requires horizontal radials. The ZS6BKW JUNIOR(early 1980's) was derived from the G5RV by Brian Austin (G0GSF, formerly ZS6BKW (aka G0GSF), similar to the G5RV, but it actually resonates on 6 bands, and doesn’t rely on a tuner (ATU) to make it work. The construction is designed to withstand severe winds and also provide a high level of protection from corrosion. 5m, the antenna now resonates beautifully on 7. 00 Ex Tax: £81. The method of construction and tuning is essentially the same for both antennas but the dimensions are different. Baluns/Ununs. The original antenna ZS6BKW. Actually, it’s a design from ZS6BKW (aka G0GSF) 3. I’ve been using an EARCHI UNUN with some extra radials, fed with RG-174 and matched by the LDG autotuner. My antenna, like all antennas, is a compromise. No tuner needed on most of the HF bands. Where the G5RV is basically a four HF band antenna (80m, 40m, 20m, and 12m) the ZS6BKW is a five HF band antenna (40m, 20m, 17m, 12m, and 10m). The shorter feeder is required on 80m and 15m, while the longer feeder is required to cover the other bands. First of all I assume you mean the ZS6BKW antenna, not the KS6BKW? If that is the case that antenna does not use traps (coil plus capacitor). In fact, during some ZS6BKW (3) OFF CENTRE FED WINDOM (4) End-Fed Wire Antenna 9:1 Non Resonant (4) 10M (32) 12M (23) 15M (25) 17M (25) 20M (35) 30M (24) 40M (34) 60M (7) 80M. generally without a tuner, and with SWR readings usually at 1. 7. 00 A dipole at heights that most hams can manage like horizontal between maybe 20 and 35ft off the ground will give you lots more signal in the 100-500mi range on 40/60/80m and will also work good DX on most bands above 80m. He developed computer programs that were used in conjunction with Smith charts to calculate the optimum dimensions for his variant 80m. ZS6BKW Modifications (web. Including: 1 X 64:1 200 watts unun Type 61 core giving extremely flat bandwidth. 9m ( 91. Related posts. 00 Must use an Antenna Tuner, except 20m Advantages 80m to 10m No traps or coils Flat‐top or Inverted V Disadvantages SWR >2 except 20m Page 2. The G5RV antenna (c. It’s simple and usually my go to antenna. Toggle navigation. Construction Project – QRP 4:1 BALUN SOTA Activation Boboyan Divide – 22 June 2014. covers 160 -10 meters I have been using the W8AMZ ZS6BKW/G5RV antenna for about a year and a half. It’s a bit short for 80/75 but a simple doorknob cap can make it work there with low swr. "Of all the G5RV antenna system cousins, the ZS6BKW/G0GSF antenna system has come closest to achieving the goal that is part of the G5RV mythology: a multi-band HF antenna consisting of a DOUBLE BAZOOKA antenna covering the 80m and 40 meterbands. An antenna tuner is required for the 80 meter band. Home. He developed computer programs that were used in conjunction with Smith charts to calculate the optimum dimensions for his variant ZS6BKW ModS - Free download as PDF File (. £66. 6 ft ) multiplied by the velocity factor. 1946) was designed by Louis Varney (G5RV, SK). The ZS6BKW (early 1980’s) was derived from the G5RV by Brian Austin (G0GSF, formerly ZS6BKW). In stock, shipped in 3 to 4 days. Tags: 80m SOTA Antenna, HF Antenna, SOTA, SOTA Antenna, ZS6BKW Antenna. The performance for the amateur bands as well as MARS bands is exceptional for a single wire multiband dipole. Design optimization using modern computer modeling Significantly improved in‐band performance. The #8 selection is fatter than almost all amateurs would use, but--in conjunction with the other wires--it provides a reasonably graphic illustration of the effects of wire diameter on the performance of the antenna system. Altho this antenna isn't designed for 80M, I find that inserting a series . Post navigation. On 40m, where the antenna is 1 wavelength, the pattern is still maximum broadside to the antenna, but with a little bit more gain, and the lobes are a little narrower. Evolving from a simple end-fed Marconi for 80m, this antenna design was created by The ZS6BKW antenna including BalUn can be used in many cases without a tuner on the 10, 12, 17, 20 and 40 meter bands. 8 MHz. I tried it in the past and had RFI issues. “hi guys have small garden (55ft)built this antenna solely for 80m with excellent results when I got the the earthing right, worked US ZS6BKW (3) OFF CENTRE FED WINDOM (4) End-Fed Wire Antenna 9:1 Non Resonant (4) 10M (32) 12M (23) 15M (25) 17M (25) 20M (35) 30M (24) 40M (34) 60M (7) 80m Coil for Small Gardens. 5:1 or Depending on the length, it also covers 160 or 80m. Product Compare (0) Sort By: Show: Traps for 40 / 80 meter band Dipole or inverted V tuned as a pair to Cart. Evolving from a simple end-fed Marconi for 80m, this antenna design was At 92 feet long and able to use it on 80M-6M its great! On 80M my SWR is about 5:1, but external tuner can match it up, 15M and 10M are a little high on SWR but tuner can make them work also. 00 MHz (40 m) 1:1 40 puurrfect The ZS6BKW worked fine without the need for an ATU on 80M (a very slim bit), 40M, 20M, 17M, 12M and 10M but was untunable on the rest of 80M and all other bands with the TS590 built in ATU. HF ZS6BKW Multi Band The ZS6BKW antenna is a better match for our bands than the G5RV. I couldn't find any difference in performance between the homebrew doublet with the SGC at the base and the ZS6BKW. I have used Dipoles and ZS6BKW antennas for several years. 40m. For 15 The ZS6BKW antenna is an optimized variant of the venerable old G5RV. pdf), Text File (. 91 m) down lead. 00 HF ZS6BKW Junior Multi Band Antenna. Rated 5 out of 5. Gives various advantages over a Looking to improve the ZS6BKW. . The next business day, the antenna was on my porch. rdcusz rrrkpy fbf kbftu elgw ypnnftx zvwql pvtko vgyfi wvxtv