Abzan stax cedh g. Good stax decks often rely on that first and foremost and hence often put the win condition in the cmd zone, so they can close the game when they want to. A deck created using Moxfield. Sam is the one combo card here, and he's only 2 MV so drawing him isn't the end of the world. So I put this all out stax beatdown abzan deck together for him. Sultai 219 decks. While other approaches like winconless stax are possible, this build combines a high level of overall card quality with an efficient game-ending combo that w Bilbo Birthday Celebrant is a weird jank CEDH stax deck that tries to make life gain a viable strategy, though keep in mind it's life gain and life gain can only be so good. Winota might be overall strongest, but is tyreatening and easily recognized. 1) draw a bunch of cards/better yet tutor a bunch of cards 2) be an infinite combo piece 3) be an amazing stax piece. Its main goal is to slow the game down to a crawl using many different cards such as Rule of Law, Drannith Magistrate, Ethersworn Canonist, and many more to prevent the win attempts before they happen. Haven't seen a lot of talk about [[meria, scholar of antiquity]]. Livio, Oathsworn Sentinel // Reyhan, Last of the Abzan. Abstract This list is a RoL focused hatebear stax deck that aims to win in the very late game by creating a hard lock and running over all opponents. I suppose there's an argument against it if you're heavy on rule of law, but to be honest esper is a weird choice of colors for that - abzan or winota are both well positioned for that. Mono-Black 428 decks. Great reanimator and / or stax deck that can win with straight up commander damage. MALCOM + TYMNA: Essentially the Esper variant of Mad (Mardu) Farm / Bad (Abzan) Farm. In cEDH, Stax has seen a resurgence, and some of the lessons learned from these Stax players A good stax deck will balance having multiple of these in a deck and will need to consider their meta. I've been following the cEDH meta and community for a while now and I figued I should try making my own cEDH deck. Dec 27, 2022 · So far, the previous four positions are debatable, and I can easily see different views from mine. If Stax buys you time to assemble a combo and your playgroup is ok with it then you should absolutely be doing it. This list is supposed to win via combat or [[Rest in Peace]]/ … The thing with stax is to make sure you have some combo wincons or a CZ beater (e. The amount of (reasonable) hate that winota gets in high powered not quite full on cedh games is scary, she’s a beast in cedh but can pubstomp even better at slightly lower power, never have i once played against one that wasn’t hated off the table completely, or ran us over going wide and shutdown simultaneously over a single turn to two Reanimator is a deep strategy in cEDH with many sub-archetypes. Check out Kenrith Stax or Abzan Stax for actual stax decks. Using tutors or dredge, assemble a combo kill with any valid combination of Saffi Eriksdotter , Renegade Rallier , Karmic Guide , Reveillark , a repeatable sac outlet(ie. moxfield. I've been working on a Tymna/Sidar build for a while, considering switching to new Kodama over Sidar to break parody of rule of law effects. Land coming in tapped is a nice tempo hit for opposing fetch lands. For a while now, I've been constantly tuning my Abzan Hatebear/Stax/Tax with [[Tymna the Weaver]] and [[Kamahl, Heart of Krosa]] deck and wanted to talk to other stax players about it. I Abstract This list is a Hulk focused stax deck that plays super compact and high quality hulk-piles inside of a meta-specific stax shell. 34 land count should be accurate. Abzan Stax CEDH deck list with prices for Magic: the Gathering (MTG). Commander, $3892 (169 tix), Zenxmenace. I don't have any experience with Thalia & Gitrog as a cEDH deck. Edit. Feb 25, 2019 · I don't generally recommend it because most playgroups are quite opposed to it (for obvious and fair reasons) but a cEDH mindset don't care. These decks put cards into their graveyard then use a spell like Animate Dead to bring the creature back. Colorless 141 decks. If you’re really interested in this list I’d recommend taking it to r/degenerateedh a relatively new sub for high power but sub-cEDH lists. I moved onto the Tymna Abzan train when Partners came out, and when Hulk was unbanned I immediately bought into the craze and gave it a go. Mono-Red 839 decks. Still delving into CEDH so this is a work in progress. I've had interest in the Jund and Abzan color identities since I've started playing Magic in 2014 basically and I decided to make a Tayam deck with an in-depth primer. Kenrith can play arround that stax cards with his reanimating ability. (Right before your turn, get Maralen into play with Yisan, Chord of Calling, Emergence Zone, etc. A 3/4 body for 8 mana is a huge turn-off, but there’s no reason you should ever pay full price for Karador. This means having a game plan for your stax pieces so your deck is challenging and fun and not the horrid play experience many players make stax out to be. Monocolor. Callahan Jones 10/9/2024 Back to Top You won’t regret doing tymna/kamahl it my favorite stax deck something about being able to swing down a table with combat dmg for the win feels good especially in CEDH. In this video, we'll take a look at Lord of the Nazgul, as a cEDH deck that plays around with the powerful new Lord of the Nazgul card. Hope others might find it interesting. They are midrange combo decks that get an advantage over their opponents by using asymmetrical stax pieces. Mar 21, 2021 · Rule of law is currently a really strong stax card inside the current cedh metagame. whatnot. Abzan cEDH stax. It's fun and resilient deck. Mono-Black 972 decks. ) The other piece is a general cEDH all-star that a ton of decks are already running. But our gold medal is indisputable. I enjoy stax as its always a puzzle of how to beat the faster combo decks without stopping myself from winning/ breaking parity. Testing Kamahl & Tymna for EDH and cEDH. Most other cards I’ve built decks around have been relatively new, like Jhoira, Ageless Innovator and Zimone and Dina, fringe, like Slogurk, the Overslime, or I’ve gone in a particularly different direction, like Tymna/Thrasios. Overall, a Reanimator deck in cEDH wants to cheat in a massive, game-winning creature such as Hullbreaker Horror, Razaketh the Foulblooded, Worldgorger Dragon, Necrotic Ooze, or Protean Hulk. 52 with lands and 2. The issue is the golgari hulk decks are based on speed and playing trough most stax unlike most other turbo decks. Colorless 140 decks. Tyler on Tymna/Kohmal, our Abzan humans that use creature to draw with its commander, lock out the board with Stax effects, and then win with Kohmal beats and Brielle on Winota, our Boros deck that snowballs out of control with Stax pieces. Also being able to play elesh norn and living planes is always something I’m down with. A pain stax deck may run some hard stax peices to slow down the early game to try and get going. The deck typically seeks to set up a stax’d out boardstate and end the game with a finisher such as the SquirrelCraft combo, beats, or in some lists, Razaketh. Just because a stax deck doesn't have combos, doesn't mean it can't win the game. Abzan stax with SMOrc face as main wincon (with the help of Kamahl and Elesh Norn) Slow starts, locking down your opponent's potential win cons and slowing them down with stax pieces, while developing mana with creatures and Gaea's Cradle . Alharu, Solemn Ritualist // Ikra Shidiqi Stax! Play stax! Combo is too squishy without blue in my opinion so just play every rule of law, thalia, and root maze effect. It’s not a bad card, but I also feel it does a lot, that’s it definitely pushed, and it’s gonna be a pretty good commander for Abzan Stax type lists. Stax tends to draw a lot of hatred, so her first strike / deathtouch combination makes her an effective rattlesnake Her effects aren't backbreaking enough for anyone to want to remove her right away Tayam, Luminous Enigma is a spicy reanimator commander, one of the few that can reanimate any kind of permanent instead of just creatures. And I see a lot of people build stax decks themself. Keep in mind I have not play tested this and have little to no experience in CEDH so its going to be rough. Sep 12, 2024 · Abzan cards always seem to get the short end of the stick. Untap and tutor up Opposition Agent. As for the stax decks, I think Abzan with [[Tymna]]/[[Kamahl, heart of Krosa]] or [[Kodama, the east tree]] can be good and probably Naya with either [[Ardenn]] and [[Tana]] or [[Minsc, beloved ranger]] stax with hulk finish or Pod. 8 decks. Derevi is easily recognized, but seen as weaker so less hate. You can tech for Rift (Ashaya or Righteous Valkyrie) but is hard, but the only way vs bad decisions is being the most outspoken person in the game, always commenting truthfully about the game state and constantly reminding them what Tayam Stax to Combo [cEDH] Commander / EDH Abzan (WBG) Aristocrats Budget cEDH Combo Competitive Hatebears Midrange Mill Reanimator Stax Toolbox Classic Tayam toolbox rule of law stax and finish with easy to setup combos. Okay before you roast me into oblivion, its infinite mana and stax with all the Naya/artifact CEDH staples I could fit (and think of) under 500 with a few flavor choices I already have in my collection. Tymna/Kodama (0-4) - I really enjoy playing with Kodama. Jun 23, 2023 · Tayam is, I gather, a deeply-explored card in cEDH. I feel this will become the go-to Abzan Stax commander, replacing Anafenza. But I’m not an expert on Tivit Stax/Control. Upvoted 0. 9 decks. 3K decks. The deck is obviously not very strong (it's Abzan!), but Tayam makes a decent cEDH commander for the colors we have. Combat is always a good angle in cEDH since it can catch some decks off guard. True stax decks in cEDH are usually in GW+X and play tons of hatebears and especially Rule of Law Effects. Our commander provides a synergistic stax effect that layers well with our more general Rule or Law approach, while also generating card advantage, being a solid beater, blocker and potentially even removal. Commander 6 min read Top 5 Best cEDH Cards from Duskmourn: House of Horror With the horrors of the Commander bans behind us, let's talk about Duskmourn. From getting called "Junk" to having the least number of printed cards of any wedge of shard, Wizards doesn't seem to like them. Tayam has been seeing tournament success lately in the cedh sphere - might be a good place to start but it is abzan, not bant. Unfortunately he didn't have a deck list available so I tried to remember what he ran at the time before he quit Magic: The Gathering entirely. The caveat of having to remove counters from things is a small price to pay to build up one of the most resilient stax boardstates you will ever see, since if your opponents destroy a piece you can just bring it right back. For example, Winter Orb in your Urza, Lord High Artificer deck is a game plan. Thats not to say that Reyhan isn't good in a casual pod, there are just strictly better options for the usual cEDH strategies. I'd love to hear your thoughts on WitherChain as well as the decklist if you're inclined to share (I'm sure it needs some work), thanks for reading. Two Color Kodama Tymna Stax CEDH Commander / EDH* BGW (Abzan, Junk) hippity. I play against a lot of fringe and off-meta cEDH decks on discord, so that's what I geared toward. The primary draw of Anafenza over something like Sidar + Tymna is that you get to consistently drop an impactful stax piece (your commander) that hates on Hulk/Kats/Gitrog on turn 2. Mono-Black 439 decks. The average mana value of your main deck is 1. Hushbringer is also stupid in the current meta. 31 5 40 6 6 12 5 40 6 6 12 Updated Sep 27, 2021 by TheBreadedCat using our MTG Deck Builder. " That is the kind of stuff that gives stax a bad rep. Armix, Filigree Thrasher // Sidar Kondo I recently made an Abzan WitherChain / SmogCraft Stax list with Tymna / Kamahl. Mono-Blue 675 decks. It's crazy good and super efficient. There are a few options. I kept the stax pieces to slow down other builds while maintaining beefy minions for the eventual Kamahl/Elesh Norn turns. Stax is not something that exists in huge numbers in most cEDH tables these days, especially now that midrange is seemingly everywhere. Mono-White 382 decks. The median mana value of your main deck is 1 with lands and 2 without lands. Nov 1, 2023 · Too many players look at Grafdigger's Cage and think that it shuts off reanimator and that's it. Armageddon is an idea when paired with Kamahl's ability to keep mana over my opponents. While it costs whooping 7 mana, the fact it is the head of a Stax deck means that the Stax player should be able to buy enough time to play this God. Kenrith Stax - solid choice, you can play the best stax pieces and combos available, high card quality and many different ways to play the deck. That is my main archetype. Thalia Frog is one of the stronger Abzan Stax piles. In meren with sacrifice outlets has trouble. The synergy there is obvious Anafenza “Raz-Bear-y Jam” is built as a midrange stax/hate bears deck that wins using classic Raza-kats shenanigans. You can also run a stax build with [[tymna]] [[Kamahl heart of krosa]] which is pretty good for winconless stax. Using hulk as a generic win con in a shell is slow when you can just play 2 card card monte. Stax. While the original Abzan deck didn’t play to Karador’s strengths, these days it’s in the running for the best graveyard-based Abzan commander. This deck leverages the inherent synergy between the commanders to generate value, break parity through stax pieces, and assemble hard-to-interrupt Abzan Stax CEDH. Urza is great. Mono-Blue 663 decks. I guess video is the answer to all the wrong The most winning stax deck is Winota (that's a proven fact) My hot take is: just play stax(y) versions of good meta decks: Najeela - Rule of Law : is super cracked, since you can play 5c goodstuff while breaking parity with all the one card wincons of Najeela or with Winota in the 99 With all of that considered I put together an Abzan WitherChain deck using a Tymna / Kondo stax shell. By the time you get to 111 life, the ad naus player will already have gone off, the value player will have out-grinded you, and the stax player will likely have an unbeatable boardstate. Upvote 0. Dec 24, 2024 · [[Tymna the Weaver]] and [[Kodama of the East Tree]] create a powerful Abzan [[symbol:w]][[symbol:b]][[symbol:g]] midrange/stax deck that blends interaction, resource denial, and combo finishes. Midrange preys on stax, so while the occasional taxing permanent or a Deafening Silence can can stop our Ad Nauseam -filled fun time, their controllers are rarely favored against the numerous value engines Reyhan, Last of the Abzan // Sidar Kondo of Jamuraa. Naturally, I tried coming up with some lines that weren't necessarily obvious at first. This deck is Commander / EDH legal. [[Alesha, Who Smiles at death]] stax. Abzan cEDH. Being able to use Aleshas ability to break parity on rule of Law effects (trinisphere too) can be a very fun deck to pilot. Feature Queue May 31, 2024 · There are few deck types in Commander as divisive as Stax decks. 13 without lands. Hi, I´ve recently got an urge to build a stax deck. Winota - is a very fast/aggro stax deck, unless your opponents understand how to handle it. Mono-Red 1. Mono-Blue 975 decks. Mono-White 3K decks. Disgraced Tournament Organizer of Monarch Media, cEDH TO, scams judges, artists, and players - Megathread: Salce Watch upvotes · comments r/CompetitiveEDH Frankly in cedh it's a very weird decision to not include a thassa's line if you're in esper colors. +1/+1 Counters-1/-1 Counters Abzan (WBG) Aristocrats Birthing Pod / Pod Blink / Flicker cEDH Combo Competitive Control Cycling Discard Dredge Formula X-1 Golgari (BG) Goodstuff Hatebears Jank Lands Matter Legends Matter Maverick Midrange Mill Modified Orzhov (WB) Pillowfort Primer Ramp Reanimator Selesnya (GW) Stax Storm Tempo Toolbox I have a nearly foiled Teeg deck that can play against most cEDH and pulled a few wins with silly things like [[Yisan, wanderer bard]] fetching [[Craterhoof]]. Winconless stax decks are a misnomer. After hampering their opponents ability to play the game, Stax decks shift to winning through combos or simply beating down with combat damage until Tymna + Halana - solid Abzan Hulk deck with removal in the commandzone Tymna + Kamahl - combat based stax deck which is sometimes built winconless Tymna + Ikra - Abzan Farm (Ad Nauseum) Ghave - very unique commander, even though he doesn't see that much play nowadays. This deck's total mana value is 149. Edit Live Edit. Jan 15, 2022 · This episode of Recurring Insight looks at the stax pieces that are currently run in cEDH and breaks down what kinds of decks they see play in. You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. Temur 26 Abzan Stax. 30 7 24 16 6 17 7 24 16 6 17 Popular tags/colors for decks in EDH / Commander The biggest thing with Reyhan is that her ability isn't really relevant in cEDH where as Ikra has the same color identity and allows you to gain life to make naus easier in the late game. She has a lot going for her that make her one of the best Stax commanders printed. Abzan 817 decks. Heliod, Stax-Crowned cEDH Lawful Evil Boo Pod-Stax [CEDH] Shorikai Evolution Farm Haiti Chrie Porcelain Throne Fiddle Me This Oswald Shenanigans (Oswald Midrange - cEDH) Mulling for Malcolm: Adaptive Malcolm Tymna DOMMY MOMMIES Abzan Farm - Tymna Ikra Turbo Nauseam Kenrith Ad Naus Abzan scales Vizier of the Pod The lack of a wincon kills the deck - it almost doesnt matter what else you do, if you cant kill a table before they break your stax you are going to lose. It breathed new life into Stax and brought the Boros combination to cEDH: Winota, Joiner of Forces, the best Stax deck in the format. Mardu 335 decks. Jeskai 462 decks. It was always present among the top 16 and top 4 of numerous tournaments How viable is this combo? It seems pretty strong, especially since one piece can help find the other. There might be to many lands in the deck. Kamahl) embedded in the list so it's not just "3 hr concession as wincon. Mono-Green 226 decks. And arguably speaking, abzan is the best stax color combination. Tymna is also a favorite of mine. Well, while it does do an excellent job at that (something which I think doesn't get as much respect as it deserves, considering the rather disgusting loops you can do with Dockside Extortionist and Corpse Dance or even just a classic Vilis, Broker of Blood), Grafdigger's Cage 's real cEDH power Being in Abzan colors means that we have access to a ton of mana dorks, incredibly potent hatebears and stax pieces as well as lots of tutors. Finally, the combo works through most stax pieces and at instant speed, plus you get 3 food tokens to work with at the start, so 1 Otawara activation can't even stop you alone. Link to my Tymna the Weaver/Kamahl, Heart of Krosa deck Dec 1, 2024 · [[Tayam, Luminous Enigma]] is an Abzan midrange/stax/control deck that leverages [[Tayam, Luminous Enigma]]'s unique ability to grind value and control the game through a combination of resource-efficient combos, stax pieces, and strategic interactions. While abzan doesnt have sub 3 mana ones they have 4-5 mana plays. I also heard [[Tivit]] could be played as Stax as well. You could even play Dockside, Consult/Pact Oracle or win with Infinite Mana + Kenrith if you want. So yeah, the deck can be quite fun for those who enjoy stax. A hard stax deck may still run soft stax for advantage to compete with other players advantage. The injustice doesn’t end today, but we can do our due diligence and show some respect to the Abzan cards we’ve got. Reply reply [deleted] The Strategy is to use stax creatures with the card advantage of black and tymna to push advantage and win with high end power and Kamahl as a finisher. I've been playing Abzan Hulk for a while, and started with Karador Boonweaver (may he [[Rest In Peace]]). Jan 18, 2025 · Karador, Ghost Chieftain is the “other” Abzan commander from Commander 2011. This deck is dedicated to a friend to lure him into cEDH. It's got some card draw and an okay stax effect. Whether you pr Anafenza is a powerful stax commander, helming an incredibly versatile hatebears deck with the ability to shut of tons of decks in the format with just a three-mana castable commander. 4 decks. Green-playing decks in recent So i will recommend tymna kamahl, this is a very pure stax Deck that wins with Beats Great Card Draw thanks to tymna can run the best stax pieces in the cedh and consistently find Them thanks to black So that would be my Pick Also kenrith King k rol is a great rule of law list Jul 20, 2023 · Abzan Death And Taxes in CEDH?!📜 Decklist: https://www. Since the stax pieces were mostly creature-based, [[Nethroi, Apex of Death]] was the perfect commander. The issue that always comes up though is that theres was never a good enough commander for the list to work. Metal Gear STAX | CEDH Deck Intro & Primer Summary (Non-Poly Shorikai) Discussion Update: The list has actually been updated to include the [[Intruder Alarm]] x [[Ashnod's Altar]] combo, which not only wins through RoL but also can use Ashnod's to sac RoL creatures to enable other combos. I can see a world where [[Hinata]] is viableish because of rule 3 but otherwise I just don't see it. Nath is a midrange stax list focused on discarding, mana denial, and staying ahead of the “stax curve” while your opponents lose resources. I dosen't like combos but he want to tryout competitive commander game play. What Abzan RoL loses to (like all RoL decks) is cyclonic rift and bad player decisions from the rest of the pod. Like you said, it’s got amazing stats and abilities all for 4 mv. Armix, Filigree Thrasher // Sidar Kondo of Jamuraa. While Protean Hulk lines are possible, I'm opting for this build, because it's extremely annoying to play against and I'm a toxic person. Such a cool commander. For some reason, I got hellbent on building it in Abzan colours, mostly because I liked the stax options they provide and I already owned some pieces from my previous decks. Mono-Green 542 decks. (This primer is not quite finished, will update it whenever I have more free time) ===accordion|autocollapse Win Conditions Neither one of those decks is stax per se. I run tymna kodama right now which wins through the chain of smog/witherbloom combo or infinite etbs using [[acererak the archlich]]. Reyhan, Last of the Abzan // Sidar Kondo of Jamuraa. I know you can do a stax heavy deck and run a lord commander but I feel that is pushing it still. Commander, $2535 (208 tix), karlRickard96. com/ Hello everyone! This is my first post here. Two Color Jan 25, 2024 · Did my best to recreate my friends' old Ghave, Guru of Spores Abzan Stax EDH / Commander Deck that I had difficulty beating at one point. I can't read, didn't see you talk about shifting the deck to other abzan. Overall GW stax is a very challenging but rewarding deck to play. So I play a lot of stax in cEDH. Popular tags/colors for decks in EDH / Commander The only really two “aggro” decks in the format are either Naya / Abzan stax decks that use tons of hate bears to overrun the opponents and hit face while they can’t play magic… or Yuriko where you’re turning 1 drop unblockable a into card advantage and hitting everyone for CMC. With this deck, you c Meta matters more for stax than other cedh deck types. A few notes: Nov 25, 2024 · Another important part of playing stax is doing so in a fun, responsible manner. Are the artifact stax peices the best? Depends on the meta. It was always present among the top 16 and top 4 of numerous tournaments Stax is the opposite to Turbo in many ways. And Abzan colors have some of the strongest options available for hardcore Stax strategies. Loses some speed but is extremely consistent, and grinds value on the level of Blue Farm. So using knowledge from my cedh experiences, I have created an "Abzan Aristocrats Stax" list. I've been attempting to build a cedh deck in these colors that can compete at a high level, and after a month of play-testing, I've decided to abandon Anafenza and go into a Tymna/Kamahl build. WitherChain can win through an incredible amount of stax effects so I think it's great for a deck that wants to grind into the late game with card draw from Tymna, and as Sinivi mentioned in another thread: Kamahl adds an element of inevitability to a stax deck. With Tevesh sazt though he does everything they want. . Deckcycle Feature Queue. com/decks/yT253QaocEeLM1Uoy7QwHg 📜Sponsors: Cardking47 on Whatnot: https://www. Creatures coming in tapped can mess up a Najeela player pretty good and kiki combos. ctkwig xrsdj nud pmta tvmo orulbg ytp mpedu hti igrtxd nqj bjax ueovj vjncjq zao