Add equipment hoi4 Ces codes de triche pour HOI4 vous permettent de modifier instantanément de nombreux aspects du jeu, que ce soit en augmentant vos ressources ou en accélérant la production d’unités. You can add equipment to your stockpile by a command in the history file or as part of an event. 11. 3; 1; Reactions: Reply. Mar 5, 2025 · Example: You create a variant of 'Matilda LP'-tank with better Armor and Main Gun and name it 'Matilda LP Mk. May 18, 2018 · Hearts of Iron 4 is a World War II Strategy game developed by Paradox Interactive which allows players to take control of any nation in either 1936 or 1939. 火箭炮 add_equipment 10000 rocket_artillery_equipment_1 12 Oct 14, 2022 · add_autonomy [TAG kraju — lista pod tabelą] [liczba] Dodaje lub odejmuje poziom autonomii wybranego kraju. You can also add a production line, i think in the oob file as well. This comes in handy when you’re just learning the mechanics of the game and want to have fun. If i remember correctly, you can't convert equipment from a older model to a newer model, but you can if their the same equipment model. Jun 11, 2024 · Positive numbers add war support up to 100%, and negative numbers subtract war support. "ae [insert number you want] Infantry Equipment I" So "ae 50000 Support Equipment" Don't use any underscores. Apr 21, 2017 · Learn how to spawn different types of equipment in Hearts of Iron IV using the add_equipment console command. allowtraits: General trait assignments will have no more restrictions. add_latest_equipment [amount] So first of all, you need to have the equipment researched that you want to add. . A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by… Hello! I’ve played the hell outta hoi4 and the owb mod, now I want to have some fun with the console commands! I got the basics down like, pp, manpower, etc But I’m having trouble “giving” owb equipment like power armour and weapons. add_latest_equipment(ale) [<equipment amount>] Gives player amount of latest equipment variants To add only a specific type of your latest equipment, you have to address it's given name. 火炮 add_equipment 10000 artillery_equipment_1 123. Слово equipment после названия оборудования здесь использовать не нужно. Joi 376K subscribers in the hoi4 community. And don't type in numbers if there is none. Mar 10, 2019 · Learn how to use the add_equipment command to spawn equipment in Hearts of Iron IV. So first lets talk about the add_equipment console command, for everyone, this is a slow, annoying, and sort of the wrong way to do that. exe is located, create a text file and save as: userdir This is a complete list of all add_equipment commands for HOI4. To do this, use the rather complicated cheat code add_equipment [quantity] [equipment name] _equipment_ [level]. Here equipment from your reserves can be chosen, and a price range of low, normal and high be selected. Before diving into using the add_equipment command, it's important to note that you need to research equipment before you can use it. Aug 12, 2016 Feb 1, 2022 · Vary the appearance of icons in HoI4 in order to depict unit strength Describe what words or phrases introduce confusion or ambiguity in HoI4. e. I tried the add_equipment command, but it said it didn't work for naval units (I assume it's something related to it consuming manpower immediately upon deployment, unlike land units and planes). Here is the syntax you will need to use: add_equipment [amount] [equipment name] How to Activate the Add Equipment Cheat in HOI4. We have a full list of the most important equipment names here . event id – you can find the id’s of various events you might want to play out early by looking in the /Hearts of Iron IV/events/ folder wherever you installed the game. 2023 by Martin. Just wanted to know if there is any list for equipment IDs that are Kaiserreich-specific. EG: add_equipment 5000 Infantry Equipment I - Command to add 5000 pieces of Infantry equipment 1. Come join our The equipment has to be researched/unlocked for you to add it. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. I am at your disposal to help you with any questions you have. IV'. add_equipment [数目] [装备名] 加指定装备 add_equipment 2000 infantry_equipment_0 是 +2000基础步兵装备 add_equipment 3000 infantry_equipment_1 是 + 3 000高一级的步兵装备 add_equipment 10000 support_equipment_1则是一万个补给 Fuel 改变燃油量 This guide includes a list of my personal favourite and very handy console commands. 4 Enabled DLC Do you have mods enabled? Yes Description While modding the History/Country files of countries, I tried to add tank Cheat codes for receiving equipment for armies. Ils sont particulièrement utiles pour les joueurs qui veulent 1: How to add equipment via national focus? I tried the console command add_equipment, but it gives me errors and crashes the game. ae doesn't do shit. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 15 votes and 5 comments Mar 5, 2023 · Add_equipment is one of the most typical cheats you can use in HOI4. Posted on 5. Report. If you do have it unlocked, rather than remembering the names of each piece of equipment in the game files or trying to type out the name of the equipment given in the game (that will often have fancy punctuation or characters I can't replicate on my keyboard), I'll just rename the This is a complete list of all add_equipment commands for HOI4. For example, enable_equipments = { my_equipment_1 my_equipment_2 } will set my_equipment_1 and my_equipment_2 to only be enabled after the technology was researched. The subreddit for all who want to share and talk about their experiences with MLB: The Show. This will add all the latest equipment available to you. Units are the foundations of Hearts of Iron, and can be broken down into air wings, divisions and naval task forces. like this one Jan 3, 2018 · 增加 装备/设备 例: add_equipment 200 Sonderkraftfahrzeug 251/20 add_equipment 1000 Strategic Bomber I 1000架轰炸机 add_equipment 2000 infantry_equipment_0 +2000基础步兵装备 add_equipment 3000 infantry_equipment_1 +3000高级步兵装备 add_equipment 10000 support_equipment_1 一万补给 参考【附2】 步兵装备 add_equipment 1000000 infantry_equipment_3 0123. debug_nuking 核弹随便扔. I searched for this, but the only thing i found is effect/add_equipment_to_stockpile - which is not what I am looking for. Either 1, 2, or 3. Privacy Policy | Legal | Steam AE for Millenium Dawn HOI4 Be careful case matters for some of ID's, for others it does not. - How to add I have always wondered how to build a navy or add ships to my existing navy. データ集チートコードの「add_equipment」で使用する兵器タグ。当たり前だが未開発の場合は追加できない。概要陸軍歩兵歩兵装備自動車自動車化ロケット砲兵装甲兵員輸送車アムトラック装甲車支援中隊支援装備砲兵野戦砲対空砲対戦車砲ロケット砲戦車戦車全般前大戦型戦車軽戦車軽駆逐戦車 Apr 10, 2021 · add_diplo: Adds diplomatic enroute for your current country. Before the fancy new plane update, you could add planes with the ae (add_equipment) command. 装备名称在游戏目录\common\units\equipment 可找到. We've gathered together a list of all Example: You create a variant of 'Matilda LP'-tank with better Armor and Main Gun and name it 'Matilda LP Mk. It is mainly developed by a small group of modders, but everybody is welcome to contribute to the project as long as they are sticking to the principle of quality. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Конвои (только 1). help 显示控制台指令大全 add_equipment(ae) [<equipment amount>] [<equipment name>] 任意の装備品を備蓄に追加する。 例えば「add_equipment 1000 infantry_equipment_1」と入力すれば歩兵装備1が1000備蓄に追加される。ちなみに艦船は装備品扱いではないので適用されない: add_latest_equipment(ale) [<equipment amount>] add_equipment (quantidade) (nome do equipamento) Adiciona qualquer equipamento que não seja naval, desde que você tenha pesquisado antes: whitepeace: Tudo volta a ser como era antes do inicio da guerra: teleport (ID da província) Transporta qualquer coisa para uma província específica: allowdiplo This is a complete list of all add_equipment commands for HOI4. Mar 11, 2021 · Learn how to use the add_equipment command to add equipment to your stockpile in Hearts of Iron IV. Negative amount removes that many of said equipment. Nov 11, 2020 · add_equipment [数字] [装备名称] 添加指定数量和名称的装备. This command adds the specified amount of equipment to each and every piece of equipment you have unlocked/fully researched (so, every equipment type in your logistics menu). personalcomputer Recruit. I want to change the number of equipment of stockpile of country (any country) but i dont know where can i change it. In today’s guide, I will show you how to use it on all the typical equipment you work with. This page includes help on how to use the command, argument explanation and examples. I tried: add_equipment Thank you so much. Note: you may need to have researched certain equipment before using it, use either the 'research all' (researches all equipment) or 'research_on_icon How to add equipment in hoi4?A short overview of who I am, Good day, I am Delphi. add_ideas [idea name] gw_armored_car_equipment r/hoi4. 14 TOA add_equipment <number> transport_plane_equipment_1 Edit: you need the _ between the words I have been playing Hoi4 Day by day, everyday, since May 7th, 2020, ask Apr 21, 2017 · add_equipment 1000 heavy_fighter_equipment_3 # Advanced Heavy Fighter #### Rocket Interceptors #### add_equipment 1000 rocket_interceptor_equipment_1 # Basic Rocket Interceptor add_equipment 1000 rocket_interceptor_equipment_2 # Improved Rocket Interceptor add_equipment 1000 rocket_interceptor_equipment_3 # Advanced Rocket Interceptor Here is an in-depth production guide to Hearts of Iron IV where we will cover concepts like army composition, doctrine type and division equipment ratio. Here are a few examples: infantry_weapons is 1965 small arms in game; infantry_weapons1is 1975 small arms in game. How do you do that now? Jul 30, 2019 · こんにちは。 「hoi4 チート」「hoi4 チート 使い方」などでこのサイトに来られている方が多いようなのでまとめてみました。 コンソールコマンドで使用できるデータはこちらでご覧ください。 目次 1 […] Posted by u/MaliParadajzUSpajz - 4 votes and 3 comments Support equipment is used by support companies (far left side of the division designer). Mandatory if a variant needs to be created to produce the equipment, optional otherwise. Learn how to use equipment codes to spawn equipment into Hearts of Iron IV with the 'add_equipment' or 'ae' command. 反坦克炮 add_equipment 10000 anti_tank_equipment_1 123. See a complete list of commands for infantry, tanks, artillery, and more. Learn how to use the add_equipment command in Hearts of Iron IV to cheat in equipment such as infantry, tanks, etc. To use the add equipment cheat in HOI4, the player has two options to input commands into the console command window: add_equipment [amount] [equipment name] ae [amount] [equipment name] Please keep in mind the limitations of the game while entering these commands. 2: How do i create an event which pops up when Germany declares war on Soviet Union, but only if my country (Finland) has completed a certain Focus? Go to hoi4 r/hoi4 • by Soviet Union which adds a bunch of infantry equipment, artillery and such but i can't find the correct code. For sub-units making up the construction of division templates, see Unit modding. The command is "add_equipmentspacespace" For infantry equipment, it looks like this: add_equipment 10000 infantry_equipment_1 You need to spell the entire word out. If you're not sure what's the name of the thing you want to add, hover over its icon in the production menu. Remember though, power projection and sea lane access needs to be set up separately - there are commands for this. r/hoi4. You will be able to freely assign general traits to commanders and so on by using this command. It can be manufactured by anybody and the researchable tech is just an instant stat boost to various infantry units as I recall. I believe equipment conversion just speeds it up. 3. The first one is Add_equipment [Number] [Equipment name] adds specific number of specific equipment. Это единственные корабли, оборудование которых можно получить через чит-коды. Of course, your favourite console commands could be different to mine but I personally think that these are the ess Overview. Rest is finding out which equipment you need. May 2, 2021 · add_equipment [amount] [equipment name] - This command can be used to add a specified amount of any equipment other than naval equipment. You can remove equipment by specifying a negative amount. How to use the add_equipment console. I used it to add Italy to the superpower GUI, as well as Nicaragua :troll:. add_equipment 500 laser musket Reply reply KBVE-Darkish • • a Fallout themed HOI4 total overhaul serving over 300,000 users and counting. The following list is all the valid modifiers for use in equipment (and units): All Edit lend_lease_cost = 1 # Space taken up in convoy build_cost_ic = 0. ? Can anyone explain what all of the equipment in OWB is equivelant to equipment in base HoI4? Description: Adds a chosen amount of latest equipment in every category. add_equipment [amount] [equipment name] Adds a specified amount of any equipment. Some of them are basic, like giving you manpower, ideas, scientits, and so If you want your divisions to have more equipment you can edit them in the oob file. or ale [number], to get the latest of everything. Additive and averaged additive stats from modules are added to the stats of the equipment type. Now I can add the armored car by console command. I. Due to how complex HOI4’s gameplay is, the number of possible commands in the game is jaw-dropping. Apr 21, 2017 · add_equipment 1000 heavy_fighter_equipment_3 # Advanced Heavy Fighter #### Rocket Interceptors #### add_equipment 1000 rocket_interceptor_equipment_1 # Basic Rocket Interceptor add_equipment 1000 rocket_interceptor_equipment_2 # Improved Rocket Interceptor add_equipment 1000 rocket_interceptor_equipment_3 # Advanced Rocket Interceptor Sep 11, 2023 · See also: Equipment#Statistics. This does not work on Naval equipment. It helps to rename the equipment you want to something easier to type in. Spawning equipment in Hearts of Iron IV is actually quite straight-forward. See the syntax, amount argument and examples of this console command. Find a list of equipment names and codes for ships, planes, tanks, artillery and more. Ok so I am creating mod with my friend and I just cant find solution for my problem. Revealed: Raj's historical unit structure in 1936 (proposed historical templates) Mar 7, 2023 · Add_equipment cheat guide HOI4. 14 TOA Jan 20, 2024 · equipment name – the special code for the equipment type you want to spawn. Now the game keeps telling me that I have templates that arn't using this equipment because I started producing it. Examples: – To add 420 of the latest equipment, write: add_latest_equipment 420 – To add 50000 of the latest equipment, write: add_latest_equipment 50000 Go to hoi4 r/hoi4 • by View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Please note that you must have the appropriate technology to receive the equipment. I'm kind of lost as to what type all of the equipment in this mod is (which equipment is infantry guns, motorised, mechanized, special troops, support equipment and its support companies, light, medium and heavy tanks and etc. Dec 29, 2021 · Description of issue add_equipment_to_stockpile variants not working in history files Game Version 1. Engi_equipment_0 command_control_equipment1 <--- 1-6 go to the steam workshop site of OWB and rightclick the picture for the URL. (I have tested in game almost all of these commands to make sure they work, but just incase one doesn’t please inform me)So for startersTyping add_equipment takes WAY too long and gets really annoying especially if you do typos, to simplify this Brand new HOI4 player here (from EU4), this might be a very dumb question but is the game just all one war? all the stuff i read seems to imply prepping for this one global war (wwii obv) but like, there's no free for all or anything you basically pick a side -> win/lose -> the end? Dec 20, 2023 · To sell equipment on the market, firstly open the "Market Tab", Then select "Sell Equipment" page, this will display all current eqipment you have for sale, then press the "Add equipment to market button". For example: add_equipment 5000 gw_armored_car_equipment = 5000 first tier armored car add_equipment 5000 armored_car_equipment_1 = 5000 second tier armored car add_equipment 5000 armored_car_equipment_2 = 5000 third tier armored car I trying to use the add_equipment command for implants but can’t figure it out. add_equipment: It can be used to add a certain amount of any equipment other than naval equipment Millennium Dawn is a mod for Hearts of Iron IV that aims to change the originally World War 2 setting to be one of the Modern Era. One way is to use a cheat code called "ic" for instant construction, but another way, which I find more elegant, is to use the "IT" cheat code for instant training. Swiftly find I'm playing as French Republic and wanted to add equipment using the "add_equipment [amount] [ID]" console command. This command can be used to add a specified amount of any equipment other than naval equipment. Now use 'add_equipment 1000 Matilda LP Mk. And just type ae for short. 防空炮 add_equipment 10000 anti_air_equipment_1 123. See examples, tips, and limitations of this command, as well as alternative ways to get equipment. Alternatively, you could just google hoi4 console commands and it'll bring you to a number of pages that have a list. In today’s guide, I will show Feb 25, 2021 · ws: It will add war support. Jan 2, 2024 · To add equipment such as tanks, fighters, infantry equipment, and support equipment, you will need to use the add_equipment console command cheat in HOI4. Game doesn't recognize equipment Coding Support So my custom equipment has the necessary syntaxes(I think) but when I test it with the add_equipment console command, the game doesn't recognize it and I can't manufacture it. So let’s start digging deeper! How does the add_equipment cheat work? Cheat add_equipment is easy and has two variables. add_equipment [amount] [equipment name] Equipment (Not Naval) adds to the stockpile. Dec 12, 2024 · Buckle up, general. The code would be entered as follows add_equipment 9500 infantry_weapons1 This is a complete list of all add_equipment commands for HOI4. This guide allows you to quickly spawn equipment in game. Jun 10, 2016 · I am playing as Iran and just researched the first support equipment. 1 Badges. All rights reserved. Hey so i was trying out No Step Back and long story short im in need of some medium tanks and i don't have the time or the patience to wait for more to be built, so how do i spawn them in now? i tried just medium_tank_equipment(number), i tried putting in the country tag in it (SOV_medium_tank_equipment), but nothing will work, i haven't been able to find an answer to this question anywhere so Jun 20, 2024 · add_autonomy [country tag] [num] alter a country’s degree of autonomy: add_cic_bank [number] puts Economic Capacity Surplus into the International Market: add_core [state ID] [country tag] Makes the specified state a ‘core’ of the target country: add_equipment [amount] [name] Add a specified amount of a selected equipment type to your Jul 20, 2015 · Then " add_equipment (the number of convoys you want) convoy_1". Using add_equipment command with new tanks . txt files with all the equipment names you need to use the add equipment console command. The command is add_equipment XXXX {Equipment_name} but it never works for me? Jan 19, 2025 · Equipment: To add the latest equipment, you can type 'ale' or 'add_latest_equipment' followed by the amount. 4 # Production Cost - How much factory output this piece of equipment needs manpower = 300 # Manpower - Cost in manpower to produce can_license = no # Can be licensed is_convertable = yes # Can be converted This command can be used to add a specified amount of any equipment other than naval equipment. Then go to Steam/workshop/394360 and select the folder with that number. allowtraits: It will remove restrictions on general trait assignment. Unique to equipment, this will also make the equipment icon be a copy from the technology icon, unless an equipment-specific icon was created in the GFX_<equipment type>_medium format. add_diplo: Dodaje dyplomatyczne trasy dla aktualnego kraju. To remove it, you can just specify a negative number. Equipment must be researched. Add_equipment is one of the most typical cheats you can use in HOI4. In the game Hearts of Iron 4 there is an opportunity to receive various military supplies. So you can't convert inf equipment 1 to inf equipment 2, but you can if it's like medium tank 1 with small cannon to medium tank 1 with medium cannon. Like, lets just say I make a Variant of the Panzer IV called Pz 4 A, and I want to add that variant to my stockpile, but here is the thing, if I type in “Ae [Number] medium_tank_equipment_2”, it just gives regular Panzer 4’s without the “A” variant. Go to the common folder and find the file for equipment. e set_superpower - click on a country, then execute this command to make them a superpower. This is a complete list of all add_equipment commands for HOI4. The official subreddit of Old World Blues, a Fallout themed HOI4 total overhaul serving over 300,00… Apr 20, 2024 · This article is for creating divisions as part of a country's military. The Player has to research the equipment first. Typing 'ae or 'add_equipment' followed by the type of equipment will add that specific equipment to your inventory. See syntax, examples and equipment names list. Jun 22, 2016 2 0. 14 TOA Mar 5, 2025 · Example: You create a variant of 'Matilda LP'-tank with better Armor and Main Gun and name it 'Matilda LP Mk. How do I add it to my templates because I dont see that option anywhere. v1. Is there a way to create ships with a console command I am not aware of? Oct 28, 2024 · Modifiers Edit. Note: you may need to have researched certain equipment before using it, use either the 'research all' (researches all equipment) or 'research_on_icon_click' command if this is the case. 14 TOA TNO Equipment Tags These are the tech tags for add equipment cheat Land and Air only, naval is a female dog Compiled by DA1928 ##### Army ##### Recruit promising young amateurs, established professionals or retired veterans, manage their development, challenge opponents, devise fight strategies, watch bouts unfold in real-time, and guide your charges to world championship glory across all professional weight divisions. © Valve Corporation. Пример: add_equipment 1000 convoy_1 r/hoi4 • I have 1,861 hours in this game and I JUST learned you could directly order troops to support an attack by selecting them and ctrl right-clicking the battle bubble Mar 31, 2020 · add_equipment 2000 GER_medium_tank_equipment_3 - which is the Panther An updated, searchable list of HOI4 equipment names to cheat codes conversions. add_equipment [liczba] [equipment name] Dodaje określoną liczbę wybranego wyposażenia (z wyjątkiem wyposażenia morskiego). add_equipment [nombre] [type]: ajoute des équipements spécifiques à votre inventaire. You can do this in two ways: Apr 21, 2017 · add_equipment 1000 heavy_fighter_equipment_3 # Advanced Heavy Fighter #### Rocket Interceptors #### add_equipment 1000 rocket_interceptor_equipment_1 # Basic Rocket Interceptor add_equipment 1000 rocket_interceptor_equipment_2 # Improved Rocket Interceptor add_equipment 1000 rocket_interceptor_equipment_3 # Advanced Rocket Interceptor Once unzipped navigate to common/units/equipment Here you will see . 35K subscribers in the OldWorldBlues community. Thanks 😊 a Fallout themed HOI4 total overhaul serving over 300,000 users and Up-to-date help for the Hearts of Iron IV (PC) command add_latest_equipment. 例如: add_equipment 10000 infantry_equipment_3 添加10000个3级步兵武器装备. The way you find the name of the Equipment you want is go to the production tab where your military factories can be allocated and look at your Equipment there. You can copy it and paste it somewhere so you see it. add_ideas [idea name] Adds the idea with the specified name to yourcountry. add_equipment_to_stockpile = { type = infantry_equipment amount = -100 producer = GER } add_equipment_to_stockpile = { type = medium_tank_chassis_1 amount = 100 variant_name = "Panzer III" } Mar 3, 2025 · add_equipment [amount] [equipment_name] Adds equipment to your stockpile: Inside the folder where hoi4. So go ahead; share your Diamond Dynasty triumphs, your Road to the Show career, or tell us how you plan on taking your franchise to the Fall Classic! Feb 16, 2025 · The equipment variant to add. Learn how to use the add_latest_equipment command in Hearts of Iron IV (PC) to add the latest equipment to all your units. The command you must use is the add equipment command, which can be abbreviated at 'ae'. The statistics of an equipment variant are based on the underlying equipment type, its design company, and upgrades or modules. Find a complete list of all add_equipment commands for infantry, artillery, tanks, ships, planes and more. ae [number] [equipment]. xmippp lvmo apqdg mcip gnhyp ueg wpm cixakq yoslgnh bafg myr tvda awi kpff ctf