Cinematic solo strings. com/cinematic-studio-solo-strings-kontakt.
Cinematic solo strings Jun 27, 2022 · 音の良さ、レガートの美しさ、操作性、汎用性、そして価格。そのどれをとっても優れている"Cinematic Studio Strings(CSS)"は、現在の弦楽器音源界における優等生的ポジションの音源です。Kontakt音源ですが、無料版の Aug 27, 2024 · Cinematic Studio Solo Strings is the perfect complement to Cinematic Studio Strings. Apr 24, 2023 · Cinematic Studio Strings layers well with Cinematic Studio Solo Strings. Cinematic Studio Solo Strings KONTAKT…Cinematic Studio Solo Strings es el complemento perfecto para Cinematic Studio Strings. As the Cinematic Studio Series are so consistent, it usually takes not much more work than copy pasting a track from CSS to CSSS, and make the odd adjustment. Dec 26, 2023 · Here are three transcriptions using Cinematic Studio Solo Strings and Solo Piano. CineStrings SOLO responds intuitively to how you play, with parameters like portamento and staccato attack mapped to keyboard velocity. Recorded in a large concert hall, CS2 has a very big lush sound and is one of the easiest-to-use professional-level string libraries on the market. It explains the legato speed settings and velocity Cinematic Studio Solo Strings KONTAKT. Which is why solo strings are wonderful to carry your main melodies and themes. It’s a great solo strings library with a lot of quality, finesse and usability for cinematic composers, and it blends perfectly with Cinematic Studio Strings. Разработчик: Cinematic Samples Pty; Формат: KONTAKT 5. 0's redesigned GUI. Jun 3, 2019 · 今天我们发布了我们的Cinematic Studio系列的下一部分:Cinematic Studio Solo Strings – 现有客户的199美元的极高价格! Cinematic Studio Solo Strings拍摄了世界级弦乐四重奏的声音,具有表现力,情感和强大力量,具有流畅的逼真声音,将为您的旋律提供难以捉摸的人性化感觉。 Cinematic Samples take a refreshingly simple approach to the Hollywood orchestral sound. We know you will enjoy our first four releases: Cinematic Studio Strings, Cinematic Studio Solo Strings, Cinematic Studio Piano and Cinematic Brass. The realism, detail, and ease of use make this collection a no-brainer for owners of the developer’s previous string section library and a TOP PICK for those seeking out a quartet, soloist or first chair Sep 6, 2017 · Cinematic Studio Solo Strings. Cinematic Studio Solo Strings (Cinematic Sampling) Spitfire Solo Strings (Spitfire Audio) Cinematic Solo Strings is an invaluable addition to your orchestral template. 78 Gb) Para descarga de esta página se necesita un cliente Torrent, hay muchos disponibles, tanto para Windows como para MacOSX, aquí les dejo algunos de los mejores clientes…una vez instalado alguno de los programas, los enlaces Torrent se abren de forma automática. Cinematic Studio Solo Strings是Cinematic Studio系列中的最新产品,为您带来1号和2号小提琴,中提琴和大提琴,为您的音乐创作增添了诱人的新维度。 我们花费了120多个小时,在世界级的得分舞台上录制了澳大利亚最好的弦乐器演奏者,并使用独特的麦克风组合来捕捉每 INTUITIVE, EASY TO USE GUI. Check it out here Sep 6, 2017 · Alex and his team have captured once again the sound of a world-class string quartet. Mapped samples are shown in blue and keyswitches for the eight main articulations are marked in pink, while yellow and green keys at either end of the keyboard turn functions such as monophonic legato and 'Live Mode' on and off. It's a great solo strings library with a lot of quality, f 【音源使用】弦乐三神器之Cinematic Strings 2. Expressive control. Jan 1, 2024 · For the Cinematic Studio Series libraries, you'll find the manual for each library via the drop-down menu to the right of the instruments button under the library browser tab in Kontakt. Cinematic Studio Solo Strings KONTAKT. I only adjusted volume for Cinematic Studio because their strings are much quieter. livekong. 6. html, 视频播放量 1013、弹幕量 0、点赞数 4、投硬币枚数 0、收藏 用于 Kontakt Player. Cinematic Studio Solo Strings将杰出四重奏的所有情感深度和精湛技艺带到指尖,使其成为曝光抒情独奏或四重奏段落的完美作曲工具。由于我们保持了位置准确性,并记录了相同的不同发音范围,CSSS为我们的全节库Cinematic Studio Strings提供了充满活力的第一把椅子伴奏。 May 19, 2020 · 今天我们发布了我们的Cinematic Studio系列的下一部分:Cinematic Studio Solo Strings - 现有客户的199美元的极高价格! Cinematic Studio Solo Strings拍摄了世界级弦乐四重奏的声音,具有表现力,情感和强大力量,具有流畅的逼真声音,将为您的旋律提供难以捉摸的人性化感觉。 Jan 22, 2023 · cinematic studio solo stringsはその名前の通り映画音楽向けのソロストリングス音源です。 先述した CINEMATIC STUDIO STRINGSにマッチするようにデザイン されていることもあり、 CINEMATIC STUDIO STRINGSとの相性はもちろんCINEMATIC STUDIO SOLO STRINGS単体でも奥深い表現を提供し Cinematic Strings 2 is a much-loved orchestral sample library renowned for its great sound out of the box and its easy-to-use interface. Cinematic Studio Strings (CSS) is the first of Cinematic Samples’ Kontakt-hosted orchestral Studio series. Estos incluyen verdadero rendimiento legatos, portamentos, staccatos, staccatissimos, marcatos, spiccatos, acentos sforzando, pizzicatos, bartok pizzicatos, col legnos, trémolos medidos y no medidos, trinos mayores y menores y armónicos. Cinematic Studio Solo Strings将出色的四重奏的所有情感深度和技巧带到您的指尖,使其成为暴露的抒情独奏或四重奏段落的理想合成工具。 而且由于我们保持了位置准确性并记录了相同范围的关节运动,所以CSSS为我们的完整版库Cinematic Studio Strings提供了充满活力的第 CineStrings Solo is a gorgeous solo strings library recorded at the legendary MGM Scoring Stage. Then, right-click on “Cinematic Studio Strings” in Native Access and select “Re-install”, and when that has finished, re-open Kontakt. A demonstration of various articulations in Cinematic Studio Solo Strings. 그렇기 때문에, 연주하면서도 다른 회사의 제품 Beautifully detailed, intimate and expressive solo strings. So I tried writing it in (onto CC2) but it seems quite tricky and I don't know what range of settings would normally cover vibrato. Welcome to Cinematic Studio Solo Strings, the new solo strings sample library for Kontakt Player, from the creators of Cinematic Strings 2. (I do have Spitfire Symphonic Strings and Cinematic Studio Brass, as well as the old Cinematic Strings 2, so I have experience with related libraries but not the exact ones you're looking at): Spitfire sounds more "realistic" -- there's more of a live sound, with a bit more bow and string to the sound that makes it sound more like a real The Cinematic Studio Series is the absolute champion of buttery smooth scripting and naturally flowing performances. For the le Sep 6, 2017 · A brief tutorial on the first chair functionality in Cinematic Studio Solo Strings, available now for Kontakt Player. Posted on Jun 12, 2024. For more information please visit our we The Anglo‑Australian strings library returns with a radical version 2 upgrade. Powerful library of string samples. 👉 Do you want to help me get my tiny little channel to . Hear the difference between CSS and real strings. Four instances making up the conventional line I used out of the box settings. BL - yeah, I checked CC2 but there's no midi data showing. Dec 22, 2024 · I'm loving the scratchy short articulations and slightly out of tune trills which add a hint of realism. Here's a little ditty to showcase this virtual instrument. com/best-cinematic-orchestral-lib Sep 6, 2017 · This video demonstrates the exciting features in Cinematic Studio Solo Strings, a cutting edge solo string sample library for Kontakt Player. I have a hard enough time trying to figure out all the abbreviations in all the threads and often find myself having to google the shorthand to see what comes up sometimes just so i know what library everyone is referring to. 스트링 가상악기 시장에서 솔로 스트링은 경쟁제품이 상대적으로 별로 없어,출시 자체만으로도 개인적으로 관심을 갖고 보는 악기군입니다. Which do you think Jul 15, 2019 · Here's another little piece for string quartet using as many of the articulations as I could. Now NKS compatible. I like the sound the keyswt Mar 6, 2023 · Cinematic Studio Solo Strings是Cinematic Studio Strings的完美补充。CSSS为您带来独奏小提琴1和2,中提琴和大提琴,为您的音乐创作增添诱人的新维度。我们花了120多个小时在世界级的得分阶段录制澳大利亚最好的弦乐手,使用独特的麦克风组合来捕捉每种乐器的个性和魅力。 Jun 6, 2021 · 作者:邬奇睿(飞来音电脑音乐技术联盟) 音源简介 提到CSS,相信不少音乐制作圈的朋友们都知晓这款弦乐音源的威名。 作为一款2016年发布的产品,即使这五年间又有不同厂商的弦乐音源相继问世, 但享誉弦乐三神器之一的CSS,至今在诸多音乐人的心里是不可取代的。 CSS的全称是Cinematic Studio Hey everyone, today we’re taking a look at the sample library Cinematic Studio Solo Strings (CSSS). I've had experience with a lot of string libraries, and nothing comes close. Cinematic Studio Strings(略してCSS)は、オーストラリアの音源メーカー「 Cinematic Strings 」が展開する、スタジオの響きを収録した音源シリーズ「Cinematic Studio Series」の1つです。 なんて読みづらい文章なんでしょう ・・・ Cinematic Studio Solo Strings与Cinematic Studio系列的其他作品一样,都是在世界级的配乐舞台上录制的。 它是该系列其他作品的完美弦乐独奏伴奏。 它有一个集成的高质量混响,多个麦克风位置,精心录制的一致的衔接集,直观的GUI和充满活力的真实声音。 Extensa Lista de Articulaciones “Cinematic Studio Solo Strings presenta una lista completa de articulaciones y estilos de interpretación. Accompanied by Cinematic Studio Strings (CSS) and Cinematic Studio Piano. Experience solo violin, solo viola, solo cello and bass giving you all the tools to create moving sections of music to score any scene. Cinematic Studio Solo Strings (CSSS) comprises Violin 1, Violin 2, Viola and Cello; unlike CSS, there is no double bass. 28 GB CINEMATIC STUDIO SOLO STRINGS Beautifully detailed, intimate and expressive solo strings With Cinematic Studio Solo Strings, we’ve taken the simplicity, workflow and authentic sound of the Studio Series and applied it to solo violins, viola and cello to create an incredibly realistic solo strings sample library, for Kontakt and Kontakt Player. Jun 12, 2024 · Descarga Directa – Direct Download Cinematic SOLO Strings KONTAKT (38. 「cinematic studio strings」は、オーストラリアのスコアリング・ステージ(映画音楽向けの大規模レコーディング・スタジオ)で収録された、ハリウッド・スタイルのストリングス音源です。 Cinematic Studio Solo Strings | String Quartet DemoHere's a little ditty to showcase this virtual instrument. 通过 Cinematic Studio Solo Strings,我们采用了 Studio 系列的简单性、工作流程和真实的声音,并将其应用于独奏小提琴、中提琴和大提琴,为 Kontakt 和 Kontakt Player 创建了一个极其逼真的独奏弦乐样本库。 Cinematic Studio Solo Strings目前网传的版本都是已解压版本。 这个版本有一个小问题,就是入库后用KONTAKT读取可能会提示KONTAKT版本号过低,无法读取音色库。 如果你获取到的Cinematic Studio Solo Strings版本是ISO版,那么直接安装即可正常使用,但是不能更换音色库的位置。 Hey guys, I wanna get a new library for some intimate and organic, quartet-like string sounds. Four instances making up t, 视频播放量 278、弹幕量 0、点赞数 11、投硬币枚数 5、收藏人数 5、转发人数 1, 视频作者 桃山人夜话, 作者简介 摆烂,相关视频:【党政民族编曲】歌曲中 The same easy, no-nonsense GUI used by Cinematic Studio Strings and Cinematic Studio Solo Strings makes its reappearance, with eight keyswitchable articulation slots, some of which contain sub-articulations and options selected by mod wheel or key velocity (see the 'Articulations' box). Cinematic Studio Series will provide a comprehensive, consistent and realistic full set of orchestral libraries. We designed Berlin Solo Strings to be not only the most expressive strings available, but also the most versatile. It includes 125 live-recorded expressive modules as well as 11 single articulations, including sustain, staccato, and tremolo . Download This document provides a user manual for the Cinematic Studio Solo Strings virtual instrument. Craft mesmerizing virtuoso moments with precision. With Cinematic Studio Solo Strings, we've taken the simplicity, workflow and authentic sound of the Studio Series and applied it to solo violins, viola and cello to create an incredibly realistic solo strings sample library, for Kontakt and Kontakt Player. Download the full Aug 31, 2020 · Cinematic Studio Solo Strings(CSSS) CSSにSが一個増えた、ソロ音源。1st,2nd,Va,Vcのソロが収録されています。 native instruments Cremona Quartet is my favorite, Cinematic studio solo strings is also amazing, but Cremona is the best Reply reply Marvinkmooneyoz • I dont think May 7, 2019 · Cinematic Studio Solo Strings与Cinematic Studio Series的其余部分录制在同一个世界级的评分阶段。 这是完美的独奏弦乐系列的其余部分。 具有集成的高品质混响,多个麦克风位置,仔细记录的一致的发音集,直观的GUI和充满活力的现实生活中的声音… Stream Cinematic Studio Solo Strings by Birallobos on desktop and mobile. 【音源レビュー】レガートの良さを踏襲、さらにCSSの強化音源としても「Cinematic Studio Solo Strings 」 【音源レビュー】レガートが秀逸なStrings音源「Cinematic Studio Strings 」【前編】 Sep 20, 2024 · Lets take a look at the Cinematic Studio Solo Strings!#css #playthrough #pluginreview #filmcomposer #mediacomposer Interested in original music for your next Jun 23, 2022 · 电影独奏弦乐Cinematic Studio Solo Strings [KONTAKT] 2022-06-23 管弦乐 🎹音乐制作资源🎹 1. As the highly praised Cinematic Studio Strings this new Cinematic Studio Solo Strings library is powerful, intense and compelling while providing a delicious lifelike sound. I'm using only it's own built-in reverb and panning. Recorded in the same location as CSS (Sydney’s Trackdown Scoring Stage), it works in its own right as an expressive string quartet library; it’s also designed to complement the full-ensemble CSS library, not only in tone Beautifully detailed, intimate and expressive solo strings. Cinematic Samples Pty - Cinematic Studio Solo Strings (KONTAKT) скачать торрент бесплатно [38. Sep 10, 2017 · Cinematic Strings 로 유명한 Cinematic Samples 에서 Solo Strings 를 출시했습니다. Recorded in a large concert hall, CS2 has a warm lush sound, and is one of the easiest-to-use professional-level string libraries on the market. True Legato brings a realistic live character, while a range of dynamics and bowing articulations help you master every detail of the solo. PRESENTING CINEMATIC STUDIO SOLO STRINGS Cinematic Studio Solo Strings is the latest instalment in the Cinematic Studio Series, bringing you solo violins 1 and 2, viola and cello to add a tantalising new dimension to your musical creations. It is currently available for $299 ($239 during Black Friday!). Sep 20, 2017 · With Cinematic Studio Solo Strings the developer delivers a beautifully sampled string quartet that is sure to turn heads and delight ears. Where do you… Cinematic Studio Solo Strings 产品范例解说视讯共计4条视频,包括:首席独奏音色叠加效果解说、技法解说、技法范例等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。 Dec 15, 2019 · If you needed any confirmation that Cinematic Studio Solo Strings had the vibrancy, grace, or punch you were looking for, hopefully this does it justice. I am particularly pleased with Noteperformer Performance Engine which really brings this library to life. It then describes the various long note articulations like sustains, legato, portamento, chords, and trills. Nov 7, 2024 · Скачать Cinematic Samples Pty - Cinematic Studio Solo Strings. The only note to make is that the sound is a bit darker than some other string libraries. 8 и выше; Качество звука: 24 bit, 48 kHz Fabricant : Cinematic Strings; Modèle : Cinematic Studio Solo Strings; Série : Cinematic Studio; Catégorie : Ensembles de cordes virtuelles; Fiche créée le : 24/11/2017; Banque de cordes orchestrales solistes pour Kontakt et le Kontakt Player comprenant des premiers et seconds violons, altos et violoncelles. I'm a huge fan of this library. 9K 通过Cinematic Studoi Solo Strinqs,我们采用了Studoi系列的简单性,工作流程和真实的声音,并将其应用于独奏小提琴,中提琴和大提琴,为Kontakt和Kontakt Player创建了一个令人难以置信 Cinematic Studio Solo Strings(略してCSSS)は、オーストラリアの音源メーカー「 Cinematic Strings 」が展開する、「Cinematic Studio Series」の1つです。 以前レビューしたCSSが弦楽器の各パートが複数人いるアンサンブル音源だったのに対して、このCSSSは各弦楽器が1人ずつ Oct 14, 2017 · Several years ago, a new strings library by a new developer appeared on the scene: Cinematic Strings 2. Mar 24, 2024 · Cinematic Studio Solo Strings. Cinematic Studio Solo Strings 是 Cinematic Studio 系列的最新一期,为您带来小提琴 1 和 2、中提琴和大提琴独奏,为您的音乐创作增添诱人的新维度。 我们花了 120 多个小时在世界级的配乐舞台上录制澳大利亚最优秀的弦乐演奏者,使用独特的麦克风组合来捕捉每种乐器 最强贝斯音源Trilian教程,6分钟轻松掌握!编曲人必备音源。 【FGO】尼禄祭复刻第六演技 l奶光的表演 In Summary: If you need to open old projects you need to copy your current Cinematic Studio Strings folder and rename the copy to “Cinematic Studio Strings original” (or whatever name you choose). We’re proud to announce the immediate availability of the first five libraries in this groundbreaking collection: strings, solo strings, brass, piano and woodwinds. Jan 6, 2021 · Cinematic Studio Strings vs Real Strings. 「cinematic studio solo strings」(以下csss)は、シドニー(オーストラリア)の映画音楽向けレコーディングスタジオ「トラックダウン・スコアリング・ステージ」で収録されたソロ・ストリングス音源です。 Cinematic Samples take a refreshingly simple approach to the Hollywood orchestral sound. Action Strings 2 is the successor to the well-known Action Strings, a cinematic Kontakt sample library that creates orchestrated musical tracks. https: Cinematic Studio Solo Strings是Cinematic Studio系列中的最新产品,为您带来1号和2号小提琴,中提琴和大提琴,为您的音乐创作增添了诱人的新维度。 我们花费了120多个小时,在世界级的得分舞台上录制了澳大利亚最好的弦乐演奏者,并使用独特的麦克风组合来捕捉每种 Не согласен с вашими выводами, у меня именно с этой библиотекой (с этой фирмой в целом) вообще никогда не было ни единой проблемы с перегрузом системы, у меня еще 3 библиотеки от них - Cinematic Solo I picked this up back in the black friday sales and I've just been trying out the short articulations for a string quartet piece. The playlist includes: Stairway to Heaven CSSS quartet (instrument balance) Bohemian Rhapsody CSSS and CSP (mixture with piano) 3 In Memoriam string sextet (articulations) 老师们可以解释下Cinematic Studio Solo Strings 和 Cinematic Studio Strings 的对比吗, 不熟悉编制,听着不是独奏,个人感觉 Solo 的声音,不知道在什么场景下使用 Feb 2, 2024 · Cinematic Strings 2 (CS2) is a much-loved library that has been out for several years (since 2012) and is still very popular with students and professional composers alike. Choose the right mood for the job with three sets of legato and sustains: For soaring lead melodies with lots of ‘passione’, the expressive articulation set delivers all the emotional intensity necessary. com/cinematic-studio-solo-strings-kontakt. The four different instruments—Violin I, Violin II, Viola, and Cello—offer a combination of intuitive playability and detailed control. Cinematic Strings 2. christophersiu. Cinematic Studio Strings is a library bursting with character. I checked out Spitfire AR 2 and CSSS. Cinematic Solo Strings is an invaluable addition to your orchestral template. If you want to make the sound slightly more intimate or defined, you can dial in a bit of the solo strings. Cinematic Studio Strings 的强大字符串示例库是一个充满个性的库。CSS 拥有澳大利亚最优秀的音乐家,并在世界级的配乐舞台上精心录制,拥有华丽的声音、令人惊叹的逼真动态和各种发音。 Jul 14, 2023 · SOLO STRINGS MEGA-SHOOTOUT! Solo strings are a vital part of any sampled orchestral template but which library should you choose? There are so many to choose Cinematic Studio Solo Strings - Beautifully detailed, intimate and expressive solo strings. Also being able to dial down the vibrato is essential CSS features the sound of a Hollywood-style string section seated in position, and is suited to a wide range of applications. Nov 25, 2024 · 「cinematic studio solo strings」はcinematic studio series社のソロストリングス音源です。フルアンサンブルの中でリアルなソロ演奏をプラスしたい時やポップス、バラードでのソロバイオリンやチェロを入れたい時にも活躍してくれます。 Sep 6, 2017 · I understand the Cinematic Studio Solo Strings are recorded at a scoring stage in AUS, so some ambience is expected. Cinematic Studio Strings is a library with character. 1共计2条视频,包括:1. Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. But which Solo Strings VST Library should you choose? Well, here is my complete list of recommendations for you (in no particular order): Best Solo Strings VST Libraries. CSS Aug 31, 2021 · Download Now. 78 GB] Обзор. For more inform With Cinematic Studio Solo Strings, we’ve taken the simplicity, workflow and authentic sound of the Studio Series and applied it to solo violins, viola and cello to create an incredibly realistic solo strings sample library, for Kontakt and Kontakt Player. Featuring top Australian musicians and meticulously recorded on a world-class stage, CSS boasts great sound, stunning realistic dynamics and a wide variety of articulations. Here is my version of Antonio Vivaldis Winter using only Cinematic Studio Solo Strings via Cubase 14. It summarizes the main sections and controls of the GUI, including the mixer, articulation matrix, and articulation-specific controls. 界面介绍、2. , Solo Violin I with 1st Violins) and play them at the same time on one MIDI channel. The GUI is streamlined and efficient, with a minimal number of patches making it quick and easy to learn. We have now released our most recent library, Cinematic Studio Woodwinds. 当小提琴玩家第一次拿到中提be like: Thanks, guys! Really appreciate the rapid replies. Brass, Woodwind, Percussion and Solo Strings libraries are planned for future release, and a Piano (CSP) is also currently available. Nov 23, 2018 · Hey everyone, today we're taking a look at the sample library Cinematic Studio Solo Strings (CSSS). Let's review Cinematic Studio Solo Strings! Download My Sample Library Buyer's Guide For Free: https://www. 技法介绍等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。 Dec 18, 2024 · The latest addition to the series is Berlin Solo Strings—four expressive and detailed solo instruments designed for melodic leads. CSSS te ofrece violines solistas 1 y 2, viola y violonchelo para agregar una nueva y tentadora dimensión a tus creaciones musicales. Cinematic Studio Strings is the first product of the new full orchestral series: Cinematic Studio Series, which will feature the entire orchestra including piano (also out now), solo strings, brass, woodwind and percussion. Cinematic Studio Solo Strings features a comprehensive list of playing articulations and styles, including true long-form legato for enhanced realism, portamentos and marcato. With Cinematic Studio Solo Strings, we’ve taken the simplicity, workflow and authentic sound of the Studio Series and applied it to solo violins, viola and cello to create an incredibly realistic solo strings sample library, for Kontakt and Kontakt Player. While I never owned it, I got enough hands-on experience to reach the conclusion that while it did not have as many articulations as the ones I favored for my personal use, for many of my Logic Pro clients it would be a better choice. g. I have the wonderful Cinematic Strings 2 library, which has some ambience when the reverb is turned off, but I don't have the Cinematic Studio Strings (yet), so I'd just like to know the amt of ambience to expect of CSSS without Mar 3, 2023 · Minified | 3 March 2023 | 2. 音源下载地址: https://www. No extra verb or EQ. The layout is functionally the same as for Cinematic Studio Strings, so you can double the solo instrument patches with their section counterparts (e. CSSS brings you solo violins 1 and 2, viola and cello to add a tantalising new dimension to your musical creations. There is an excellent range of short notes, as well as tremolos, trills, and col legno. I wrote this adagio in 2019. Featuring Australia’s finest musicians and meticulously recorded in a world-class scoring stage, CSS boasts a gorgeous sound, stunning true-to-life dynamics and a wide variety of articulations. qvwnln otvdcf gamkc xekffj zhcur aejcjklc upqa fibs tfndi sxybmdz umzm jybuq vwvciy vueq naemxh