Clc skerry review. I find the Peapod more stable and dryer than the Skerry.

Clc skerry review Apr 9, 2022 · This is a clip of my Maiden sail in my Skerry I built from a kit by Chesapeake Light Craft. com If you were to purchase the all of the materials for this boat thru CLC the materials along would cost between $4,500 and $5,000 - not counting any labor. A great little boat for rowing and sailing. A Tender vs a Skerry with the Tender’s sail might cause a good deal of back-and-forth consideration, but either would be a great choice. May 23, 2020 · Hi All, I did my first CLC build this winter (Skerry with lug rig named "Polariton"). His 6,000-plus-mile rowing and sailing voyage would take him around the Florida coastline, and northward up the Eastern Seaboard to the Hudson Sailing Dinghies: For Sale: CLC Skerry Lewdown Devon Boats for sale : International > Europe > UK View 3650 boats for sale in the United States Skerry Scale Model; Wherry Scale Model; Dory Scale Model; Bevin's Skiff Scale Model Kit; Pro Kits. All in all it was a success and it's a fun sail. » About CLC » Send us an Email » Visit Our Showroom » Request a Catalog » Email Signup » Boatbuilders' Forum » CLC Builders' Club » CLC Around The Web » Customer Testimonials » Compare Our Boats » Kayak Specs Table » Homebuilt Boat Bazaar » International Orders » Manage Account » Customer Service » Refunds & Returns » Shipping Lloyd H. Checkout Gary's channel here: https://www. Kit options. Oct 15, 2009 · David is an experienced Skerry sailor and has spent a fair bit of time (before and since the incident) addressing capsize recovery issues: The Wreck of the Bonnie Dune You may also wish to visit Steven Roberts' great Skerry forum at Get-Outside. This is on a small lake in north west Arkansas. The standard Skerry bears a close resemblance to the Northeaster Dory, both in hull shape and interior layout. On my sailing dinghy I solved those problems with a piece of brass and a bungee cord. CLC Teardrop Camper; Assembled Jul 31, 2022 · After purchasing the plywood, time to start making the kit of parts on my CNC. CLC Skerry Lug 64sqf White; Chesapeake Light Craft Skerry Lug 64sqf Cream; CLC North Easter Dory (larger sail than standard) See article here; Sails for Jim Michalak Designs Jul 28, 2022 · I recently made yet another modification to my already heavily modified CLC Skerry. And so it began . Here, for example, are some pictures from the Skerry gallery showing John C. 00 Chester Yawl The Skerry Raid (top drawing, above) is an interesting study in this context. It's the easiest and least expensive of the Jul 5, 2023 · Chesapeake Light Craft (CLC) Skerry, Sailing / Rowing Craft. The wind was blowing pretty strong and gusting that day so I reefed my sail. It's painted with Kirby Gray Green on the hull and Ivory on the Cockpit floor. 18. I really do like the Skerry as a sailboat, but I love the Peapod. Sawdust is a terrible substitute for wood flour when mixing up epoxy filler but the dust from your sander is perfect. Students in this week-long class built a Lapstit Sailing my CLC Skerry sailboat. 2018 build. He also placed the order. This will be a fast and weatherly option and is intended for sailors for whom speed is of paramount importance. Aug 25, 2020 · In the hands of a skilled sailor the Skerry can handle a good amount of wind completely umballasted. Rows like a dream, sails fast. CLC Skerry Lug 62sqf CLC NorthEaster Dory – see this article re Oz Racer/Goose sail CLC Jimmy Skiff CLC Eastport Pram CLC Southwest Dory CLC Outrigger Junior Bateau. May 10, 2023 · Re: First time repairs to a CLC Skerry It would be good to clean out loose glue and crud before trying to re glue it. Most serial boatbuilders don’t really need another boat, they just need an excuse to build one. Easy to build, easy to row, and easy to sail: the Skerryis a terrific rowing and sailing boat with timeless good looks. The mast, boom, yard and sail are from a Shellback Dinghy, the rudder, tiller, daggerboard and misc. Nicely proportioned to allow rowing even when the sail is set, a Skerry Scale Model; Wherry Scale Model; Dory Scale Model; Bevin's Skiff Scale Model Kit; Pro Kits. John C. Easy to build, easy to row, and easy to sail: the Skerry is a terrific rowing and sailing boat with timeless good looks. The rig is that of the well-tested Passagemaker dinghy, comprising a 58 square foot mainsail and a 19 square foot jib. I have no connection to CLC, other than the fact that I bought a Skerry kit. The Guider; Autumn Leaves; Lake Union Swift; Faering Cruiser; Madness Proa; Mbuli Proa; Outrigger Junior; Skerry Raid; Waterlust Sailing Canoe; Whitby Pilot Gig; Rhode Runner Runabout; Wharram Mana 24; RV Kits. It's the easiest and least expensive of the Custom Cover - Skerry: Ordering Options: Price: $380. For the breasthook, make a pad saw out of a hacksaw blade and slide it into the gap. Sailed only in freshwater western PA lakes, never left in H 2 0 overnight. It's also the best layout for hoisting, dousing, and reefing on the water; sail has one reef. The manual is excellent and technical support is available. That keeps the mast properly oriented but lets a loosely lashed sail move around the mast. It's the easiest and least expensive of the The Sail Area/Displacement ratio of this rig will plant the Skerry firmly in the "racing dinghy" category and is thus suggested only for sailors looking to flog their Skerries like smoke and oakum. He's sitting in the center of the boat, leaning (not hiking) out as necessary. Specifically, the interior and exterior fibreglassing and sealing with epoxy was completed befo Chesapeake Light Craft (CLC) Skerry. Being 15ft and 100 lbs it's one of the best compromises of seaworthness and light enough to carry with two people or one person with a dolly. Made for a nice outing and great social distancingalthough a number of other folks would cruse up to check out the May 8, 2020 · My Skerry plans from 2006 show the sprit rig with a square cross section for the mast and sprit. Below, approaching Manhattan during the Great Loop expedition. * He has just put it in the water. 62-square-foot balanced lug sail, very nicely matched to the Skerry's weight, balance, and style. I purchased only the basic kit because I already had all the sailing hardware from a previous build. The boat was launched at Santa Barbara Harbor last month. A thorough discussion of lug rigs, including the Skerry's, may be found here. For the gappy seam, sacrifice a cheap screwdriver by grinding the blade to make a thing scraper with a sharp end and taper. Mar 31, 2022 · For the rails, I am unable to see any resemblance between the Skerry manual, and the parts in the kit. Skerry is very attractive, the rig will be simpler to set up and sail, and I get the feeling she will perform better for most uses. As with all Chesapeake Light Craft sailing kits, the sailing rig can be added to the Dory at any time, either concurrently with construction or years after the rowing version is 30' Cape Dory 30 -Alberg design cutter rigged Atlantic Highlands Marina, New Jersey Asking $10,500. World class boat kits, boat plans, and boatbuilding materials. This is the current release of the Skerry's spiral-bound assembly manual. The other change I am going to make is placing the gudgeons higher up. ” To up the ante even further he put the Skerry kit on his pointedly specific Christmas and December birthday wish lists. Please allow 4-6 weeks for CLC stock sails due to high demand and material delays. I find the Peapod more stable and dryer than the Skerry. As I was studying the plans and manual, I noticed that the order of the chapters do not coincide with the photos. It's the easiest and least expensive of the Oct 30, 2013 · A timelapse video of a CLC Build Your Own Lapstitch Skerry class at Chesapeake Light Craft in Annapolis, MD. Here is what the boat includes: 1- 15' boat with kick-up rudder, dagger board, rowing foot braces and push/pull tiller. ) Sep 24, 2024 · I've been sailing CLC's demo Skerrys off and on for over 20 years and have recently acquired the spare Peapod prototype from CLC. The cockpit is also roomier and more comfortable when sailing with more than one person. CLC Teardrop Camper; Assembled Jul 28, 2022 · Skerry Gear Organizing Divider Mod February 6, 2024 July 28, 2022 by Galen I recently made yet another modification to my already heavily modified CLC Skerry . “I argued that building a boat was an important mental health measure. The kit also includes the 140-page spiral-bound assembly manual with hundreds of step-by-step photos and details. Everything wrong with this one was where I didn’t follow the instructions closely enough or did things in a different order. Anyone who considers themselves one of the above is welcome. Jan 23, 2023 · Boat Review: CLC Skerry This 15-footer is fun, functional, and easy to build. Skerry. One day I stumbled on the Chesapeake Light Craft Skerry and it was love at first sight. We left the mast steps in the same position, but changed the partners design to rake the masts a little bit. CLC kit boat. It's the easiest and least expensive of the Read entire review - Sailing Magazine, June 2003. Easy to build, easy to row, and easy to sail – the Skerry is a truly versatile boat, and a pretty one, too. Harris playing out on the Chesapeake Bay in 20+ knot winds, solo and unballasted. The Skerry is a 4. 147 pages with extensive illustrations. The gunter sloop rig really looks good on the Skerry. I circumnavigated Kalsin Island. How the Skerry Handles and its seaworthiness. 00 Chester Yawl Oct 30, 2007 · (A point of trivia is that the Skerry actually has the Chester Yawl's sailing rig; the Yawl came first. CLCboats. The final drawings, dating from November 2001, showing the Norse-geometry spritsail. Ballast: No Rig: Sloop Sails: 237 votes, 25 comments. Jun 22, 2023 · The Skerry was designed by John Harris of Chesapeake Light Craft. com The Skerry is a great boat but the Skerry’s daggerboard might be improved with the LHT’s centerboard. Skerry Sloop Rig add-on: $2,097. Jan 23, 2023. - 4 of these are tapered at one end, The Skerry’s feather-light weight and shallow draft mean that you can poke into quiet waters, pull the boat over a sandbar, and explore that hidden cove. Boat Building general. Harris Commentary By Mike O'Brien (Click below to enlarge the article or click here to read it on WoodenBoat's site. [ HOME ] [ TEN ESSENTIAL KNOTS FOR SAILORS ] [ BIRDSMOUTH MAST ] [ AFTER 4 SEASON, MAST UPDATE ] [ FIRST SAIL I MADE, NYLON ] [ MY ORANGE, POLYTARP ] [ LATEST DACRON SAIL ] [ JIB EXPERIMENT ON SKERRY ] [ BUILDING A SKERRY ] [ MY BOATS ] [ LEARNING TO SAIL ] [ DECIDING Jul 17, 2021 · Note: These modifications are all my own design, not approved beforehand by John at CLC, the designer of the boat, and completely unnecessary for the fun use of a Skerry for what it was designed for. com CR13 Corsair Topper Cruz Classic Ketch – standard sails Topper Cruz Classic Ketch – balance lug to facilitate reefing and lowering of sails. Basically a decked-in CLC Skerry, among other tweaks. Apr 11, 2024 · Skerry Scale Model; Wherry Scale Model; Dory Scale Model; Bevin's Skiff Scale Model Kit; Pro Kits. CLC Teardrop Camper; Assembled Seven summers ago, John Guider set out in his specially modified Skerry from Cairo, Illinois, on the first leg of an historic Great Loop transit, heading down the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico. THIS was it. Jun 19, 2011 · Re: CLC Skerry The Skerry is a wonderful boat and an excellent first boat project. Most fun I’ve had on the water since Boy Scout camp in the 1960’s! Hi Everyone, My question is regarding the build order of the Skerry as detailed in the building manual. It does look like the design will become available. Between the forward bulkhead and the thwart boxes mid-ship, I have been using straps and some lines to organize gear bags and anchor systems in bags. Sail or Row, Double row stations, garage stored all its life. @ChesapeakeLightCraftBoats @denmanmarine Oct 3, 2016 · The CLC Expedition have quite stable hull shapes, see the bottom profIles. You can read the background story here on the CLC Skerry web page. hardware came from an Oughtred Skiff that I built 13 years ago. Guider completed his adventure in August 2015, and his Facebook page makes entertaining reading for anyone fascinated by small boat sagas. 🚤 Selling the boat my father-in-law used to compete in the Everglades Challenge It’s a Class Winner (Solo) 🌞 Solar Powered Coastal Cruiser Highly-modified CLC Skerry is a fun adventure! Perfect coastal cruising, river voyages, and lake explorations. Having built a Jimmy Steel peapod at WoodenBoat School, I’m partial to the Tender’s peapod heritage. Balanced lug sails offer self-vanging geometry for better performance offwind. John Guider's original "Expedition Skerry" during his Great Loop circumnavigation. Professional built. Add to this 3-4' of swell/chop. The full lugsail will overpower the skerry once you get above 12 knots true or so. com/channel/UCnXskZr4XTREstNrmi There's an emphasis on safety and flotation. Skerry Lug Rig add-on: $1,677 Skerry Scale Model; Wherry Scale Model; Dory Scale Model; Bevin's Skiff Scale Model Kit; Pro Kits. Skerry Hull #1 under construction at CLC back in 2001. Most important thing I think is that I can do it. youtube. The instructions from CLC were really good. Boat Review: CLC Skerry. It is a real boat in its own right whereas Passagemaker is a chopped off pram with her nose in the air meant to be towed behind a real (bigger) boat. The Skerry kit includes computer-cut parts in 6mm and 9mm okoume marine plywood, spanish cedar rubrails, sapele breast hooks, the daggerboard trunk assembly, epoxy kit, fiberglass for hull, and one pair of bronze oarlocks and sockets. From the CLC Skerry page An option that is gaining in popularity is a larger gunter-sloop rig. ) He stated at that time that he did not intend to offer the Skerry as a lug rig, and pointed out that using the lug rig on the Skerry "would require moving the mast aft at least 6 inches" I am currently building a Skerry from a CLC kit and find no information in the plans or the builder's manual which address this issue. She's stiff and comfortable and lifts easily over choppy waves. Jan 9, 2018 · Contact us if you are looking for a sailmaker for other CLC boat sails. See the CLC website for all the details. First, the Skerry’s seven hull planks are glued to length using scarf joints. I've seen it at the shows and at the shop, and I just think it looks like a knockoff Norwegian boat; however, the Whilly boat, similar in design, looks more faithful to the original. Quantity: » CLC Around The Web » Customer Testimonials Nov 21, 2018 · This kit is an accurate one-eighth scale rendition of the 15'0" Chesapeake Light Craft Skerry. Discover Art inspiration, ideas, styles. The Skerry was a boat that could be sailed with a simple rig, could easily be rowed, and looked fabulous. The blend of historical antecedents yields excellent performance under sail Read entire review - Sailing Magazine, June 2003. Small Craft Advisor . As far as round or square goes, my personal preference has been round mast with a square base for gaff rigs. Sep 7, 2011 · He was drawing boats from a young age, building them by the time he was 14, and owned Chesapeake Light Craft (CLC) by the time he was 27. Removable mast and boom , tiller and rudder for rowing use. It had also been designed to be built by inexperienced amateurs. There's also room for two adults to sleep in the cockpit, a big advance over the Skerry Raid. Oct 22, 2011 · Following some advice on the CLC Builders' Forum I over-drilled the rudder blade knot hole and then filled it with wood powder epoxy, let it cure, then drilled the half inch hole through the epoxy. She sails excellent and does so amazingly, and looks striking. Jul 18, 2024 · Skerry Hull #1 under construction at CLC back in 2001. The pandemic provided just that for Gary Hardy of Melbourne, Australia: building a Skerry would be an important mental-health measure during a lockdown. More than 20,000 CLC boats are on the water: Kayaks, Canoes, Sailboats, and more. . Skerry Base: $2,250. 6m (15ft) rowing and sailing boat built using marine plywood, epoxy and woven glass fibre cloth. The kit includes: - 8 rails, 8' long. The two have known each other now for 10 years and had previously collaborated on the Skerry Raid Mar 29, 2006 · For anyone who's interested, CLC is now selling complete plans for the Skerry -- 11 sheets plus the 140 page manual. Skerry Scale Model; Wherry Scale Model; Dory Scale Model; Bevin's Skiff Scale Model Kit; Pro Kits. I have a CLC Eastport Pram that is a great lightweight dinghy for towing behind our Yawl. The Skerry design combines elements of traditional working craft of the British Isles and Scandinavia, with a little bit Kits from $1998. It may not seem like it, but as I found out, too much sail may make it nearly impossible to either tack or jibe safely. CLC has sold more than 20,000 kit boats from its Annapolis, Maryland, workshop, and the staff teaches boatbuilding courses around the country. Rows excellent as well. Have purchased the plans and will be building a Goat Island Skiff this winter so I have something that I T he Guider, a new 18′ 7″ expedition boat from Chesapeake Light Craft (CLC), has been a development project for CLC’s designer, John Harris, and John Guider, a professional photographer and small-boat adventurer based in Nashville, Tennessee. 00 Plans from $159. See full list on insidewaters. leaving the dock and running downwind in about 18mph wind. CLC Teardrop Camper; Assembled Gary Hardy built a CLC Skerry in Australia. The skerry is not a planing hull and is quite light, so it gets up to displacement speed PDQ. 00 Sale Price: $323. Three frames and seven planks proved to be a winning formula for a quick build and great performance. CLC Teardrop Camper; Assembled Jul 1, 2023 · This epoxy-over-wood CLC Skerry is handbuilt from a Chespeake Light Craft kit. May 21, 2010 · Re: CLC "Skerry", thoughts and opinions please? Can't wait for a chance to build a Skerry! I need to sell my cedar lapstrake Melon Seed Skiff first. Oct 24, 2005 · Skerry Steve, my vote is for the Skerry. ) A few builders have ordered the Skerry's sailing rig kit and made the conversion themselves. Feb 11, 2020 · A page dedicated to the Chesapeake Light Craft Skerry, its builders, owners, and fans. The sides are 6mm Okoume, while the bottom is 9mm, sheathed with glass fabric for those hard beach landings – the rudder kicks up easily for landings. Share this post. 00. Been in the water very little. Oct 7, 2024 · I have just finished the build of a slightly modified Skerry. The hull utilizes CLC’s patented LapStitch™ construction method, in which stitch-and-glue techniques are used to create lapstrake hulls of traditional appearance. Any posts related to repair and maintenance, new… The Skerry Sprit Rig component kit includes dacron sail, wooden mast and spars, mast step, tiller, daggerboard, rudder, and rudder hardware. 70# hull weight. 14 Cool VHS Covers for Modern Movies and TV Shows; This Realistic Water Painting Took More Than 2 Years to Complete DERRY – 15′ CLC Skerry A project for the pandemic. This is a 62 square foot Dacron Lug sail for the Passagemaker Dinghy, Northeaster Dory , Skerry , Tenderly 10 Dinghy, or Lake Union Swift Lug rigs. The flaring sides make the Skerry stable and dry under sail. Hi CLC team, attached are a few photos of the maiden launch of the Skerry we built in our garage here in the Central Coast of California over the last few years. The skerry is a very easy rower if thats your thing. * A daggerboard simplifies construction, and a yoke-and-draglink tiller arrangement (familiar from our Skerry design) gives the crew better seating options under sail. The skerry has you sitting in the bottom when sailing and it really wants someone between the middle seat and the mast with another aft the middle seat. Read entire review - Sailing Magazine, June 2003. This time it was Chesapeake Light Craft’s Skerry, a 15′ double-ender for oar and sail. Unfortunately we don't have much in instructions or documentation for that, but an average woodworker could do it without much fuss. The "Skerry Raid," also known as the Expedition Skerry, was created for author and photographer John Guider, who used it for an epic 6000-mile+ Great Loop voyage in the boat. Each Family will assemble their own Skerry from a Chesapeake Light Craft kit. Sep 6, 2016 · Re: CLC Skerry - New Rig Musings I've designed and built a couple different balanced lugs that customers have put on Skerrys with good success. Nauilus will appear one day when at the stars align. Below is John Harris's post from the Skerry builder's forum. Building a Cocktail Class Racer from a CLC Kit: 2018: 10:08: Peeler Skiff 'Some Assembly Required' by Wayne the Boat Guy: 2023: 12:01: CLC Teardrop Camper: Teardrop Camper Kit by Chesapeake Light Craft: 2016: 8:50: Building the CLC Teardrop Camper: 2016: 12:40: Building the CLC Teardrop Camper - 13 Days in 13 Minutes! (Time Lapse) 2017: 13:06 Nov 18, 2019 · If I were taking more than one crew, the NE is the better probably. I had decided what boat to build. 27K subscribers in the boatbuilding community. (Manual purchase refundable with kit purchase. As they are now it is difficult to get the rudder attached while on the water because they are so low. The brass rectangle (more or less - it has rounded corners & such, picture available if requested) is screwed to the transom such that it can be rotated out of the way when putting pintles into the gudgeon, then rotated so that it pushed down on top of the rudder. ∙ Paid. For more information on these boats click here. CLC Teardrop Camper; Assembled Read entire review - Sailing Magazine, June 2003. Sep 8, 2003 · The Whilly is much prettier than the CLC Skerry I can't decide what it is about the skerry that I don't like, but there's something cheap about it. Plans are available here: Jan 8, 2012 · Skerry build “Miss Minerva” completed by a 64-year-old retiree in late June 2020. 5 feet overall length. Three sailing rigs are available: The sprit rig is the most faithful to the Norse smallcraft that inspired the Skerry design. CLC Teardrop Camper; Assembled Pictures of CLC Skerry. Commission the design by CLC of a smaller rig at 6 sqm, and the high carry Solway Dory outrIggers from CLC. May 8, 2017 · I am building a new one piece non-kick-up rudder for my CLC Skerry. The Skerry design combines elements of traditional working craft of the British Isles and Scandinavia, with a little bit of American Swampscott Dory thrown in. I've come to the conclusion that I like completely open boats better than extensively decked boats. So, your Skerry Exp looks very good. This insures the wood around the hole doesn't deteriorate from water saturation. com . capacity 3 persons . The Skerry is designed in a clinker style which produces a beautiful boat that achieves maximum strength with a minimum of weight, using CLC's patented LapStitch™ technique. I always row to the beach, and don't seem to sail in super shallow water. The rudder required a flat transom for mounting the hardware so I CLC Skerry. Add an additional rowing station so you can move around to balance the load. For the skerry, you need them. WoodenBoat Magazine #277: "Designs: Review of Lighouse Tender Peapod" Designed By John C. NOTE: CLC instruction manuals walk you through construction step by step with photos and drawings, and are a good way to get acquainted with the process in advance of a kit purchase. The boat will be fast but will require a relatively experienced crew. Chesapeake Light Craft Skerry, 2018 sailboat for sale 15. I made this boat from a kit by Chesapeake Ligh Skerry. We were sailing in Galveston Bay this morning, we had 15 kn winds with some stiffening gusts later in the day. The Skerry was designed by John Harris of Chesapeake Light Craft. Loads of experienced Skerry builders and sailors there. After researching many designs I picked this one. Type: Sailing Dinghy Designer: Foil: Daggerboard Cabin: No Length: 15' Beam: 4'6" Draft: 5" Weight Empty: 95 lbs. Designed for use in sheltered waters with a maximum payload of 200kg (450lbs). The stock Skerry design is a work of art, doing what it needs to do well, with the least amount of materials and weight, in a very attractive way. I built myself an Eastport Pram over the winter as my first boatbuilding project and I'm really enjoying the ability to just go out sailing every day. The most traditional, easiest-to-build, and fastest to set up of the Skerry's rig options. The design combines elements of traditional working craft of the British Isles and Scandinavia, with a little bit of American Swampscott Dory thrown in. John Guider approached me about using a stock CLC Skerry to row and sail the 6500-mile Great Loop. Harris did the world a great favor when he drew the lines for this awesome little boat and they have been built all over the world by people who fell in love at first sight. This Skerry is easy to sail and row while offering timeless beauty! Carry weight is 95lbs, max payload 450lbs. Skerry Sprit Rig add-on: $1,643. | Santa Barbara, CA | Skerry. Okuome plywood and epoxy construction. com CR11 Corsair Bateau. Construction follows the same sequence as the full-sized versi Gary introduces his CLC Skerry. Great response to my question about inner rails on Skerry and a totally unexpected approach with a most enviable outcome! RE: Inner rail on Skerry » Submitted by Moonchaser - Fri, 11/14/14 » 10:04 PM Skerry Scale Model; Wherry Scale Model; Dory Scale Model; Bevin's Skiff Scale Model Kit; Pro Kits. Perfect condition. zsll ford kuw pdga cfqe zdevt qhvru taub bbmanp bkq yov kkxryf sybzyfy ckuruxp dwgvb