Goldwing clutch adjustment. I dont mean the 5 positions on the grip.
Goldwing clutch adjustment I checked the master cylinder, and it was almost dry. Come join the discussion about reviews, performance, modifications, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! Aug 12, 2011 · Given 140k miles, the Clutch Slave Cylinder is probably in high need of a re-building It only takes 1hr and $20 bucks When it is worn-out, the movement of the clutch lever does not coincide with that of the clutch (eg You'll think that the clutch is dis/engaged, yet the slave cylinder is imparting a Lag in the movement, due to it sticking) Mar 28, 2010 · 12. Both clutch packs are exactly the same. Dec 9, 2002 · If you need to adjust your clutch cable, you need to check the end play on the clutch cable. remove the lifter plate, remove the hub nut, and pull out gently. First it is hard to find neutral so takes some doing and searching when starting up. Oct 18, 2020 · I read where the fix is to adjust the clutch lifter. The 1980 and 1981 models adjustment otherwise follows the same procedure as the above for the GL1000, except that to access the adjuster screw there is a large haxagonal plug cover to remove first, Nov 29, 2017 · Can someone explain to me what the Clutch Lever Adjustment actually does? I ride a 2016 Goldwing GL1800 trike and the adjustment is set at 3. Adjusting makes no difference in the action of the clutch. You have to grab the cable and gently pull it to take the measuement. If that dose not work try bleeding the clutch system. So I followed the procedure, but after loosening the lock nut when I turn the adjuster screw, it doesn't "bottom out". The first time the clutch is used it can be very difficult to get it to disengage. Discussion Forum: Clutch Adjustment • GL1100 Information & Questions • The premier web site for Goldwing technical information, DIY tutorials and community discussion Oct 21, 2010 · The plates mitch be stuch together or even swollen from the water. That sounds correct if the lever components aren't worn and no there isn't an adjustment. To move them, gently pull the levers open and turn the dial to increase. -----The top and botton I find need adjustment at the ame time to find a happy medium. On some bikes, you can add 1 steel plate into your clutch pack to make up for worn clutch discs which might move your friction point closer to the bars. Yes, they do work. Honda registered technician, silver Service Schedule: Changing the Clutch Fluid on a Honda GL1500 Goldwing. 2012 GL1800 AMA Life Member Jun 25, 2020 · Discussion Forum: Clutch slipping • GL1500 Information & Questions • The premier web site for Goldwing technical information, DIY tutorials and community discussion Jan 10, 2015 · bill- My '83 GL1100 has a mechanical clutch, not hydraulic; same thing on your '82-1100? If so, the first thing I'd check is the clutch release cable for full range of movement and adjustment to be sure it fully releases the clutch. . If you are discussing a 1200 hydraulically operated clutch system the 2 different pistons may be having difficulty operating because of excess air that must be bled and replenished with the proper hydraulic Discussion Forum: clutch wont engage • GL1100 Information & Questions • The premier web site for Goldwing technical information, DIY tutorials and community discussion Jul 2, 2013 · this is what I did drained all clutch fluid took out three pins that hold slave cylinder took off the banjo bolt push rod came out with the slave cylinder renewed two seals and spring replaced the pushrod through the hole on the clutch cover put slave cylinder back and bled have pressure at lever and can here push rod working but will not disengage Oct 16, 2008 · switching clutch covers Jump to Latest 556 views 6 replies 5 participants last post by blink Oct 20, 2008 Dec 3, 2009 · 1988 Honda Gold Wing GOLDWING GL1500 Service Shop Repair Manual OEM FACTORY 88 GLAVIS ENTERPRISES $103. Now to get the f*****g alternator back in. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Nov 16, 2008 · Status Not open for further replies. at the back of the engine on the lower right side at the other end of the cable there is an other adjustment loosen the lock nut and take up the slack of the cable. I have a 1977 Honda GL 1000. loosen the top adjustment and and turn it in about all in. I have had it out and back in before and never gets easier, thanks honda. Discussion Forum: Clutch adjustment - Hard shift • GL1000 Information & Questions • The premier web site for Goldwing technical information, DIY tutorials and community discussion May 16, 2005 · Then I seemed to over-adjust it because the clutch arm would over-cam. There are three adjustment points; at the handlebar, at the engine-end of the cable outside the clutch housing, and inside the housing. GL1000 clutch sticking. The adjustment is under the cover and there is a locknut and adjustment screw. I dont mean the 5 positions on the grip. TIMOTO. Aug 9, 2010 · There is no adjustment, it is a hydraulic clutch so it adjusts automatically. I didnt see that anywhere in the manual. Do any of you know if this is Jul 11, 2014 · Having issues with my clutch. If not, the plate are probably stuck together. Do not rev it up with it placed in fifth gear and dump the clutch because that will surely make the clutch bad if it is not. I can not get the 15mm free play at the clutch housing and any free play at the clutch lever and have the clutch work properly. You tighten the nut down, and find a tab that will fold upwards, and fit in one of the grooves in the nut. Basically 15 plates in all. com Jul 9, 2022 · Discussion Forum: Clutch adjustment • GL1500 Information & Questions • The premier web site for Goldwing technical information, DIY tutorials and community discussion Discussion Forum: Clutch lever adjustment needed • GL1500 Information & Questions • The premier web site for Goldwing technical information, DIY tutorials and community discussion Jul 8, 2008 · There are 8 clutch discs, 6 clutch plates, and a damper plate. Later I found I could have fixed it in about 5 minute by removing the clutch adjustment cover and pulling the clutch release arm back manually. Jump to Latest 3K GL1000 clutch sticking. Changing the clutch cable should take about one hour. Apr 27, 2009 · I dont think there is adjustment on that bike. 2. If I recall correctly it adjust until resistence is felt then back off 3/4 turn and lock down with the nut. The adjustment procedure is linked below. Dec 23, 2013 · Well, that is kind of encouraging. Aug 31, 2016 · 1) When using the old cable to pull the new cable thru, remove the 2 adjusting nets and pull from the clutch to the handle. The 8 clutch discs each have 2 sides, so you have 16 disc surfaces fighting in close tolerance against the 7 plates. To adjust the clutch lever on your Honda Goldwing GL1800, locate the clutch lever adjustment dial near the base of the lever. Turning the dial clockwise will bring the lever closer to the handlebars, providing a shorter reach. Sep 28, 2013 · how do you adjust clutch on 1982 GL1100 A CLUTCH LEVER PULLS IN REAL EASY CANT GET IT IN GEAR. No adjustment Jun 21, 2007 · Then I would disconnect the cable at the clutch and make sure it is free inside the sheath. clearance is Jun 30, 2020 · I bought the clutch cable on Amazon like dave0430 suggested. Sep 23, 2010 · SOURCE: how do you remove the Center stand the bike, place a jack under the motor but do not lift yet,unbolt calipers and hang with wires, loosen the four nuts and washers on the bottom of fork on nut looking end of axle(nut should turn but may not be tight), loosen nut on axle, now take off all nuts washers,and pull off two caps. I don’t understand what the numbers mean. 1 I did find two friction disks that were destroyed. On some other models it seems simple. it did seem that I had that adjusted, then after working the lever a few times, it came out of adjustment. If you find some that are chromed for your 1998 GL1500 SE (as indicated in your Avatar) they may be the correct levers you need. None of which explains anything. The diaphragm spring used must be installed with it on the bench. The length of centre strand of the cable in the sheath is fixed. Jun 11, 2011 · Bleeding the clutch to renew the fluid is good. Sep 20, 2024 · GL1800s have adjustable levers. As I let the clutch out, absolutely nothing happens until the last few fraction of inches of travel. I have read Wingadmin’s note on clutch cable replacement, I find there is no play in the clutch actuator and if I understand correctly there should be about 15mm free play. My question is about the best way to adjust the clutch. Try setting it to position number one. I added fluid, bled it, and it worked. Tie a string to the end of the old cable and pull it out from the lever end. Instead if I turn the adjuster screw enough, the lifter arm and the part it is attached to (possibly part 6 in the fiche below) begin to move. com 5 days ago · A forum community dedicated to Honda Gold Wing owners and enthusiasts. Jun 11, 2010 · Goldwing Technical Forum. believe me I'm up for any suggestions to avoid delving into a placeI've never been before May 3, 2010 · Checked the plugs and fired it back up, got to end of driveway with clutch lever pulled in, bike in 1st gear heard a pop and clutch lever went slack, bike didn't move. Jul 7, 2010 · imported post Yes. reverse order to reinstall. Discussion Forum: clutch lever adjustment on 85 le • GL1200 Information & Questions • The premier web site for Goldwing technical information, DIY tutorials and community discussion Nov 19, 2024 · Greeting, it appears that my Goldwing 2018 with manual transmission clutch is engaging late. The lever has a spring loaded mechanism built in to allow it to work properly in all settings. Clutch chatter is clutch disk slippage in my experience. After all my concerns about proper adjustment and thinking that the older style with inpsection port and lock nut and adjuster screw might be better, I think I now prefer the 83 style because I could turn the adjuster alll the way in at the lever and with my other hand adjust the thread cable end at the pivot lever and I cold feel the slack being Apr 27, 2009 · I dont think there is adjustment on that bike. Would the best procedure for adjusting the clutch be to: • disconnect the cable at the clutch lever end Jun 30, 2015 · So My clutch seems to engage at the end of travel. The clutch wouldn't grab until about the last 1/4" of full release. The under the nut is a keyed washer with 7 tabs. PayPal Tip Cup :- moonfleet10@yahoo. The actuator rod on the earlier version sits inside the clutch throwout bearing, the '83 actuator has a flat disk which pushes against the throwout bearing. The only thing I would do differently would be getting the clutch cable about a foot shorter. Conversely, turning it counterclockwise will extend the distance from the handlebars, creating a longer reach. They may still be available as a used item but identifying them as such may be difficult. There is no adjustment on the clutch, none, not at all and most of the bikes do grab pretty quick on the first part of the clutch lever. On the base of the clutch lever, you will see the adjustment screw. Is there an adjust for how far you let out your clutch lever before it engages ? Mine seems not to engage until almost all the way out. co. So, I ordered the clutch kit on EBAY from Saber Cycles. When adjusted according to specs, the clutch/engine are not totally Dec 18, 2023 · Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 1982 82 80-83 Honda Goldwing GL1100 GL 1100A Clutch Adjustment Cable Wire at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Oct 23, 2011 · imported post I appreciate your input fella but in my 40 years of riding a myriad of motorcycles and driving cars with standard transmissions, chronic clutch slip has always first shown it's uglyhead while turning on a little bit more power or climbing a hill in top gear and just gets worse from there on. I have never really liked hydralic clutches much. Also check the free play adjustment on the Lifter arm. May 31, 2012 · All I need to know is where the clutch adjustment is on my 83 Aspencade. it might be adjusted to short. Apr 3, 2007 · Clutch Adjustment Jump to Latest 1K views 4 replies 4 participants last post by retiredintime Apr 4, 2007 Sep 30, 2016 · 99 SE 62k miles On my 1st "real" ride on this bike, I noticed as I was turning around in the driveway that the clutch would grab right of the handlebars. VERY NEW TO THIS. GL1100: All the GL1100 models have the clutch cable attaching to an external operating arn with cable adjuster on the casing. Status Not open for further replies. Thought it was just needing a new cable, but I checked the clutch lever at the motor, and when I lift it up by hand, it stays up, and does not spring back down. Jun 22, 2012 · Check the owner's manual for idle value - it's likely a + or - 10% value and see how adjusting to the lower (or higher) end of that spec will help Ordinarily, I find the "jump" is a symptom of carb balance being off, the idle mix being set too lean on one or both carbs, or lugging the bike off-idle (try using the clutch's friction zone for Apr 26, 2009 · imported post I have an 82A and have attempted to adjust the clutch (cable) per the factory manual. I've run nothing but Rotella-T 15W-40 and changed every 3k miles. Jun 14, 2018 · The adjustment wheel on the clutch handle doesn't really adjust the friction point of the clutch, it adjusts the position of the handle. It is difficult but can be done with the engine in the frame. This should be anywhere from 1/8th inch to 3/16th inch. I didn't like how it felt, so I read on here about Oct 5, 2010 · How many miles do you have on this clutch? I just bought a 2008, with only 2600 miles on it, but I also have a 1995 with 75,000 miles on it. Jun 18, 2021 · Insert the actuating rod into the clutch on the back of the engine cover. Sep 7, 2010 · GL1800 Tech Board Clutch Adjustment Discussion Forum: clutch • GL1000 Information & Questions • The premier web site for Goldwing technical information, DIY tutorials and community discussion Apr 23, 2006 · Clutch adjustment Jump to Latest 1K views 1 reply 2 participants last post by englishted Apr 23, 2006 Discussion Forum: How to re-build a clutch on 1983 GL1100A • GL1100 Information & Questions • The premier web site for Goldwing technical information, DIY tutorials and community discussion Sep 12, 2024 · here is where you need to be careful 1. Pushed back into garage and on centerstand I can rotate the rear tire through each gear but the motor doesn't turn over wheel spins free. There are dowels on the engine cover to locate the clutch slave cylinder properly. But you can bleed it 29 times and it will not change the way the clutch operates. No problems there, but when I replaced the bag and hook everything back up, the cable that is used to connected to the latch to open the bag seems to have stretched and now when I pull on the lever to open the saddlebag it won't pull back far enough to unlatch the bag. 3) Put the rubber cover on the cable BEFORE starting step 2. 1985 Goldwing Aspencade-114,000 In this video I show you how to adjust your clutch pedal disengagement & engagement. The clutch does not slip per my perception, but I am concerned about it. The '95 clutch is still over 70% of the original thickness. The clutch pack has to be disassembled by pressing on the clutch spring enough to make it possible to remove the snap ring. Been standard since the 1800's came out. Remove the side covers. An explanation would be very much appreciated. Second and far more important is the fact I cannot completly disengage the clutch. Hope this helps. But the engagement starts at about 60% out and is fully engaged at 85% out. Discussion Forum: '93 Clutch adjustment • GL1500 Information & Questions • The premier web site for Goldwing technical information, DIY tutorials and community discussion '93 Clutch adjustment • GL1500 Information & Questions • goldwingdocs. 2) Attach the handle end of the cable first, then the clutch end. com Oct 1, 2011 · You indicate a 84 Aspy, they are oil, hydraulic operated clutch but your Goldwing shown at the left shows an 1100, which is cable operated. When at a stop sign with clutch pulled in all the way, bike still pulls forward or "creeps". yes there are 2 places to adjust the cable. You will notice the difference. You adjust the lever by moving it fowards and turning the wheel. • GL1500 Information & Questions • The premier web site for Goldwing technical information, DIY tutorials and community discussion Discussion Forum: Clutch Adjustment • GL1800 (2001-2017) Information & Questions • The premier web site for Goldwing technical information, DIY tutorials and community discussion Clutch Adjustment • GL1800 (2001-2017) Information & Questions • goldwingdocs. Pull the rubber dust boot off of the clutch lever. Nov 1, 2006 · Clutch adjustment Jump to Latest 2K views 1 reply 2 participants last post by twisty Nov 1, 2006 Jul 24, 2012 · Make sure the adjustment wheel on the lever is at position 1, but what I think you really need is a clutch fluid change or at the very least being bleed. The bolts holding the clutch cover is a pain to remove and put back again but small hands,the right wrench and a May 6, 2012 · Clutch adjustment is spot-on and no other clutch-related issues. Nov 15, 2012 · Is there any way to actually adjust the clutch tension?? Or friction point. Aug 8, 2008 · imported post J B, Thanks for the response. These clutch disks were not Honda OEM but seem to work just fine. Well, first, in order to adjust them, you need to push them in the opposite direction from their actual operating direction, and then adjust the numbered knobs. com Oct 3, 2010 · Valve adjustment, air filter check, steering head lubrication, crankcase vent valve, final drive inspection, plugs, clutch, brake and coolant fluid change and on and on. Remove nut from bottom of the pivot bolt with a 10 mm. you might also swap out your hydraulic fluid for fresh stuff & try bleeding your system. patreon. 2009 1982 1100cc Honda Mar 15, 2014 · Look at the parts fiche for 2001-2013. The book says loosen the adjuster nut, turn adjuster screw in till it lightly bottoms out then back the screw out 3/4 turn. Im guessing its a hydraulic clutch & not cable. But where it is is where it will be. The amount of clutch free play and start to engage is dependent on the clutch and clutch friction material. Discussion Forum: Clutch problem • GL1800 (2001-2017) Information & Questions • The premier web site for Goldwing technical information, DIY tutorials and community discussion Clutch problem • GL1800 (2001-2017) Information & Questions • goldwingdocs. Remove 1/8 inch from the flat end of the rod. uk Patreon Link:-https://www. At one point in time, close reach Chrome levers were manufactured for the GL1500. Try them all the way to 0 and then all the way to 5. com/Delbo Apr 24, 2011 · imported post I recently had to remove the left saddlebag on my 1990 GL1500 to repair some damage on the back wall. Goldwings are notorious for not liking after market levers, switches fail to work properly 2. As soon as I put the bike into gear, the bike dies. They all show the lever adjustment. Honda GL1500 Goldwing 88-90 Clutch Master Cylinder / Slave Cylinder Repair Kits (For: 1984 Honda Goldwing 1200) - Genuine K&L Supply Parts - MADE IN JAPAN! Brand New · K&L Supply May 23, 2011 · Clutch replacement GL1100 Jump to Latest 3. Install the clutch slave cylinder back onto the engine cover. I think it is working well. The free play is adjusted for slack in the cable. I bought my replacement clutch cable at Puget Sound Motorcycles' eBay store at a very good price. We’ll get our fiber plates soaking in oil and then remove a skid pl About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . I just finished installing and bleeding, feels strong. They adjust for smaller or larger hands, and grip length. I would try stock. This doesn't apply to some vehicles but most Honda's and many other vehic Dec 6, 2005 · imported post it can be done, however, you will need access to a spare clutch basket to align the plates. The fix would be to do a clutch cable adjustment, something you'd probably try anyway before replacing other parts. Kind of difficult to do under the bike. I wasn't sure if there were some tell tale signs of some other failure in the symptoms I have now. The thinner and hotter the oil, the more they slip while in neutral. 12. This measuement is is taken between the clutch perch and the cable. Jump to Latest 5K views 4 replies 4 participants last post by Big Cahuna Apr 2, 2016 Jul 17, 2006 · When you pull the lever back you're bringing the mechanism back over the hump of the cam. I got several answers in my search in this website. Is there a simple adjustment to move the engagement point? Try adjusting the lever throw on the clutch handle. Apr 17, 2013 · That same applies to if the springs are bad, cable adjustment is off, clutch fibers & steels are bad, or the wrong type of oil, it will still do it in more than one speed (mainly higher gears with the greater loads. Discussion Forum: CLUTCH ADJUST ON 1500 • GL1500 Information & Questions • The premier web site for Goldwing technical information, DIY tutorials and community discussion CLUTCH ADJUST ON 1500 • GL1500 Information & Questions • goldwingdocs. BIKE WANTS TO MOVE AHEAD SLIGHTLY WHEN IN GEAR AND CLUTCH IS FULLY. It requires the clutch cover to be removed. 55k miles don't seem like a lot of miles for a clutch but I wanted some input Well, first, in order to adjust them, you need to push them in the opposite direction from their actual operating direction, and then adjust the numbered knobs. Rode a few miles and turned around to come home and at a stoplight with lever all the way against Dec 9, 2012 · I need a lot of help folks. Aug 16, 2008 · One cover (the '80 and '81 I believe) has an adjustment in the center of it, the '82 and '83 cover does not. Easier to flush the clutch system on a regular basis than to remove, clean, replace clutch slave parts, and it's less expensive and time consuming. Check the lver on the rear of the clutch housing (where the cable hooks to) does it have resistance? You should be able to disengage the clutch by lifting that lever. then make the last adjustment at the top adjuster be sure to leave Mar 22, 2007 · My Valk has two problems associated with shifting. Clean all of the old grease from entire assembly especially the bronze piece that the rod pivots in. The clutch pretty much requires full through to release the clutch, there is a little wiggle room on the 1800s since there is the dial that lets you change that a little. Oct 28, 2005 · Clutch Adjustment Jump to Latest Follow 2K views 7 replies 6 participants last post by Silicon Sam Oct 29, 2005 Apr 19, 2020 · Sounds like you need to do the full clutch adjustment procedure. The descriptions and procedures are not accurate. There are 9 disks in the clutch: Sep 20, 2024 · Clutch and Brake lever adjustment Jump to Latest 387 views 2 replies 3 participants last post by briese Sep 24, 2024 Jul 18, 2015 · On the 80-81 there is another adjustment on the back of the clutch housing under the hex head plug. com Jun 13, 2007 · imported post You do not have to remove the engine and it really is not a bad job. Oct 3, 2018 · Before you get into bleeding the clutch, there is a chrome dial (as pictures shows) for the clutch and brake levers. "When you write the story of your life, don't let anyone else hold the pen" Nov 14, 2005 · My clutch lever has to be pulled in almost to the grip before it disengages the clutch. It just places the lever closer to the grip. 01 Motorcycle Accessories Compatible with Goldwing 1800 GL1800 GL1800A 2019 2020 Motorcycle Accessories Headlights Guard Head Lamp Light Lens Cover Protector(Black) XIUTAO Feb 2, 2009 · I have to adjust the hand lever adjuster out quit alot to get travel. Thenchange the oil. 1. TY FOR YOUR TIME INFO. Unscrew the the pivot bolt. This should work for you hopefully. No real play before I would get engagement. When the quote for the work got up to $1,200 I called a time out. Discussion Forum: Clutch issue / problem • GL1800 (2001-2017) Information & Questions • The premier web site for Goldwing technical information, DIY tutorials and community discussion Jul 22, 2010 · imported post from what i see in your avatar , you have a 83. Since I rebuilt the master and slave cylinder this past winter. Reinstall and tighten the bolts. I prefer cable driven myself like my Yamaha R*s. Your clutch is probably close to worn out. Oct 2, 2022 · One eighth inch filed from the new one on the bottom. 3K views 8 replies 6 participants last post by GregForesi May 27, 2011 See how to replace the clutch plates in a Honda Goldwing in this video from Partzilla. Discussion Forum: Clutch Adjustment • GL1800 (2001-2017) Information & Questions • The premier web site for Goldwing technical information, DIY tutorials and community discussion Clutch Adjustment • GL1800 (2001-2017) Information & Questions • goldwingdocs. Discussion Forum: clutch problems. HOW DO I ADJUST THE CLUTCH ON A HONDA GOLDWING 94. Discussion Forum: clutch lever adjustment on 85 le • GL1200 Information & Questions • The premier web site for Goldwing technical information, DIY tutorials and community discussion Mar 31, 2016 · 82 GL1100 Clutch Adjustment. I still have that slight issue with the clutch maybe slipping in 5th gear at 2100 rpm. Attach the string to the new cable and pull it through from the engine side and it will be routed just like the original. Feb 1, 2012 · Is there a step by step guide in the forum for replacing a gl1100 clutch without removing the motor? I pulled the lever today and the clutch cable broke at the handle. Remove the rod and rubber boot. I am trying to adjust the clutch. Grab two wrenches and adjust as necessary. You can pull the clutch case off while the engine is in the bike. com. I will double check the 1/4 adjustment. it is a straightforward procedure, smply remove the three bolts on the slave cyl, and then the bolts on the cover. The thicker the oil, the more friction. Loosen cable off first them loosen the lock nut and turn the screw in until you feel it touch (turn it out first to make sure it is not already too tight) then back it out 1/3 turn and tighten the nut. 3. The first time this happened I thought I had broken something good and even trailered it home. weocqb qihhx gghlls gux bdnwcy afuiy waqkdc csae ubwnprtr ywqa bytqen zatr abikr aghjxb ljjnw