Kef 104 ab review The only speaker that perform greater than my KEF 104/2 is my main system ( Martin Logan Request ). System type: Two-way, stand-mount Enclosure type: Passive radiator Input Impedance: 8 ohms Rated maximum power: 100W programme Amplifier Requirements: 15-100 watts per channel into 8 ohms System… I have pretty much decided to use a pair of KEF model 104ab speakers, on stands, driven by a tube amp. news & reviews, and personalized tips for buying and selling on Reverb. If anything they have improved with age and never been serviced. 45 + Shipping. Klangqualität Jun 5, 2014 · The safe and easy approach, more expensive caps would be for a luxury upgrade, is to get a set (speaker/pair) of recaps, 5x caps each speaker, for the KEF 104aB at Falcon/UK. Aug 23, 2016 · I just got a pair of 104-2 a month or so ago. Great sound with great mid and great balance of bass. As great at they sound, the woofers rubber surrounds are suffering Mar 16, 2022 · KEF Model 104のレビューです。ユニットやネットワークについての詳細もあります。太い音かつ解像度が抜群で、反則級の音を出します。70年代のものとは到底思えない音です。 May 7, 2007 · Hi. As a side note, the CC-2 is also a perfect match for the 15 ohm LS3/5As I built in Canada (What is it about the Roger’s LS3/5A?…). I have 4 good pair of speakers in my wall of sound but I keep listening to the 104-2. Jan 14, 2009 · DIY variation using KEF 104 components, very similar to KEF's own Calinda version using similar drivers and passive radiator in similar slim / deep cabinet. The capacitors are physically 100% compatible with the original black ELCAP types fitted, so no fitting problems. surprising amount of low-end given the 8" driver (there's another thing that looks like a massive woofer but it's actually a resonator). The model name aB is an abbreviation of acoustic Butterworth. The problem is a crackle that sounds like it is coming from the T27 tweeter on one of the speakers. To cut a long story short, they were on eBay for local pickup only in Ann Arbor, Michigan. It is clearer with more sparkle but there might be something wrong with the 104ab. リーダム(当時のブラッドフォード大学・音響グループ)によって1973年2月13日にロンドンで行われたオーディオ・エンジニアリング・ソサエティで発表されました。. I will only be using the speakers for Home Theater! I like the sound my dads KEF Concertos have they sound full and have a nice sounding tweeter (like in avatar Обема на фабричните 104 aB e 35 литра. Print. The KEF drivers used in that speaker featured a unique (inner) foam surround that hugged the metal pole between on the internal 8" drivers - where a dust-cap usually sits on a driver. Omlaag Pagina's 1. L'ancien propriétaire a fait restauré les filtres par un technicien qui a spécialement commandé les pièces chez Kef (elles sont un peu particulières). v. Bien-sûr c'était déjà un prix certain,mais n'oublions pas que c'était la serie reference. Jan 5, 2020 · I am in the process of auditioning a pair of KEF 104 that have had the ab crossover upgrade. Ok so what can I say about the KEF 104. I am going to recap them this winter and do doughnuts. I'm content with my Denon PMA-750 Apr 21, 2008 · HiAnyone still using these older KEF reference speakers, they seem to be pretty common on ebay/audiogon in good condition for $500-700. Gib die Erste ab! 0 0 10 0. Jul 15, 2011 · Hi I currently own a Kef reference 104ab and the tweeter is muffled quite a bit. 1uF in some brands. 2 Floorstanding Speakers user reviews : 4. EMTのアナログプレーヤー927Dst、カートリッジTSD15、XSD15、KEFのスピーカーシステムModel 105、Model 104aB、UREIのスピーカーシステムModel 813、K+HのスピーカーシステムOL10、スチューダーのパワーアンプA68、オープンリールデッキB67の広告(輸入元:河村電気研究所) Aug 7, 2002 · The SP1039 was the best B200 Kef ever made, a special high power long throw version with short coil in long magnet gap for low distortion. Nov 15, 2018 · The 104ab is voiced beautifully and is an excellent speaker, and if in good condition is a good buy at $250. Zwarte kasten. php?title=KEF_104&oldid=237776" Jan 15, 2009 · It is a modification of the classic 12 or 18db/octave filter and was partially designed through computer aided design and target function analysis which KEF pioneered in the 70's and 80's. I finally found some decent donor cabinets from a pair of the original KEF 104. Feb 24, 2025 · One of my fav sounding vintage speakers but needing to clear to make room for new gear and somethings has to go. 6uF audio grade specially made for Falcon Acoustics for the KEF aB circuit. If I decide not to refit the original T27s I have been advised the sound of the ori Oct 21, 2012 · Reviews. Apr 4, 2019 · Here are my KEF 104aB: The boxes were good, but for the look they were refreshed with veneer, and to protect the speakers from small fingers I made textile grills. In the previous model, the crossover network was designed based on the electrical response of the filter. A great, good working pair of Vintage Kef 104ab reference series speakers . ab signifie ‘acoustic butterworth’ pour une amélioration des filtres des aigus et mediums. Yours Sep 5, 2014 · I started taking apart some KEF 104/2s that I'm working on for a friend and fellow AKer. Apr 27, 2020 · There is the DM 2 and the DM 2 series 2, the original has a woofer, tweeter and super tweeter, the series 2 has a woofer, midrange and tweeter. Seller Reviews (220) Similar Listings. Summing up, the Reference Series Model 104 can be regarded as an excellent speaker for domestic purposes. What are the large speakers in the picture? Are they the large KEF blades I saw at show years ago? Nov 9, 2022 · Vintage kef reference series model 104 ab sp1038 luid sprekers 8 ohm. Now I want to deal with the sound. The KEF 104aB has been my favorite speaker for about a decade now, but my cabinets were trashed (see 2nd pic). lovely big speakers. These are still renowned for their classic sounds and design even after 42+ years. Those will work. I asked around on a car mailing list I am on, several people responded, and someone was able to pick them up, pack them, and ship them to me. The KEF 104. ALCAP Low Loss electrolytic capacitors plus Polyester film 0. 2 Reference and exchanged the The CC-2 powering the Kef’s is a marriage made in heaven (after all, the designer of the CC-2 was working alongside Lynn Olson who was designing speakers spec’d with Kef drivers). The original Kef T27 tweeters were replaced with Kef T33s and then Vifa D19AD-05-06 tweeters - a strange choice. Inductors have stray capacitance but ignored. Jan 11, 2024 · advise/feedbacks about GENESIS 210 and KEF REFERENZ 104 AB Hi I have found these speakers GENESIS 210 and KEF REFERENCE 104AB ,second hand but I haven't tried with my favorite amps and both are in a great shape I listen mostly rock music and hard rock from genesis , camel ,yes,black sabbath,led zeppelin to radiohead He told me GENESIS 210 are Dec 5, 2015 · Hi, new to the forum - looking for some help troubleshooting a set of kef 104 ab's I picked up recently. At the time i was comparing the KEF 104ab, the KEF Calinda, and the KEF Cantata. 2, which I still own, won out. 2: still great after all these years! Login / Register The low-frequency cabinet of the 104/2 is even more unusual for there are no loudspeaker units to be seen! Based on an idea which I believe originated with Peter Baxandall and was developed into a workable form by KEF's Laurie Fincham, it is called in the present design "Coupled cavity bass loading". Good qualitprix the era (about 18000f, 00 pairs of the era The box with the kube). com/index. Recommendations for stereo mics and small MIDI keyboard? Need advice on my first bass guitar. Jan 1, 2025 · You are spot on! I owned a pair of the 104/ab, and liked them a great deal. Allgemein. However, over time, the cones can become distorted or damaged. With the 104aB, I preferred the +2 dB position. 1 set is needed per pair of KEF 104aB loudspeakers. Will you help me? Retrieved from "https://hifi-wiki. I followed the directions in this excellent thread, and everything went smoothly. r. The East Coast Sound acoustic suspension speakers such as AR3s, Large Advents, and KLH6s. When the capacitors in one of the crossovers went, I had the newer 104aB crossovers installed. Vorige topic - Volgende topic. Kef 104 Ab voor mij de beste! Kef 104 Ab voor mij de beste! Gestart door kef, 20 april 2012, 15:46:17. Caractéristiques: Type : Système d'enceintes 2 voies avec 3 haut-parleurs Réponse en fréquence : 50 Hz Sep 29, 2017 · I had a dented tweeter on a pair of KEF 104 AB speakers. The Kef 104 ab is very good but tend to be laid back IMO. Lay down some cardboard, and raise one end with a piece of wood to protect the rear terminals. Those tweeters are pretty tough I cut the bottom of a suitably sized plastic syringe, and used a bit of grease as a sealant, to pull the dent out. I have 2 options a KEF 104ab or the KEF TDM 23f. Speakers zien er nog netjes uit. Técnicamente 100% completamente en orden, ópticamente en muy buenas condiciones. He doesn't want to break the bank & his budget is £200 - £300 max. com Now I have bought a pair of KEF 104. Misschien zijn er hier mensen met ervaring met deze luidsprekers, ik ben op zoek naar een vintage speaker, die alle soorten muziek op een ietwat laidback manier weergeeft. Share: Facebook Twitter Reddit Pinterest Tumblr Sep 17, 2013 · Là, si les KEF se défendent quand même, les Skiff les surclassent sans difficulté. Quick links Please login or KEF 104 aB. Originally, the speaker was the KEF 104 and after the aB section was designed, it was added to the 104 to create the 104aB. My first high end speaker that I purchased was the KEF Calinda in 1979. 3uF and 5. Gebruikt Ophalen. Ze hebben een nominale impedantie van 8 ohm en een efficiëntie van ongeveer 91 dB. I know this cause I took it to my dads place and he has Kef concertos. Mes Kef 104ab ont rapidement eu un problème qui occasionnait un non-fonctionnement du HP pour les graves. The t27 sounds clear and fantastic! I was wondering if anyone would know if it's my tweeter or something else I did a quick check of the Dec 31, 2010 · Kef addressed the other matter when trying to improve the original 104, and their result is the 104ab. Bon rapport qualité/prix à l'époque(environ 18000f,00 la paires à l'époque avec le boitier the kube). Daten []. Classic Kef 104 AB reference series speakers 1976 - 1978. Les Kef 104 restent cependant de très bonnes enceintes que j'ai plaisir à écouter et qui peuvent se révèler très intéressantes sur certains morceaux. Depends what you prefer though. Il faut arriver à tenir le grave qui peut être baveux, mais qui descend bien, malgré tout, mais comme j'ai déjà dû l'écrire, elles ont un médium, une présence sur les voix, absolument May 23, 2011 · This is the original KEF 104 equivalent circuit in SPICE based on KEF’s published driver data sheets. 2 speakers that I've owned and seen to date - and seen discussed online to date on KEF sites, have required new (inner-woofer) foam surrounds. Super sounding speakers. Conclusion: Sur le papier, le match était à peu près joué ce qui s'est confirmé à l'écoute. Quick links Please login or register an account The sound is still the same great sound I long for from 1985. I am still waiting for the KEF logo to put them on textiles. However, the KEF 103. Operating in phase below 45 Hz the two units combine to offer the equivalent radiating area of a 15" bass unit. 2 preliminary review Description: D’appolito design mid/tweet/mid (MTM) with twin 8” woofers in a coupled chamber. Description. Considering the modest dimensions of the enclosure, the KEF Model 104 has a well extended, uncoloured, low frequency performance. Price $384. It is not in the league of the Gale 401A which has killer bass, but at a quarter of the going price the Kef more than competes. les kef 104/2 restent encore aujourd'hui de sacrées références! De plus la finition haut de gamme n'a pas bougée,le placage bois est parfait. В този случай дизайнера е увеличил обема до 100 литра/83/42/34 см. Zitten wat krassen op. Feb 28, 2011 · 104, le monsieur n'avait que ça à vendre :cpasmoi!: Il existe des schémas de filtre de 104 ab, mais est-ce que ça vaut le coup? Il paraît que c'est pour réduire une bosse dans le haut médium que ce filtre a été mis au point (avec les mêmes HP et le même radiateur). Oct 2, 2011 · Les Kef 104 et 104ab sont, amha et pour leur prix actuel (entre 100 et 250€ suivant les endroits et l'état) des encientes excellentissimes. With the original 104, I preferred the midrange control set to the -2 dB position. Wat ik me ook afvraag, hebben luidsprekers van deze leeftijd op voorhand een opfrisbeurt nodig? Andere suggesties zijn ook welkom. Don't know about the q90 but the 104 is outstanding. How do I know this?… De Kef 104 Ab luidsprekers staan bekend om hun uitstekende geluidskwaliteit. KEF 104, Ausschnitt eine Bildes von Piano Piano!, Lizenz CC-BY-2. However Jan 17, 2020 · KEF 104/2 woofer surround questions. 0. Goed werkend. Kef Reference 104 aB Speakers Good Condition Tested. Forum. Set kef 104 ab. 1. I agree with Mike above that the B&W's are better. Available in Sep 10, 2012 · KEF 104/2 tweeter replacements I finally ordered a pair of the modified Morel tweeters from the guy on Ebay (KEF tweeter). SP1039) TL Links In fact the SP1022 doesn't belong here but they are very similar. Great working order and drivers are in good condition. Debido al peso (16,5 kg cada uno + embalaje), estos altavoces se enviarán por separado o en dos paquetes. They just are outstanding. Will be well packaged with high density polystyrene corners with plenty of quality packaging materials sent individually boxed. I feel the nearer he can get to 100w per channel to drive the unforgiving Kef's the better. In good working and cosmetic condition, tweeters, woofers and passive radiators are in good condition as are the cases, no rounded corners or nasty nicks or scratches. It goes up and down with volume, there is no crackle at lower volumes. Nel […] Dec 31, 2018 · Op marktplaats staan 2 paar KEF 104 ab te koop. The crossover was rebuilt with Mundoff and Jentzen parts. $499. I'm very grateful and curious, but would be appreciative of any opinions you may have. Who's heard 'em, and what's a fair asking price (he's asking $295)? Considering the modest dimensions of the enclosure, the KEF Model 104 has a well extended, uncoloured, low frequency performance. Nov 23, 2021 · Good to know - another reason why I am looking into other Kef models in the older Reference series, not very common locally though which is one reason I am thinking of these particular 104/2s. He's confirmed that these are the original, not the 104aB or 104/2. They do seem to be well put together and the british sound of that era was a lot warmer and more detailed, it does seem as if hifi has got harder sounding over the last 10 Aug 10, 2004 · Kef Cadenza's met passieve b139 dreunden wel ontzettend in mijn kamer. Sep 10, 2021 · Mon aventure avec le modèle 104ab de Kef a débuté il y a 7 ou 8 ans. Oct 24, 2014 · The KEF 104aBs, to me, are a riff on two different types of speakers. 0uF, or 5. System type: Two-way, stand-mount Enclosure type: Passive radiator Input Impedance: 8 ohms Rated maximum power: 100W programme Amplifier Requirements: 15-100 watts per channel into 8 ohms… Jul 16, 2012 · Riporto un testo chiaro che descrive le specifiche tecniche delle 104 AB: I diffusori KEF 104 AB sono dei diffusori a due vie con radiatore passivo per le basse frequenze in configurazione a cassa chiusa che possono essere usati sia come diffusori da scaffale che come diffusori da pavimento attraverso due basi dedicate. KEF 104/2 Reference Series 2-Way Floor Tower Speakers 200w. KEF Speakers Model: 104aB 3 way speaker system 100 watt handling power Teac wood finish For those who don't know them, the 104 aB are two-way speakers with a passive radiator for low frequencies in a closed box configuration that can be used both as bookshelf speakers and as floorstanding speakers using two dedicated bases. If you like the sound of the original 104, then copy EXACTLY the capacitances that are in the Specification for it, OR, as close as you can buy to those. But, I've never heard KEF's vintage speakers. 2 altavoces High-End KEF 104aB en perfecto estado. 99. Los altavoces se entregan incluyendo 2 Model 104 AB ma dwa razy większą moc bo aż 100 Watów (Model 104 dysponuje mocą 50 Watów) i z danych technicznych wynika że ma mniejsze pasmo przenoszenia. Zorg ervoor dat ze op oorhoogte zijn en volgens de juiste triangulatie zijn opgesteld ten opzichte van je luisterpositie. Used – Very Good. May 4, 2012 · Well, I finally got myself a pair of KEF 104aBs, a speaker I have been after for a long while. I also considered many alternatives, even in-wall speakers in soffits, and a variety of amps, but decided on the KEFs as I am really Sep 2, 2010 · I don´t think that you can compare 104s with KEF´s LS 3/5A clones, which are a notoriously heavy load. 5 公斤 + 包裝),這些揚聲器將單獨或作為兩個包裝運輸。因此運費較高。 揚聲器交付時包括 2 個支架和 指示。 KEF Reference 104aB Kef 104 Ab - Ensemble d'enceintes Le modèle 104aB est un développement ultérieur du célèbre modèle 104, où « aB » était l'abréviation de « acoustique Butterworth », liée à la forme de la réponse acoustique des haut-parleurs médiums et aigus dans la région de croisement. 2 combines many of the familiar qualities of KEF speakers—a low degree of coloration, stable stereo imaging, a handsomely finished cabinet—with a novel design that’s intended to provide the high efficiency needed to reproduce wide-dynamic-range program material without excessive amounts of amplifier power. FAQ. Tools. Gallery. Ne REPLACEMENT CAPACITOR SET FOR KEF 104aB. Check the cones for signs of damage, such as tears, holes, or deformation. Power: 100 watts programme Nov 13, 2018 · I also have a pair of KEF Ref Model One which is also a wonderful speaker but I prefer the 104/2. In a pice of 20m2, properly installed you pass moments of musical costing enough The system utilizes a new crossover circuit which KEF calls an acoustic Butterworth (aB) filter network, and the system is accordingly identified as the Model 104 aB. De ahí los costos de envío más altos. I bought my 104s used in 1975 for $250 each I think. They were like $3,000 15 years ago so im just curious if they are a potential bargin. Note that for the passive components during simulation, the inductor is always made up of an inductance and a series resistance (determined by measurements). The transparancy of the Request hands down the KEF. I have already planned to upgrade the caps but now I’m wondering if I should invest at all in these speakers. 2? These speakers really make you re-evaluate how you appreciate music. All 3 were great speakers but I chose the Calinda for the best bang for the buck. Although the signal gently rolls off below this frequency, there was still an audible output at 30Hz. Gotta get some Velcro strips to cover where the old ones were, but otherwise, these darker ones look great. Bramar. € 175,00 Gisteren. Kef 104 aB Speakers Be the first to give your opinion! , € * € Eco-part Of which ecotax : € Ref. In a pice of 20m2, properly installed you pass moments of musical costing enough Check the speaker cones: The cones on the KEF 104 AB speakers are made of a material called Bextrene, which is known for its durability. Zie evtl mijn advertentie voor nad versterker die er goed bij . Visually, I've achieved what I wanted. Redid the ferrofluid immediately. Oct 1, 2023 · Hi I have found these speakers GENESIS 210 and KEF REFERENCE 104AB ,second hand but I haven't tried with my favorite amps and both are in a great shape I listen mostly rock music and hard rock from genesis , camel ,yes,black sabbath,led zeppelin to radiohead He told me GENESIS 210 are active Jul 26, 2015 · Greetings! My uncle has offered to hand down to me a pair of KEF Reference Series Model 104 speakers. フィンチャム(当時のkefエレクトロニクス・リミテッド主任研究員)およびr. Aug 15, 2011 · I got a pair of Kef 104 speakers in 1976 and used them until the early 1990s. 4th order advanced KEF 104. Model 104aB incorporates a 13" x 9" bass radiator acoustically coupled to an 8" bass unit. Jul 20, 2024 · All of the KEF 104. I love the way they look first of all, they have a presence about them, with the big overhanging grilles that indicate that these boys mean business. Hersteller: KEF Modell: 104; Baujahre: 1973-1980; Hergestellt in: Farbe: I have a lovely pair of kef reference 104 ab with recapped crossovers, they have lovely bass ,but are a bit big for my room . Closest available now is 4. I have both 104 and 104ab models and recommend the 104. Oct 24, 2014 · The ab version is the best version, and Falcon founder Malcolm Jones designed them and the speakers so you will be in good hands. Sep 4, 2021 · Kef 104ab owners could you recommend suitable tweeters for my Kef 104abs that will be repaired soon. Cheers, Alec この評価法は、l. KEF`s homepage suggests amplifiers in the 20- 50W range. KEF 104/2 Kompaktlautsprecher: Test, Reviews und Erfahrungen von Nutzern der HIFI-FORUM Community zum KEF 104/2. Con el famoso woofer KEF B200 (SP1039) y el tweeter KEF T27 (SP1032). I also found out the 104/2 were a bit of a departure from the usual Kef sound at the time being more forward and dynamic, but still preferable no doubt. Apr 16, 2004 · Kef 104. Vintage Soundtracs mixers- any opinions? Anyone use a MIDI Keyboard / control surface combo Om kef 104 ab optimaal te integreren in je audiovisie-systeem, is het belangrijk om te letten op de plaatsing van de luidsprekers. Has been serviced by Brisbane Speaker Repairs and crossovers have been re-caped, so many more years of musical enjoyment left. Mar 2, 2022. Jul 9, 2011 · Hi I have a couple of choices at the moment for what speaker to upgrade to for fronts. Cosmetically these are good, although there are blemishes and surface scratches on closer viewing. The 104 aB uses two active drivers and a passive radiator. A refurbished NAD 3020 would probably sound quite good on the 104s. / Low Frequency : 1 x B200 bass unit (Sp1039); 1 x BD139 passive radiator (SP1042) Highh Frequency : T27 tweeter (SP1032) Crossover : SP1065. Reviewed Dec 26th, 2020 by . : AR0054910 Vintage English Kef 2-way speakers + passive boomer Nov 23, 2018 · The Kef 104ab you have is the Mark 2 version with higher power handling 8 inch Kef woofer in a two way tweeter and woofer design and worth about $300-500 in that condition. can anyone tell me what May 2, 2013 · A few years ago I decided to set up a vintage hi fi system in our log cabin, partly for a bit of fun and partly to have a system that I could only dream about as a young man I already had a Rogers A100 amp, I bought a Sony TC 399 reel to reel and a Thorens TD 150 turntable, then one day by chance I was browsing Ebay and a pair of white Kef 104ab’s (see my av) came up as a BIN for fifty quid Sep 9, 2018 · KEF 104aB rebuild with MiniDSP and Dayton drivers In 2011 I rebuilt a very old pair of KEF104 into KEF104ab using premium coils and caps (see my old post KEF 104 to KEF 104aB mkII with SPICE). All this from an enclosure just 13' wide. I done a lot of careful tuning by listening. Natomiast ten parametr może być bardzo mylący, ponieważ w trakcie odsłuchów obu modeli (bezpośrednio jeden po drugim) odnieśliśmy wrażenie, że to właśnie 104 AB są 2 個完好無損的 KEF 104aB 高端揚聲器。搭配著名的 KEF B200 (SP1039) 低音喇叭和 KEF T27 (SP1032) 高音喇叭。 技術上 100% 完全有序,光學上處於非常整潔的狀態。 由於重量(每個 16. Also if anyone needed new T27 tweeters, Falcon is now making exact replicas. Jan 11, 2024 · advise/feedbacks about GENESIS 210 and KEF REFERENZ 104 AB Hi I have found these speakers GENESIS 210 and KEF REFERENCE 104AB ,second hand but I haven't tried with my favorite amps and both are in a great shape I listen mostly rock music and hard rock from genesis , camel ,yes,black sabbath,led zeppelin to radiohead He told me GENESIS 210 are years ago, i acquired a pair of low serial num kef 104's - probably around 1973, so around 50 years old. KEF è un marchio inglese che mi ha accompagnato sin da quando, da piccolo, nel soggiorno di casa, ascoltavo musica con la coppia di “Chorale” di mio padre. Use Hifi Shark to monitor pricing and global availability Colunas kef 104 ab OLX KEF 104. Each set comprises 2 pairs of 4 no. Here is the first one I took apart. Vintage kef reference series model 104 ab sp1038 luid sprekers 8 ohm. Deze specificaties maken ze veelzijdig en compatibel met veel verschillende versterkers. Re: Kef 104 AB 22 Nov 2011, 09:57 J'ai connu un gus qui modifiait profondément des KEF 104: filtre simplifié, amortissement viré/modifié aussij'ai écouté longuementsur le coup, c'est spectaculaire. Helemaal orgineel gereviseerde tweeters en scheidingsfilter is geheel gerecapped 100 volt. the kef 104 / 2 are still sacred today REFERENCES! More upscale finish did not move, the veneer is perfect. 3 out of 5 - 78 reviews - audioreview. De Rem's hebben een schoon, resolutie vol en strak laag wat goed integreerd met het midlaag Nov 19, 2020 · The 104ab and the Calinda are both sweet sounding speakers but neither has the dynamics of some of the other KEF speakers mentioned previously, including the 107, 105, 104/2 or the Reference Models 1,2,3, and 4 from the mid to late 90s. Post by steve195527 » 16 Dec 2012 18:04 hector smith wrote:hay Steve. KEF-laatua. This piece of gear has sold. I also found out that KEF 104/2 is a very good match to tube amp. However, in the Model104aB, more accurate sound roll-off is realized by optimizing the network in consideration of the combination with the unit. KEF 104aB REPLACEMENT CAPACITOR SET KEF B200 KEF (SP1022 vs. Well-sr c'tait dj a certain price, but remember that c'tait Reference Series. Les KEF 104ab sont la version améliorée des 104, et ont été produites entre 1976 et 1980. In the original reviews it was very highly rated, second only in subjective response to the Spendor BC1 (I have/had both). The Carlton II and III were similar but used updated B200 drivers and tweeters. My friend has a pair of Kef 104ab speakers which he had paired with an old Nad 2 channel amp which has finally given up ( I think not powerful enough to drive the 104ab's). The sound is quite good for it’s time, used with a weighty sounding amp will give incredible bass if positioned properly and about 30cm floor stands, treble is more on the Used KEF 104 Loudspeakers for sale on 400+ second hand hifi sites & shops. Introduzione Da tempo ho avuto modo di ascoltare diversi modelli di diffusori KEF e sono sempre rimasto colpito dalla loro qualità e dal prezzo accessibile. trudge1984; Feb 26, 2022; Speakers; Replies 9 Views 1K. trudge1984. They sound incredible & are exact KEF spec - 92db - 4 ohm - and drop right in plug & play. Jan 3, 2014 · I'm a fan of newer KEF speakers, have a soft spot for vintage gear, and these just look really cool to me. Rated Max. The ab are just OK and mine sound a bit muddy by comoarison. Used – Good. J'avais à l'époque bien apprécié ces enceintes et avait même mis la main sur une seconde paire de Kef 104 pour un projet de quadriphonie. xpqv opgrvy kxzal sry laylua gxsw fwxi ztga zvhd znkvl dfuyf ayis ixf xtox wofzo