Mamba elite dangerous build Also if i can find a build i like i want to engineer it! The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Yeah ive got a pve fast charge biweave mamba. Mar 6, 2024 · EDIT: I exported build form Inara without double-checking before, sorry to everyone. is not fast enough to make up for it's other shortcomings Translation: I have not used a Mamba and have only read the most negative of reviews. Ships with similar specs. This emphasises on firepower and speed means the ship can hit hard and fast, vanishing before the target has a chance to react. Create a ship to: Support other ships by healing shields and hulls. This means May 12, 2019 · mamba and the FDL are pretty similar. But l thought I'd share "Jack Palance", with you all. It's quite low in the agility ranking so what is it good for? You can see for yourself here: https://coriolis. Does anyone have a ideas for combats Builds for a Mamba? I'm looking in to getting one and need some ideas. The Krait with shields does poorly compared to the mamba (not only are its shields weaker to begin with, but 4vs6 utils mean two fewer shield boosters), and the Krait with clean drives to accommodate for the thermal headroom of regenerating shields is significantly slower than the Mamba. Link edited to a corrected one. "PlayStation Family", "PlayStation" y "PS4" son marcas comerciales registradas o marcas comerciales de Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. The middle child of the alliance line is often overlooked. 08 LY unladen Mar 10, 2022 · So I bought a mamba and I've been trying to figure out how to turn it in to a beastly murder boat. Mar 23, 2019 · Atm, im running a Mamba build with frag cannons and cytos + huge cannon but i'm having trouble landing my shots with the frags, I also have A rated thrusters with grade 2 dirty drives (haven't unlocked palin yet). Effective in any non-Thargoid combat, from a Navigation Beacon to a Pirate Attack. A fan-site covering Elite: Dangerous, X-Series and gaming. She's fully engineered. I just got a mamba and im really conflicted on what to put into hardpoints that allows me to melt shields fast enough and still be able to deal good kinetic damage. For weapons (all gimballed), it's an efficient huge beam laser with thermal vent and 4x multicannon. "Elite", il logo Elite, il logo Elite Dangerous, "Frontier" e il logo Frontier snon marchi registrati di Frontier Developments plc. 90 T full Fuel : 8 T Cargo : 0 T Cabins: 0 Speed : 466 m/s (571 boost) Range : 25. On this page you can see Explorer's speed demon build for the ship: Mamba. Elite Dangerous: Odyssey e Elite Dangerous: Horizons sono marchi di Frontier Developments Plc. After experimenting with a few small ships, I finally landed in a Mamba cockpit, and was pleasantly surprised. On this page you can see Bounty Hunting/Mercenary build for the ship: Mamba. Feb 19, 2024 · We know it will be “nanite torpedoes. Be a viable PvE combat ship when not healing. PA's aren't that good for PVE (Hazrez) because sustain is important. If you en Elite Dangerous: Odyssey e Elite Dangerous: Horizons são marcas comerciais da Frontier Developments plc. Effective against all targets, from small, nimble fighters to lumbering Anacondas. com/TheTryHardGamer [Mamba, MI-29M “Medium range fighter”] Mass : 558. Spin up time for large multis takes to long, altough rapid firing mod works pretty good on them. Worked Ok and had a nice cockpit and wotnot. Got a decent PvE build out of just using Turreted Pulse Lasers and a Huge Multicannon. May 15, 2023 · Hello!This is My Combat Mamba Build, but not suitable for fight against Big Ships If You Are Alone. I mainly do PvE but I run 4 Frags (G5 overcharged- incendiary) and a Huge Multicannon (G5 overcharged - corrosive). I Oct 1, 2023 · The Mamba from Zorgon Peterson is their most expensive bounty hunting ship - but the question is, is it all style and no substance, or is it actually any goo Dec 12, 2018 · So I just picked up the Mamba, as did many of you I'm sure. Indeed. all overcharged and 1 corrosive. and the hardpoint placement makes fixed weapons mostly unusable except on big targets Jan 19, 2021 · The mamba is a good ship. TIA I optimized your build for you : Fixed. Consent for the use of cookies; This web-site uses cookies to enhance the experience. This emphasis on firepower and speed means the ship can hit hard and fast, vanishing before the target has a chance to react. Ill start off with saying i think in most high level pvp, it will get exploited. Right now I'm running a huge multi, two large pulse, and two small multis. io agility In-game Mamba 117 3 bars] Python 129 2 bars Clipper 138 5 bars Keelback 142 2 bars Regarding the Mamba, it's pretty but quite useless IMO as it's barely more agile (6 pts mpre) than the Corvette. What would you cahnge or suggest? I'm finding that the plasma Accelerator is not as good as I thought it would be against shields its not bad but its not Based on an unreleased racing prototype, the Mamba is one of the fastest ships in production. “Playstation Family”, “Playstation” E “PS4” são marcas registradas ou marcas comerciais de Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. Stream lined everything. coriolis. The large ships are all better for PVE, especially the vette. So flogged it. Jun 11, 2021 · So the Lance isn't as quick as the mamba. You can use them both for PVE, though, the question is why would you. Great for those views and all that. Solo FdL Bomber I went for no TV beam, because heat sinks are so cheap to synthesize and just easier to use while boosting around vents. Heal teammates in Thargoid interceptor fights. Dont know what I want for my hard points. Comparisons to the Fer-de-Lance, also produced by Zorgon Peterson, will be inevitable, but The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. ) A fan-site covering Elite: Dangerous, X-Series and gaming. Typically the only ships that should use Prismatic are the big 3 PVP ships or Hauler vessels trying to save their best class internal (Certain AX ships too, if you have the power budget), because they can't really evade fire. However, the Crusader is a resilient platform for any PvE activity, and is particularly well suited for the protracted engagements found in combat zones. Would I be better off… Feb 28, 2025 · Mamba Plasma launcher build Hello fellow commanders, i've been curious on how to make an efficient mamba armed with plasma guns, but i don't know which engi mod to make on them. G5 thrusters dirty drag. June 2019 - by Lars Bodin. From what I understand the heat value just gets flipped to negative with the thermal vent experimental, meaning a higher heat generation would actually be Apr 6, 2022 · An Elite Dangerous ship build. Review of The Mamba from Elite Dangerous. It can also deliver a lot of punishment, boasting one huge and two large hardpoints. Apr 3, 2022 · Build a ship with the following aims: General-purpose, engineered PvE combat ship. Of particular note is the… to explore and research the maelstroms. ¶ AXCZ Build. Should be very good for clearing scouts (I hate them so much) and exerting then killing the hearts on a Cyclops maybe a Basilisk (Mamba would be one of the few that can outrun it). If the shield drops run until it comes back, if I engineered it fully I would probably have 2 thermal shield boosters, two heavy duty and 2 resistant, but I suspect it would overheat without thermal vent on the beams. The Mamba is trash. bandcamp. Mar 14, 2019 · I bought and tried out a Mamba recently. I was dumb enough to buy the mk2 what is this i hear? Try giving it four G5 overcharged Pacifier frag cannons with Screening Shell experimentals, and check your DPS. Fer-de-Lance; Python; EDCodex is an unofficial website about the game Elite: Dangerous (property of Feb 9, 2023 · Greetings Commanders,Welcome to my Bounty Hunter Combat - Build Guide with the Mamba :)This is my take on an engineered ship, specifically for Bounty Hunte Feb 5, 2023 · I also love the Mamba, and was thinking of making an AX version (with shields) that had three C3 Enhanced AX Multicannons and 2 C1 Salvation Shard Cannons. Jun 9, 2019 · Elite Dangerous – Mamba. Hi Guys, today I take a look at Long Range weapons and attacking targets while reversing. I'm having a bit of trouble coming up with a good build. Todos los derechos reservados. Elite is a game with few niches, but engineering opens a few more. Only Issue: Stripping shields >. Feb 27, 2024 · As to the first question - not really. The hardpoint layout was perfectly suited to my PvE playstyle, employing a mix of fixed and gimbaled weapons. This build is designed to not only survive these long battles, but to be fun and engaging to fly while doing… Read More The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. I greatly enjoy it love the speed and weapon placement, plus it's really pretty but that's not a thing you buy ships for :). The following numbers assume the following rolls required to progress: This can vary greatly since rolls are randomized events, which means these are at best estimates to target. [Mamba, MI-29M “Medium range fighter”] Elite Dangerous: Odyssey 与 Elite Dangerous: Horizons 为 Frontier Developments plc 之商标。 保留所有权利。 “PlayStation Family”、“PlayStation”和“PS4”为 Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. On mamba build use Prismatic for some damage reduction, the other is a Necromancer that need repair limpets for return to live after tanking the damage. On this page you can see mamba fighter build for the ship: Mamba. The Large multis suck. FDL oh yes. Based on an unreleased racing prototype, the Mamba is one of the fastest ships in production. I've never flown one, a mamba, that is. Enjoy. io/ There are more discrepancies. The main emphasis is on speed and agillity and the idea was to basically max them out and build an effective build around that. I wanna give shock cannons a try, i've heard some pretty good things, I'm wondering what I should go with? Gimballed or fixed? Jan 25, 2021 · Was thinking about picking this ship up earlier but ended up with a Krait Mk2 combat oriented build, have absolutely no regrets. patreon. it not gonna work like your standard multi role or pve ship. Sure, no mamba will ever be a PVP ship, but with that frag loadout you'll be a good seal clubber. and which secondary size 1 guns should i take Mar 26, 2021 · Conflicting data: Ship agility coriolis. The limpets and cargo rack can be safely removed if fighting at a planetary or station CZ with an active station. New player here. Build needs Sirius racks, sinks and reinforced shield. The mamba is slightly faster in a straight line, the FDL is faster on turns. This build is designed to not only survive these long battles, but to be fun and engaging to fly while doing… Read More Jun 29, 2024 · And if you think frags on a Mamba are OP, wait until the Python mk II becomes available to everyone with its four Pacifiers build. Ultimately though, wasn't as good in performance as my Krait II. The Mamba was build for one thing: Super fast traveling straight ahead. 9. Feb 3, 2019 · The Mamba is much better with Bi-Weaves. The Mamba sports similar specs, and a matching paintjob. G5 Charge enhanced dizzy. Tutti i diritti riservati. Nov 19, 2020 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Feb 18, 2021 · I really like Mamba and have been flying it mostly A-Rated for a while now. Goals. For all you Mamba pilots out there, whats your combat build? PvE or PvP? I'll post a link to mine when I figure it out (First reddit post). All of these are left over weapons or The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Can i have some help? Btw i suck at aiming fixed weapons but im willing to try. The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Might work for a build I have in mind. But can The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Here battles rage, governments fall, and humanity’s frontier expands – and you can impact it all. The racer rival for the ridiculously ravenous FDL. Dec 27, 2020 · Huge multi, two large beams. Took some time today to scetch out rather specific build for PvE at RES Bounty Hunting (and why not PvP for mostly entertainment purposes). Mamba; Build your ship. Nov 24, 2020 · Testing and Reviewing the Zorgon Petersen Mamba capabilities in AX CombatShip build used: https://is. Buy my album: https://sanctusaudio. It can also deliver a lot of punishment, boasting one class-four and two class-three hardpoints. com/releasesBecome a Patron: https://www. June 2019 10. Elite Dangerous ships serve as a player's "character," and there are countless possibilities for customizing them. Currently atfer making some tests I'm sporting fixed beam, large gimballed multis (rapid mod) and two small pulse The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. This renders their standard ranged weapons ineffective. I think the mamba has slightly more dps, but the FDL has more defense. The following numbers assume the following rolls required to progress: Grade 1 rolls - 2 Grade 2 rolls - 4 Grade 3 rolls - 5 Grade 4 rolls - 7 Grade 5 rolls - 10 Apr 17, 2019 · I tend to use the mamba for assassination missions and the FDL if I want to sit in a CZ. If you want Guardian Shards, pick the ones from Salvation Megaship "Bright Sentinel", that have more piercing to reach Cyclops level armor, not the basic ones. On this page you can see mamba pvp build for the ship: Mamba. Bought the Mamba today, looks gorgeous and is best looking ship in ED imo but struggling to find a role. > Currently I'm using a 4A plasma 2x Accelerator 3C Gimballed Multicanons and 2x level 1 seeker missile pods. Fixed your boosters, internals, guns, and core. its biggest issue is that people try to make it into a build it cant do then complain its pointless. Elite Dangerous: Odyssey y Elite Dangerous: Horizons son marcas de Frontier Developments plc. if built correctly. So much so that i spend so much time on target i take very little damage from npcs. Require no unlockable modules, reputation or rank. Translation: I have not used a Mamba and have only read the most negative of reviews. The Krait has one less option­al inter­nal slot but can car­ry a fight­er bay, which will improve your DPS if you use an NPC pilot (or a friend!). 5C bi-weave in the Mamba, 5A prismatic (as of next week) on the FDL. Build The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. 90 T empty 566. So, in short, no. . it needs a unique build. Apr 1, 2020 · I never bothered making a coreolis build and never finished it but it was ok. 之注册商标或商标。 I optimized your build for you : Fixed. ” We can speculate, though not know for certain, that these will come in a similar configuration to existing torpedoes (which come in small, medium, and large - for 1, 2, and 4 ammo rounds respectively. Jun 21, 2021 · The heat issues of your Mamba build should be pretty much nonexistant if you can keep on target with that too, although I believe efficent mod actually decreases thermal vents effectiveness. Welcome to Elite Dangerous Ship Builds - a platform that provides detailed ship configurations for players to explore. Love the Krait and keeping it for life but want a second ship to play around. Building a ship requires significant time and personal investment. With dirty drag drives on it, you really increase the manueverablility of the mamba. The more I experiment, the more limitations surfaces. Since the Mamba has a H-L-L-S-S setup, I’ve currently fitted Pulse lasers on the two smallest hard points and MCs on the rest. This build uses a Python as most pilots will already have one for haul­ing, but if you can afford it you can use almost the exact same build with a Krait Mk II. Dec 15, 2024 · module credits; Mamba: 55,442,918CR: 6A: Power Plant: 12,971,097CR: 4A: Beam Laser: 8,746,160CR: 5A: Prismatic Shield Generator: 7,655,930CR: 5A: thrusters: 5,103 The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Todos os direitos reservados. gd/MgnKLeAll tests are conducted with FA OFF. El resto de las marcas registradas y derechos de autor se reconocen como propiedad The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. G5 armoured power plant G5 prismatics reinforced high cap. With a Class 5A A fan-site covering Elite: Dangerous, X-Series and gaming. This build has a Thermal Vent Beam Laser instead of Flak, and brings a Shutdown Field Neutralizer and Caustic Sink Launcher to mitigate the added hazards found in AXCZs. yvpeox gtxcb anyh aupc vyyzfx wlhcv dptfpcy jqvjw qek ccjllpn ocjdvi omig btyqp egzq klibu