Matplotlib axis label size I partially solved the problem using the \\boldmath Latex command for the axis-labels and text inside the plot (see attached figure). I've tried taking the difference from the output size and requested size and feeding that back in (3. As stated in the title, I am looking to get scientific notation on the minorFormatter. set_size('xx-small') fig Labelling subplots#. Changing the fontsize of the top x-axis in MatPlotLib. I've tried, for example: pylab. xticks(fontsize=14) Example. set_tick_params(labelsize='small') or, to make the y-axis tick label large: ax. e, , the lines drawn for the axes, not including the ticks and labels. labelsize”. How to set the size of a bar graph in matplotlib. set_size(), and rcParams dictionary. Let’s see an example: # Import Libraries import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime, timedelta from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib import dates as mpl_dates # Define Data dates = [ datetime(2021, 10, 21), datetime(2021, 7, 24), datetime(2021, 8 Jan 11, 2009 · What is the simple way to do the following? I want to set the size of the actual axes box (i. 获取主要股票代码的定位器。 Axis. axis. 5. major : `matplotlib. matplotlib. set_ylabel('Y axis', fontsize = 12) ax. For talks I like to prepare eps figures which I embed in my latex-based slides. set_ylabel('Y-axis Label') Nov 26, 2022 · Font Size : The font size or text size is how large the characters displayed on a screen or printed on a page are. Jul 26, 2011 · I had posted this question at the link below that contains the code and an example figure. im. 参考:How to change the size of axis labels in Matplotlib Matplotlib是Python中最流行的数据可视化库之一,它提供了丰富的功能来创建各种类型的图表和绘图。 May 7, 2015 · Looking at the PNG file in an image editor, it appears that the axes and tick labels fit the desired size. add_subplot(111, frameon=False) # hide tick and tick label of the big axes plt. But perhaps there is a way to avoid using the Axes class from axisartist in your use case. set_xticklabels(xlabels, fontsize= ) to Set Matplotlib Tick Labels Font Size. size'] = 50 sc. rc('axes', labelsize=MEDIUM_SIZE) # fontsize of the x and y labels plt. Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to adjust the font size of axis labels: I now want to change the xtick font size of the subfigure. ScalarFormatter object at 0x70aa53ef3e30> Y axis <matplotlib. get_ylabel(). Matplotlib中如何调整坐标轴标签的大小. rc('axes', titlesize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the axes title plt. grid() plt. set_tick_params(labelsize='large') See full list on geeksforgeeks. Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to change the default font size for axis labels and ticks: import matplotlib. set_size(x_size) 和 axes. tick_params(labelcolor='none', top=False, bottom=False, left=False, right=False) plt. LogLocator Creating well-designed plots in matplotlib requires effectively adjusting the font size of various elements to make the plots easy to read. In this article, we will explore how to change the size Jul 1, 2024 · If you want to change the font size of the axis labels and ticks globally for all plots in your script, you can modify the default settings of Matplotlib using the rcParams configuration. FuncAnimation; matplotlib. To change the font size of the axis labels, we can use the xlabel and ylabel functions provided by Matplotlib. 参考:How to change the size of axis labels in Matplotlib Matplotlib是Python中最流行的数据可视化库之一,它提供了丰富的功能来创建各种类型的图表和绘图。 Nov 5, 2021 · Here we will discuss how to change the label size and tick label size of color-bar, using different examples to make it more clear. You are probably confused about ticks, scales, and limit settings. Oct 28, 2013 · Use axes_grid1 to avoid this, or see how things are different in axes_grid and axisartist (LINK needed) Unfortunately, no link. In this article, we will explore different ways to change the label size in Matplotlib. tick_params(axis=”both”, labelsize=21) axis = x, y or both. This tutorial will guide you through the process of customizing font sizes in various parts of your plots using the `matplotlib` library. xlabel() in Matplotlib to customize x-axis labels effectively. pi x_list = np. Others have provided answers for how to change the title size, but as for the axes tick label size, you can also use the set_tick_params method. . Axis ticks#. Let's start with a simple example: Sep 3, 2020 · The following code shows how to change the font size of the axes labels of the plot: #set axes labels font to size 20 plt. In this article, we will go over different ways to label the axes in Matplotlib plots. Basic Usage of plt. So far I have used supermongo (sic!) to produce figures for physics journal articles and talks. 25 - (3. show Example 4: Change the Font Size of the Tick Labels matplotlib. tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=8) ax. mplstyle style sheet, then it can be used as plt. You can set the x-axis labels using the xticks function in Matplotlib, which allows customization such as rotation and font size. plot; matplotlib. These are for the object oriented interface. (After I add the ticks and axes labels. add_subplot(ax) # Plot arrows over figure # Plot both nulcines on same graph plt. pyplot as plt SMALL_SIZE = 8 MEDIUM_SIZE = 10 BIGGER_SIZE = 12 plt. Basic Axis Labeling The simplest way to label Oct 26, 2016 · Concise way to set axis label font size in matplotlib. rc('xtick', labelsize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the tick Jul 31, 2019 · Change the size of y-axis labels. errorbar; matplotlib. distributed on PyPI). rc('xtick',labelsize=8) plt. ax. figure(1) plot = fig. xlabel("common X") plt. artist. In your example, you will have to add another line as shown below Nov 8, 2022 · How to Customize Axis Labels in Matplotlib. One of the parameters available for customization is fontsize, which allows you to set the font size for the x-axis tick labels. The text instance returned by "get_label" provides methods to modify the fonts size, but also other properties of the label: from matplotlib import pylab as plt import numpy fig = plt. 0) # Y label ax. In this article, we will This improved code directly addresses the issue of controlling tick label font sizes in a Matplotlib plot. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore various techniques to adjust the matplotlib figure text size, including titles, labels, legends, and annotations. Instead of relying on global settings or attempting post-hoc modifications, this example demonstrates the best practice of setting tick parameters individually for each subplot using ax. 1) y_list = [math. Axes` to which the Axis belongs. xlabel# matplotlib. rc ('axes', labelsize= 20) #create plot plt. 54 axeh = axeh/2. We’ll learn how to add a date as a label on the x-axis here. label. Ticker` Determines the major tick positions and their label format. add_subplot(111) plt. png) The font size of the x and y axis labels is small. pyplot as plt from matplotlib. add_subplot(111) ax. The use of fontdict is discouraged. Changing tick label sizes in Matplotlib. major'), pad=10) so that the pad of the label from the axis is set to 10. It controls what ticks and labels to use for your x-axis. One aspect of formatting axis labels is adjusting the font size. rc('font', size=SMALL_SIZE) # controls default text sizes plt. For the latest version see https://matplotlib. Approach: To change the font size of tick labels, one should follow some basic steps that are given below: Import Libraries. Apart from the axis labels, we may also want to adjust the size of tick labels, which are the numeric or categorical values on the axes. isDefault_label bool axes matplotlib. e. Create or import data. Change the font size of tick labels. Nov 7, 2024 · Understanding Matplotlib. , to make the x-axis tick label size small: ax. Dec 18, 2007 · 1. tick_params. bar_label; matplotlib. axes import Axes Jul 7, 2017 · from mpl_toolkits. ) The best I've come up with so far is to create a figure with a set size, and then Nov 23, 2017 · You need to use plt. Jul 15, 2022 · A Matplotlib Plot to Use for the Tutorial. axes_grid1 import Divider, Size def fix_axes_size_incm(axew, axeh): axew = axew/2. set_xticklabels() method is used to customize the appearance of x-axis tick labels on a specific subplot (axes). Nov 17, 2021 · Read: Matplotlib subplots_adjust Matplotlib x-axis label date. I am trying to get up to speed with matplotlib to do the same kind of plots with an open source package. Dec 13, 2024 · Adding clear and descriptive axis labels is crucial for creating professional and informative data visualizations. set_xlabel (xlabel, fontdict = None, labelpad = None, *, loc = None, ** kwargs) [source] # Set the label for the x-axis Jun 21, 2024 · Matplotlib Axis Labels In this article, we will explore how to add axis labels to plots created using Matplotlib. 54 #lets use the tight layout function to get a good padding size for our axes labels. Matplotlib Axis Label Size. axis((0,1,0,1)) ax. ![scatter_plot_axes_labels_default. Once an Axes is placed on a figure there are many methods that can be used to add data to the Axes. 4. set_yticks for the y-axis, can be used to change the ticks and labels beginning with matplotlib 3. tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=8) or. Axis(axes, pickradius=15)¶ Bases: matplotlib. I tried some naive approach such as I tried some naive approach such as subA. pyplot as plt import Aug 13, 2021 · Attributes-----isDefault_label : bool axes : `matplotlib. This article details how to customize axis in Matplotlib. Public attributes. Here’s an example that demonstrates how to change the font size of the x-axis and y-axis Distributing styles#. 0. major','ytick. tick_params (axis=' x ', which=' major ', labelsize= 20) #set tick labels font size for y-axis only plt. Changing the ax. pylab. **Adding Labels to Jul 1, 2024 · To change the font size of the axis labels in Matplotlib, you can use the fontsize parameter in the xlabel() and ylabel() functions. Working with Date Tick Labels. pyplot as plt import math pi = math. One common customization that you may want to make when creating plots using Matplotlib is adjusting the size of the axis labels. 82; python 2. axis ¶ Classes for the ticks and x and y axis. Matplotlib allows us to customize the tick label sizes as well. scatter (x, y) plt. gca(). More specifically it is about this situation: You know how sometimes, when the numeric labels represent very large/small numbers that need scientific notation, the power of 10 exponent is placed separately from the rest of the tick labels, at the high end of the axis? I want to change the size of Aug 25, 2024 · How to Adjust Matplotlib Figure Text Size Matplotlib figure text size is a crucial aspect of data visualization that can significantly impact the readability and overall appearance of your plots. tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=14) plt. animation How can I change the size of only the yaxis label? Right now, I change the size of all labels using. 1. Jan 25, 2025 · How to Change Font Size of Axis Labels in Matplotlib. xlabel() The basic syntax for adding an x-axis label is straightforward. matplotlib, how change plot size without affecting axis label. Mar 19, 2019 · import matplotlib. transAxes - transform axis coords to display coords; labelpad - number of points between the axis and its label X axis <matplotlib. set_xlabel() and ax. ylabel("common Y") Nov 16, 2005 · Hi, I am a new user of matplotlib (0. This is what I set with the following command: matplotplib. font_manager import FontProperties fontP = FontProperties() fontP. ArtistAnimation; matplotlib. If you are a control freak like me, you may want to explicitly set all your font sizes: import matplotlib. pyplot import * from matplotlib. It is possible to customize the ticks and tick labels with either high-level methods like set_xticks or set the locators and formatters directly on the axis. This parameter allows you to specify the font size of the labels in points. plt. Jun 17, 2024 · You can also customize the font size of the axis labels in a Matplotlib plot using the fontsize parameter in the ax. for ax in plt. Feb 4, 2015 · Concise way to set axis label font size in matplotlib. 首先,我们使用 gca() 方法返回绘图的轴。然后,我们使用 axes. label; box in display coords of the Axes loc is the tick location in data coords size is the tick size in points. To customize font size for axis labels in Matplotlib, one can use the ‘fontsize’ parameter in the ‘xlabel’ and ‘ylabel’ functions. grid(False) plt. grid() # set labels and font size ax. labelsize"] = 15 You may also set the font size of each individual label. tick_params May 6, 2017 · Concise way to set axis label font size in matplotlib. plot Jan 30, 2023 · 在 Matplotlib 中通过 set_size() 方法设置标题和轴的字体大小. 10, but matplotlib seems to add an arbitrary buffer and it still doesn't come out to the desired size. Axis labels help in clearly conveying the meaning of the data in your plots. Specific steps are presented to set up tick marks, change the scale, and control the range of the axis. Animation; matplotlib. Sometimes labels size is not scaled according to the graph. pyplot as plt fig, axes = plt. axes: l = ax. org Jun 17, 2024 · In this article, we have explored various methods for adjusting the label size in Matplotlib. Basic X-axis Label Customization. set_tick_params() Matplotlib. The x and y Axis on each Axes have default tick "locators" and "formatters" that depend on the scale being used (see Axis scales). Can I have two different font sizes in a matplotlib axes label? 1. set_ylabel() functions. This function allows you to set the font size for the y-axis labels. Example 1: Basic Bar Plot with Custom Labels Different scales on the same Axes; Figure size in different units; Choose axis label position when calling set_xlabel Michael Droettboom and the Matplotlib Matplotlib Axes are the gateway to creating your data visualizations. title. cos(x) for x in x_list] fig = plt. cbook. These methods let you specify custom labels for both the x-axis and the y-axis. We showcase two methods to position text at a given physical offset (in fontsize units or in points) away from a corner of the Axes: one using annotate, and one using ScaledTranslation. To make them bigger, let’s use the `fontsize` parameter in the `xlabel()` and `ylabel()` functions and set their values to 18: Matplotlib坐标轴标签大小 参考:matplotlib axis label size Matplotlib是一个用于绘制数据可视化图形的Python库。在Matplotlib中,可以通过设置坐标轴标签的大小来调整图形的外观。本文将详细介绍如何在Matplotlib中调整坐标轴标签的大小。 Nov 3, 2024 · In this article, we will explore different methods to adjust the y-axis label size in Matplotlib using Python 3. The font size can be changed by specifying the fontsize parameter, which is measured in points Feb 19, 2024 · Changing the Font Size of Axis Labels in Matplotlib Label. org/stable/gallery/subplots_axes_and_figures/axis_labels Sep 18, 2020 · I would like to change the y axis label size, how can I do this? Using this works for enlarging all font sizes for the entire plot, as expected: import scanpy as sc import matplotlib import matplotlib. 0. By default, they are “medium”, but you can use a number for it as well. pyplot text elements. Method 1: Using the set_size() Function. ## Contents 1. June 21, 2024 4 Mins matplotlib; matplotlib. For example, could you import the Axes class as follows: from matplotlib. gcf(). We need to specify the axis (‘x’, ‘y’, or ‘both’) and tick type (‘major’, ‘minor’, or ‘both’) for which the settings will apply. Different scales on the same Axes; Figure size in different units; Set default y-axis tick labels on the right Michael Droettboom and the Matplotlib I have a code like this: import matplotlib. labelsize” or “ytick. 3. By customizing the size of labels on the x-axis, y-axis, plot title, and other elements, you can create visually appealing and informative visualizations. title('Change label axis font size in matplotlib. You want to modify “xtick. Changing the size of labels of plots in python. axes. 1). 3. yaxis. pyplot as plt #set tick labels font size for both axes plt. CallbackRegistry Matplotlib中如何调整坐标轴标签的大小. 5). figure(figsize=(6,6)) # 6x6 image ax = plt. Dec 17, 2021 · Exact figure size in matplotlib with title, axis labels. get_major_locator. ticker. transData - transform data coords to display coords; axes. get_xticks(). presentation"). get_ticklabels() function is particularly useful when working with date-based plots. For slides, huge font sizes are a must, hence I like to use matplotlib. Matplotlib, a powerful plotting library for Python, offers various ways to customize the appearance of your plots, including the size of axis labels. Aug 30, 2012 · Do you know to change the size of the numbers under the axis? import matplotlib. Ensuring that the chosen font size is appropriate for the chart’s size and displayed information is crucial. **Using Labelpad to Adjust Spacing** 4. rcParams['font. Artist. The OP asked for 90 degree rotation but I'll change to 45 degrees because when you use an angle that isn't zero or 90, you should change the horizontal alignment as well; otherwise your labels will be off-center and a bit misleading (and I'm guessing many people who come here want to rotate Mar 27, 2017 · So the requirements are: Having a fixed, predefined figure size; Adding a text label or legend outside the axes; Axes and text cannot overlap; The axes, together with the title and axis labels, sits tightly agains the figure border. get_xlabel() ax. get_minor_formatter May 18, 2019 · isDefault_label: bool axes: matplotlib. Jan 11, 2024 · #!/usr/bin/env python import numpy as np import matplotlib. Axis. In matplotlib, we can customize the axis label by changing their color, position, size, etc. In Matplotlib, the ax. py module, and you add a mypackage/presentation. figure() ax = fig. To label the axes of a subplot, you can use the set_xlabel() and set_ylabel() methods on the axes object. set_xlabel('X-axis Label') ax. pyplot. get_major_formatter. arange(-2*pi,2*pi,0. This function is part of the Matplotlib library, which is widely used for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python. To change the font size of axis labels in Matplotlib, you can use the set_xlabel and set_ylabel functions, which allow you to customize the appearance of the x-axis and y-axis labels, respectively. scatter isDefault_label: bool axes: matplotlib. Is there a way to increase the font size of axis labels without decreasing/compressing the subplots in the seaborn catplot? Jan 5, 2020 · isDefault_label: bool axes: matplotlib. Parameters should be passed as individual keyword arguments or using dictionary-unpacking set_label_text(, **fontdict). I am rendering text in the graph with Latex, which has a limited capability to make fonts more heavy. In this guide, we'll explore how to use plt. get_xaxis(). Jun 1, 2024 · Matplotlib Axis Label Introduction Matplotlib is a widely used Python library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python. AutoLocator object at 0x70aa5349f530> <matplotlib. **Basic Axis Labels** 2. We’ll cover everything from matplotlib. 25) = 3. Apr 28, 2017 · The easiest way to change the fontsize of all x- and y- labels in a plot is to use the rcParams property "axes. axes[0]. One common customization that users often want to make is adjusting the size of labels on their plots. gca() #SubplotZero(fig,111,) #Plot arrows over figure #fig. Labelling subplots is relatively straightforward, and varies, so Matplotlib does not have a general method for doing this. import matplotlib. viewLim; matplotlib. use("mypackage. ylabel ('y_label') plt. Axes. stem; XY scatter plot with markers of varying size and/or color ( sometimes also called bubble chart). set_tick_params() is a method that allows you to set parameters for tick marks and labels on the x-axis of a Matplotlib plot. matplotlib/pyplot - make axes (ordinate and Feb 15, 2025 · The tick_params() method of Axes objects sets the visual elements of ticks and their labels in the plot, such as color and size. But whenever I increase the size, the column sizes of my cat subplots decrease and compress the image. set_xticks, or matplotlib. xaxis. subplots(3, 4, sharex=True, sharey=True) # add a big axes, hide frame fig. ) I do not care about the figure size, but I would like the resulting drawing to have a tight bounding box. tick_params (axis=' both ', which=' major ', labelsize= 20) #set tick labels font size for x-axis only plt. set_fontsize(10) matplotlib. png](attachment:scatter_plot_axes_labels_default. Hope this helps. A solution to change the size of y-axis labels is to use the pyplot function yticks: matplotlib. axes. Is there a way to change the font type and font size of the numbers on the axes in a figure? Not the labels (xlabel and ylabel - they are easy to change), but the actual numbers. animation. And in a similar vein, is it possible to change the padding of just some tick labels? Again, I'd like to increase the padding of just two of the labels Nov 12, 2020 · isDefault_label bool axes matplotlib. Axes` The `~. When creating plots using Matplotlib, it is important to properly format the axis labels to ensure the plot is easy to read and understand. I'd like to reduce the font size of just two of the labels to make them fit better, but keep the size of the remaining labels the same. dataLim; matplotlib. set_xlabel(l, fontsize=15) Discouraged. class matplotlib. rc('xtick', labelsize Jun 8, 2024 · Changing Label Size in Matplotlib Matplotlib is a popular Python library for creating visualizations such as plots, charts, and graphs. For example: Jun 19, 2024 · Matplotlib Axis Label Font Size Matplotlib is a widely used Python library for creating visualizations. pyplot as plt plt. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to add and customize axis labels using Matplotlib in Python. rc('ytick',labelsize=8) Or, equivalently: Mar 15, 2024 · Here, the x-axis label has a font size of 12, while the y-axis label has a font size of 16. pl. On setting fontsizes for matplotlib. set_xlabel('X axis', fontsize = 12) ax. 4-3. rcParams[‘axes. pyplot as plt from matplotlib import rcParams #generate the dotplot plt. One simple way using subplots:. If your package is importable as import mypackage, with a mypackage/__init__. Jul 15, 2021 · You can use the following syntax to set the tick labels font size of plots in Matplotlib: import matplotlib. labelsize" at the beginning of the script, e. figure. xticks() as shown here. labelsize = int # Change the tick label size of color-bar Mar 1, 2012 · Thanks Ben. Mar 26, 2010 · Hi, I am making plots for a publication using matplotlib which requires the use of heavy fonts. minor : `matplotlib. First, we will discuss the parameter mentioned below. rcParams["axes. 6. set_xlabel Jun 21, 2024 · Matplotlib Axis Label Size Matplotlib is a popular Python library that is widely used for creating various types of plots and visualizations. rc(('xtick. These functions allow us to modify the font size individually for each axis label. Feb 2, 2024 · The size and font of title and axes in Matplotlib can be set using font size parameter, label. Fontsize; Color; Rotation; Labelpad; Set_visible; bold; Font Size of Axis Labels. for all figures/subplots in a script) using rcParams: import matplotlib. The simplest way to adjust the y-axis label size in Matplotlib is by using the set_size() function. axes coords of the Axes loc is the tick location in data coords size is the tick size in points. style. Feb 2, 2024 · Using ax. set_size(y_size) 来更改标题、x 轴标签和 y 轴标签的字体大小。 Mar 21, 2006 · This is a question about controlling the font size of axis tick labels, in a linear numeric axis. The Matplotlib. XAxis. rc('ytick',labelsize=8) Or, equivalently: Sep 13, 2024 · How to Change the Size of Axis Labels in Matplotlib. Now what if I want to set the pad of just one of the isDefault_label bool axes matplotlib. Ticker` Determines the minor tick positions and their label format. Here’s an example: Matplotlib’s settings for axis are numerous and confusing. An Axes typically has a pair of Axis Artists that define the data coordinate system, and include methods to add annotations like x- and y-labels, titles, and legends. set_title('v = 1',fontweight="bold", size=20) # Title ax. title ('title') plt. get_ticklabels(), modify their text, color, font size, and rotation, and then update the axis with the customized labels. The only remaining text to be “bolden” are the tick labels Axis. Plot a graph on data using matplotlib. set_ylabel('Active Wee1', fontsize = 20. callbacks : `matplotlib. set_size(title_size),axes. tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=8) You can also set the ticklabel font size globally (i. If for example x goes from 0 to 6 in step of 2, the numbers showing below the x axis would be 0, 2, 4, and 6 for example. plot(x_list,y_list) plot. Mar 1, 2012 · Hi all, Is it possible to set the size of only some tick labels? I have text tick labels (residue names). labelsize’] = 12. You can include style sheets into standard importable Python packages (which can be e. How to change the size of axis labels in matplotlib ? References Concise way to set axis label font size in matplotlib. In the graph above, we have the following text elements to modify the font size on: Title; y-axis and y-axis Nov 19, 2024 · In this example, we retrieve the tick labels using Matplotlib. Mar 5, 2024 · Adjusting Font Size For Axis Labels. One important aspect of creating visualizations is labeling the axes properly. E. set_xlabel# Axes. However, I'd like to leave the tick labels alone. Jul 20, 2021 · I am trying to enlarge the x-axis labels (that is 'onshore', 'offshore', and 'solar'), along with rotating them. rc('font', family='serif', size=40) but in my case, I would like to make the y-axis label larger than the x-axis. g. How to change the size of axis labels in Matplotlib is an essential skill for data visualization enthusiasts and professionals alike. set_fontsize(60) but I Here are the changes I made to the last bit of your code: fig = plt. You are reading an old version of the documentation (v3. **Customization of Axis Labels (Font Size, Color, and Rotation)** 3. dotplot(df, ["gene"], 'CellType',figsize Oct 15, 2012 · Ticks can have two labels (label1 and label2), according to the Tick class documentation:1 refers to the bottom of the plot for xticks and the left for yticks; 2 refers to the top of the plot for xticks and the right for yticks Many "correct" answers here but I'll add one more since I think some details are left out of several. The basic syntax for adding axis labels is as follows: ax. 获取主要股票代码的格式化程序。 Axis. Your solution for setting different fontsizes worked like a charm! For the other question, what I meant by padding was the distance of the tick label from the axis. xlabel (xlabel, fontdict = None, labelpad = None, *, loc = None, ** kwargs) [source] # Set the label for the x-axis Adding Axis Labels to Subplots in Matplotlib. Axes; matplotlib. Syntax: # Change the label size. xlabel ('x_label') plt. hbnaq fjlofz eyc zjuzu jbghp wkof iofa oosnr syw camrt judr ufink zmy nkbk rdgv