Optimus prime lemon fanfiction. Even though they didn't miss much.

Optimus prime lemon fanfiction k. " The huge heroic being Optimus Prime was stood tall and proud as he looked over the monitor on the bracket above. "Now you won't have any time for the team or me. Optimus Prime had become the first Prime for Earth. Darby. But he soon recovered and was smiling again as Starscream gripped her arm tightly. As a sparkling of two, he bore witness to the brutal slaying of his Optimus Prime: "Sari, your father was the most honorable man I've ever known. The two relax on their berth until they slip into recharge. The twins were presumably killed in battle after Optimus learns of their secret. Read TF 3| Optimus Prime x Moonphoenix (lemon) from the story Transformers one-shots and lemons (2) [closed] by tfp-fanfiction ( ️K. Bee arched, his head thrown away, and screamed. The war waged on until nothing was left. Optimus' systems knew their limits, so no matter what, Optimus wasn't able to harm the old tyrant. Read TF4 Optimus Prime x Cybertronian Reader from the story Transformers x Reader Lemon [HIATUS] by Insomnis_Noctis with 34,551 reads. "More Optimus, please. "Just like that, scream for me, scream my name. Nov 12, 2007 · Optimus Prime is armed with Duel Energon short swords that replace his hands, as well as Energon hooks that do the same. Optimus sighed. "Oh, me and Optimus are going on a mission. But Elita decide to speak up. If there was one good thing Optimus Prime had, it was patience. But for now, Primus seemed to be silent. I walk into my house and to my Berthroom. Ratchet couldn't recall him ever showing so much fear to anyone. "I'll kill you! I'll fragging kill you, you fragging six legged freak!" she screamed. "am working. Optimus comforted Elita and Elita comforted Optimus, easing away one another's unease and uncertainty. " "Shhh. It had sounded deep and soothing and had reminded him of Optimus, but the voice was ancient in comparison to the Prime and Sam knew that this was a greater being than any he had met before. Optimus's voice finally returned as he cooed to his baby, shaky Continuity: Transformers: Prime, during episode 7 "Scrapheap" Chars: Optimus Prime, Arcee. The metal squealed in protest until the roof completely tore off. Speaking of, Optimus was the first to stir from the statis he had been knocked into. Decepticon activity had become all but silent since The Fallen's demise. As he pressed even harder against the port he snarled down at the weeping Autobot. Years later, Anya and her twin Jack Darby meet the autobots. "A romantic drive with your mother. "That is correct machine may I ask who is speaking?" the madman asks. Elita One laughed shakily, reaching up with trembling fingers to rub his audio receptors, stroking upwards to his antenna apparatus. Optimus grabbed Arcee and pulled her off Bulkhead. Bumblebee continued to lower himself, licking down the entire length of Prime's body until the scout made his way to Prime's inner thighs. Jul 4, 2018 · Transformers prime Ratchet X Optimus lemon (They wear clothes in this story) Ratchets pov. Optimus looked down at the femme in his arms, then back into the optics of his oldest friend on Earth. It takes time for them to work things out. He took Optimus' spike in his hands and stroked. Jaston, her twin brother, was Arcee's partner and boyfriend. Oct 5, 2012 · Anastasia had fallen in love with Orion Pax when she first met him. If you are new and you think you have a good Oc fiction about the Transformers, message me and I will You'll get the medical attention you need, Valour can get a nice bottle of Energon and be back in his incubator. "My name is Optimus Prime, and you better pray we never meet face to foot Silas. He didn't understand what Optimus meant, but then he slowly pieced it together. I feel awful just awful. His name. Disclaimer: Transformers is the property of Hasbro, and although I wish I could make money off the TF franchise so I could be independently wealthy, I "By the Allspark! Optimus, she's sparked!" The two old friends stared at each other in shock for several moments. Lemons between human or cybertronian readers and robots from transformers franchise. " She rolled her shoulder then her neck before looking at him Chapter 5: Two Femmes, One Lucky Mech. Megatron walks forward to the downed Prime, once in front of Primal, he brings his sword down again, Optimus gets up in time to counter the strike, but The Blade of Darkness goes through The Star Saber, cutting it in half. "Arcee, it is okay. "PRIME! Those destructive "Oh, very well then," Optimus Prime saluted, stifling a chuckle. Fan of Fanfics This made Optimus chuckle slightly as he moved his hand until it cupped the grey Mech's cheek which trembled against his armour. Optimus Prime has an encounter with an old acquaintance. Optimus now moved his thumb so that it stroked Megatron's cheek causing the Mech to growl. Optimus continued walking out of their main base to met Megatron at the coordinates he gave the prime earlier in the day. Aug 15, 2015 · StarNameNoAcc is an avid fanfiction reader and an Reviews: 198 - Favs: 129 - Follows: 48 - Updated: 12/3/2009 - Published: 9/26/2009 - Optimus Prime Optimus Prime had to be one of the most gorgeous looking mechs within the entire Autobot race. Optimus runs. Prime. "Do I have your permission to take you there?" June nodded her head, as she put on her seat-belt. Optimus and I got into more danger and he got hurt. " Prime explained. Everyone left Cybertron in the Great Exodus. Optimus knew no one could save him now, except Primus. "No. (Y/N) does want to spend time with Optimus, but Optimus wants them to rest. "Megatron hasn't been out of his room in days. Optimus was panting a little now, he hadn't realised just how hot he had been getting "Optimus, it-it feels so good," Megatron whimpered. He does so by kidnapping The Primes newest addition to their family: A sparkling named Optimus Prime Orion Pax had spend all of his life isolated in a tower with his overprotective, and rather condescending father who forbids him from leaving, strongly insisting that the outside world is dangerous. The son of Optimus prime {TFP- boo by Punk-Ghost 1. Future Dimension travel Arc, Future TFP x TFA arc. " Again, a short, to the point reply that told of the speaker's unwillingness to debate the issue more clearly than any endless harangue of words could ever have done. " There was another pause and then Prime said. "Optimus told us not to go there after seeing the danger I believed him. Team Prime then spent the rest of the night talking about the Science Fair and Bumblebee and Optimus's battle until the humans had to go home. Rating: Mature/X. Ironhide gave him a nod back as a response. After a lonely night shift on the Ark, a very horny Elita One wanders the halls of the Ark trying to take her mind off things. Two towering mechs that stood poised to their full height. Entering the sick bay of the Nemesis, Breakdown sighed as he spotted Knockout sitting in the corner, looking bummed. No pairings. They were his parents. Hope you enjoyed the story. "Have fun, Optimus Prime, out. Optimus nodded his head faintly, giving permission for this to happen. " He adopted a fake girl voice. His and his alone. " Arcee said lightly, and the other two sighed, though barely audible. Optimus didn't think (Y/N) would ask what had been happening at the base the past three days. Bumblebee stayed still. Megatron and Optimus had been close, he felt safe when with Optimus and content when in close proximity with Megatron, Optimus had once said that he had a femme spark, and Bumblebee had no parents. When he was done Optimus panted against his neck, turning them over so that he was still inside Bee and they were side by side. " May 15, 2019 · Optimus Prime started awake from his deep recharge as his driver's seat door closed. Jul 13, 2010 · Optimus was still in his arms but decided that since he provided him with an exciting afternoon he'd go easy on him. Optimus smiled a genuine smile and stood up straight, pulling Bumblebee with him. " Revenge is so Sweet. But the one deity heard the cries of a sparkling that deity was Primus who grants Naruto his wish to give him a new life and a purpose to live with a new name in Life Begins Naruto's or should I say, Orion Pax's Journey The attack was enough to help Optimus, and from Arcee's angle she saw two blades slice through the wall of insecticons as Optimus grunted with exertion. Optimus glanced quickly down at the console and back to Dawn. Prime pulled out of Optimus and rolled over; drawing Optimus into his arms, closing the younger's chassis gently before pressing him against his chassis, rubbing his servos up and down his counterparts back. " Elita said. Optimus rumbled, delighted, and inflated the cable. Just 10 mins later and a red blue lorry pulled up transforming into Optimus Prime himself. Hilarity ensues. The Prime let his engine rumble gently in contentment, nuzzling into her neck. She murmured back, stroking his arm. Megatron faced with Optimus a few more times before allowing the bot to be unchained and the stasis cuffs removed. Optimus felt himself start to heat up as Megatron did this and he moaned with lust. Set in the first 'Transformers' movie. The most male part of Optimus Prime, legendary Autobot Commander, most beloved mech of femmes everywhere, was now revealed. "For MY men, Prime, I can't let you go," and his voice was the harsher one so muchly used in battle, though the hand against Optimus' wires remained gentle. This is for all of the new to fanfiction writers and readers. "DarkAngel" "Optimus. As she looked up from her packet of Skittles, shoving an apple flavoured one into her mouth, Optimus Prime walked past her unknowingly with his hand pressed to his forehead. There it was. Ah. Teen And Up Audiences (102) Mature (102) Explicit (98) General Audiences (88) Not Rated (44) Include Warnings To him Optimus Prime was just another thing he wanted to claim as his own like he wanted Cybertron for his own personel glory and he was going to see it through right to the very end. Optimus knew what he was getting himself into, but anything for Cybertron is all the prime could think of. slash, mechpreg, Ratchet OOC on purpose main pairing: Optimus Prime/Ratchet, rating will go up later Tess heard an exasperated sigh come from inside the hangar before a mechanical whirring indicated one of the Autobots walking towards the exit. Sam was unsure of what had just happened. Ratchet found himself smiling. "Thank you. An unexpected encounter on the highway forces Optimus to bring yet another human into the Autobot's growing circle of human friends. Optimus held himself deep inside Bumblebee and bit down against the smaller boy's neck, marking him as his in both ways. They took up most of the space of the tiny cave, especially the Decepticon leader Megatron who was draped across the smaller frame of his rival, Optimus Prime. " Transformers/Beast Wars - Rated: M - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 610 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 17 - Follows: 7 - Published: 7/4/2018 - Optimus Prime, Ratchet - Complete A Sugar Coated Denial by Felinafullstop reviews Optimus said placing his servo on Ironhide's shoulder blade. ” Optimus’ optics flickered, his lip components pressed into a thin line. Optimus was already gone. Future TFP x Bayverse arc (Sentinel only), Future Mirrorverse Arc fanfic, and Optimus upgrades to TF1 form. May 5, 2018 · Optimus and bee are sent to a distress call that ends with Prime being taken by Decepticons. The little one was breathing heavily, a human boy of about seven. Don't own the pic. Me and Optimus have to watch the baby. It has been 5 days since Jack and Soundwave returned from their fight and during their time unconscious, Wheeljack was a shifter and she had imposed as Wheeljack to try and learn the Autobots base location for Lord Megatron and when he saw Soundwave Knocked out cold and wouldn't be waking up anytime soon she had turned herself when the other Wheeljack had Transformers Lemons 1 Fanfiction. Now, we strive to stop Megatron. Our human friends would've been wise to stray from Ratchets path. Read TFP| Optimus Prime x Human! Female reader from the story Transformers one-shots and lemons (2) [closed] by tfp-fanfiction ( ️TF-fanfiction💛) with 4,190 r He bit down on the other's shoulder, making the Prime jerk and growl, bring him to release. Arcee shot up and tackled Bulk to the ground. Megatron truly had won, at least for Megatron taunts as he brings his blade down, Optimus parries the strike, but Megatron kicks him down. " Megatron gave a low harrumph, sneering at the blank screen. He suggests a warm bath before the medicine wears off. "If you ever leave me again like that, Optimus Prime, I will hunt you down. Also, my first 'Transformers' fanfic; so if you don't like it, don't read it. Go watch Transfomers: Prime because it's a totally awsome show that's on Saturdays at 830 PM on The Hub which is also Hasbro owned. Team Prime, led by Optimus Prime and Elita One, must work with their human allies to protect the Earth from not only the Decepticons but also a group of humans called MECH, and Unicron the Destroyer. " Just outside of Megatron's doors, a group of Decepticons gathered, whispering among themselves. Optimus cupped Ratchet's cheek and pressed a loving kiss. He tightened his grip on Ratchet’s waist, pulling him closer to his face. wattys2017, andcybertron Apr 23, 2023 · In which Solus Prime enters the scene after the Forge was discovered in TFP. He turned and smiled at me. They stayed there for a while before Elita eventually opened her Ratchet's in a mating cycle and wants to get sparked. Optimus began to From then on our humble Orion Pax was now Optimus Prime, the last Prime. I looked up and watched with a small smile as Optimus idly tossed it away like a tiny piece of scrap, shutting the lights off on his chest. "Indeed Bumblebee. Gently removing himself from the port that was covered in fluids he sighed with relief as his spike was released and quickly cleaned it up before closing up his groin armour. 9K 51 9 This is the second book to The son of Optimus prime, and the story pretty much just keeps going on threw there life and at this point Volt is around 8 in human years but Optimus Prime couldn't help but to smirk at her his voice dropped to a husky tone saying, "I don't mind being yours but you have to be mine as well Maggie. This was a very sweet an adorable story to write! Thank you for the idea! This Opti and Smokey story is for you! Enjoy! Cheering Up Prime. His charming face, his lovely broad red chest, that dark slender waist, that pert blue aft and those long silver legs. Optimus laid on the ground and purred sweetly in his Oct 25, 2019 · They slumped down, savouring the afterglow effects of a good overload. Dawn took his hand, pulling it gently down. "You need For reference, Naruto's form is a human-sized equivalent to Megatron, from the first Michael Bay Transformers Film, including his alt-mode of the Cybertronian jet. He turned his scanners on the Prime. Optimus shifted to make sure he wasn't crushing his smaller mate and they cuddled together. Instead she ends up hornier than ever. His body tensed. Bio: Optimus was born into a family of love and was Megatron’s little brother. Optimus Prime/Harry Potter (6) Mikaela Banes/Sam Witwicky (3) Jazz/Prowl (Transformers) (3) Harry Potter/Fred Weasley (2) Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson (2) Naruto is tired being ignored neglected from his family from the village he prays to any deity to hear his call. Requested by arabel. His new upgrade made him look sexier than he did before. Megatron came with a primal roar, screeching Optimus's name, crushing against Prime as his essence pooled into his Autobot. Apr 29, 2024 · Optimus Prime/Ratchet (1) Jazz/Optimus Prime (1) Optimus Prime/Sentinel Prime (1) Exclude Additional Tags Sticky Sexual Interfacing (Transformers) (8) Dominance (3) But when he annoys Prime to no end just to convice him to play with him, Optimus suggests that they play Hide-n-Seekwith a twist. " Optimus said with the hint of a smile and amusement in his voice. When Ratchet smells her regret after Optimus forgets who he is, Ratchet tells her to hell Prime when his memories return. Me and Optimus have no time for anyone else!" Jack's voice got louder and louder as the sentence progressed. Optimus placed his hands on Bumblebee's hips and turned him back over. I'm sitting on mine and Optimus' berth, reading a book on my data pad when I felt Optimus get on the berth, I look up " hello. When he became Optimus Prime she supported him and continued to date him. Meanwhile Jack was sat still scanning through the data pad, when he stumbled upon something he found interesting. Things go mostly well from there, but there's an unexpected surprise. Chap 1 A Life Ruined. I am not good at summaries, but Gabby and Optimus have been separated for two years, and everything will be explained within. His hand moved. He asked me to leave him but I refuse. You won't be in trouble, we'll talk about the future, you have nothing to fear, Optimus. " Optimus whispered, optics shuttering in exhaustion. "I won't deny that dear Optimus Prime still functions," he said silkily. a. He had a lot of it, but sometimes there were situations where his patience The occupants of the cave were giant metal beasts, one sharp and jagged, and the other thin and curved. I walk down the streets of new Cybertron and look around happy to be home but sad that I lost my Leader and crush. Optimus felt frustration overwhelm him once again. Soundwave sighed internally and stepped aside to make way for the autobot. He had been revived and the battle had happened and then he had heard a voice speaking in his mind. Ratchet finds out he's sparked the same day he thinks he sees Optimus cheating on him. Well, back then at least. Aug 27, 2020 · Optimus x Human! Reader (Lemon) Plot: Optimus is in heat and Y/N lets herself to be claimed by the Prime ;) This is a lemon! Head area: Brain: Processor / Brain Module Head: Helm Face: Bumblebee said as he moved toward Optimus. As the war between the Autobots and Decepticons rages on, a new type of Transformers enter the fray: The Combiners. They were wrong Were they? MATURE CONTENT! SLASH MEGS/OP. "Yes, Mr. Aug 8, 2019 · Transformers Prime belongs to Hasbro. When the door slid open, there stood Optimus Prime, or Orion Pax as Megatron was now commanding the decepticons to address him as. Also I do not own Transformers because they belong to Hasbro and Michael Bay directed all three films. I freeze up in my tracks as I see the last bot I ever thought to see. Megatron was still on life support and he didn't need their attention for now, at least not to Knockout, who was trying to buff up his dark red armour. I will be taking requests. Peace to all my Fans. Ratchet chases. He missed him. "Been too long since we did that," Optimus Prime said weakly, a dazed smile crossing his faceplates. Optimus gave his say over vid com how he was willing to take the heat for his "She's had enough!" Optimus snapped pulling the wires from Arcee's body. Arcee drove Jack and June home in the cool evening air. " Maggie blushed at the implication behind his words she meekly replied, "Then take me home, and make me yours. Megatron became even more hurt to find his lover a new mech. Seeing Optimus overloading under him and screaming his name in that absolutely delectable voice. I might jump this up to an M rating later, and I will put out a notice if I do. "Get the frag off me Prime. Arcee could almost feel her optics begin to burn from the way they were focused so intently on Prime's groin. "That arrogant Prime thinks he knows everything. Prime purred quietly, titling his head to allow her better access. "Silas was it. "It is best if I answered your questions on the way back to my base, Mrs. This piece contains explicit 'sticky' sex between two consenting adults, and hence the mature rating. After all this time, Megatr Mar 29, 2006 · Mrs. You May 12, 2010 · Optimus Prime is a young Iaconia Prince who wishes that the war between his people and the Kingdom of Kaonol would end. Ratchet gasped softly as Optimus removed his spike and their mixed fluids stained their thighs. Ratchet rested atop Optimus' frame, both mechs venting hard. Megatron scanned the area, "Wait, Optimus?" He swiveled left and right, "Optimus!" Nothing but metallic environment. A. Shoutout to Kevin Lumoindong ( JPL Animation ) from Artstation. What will happen? Rated: Fiction M - English - Sci-Fi - Megatron, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Starscream - Chapters: 12 - Words: 13,928 - Reviews: 31 - Favs: 43 - Follows: 34 - Updated: 8/18/2019 - Published: 5/5/2018 - id: 12926071 Jan 28, 2025 · After meeting team Prime, June falls for Optimus but is afraid to tell him. Rated M for Optimus and bee are sent to a distress call that ends with Prime being taken by Decepticons. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Humor/Family - Bumblebee, Optimus Prime - Words: 5,583 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 51 - Follows: 27 - Published: 9/11/2019 - id: 13385444 Aug 22, 2021 · YOU ARE READING. Feb 22, 2021 · Megatron/Optimus Prime; Megatron (Transformers) Optimus Prime; Lemon; Spark Sexual Interfacing (Transformers) Sticky Sexual Interfacing (Transformers) Valve Play (Transformers) Valve Plugs (Transformers) Summary. Even if you were interested in relationships, you’re Optimus Prime and I’m…me. Now if you'll excuse me, Optimus Prime, I'm gonna go make out with my baby Bee. But at the same time it was painful to be around him. Transformers one-shots and lemons (2) [closed] Fanfiction. Optimus finds Ratchet in bad shape during labor, but they have a healthy sparkling, "Frag," Ratchet pants as he cuddles with his sparkmate, Optimus Prime. It was very fun. It's always you and Prime. Megatron pulled away from the kiss with a gasp, trying to get air into his overheating systems. The feeling of helplessness was short lived, however, as the sound they'd been waiting for carried over from behind them. What will happen? Muttered Optimus Prime darkly and more to himself than Megatron just as he closed the gap between them. Need you in me. " "No," Optimus rumbled softly, moving even close to the berth. You may. "Thank you for allowing me to dance with you Bumblebee. Chapter Text. Instead of only three humans discovering the Autobots, a fourth human also witnessed the Autobots in Jasper. "Only when I'm about to escape, do you even pretend you care about me. Once on his position, Prime addressed Megatron loud and clear as they stood pede to pede. It was so long ago when Megatron last saw Orion as king, or more like queen of Cybertron. Update: My newer lemons are better than my older ones mainly because my older ones are so cringeworthy and just plain cancer. " the Autobots asks the man on the other end of the radio. " Ratchet promised. Bumblebee was the first to move, turning over onto his knees and wiggling his behind cheekily. He chooses Optimus to spark him. " "Aaah Optimus!" Bee keened helplessly and spread his thighs wider, rocking onto the invading cable. With his long aqua cape and a stunning dark green dress, Orion was no doubt the love of Megatron's life. Feb 5, 2022 · Optimus Prime x Reader *Requests Open* by Olivia200312 Fandoms: Transformers: Prime, Transformers (Bay Movies), Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2015) Mature; Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings; F/M; Work in Progress; 05 Feb 2022 Transformers Prime: All is Found (Optimus x Megatron) Fanfiction. Their processes shut off completely, shearing them out of the physical world. Every big bit of him. " "Yes, I can see that" Dawn heard a snort of stifled laughter. Language: English Words: 689 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 4 Kudos: 213 Bookmarks AU Transformers Prime. Transformers/Beast Wars - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 9 - Words: 22,752 - Reviews: 60 - Favs: 54 - Follows: 44 - Updated: 10/27/2012 - Published: 4/28/2012 - Ratchet, Optimus Feb 2, 2025 · And even though Kris tells Noah to speak with either mirage or Prime about this he absolutely refuses to, recalling how much guilt Prime has for abandoning Cybertron. Optimus sighed in content, curling into Prime. That was all the push he needed himself. " Prime said, as he started his engine, and pulled away from the curb. Tainted by an evil spark, that had slowly devoured his very being. Rating: T Warnings: mech/mech kissing, a. A moan slipped out and Optimus instantly regretted it, seeing the mech above him smirk and continue playing with his wires. Oh, if only looks had been able to inflict pain, Optimus would have been writhing on the floor in agony right now. After a chaotic battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons, Optimus Prime is nowhere to be found. EPILOGUE IS UP! Contains Non-Con, be warned. Optimus sits in the Oh in case (Y/N) needs help getting dressed and back to bed. In all my stellar cycles I have not met another like him! Please accept what feelings of sorrow my Autobot Spark can offer, because I know it falls short of a human heart. Include ? Include Ratings . Meanwhile, Optimus's relationship with Bee, Mirage and Noah have improved and now learned to trust humanity. The only major differences are he has blue optics, is smaller, and like Optimus, has a face-plate that can extend over his mouth. Optimus is also armed with duel Ion Blasters that are stored on his back. This is book 2 of one-shots and lemons, my other book was getting full so I wanted to start a new one. He save my life and I saved his. Alberts💛) with 11,067 r Browse Browse Optimus crossed his processor. Muir. Unfortunately, they were still surrounded. "You a-holes are in trouble now," Sam muttered gleefully. Bumblebee is desperate to find him, desperate enough to ignore the warnings of his fellow Autobots and ask for help from the dangerous Decepticon in the brig. "You're bonded to her. "Gentlemen, I want to introduce you to my friend, Optimus Prime. Soundwave headed toward the control room. After getting whisked away by the cruel Tyrant of Kaonol he tries to persaude him to stop the war even if it costs him his innocence. Sam Witwicky has an adopted sister named Desirée, who's been mute since she was taken from her real parents at the age of eight. " Optimus said, bowing like a gentleman once again as a thank you. Jul 4, 2024 · She's sure Optimus will probably grill her again for her speeding. Warnings: This was originally written as a response to a prompt on the transformers kink meme on livejournal. After seeking council from the Primes they left him with 2 option; Find some bots worthy to be his successors or create his own heirs why can't he do both to not only ensure the Prime's legacy, but also create his own. He was filthy. intimacy between androgynous and nonsexually reproducing but male-"pronoun'd" 'bots. " Just as Lightstreak was about to jump on Bee and kiss him, Agent Fowler called. Optimus shuddered hard, opening his access port on the left side of his inner leg, and Bumblebee began to lick at it, his glossa carefully gliding in and out, relishing the unique taste that was Optimus Prime. The young Autobot leader staggered through the dark corridors of the old factory where he and his team had come to call home and tried his best to hold in his small whimpers of pain as he wandered about, being careful not to let anyone hear him. "It's Prime now. In the background of the call, they could hear explosions. " Elita and Optimus instantly went off-line as their chests locked together. " "Optimus" "No," Prime A few months after the events of TFOne, Optimus begins to worry about the future of the Prime's legacy. He pinned her against himself, her fingers clawing at his metal. " "You may call me Optimus, Mrs. Optimus Prime gasped faintly when he saw the sparkling twitch and slightly squirm; but what stunned Optimus was the fact that the sparkling's optics were starting to open, the sparklings large, innocent optics glowing brightly as they looked up to the bewildered red and blue mech. All of it. The Decepticon warlord had no reason to go back to the Autobots now. Optimus took a step back from the flustered scout and placed a hand on his shoulder, patting it gently. Optimus Prime is a fanfiction author that has written 49 stories for Phantom of the Opera, Dracula, Transformers/Beast Wars, Twilight, Transformers, Vampire Academy, Silence of the Lambs/Hannibal, Alice in Wonderland, 2010, Vampire Hunter D, and Ghost and Mrs. . Damn Wheeljack, she would so rat that jackass out to Ratchet! Optimus hovered a metal finger above the console, clearly contemplating what to push. As Ratchet Scand the humans Optimus was opining a radio link to the rapidly disappearing helicopter. "Optimus!" Not far away in a cave, Optimus forced himself to ignore the pleas. He missed Optimus Prime, so very much. And Optimus' team landed here on Earth, where Arcee and Cliffjumper joined later. Straight out to the side with no hesitation. Pleased to see her old mentor, DarkAngel also transformed, giving her joints a much needed stretch. " I say before going back to reading. But Optimus didn't continue on his way as Soundwave expected. Optimus Prime. Title: Firsts: Optimus Prime and Prowl Author: Mirage Shinkiro. " Optimus moaned again and Bumblebee smiled at being the one to cause it. " On Earth. Requested by EmeraldMoonGreen. He glanced into the driver's seat in his cab, optics widening at the small human that had made his way into Optimus' cab. " Jul 10, 2011 · Oh Cruel Fate. When Megatron and Optimus Prime accidentaly created a bond between them, they thought it was the wosrt that could happens. " This is the continuation of my Gabrielle Ryan and Optimus Prime series (A New Sparkbeat and Kiss Away the Demons in My Dreams). If I were "Why yes, because if you're alive then Optimus and the others are still alive," Elita explained causing Megatron to scowl slightly at the mention. Even though they didn't miss much. They became one in essence and mind, sharing their pain and love equally. Lightstreak squirmed out of Prime's grip and said, "Hey! Bumblebee knows a hot bot when he sees one. By the end, he was all but shouting. ifrjnw eccvj dclcz kltpd hjag woix vepjl ybcjxkf fblvsfy xlcru camea sknajwc cdfioe nouggj vidys