Oromia supreme court She tweeted: “It’s extremely concerning to read the report by the @EthioHRC on the arrest of three Oromia Supreme Court judges in Adama yesterday. I have participated in a May 1, 2018 · at Oromia Supreme Court. View Lalisa oljira’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional Lawyer at Oromia Supreme Court · In my life,i have always tried to give my best and try to do more than what i was able. C. Manni Murtii Waliigalaa. 100,391 likes · 1,297 talking about this. The Oromia Supreme Court is the Ethiopian Federal Supreme Court department based in Oromia Region. View Samuel Tola’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. In Ethiopia, for example, the Oromia Supreme Court reported an 8. View daniel bayissa’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. On March 29, 2021, Once the declaration of consents are shown by parties to the adjudication of court, under no circumstance a case brought before a court of Sharia be transferred to a regular court; See the Oromia Courts of Sharia Consolidation Proclamation No. Haaqaan Haqaaf Hojjanna! Our Visitor. Jan 24, 2024 · Oromia Regional State established Customary Courts by law. To find myself in an interesting work that can be both challenging and enjoyable. Manni Murtii Waliigalaa -- · Experience: Oromia supreme Court · Location: Addis Ababa · 165 connections on LinkedIn. In this case, all the material facts which should exist to bring a possessory action and all the facts which are required to bring an action in relation to violated landholding Now I am seriously looking for some jobs in foreign countries specially in USA,Canada,and European countries! · Experience: Supreme court of Oromia · Education: Ambo University · Location: Addis Ababa · 7 connections on LinkedIn. The first section presents the overall summary of the title by providing the general overview of structure of courts in federal form of governments, including Ethiopia. This paper examines how the Courts administer justice in the State. Judge @Oromia supreme court at Oromia supreme Court · Experience: Supreme Court of Oromia · Education: BahirDar University School of Law · Location: Addis Ababa · 58 connections on LinkedIn. FEDERAL SUPREME COURT OF ETHIOPIA. 53/1994, Article 5(3), (4), See Federal Supreme Court Cassation Division Decisions, (Cassation File No PHD Scholar at Supreme Court of Oromia, Ethiopia · Experience: Supreme Court of Oromia, Ethiopia · Education: Addis Ababa University · Location: Addis Ababa · 93 connections on LinkedIn. View Gobena Teref’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. legal officer at Oromia Supreme court · Experience: Oromia Supreme court · Location: Ethiopia. View Abdi Ababiya’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Oromia Supreme Court . Facebook:Oromia Legal Training Research Institute. My objective is to reach a professional level. Manni Murtii Waliigalaa The Oromia Supreme Court is the Ethiopian Federal Supreme Court department based in Oromia Region. As regards the rule of partition practiced by Oromia state courts, the author had an opportunity to learn the stance of the courts from an informal discussion with some regional court judges. (Mam o Hebo, 2005) on . 10/2021 Nov 7, 2022 · It was the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission EHRC that brought the matter to the limelight. View alemayehu daba’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community Mana Murtii Waliigalaa Oromiyaa-Supreme Court of Oromia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Student at oromia state University · The · Experience: Oromia supreme Court · Education: Oromia State University · Location: Koye · 15 connections on LinkedIn. Nov 1, 2018 · USA Supreme Court has developed self-restraining doctrines so that the only constitutional issues entertained by the courts are those incidental to concrete real cases. Jul 24, 2023 · The Oromia Supreme Court acquitted him of those charges and ordered he be released on June 24, 2021. 100,378 likes · 2,707 talking about this. xxiii Article 16 of Oromia land Sep 5, 2021 · A program coordinator at the non-profit Ethiopian Mediation and Arbitration Center, Meron Kassahun, broadly agrees. Mana Murtii Waliigalaa Oromiyaa- Supreme Court of Oromia 4d Baga Ayyaana Cuuphaa Geessan ******** Manni Murtii Waliigalaa Oromiyaa hordoftoota amantaa Kiristiyaanaa maraan baga ayyaana cuuphaan isin gahe jechaa ayyaanichi kan nagaa, gammachuu fi milkaayinaa akka isiniif ta'u hawwii qabu ibsa. · Experience: oromia supreme court · Education: Addis Ababa University · Location: Ethiopia · 237 connections on LinkedIn. Telegram:Telegram ILQSO ©2025 | Built using Jun 1, 2019 · 64 Mame Tullu v Urjitu Kaksa et al Oromia Regional Supreme Court, file no 131585 / 2011 (unpublished). <br>I have almost seven years of relevant work experience in the Government Organizations like in Oromiya Court as a Judge of First Instant Court for six years ,as Legal trainee of Oromiya Justice professional Training Institution for one year at Adama. The arrest sparked outrage from the legal community and rights groups, as it followed their decision to release six security personnel of opposition leader Jawar Mohammed on bail. View Shura Fursa’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. High Court Judge at Oromia Supreme Court · Experience: Oromia Supreme Court · Location: United States · 2 connections on LinkedIn. PhD student at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Law School · Tiresome years but interesting in which best experience is acquired · 工作经历: Oromia Supreme Court · 教育经历: Addis Ababa University · 地点: 上海市 · 500 多位领英好友。在领英 (一个拥有 10 亿会员的职业社区) 查看Tesfaye Boresa的职业档案。 Feb 20, 2025 · Mana Murtii Waliigalaa Oromiyaa-Supreme Court of Oromia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. View Abdenur Ahmed (BA, LLB, LL M)’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Manni Murtii Waliigalaa Court. View Abdi Gurmessa’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Aug 7, 2019 · 62 See Aminat v Fatuma, ibid. 151/2012 Art. I have experience in law, Legal Research and ICT as i am still studying computer programs that will be useful in these fields. Menu Search: Filter results: everything posts pages notices listings events galleries documents people Collapse search. -- · Experience: Oromia Supreme Court · Education: Wollaga University · Location: Ethiopia. Front Page The Oromia Supreme Court 2B+G+13 Building Project is located in the capital city Finfinnee; Yeka sub-city; Woreda 04 around an area which is locally named 6 Kilo (Caffee Tumaa) with a specific location in front of Addis Ababa Education Bureau. For this, the article is organized into five sections. Jul 24, 2023 · Human Rights Watch urges Ethiopia to release seven OLF leaders detained for over three years without charge or trial. Mana Murtii Waliigalaa Oromiyaa-Supreme Court of Oromia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I have LLB degree in law from Jimma University. Judge at Oromia supreme Court · Oromia supreme Court · Adama · 5 connections on LinkedIn. 33(5). View oliyad Yadesa’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. The Federal Supreme Court of Ethiopia has enjoyed a rich history as an institution since it was established on 1934 E. Addis Abeba: Judges at the Oromia Supreme Court who are presiding over the case involving 17 defendants, including two journalists from Oromia News Network (ONN), on 21 July decided to accept the I'm a Judge at Oromia Supreme Court · Experience: Oromia Supreme Court · Location: Adama · 11 connections on LinkedIn. Abdi Mohammed Lawyer at Oromia supreme court Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The Federal Supreme Court has evolved through the decades, starting from the Emperor regime throughout the Derg regime. xxii Oromia Region Rural Land Administration and Use Regulation, Regulation No. View Bulo Worku’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. This case initially came before Tikur Inch inni Woreda Court and was. The studyrnemployed descriptive survey design and involves both quantitative and qualitative datarngathering tools. Kokossa district where he conducted his research . The Oromia Supreme Court is the Ethiopian Federal Supreme Court department based in Oromia Region. 24% reduction in caseloads in 2022/23, but this declined to just 1. A Regulation to Implement the Oromia Region Customary Courts, Proclamation No. Plaintiff in this matter is requesting Ciro Woreda court to write letter to the said kebele administration so that kebele arbitration result be given to him so as to enable him bring his suitto court of law. Manni Murtii Waliigalaa Supreme Court Cassation Division on the decisions of Oromia State Supreme Court Cassation Division. He earned his LLB degree from Wollo University in 2012 and LLM in International Business and economic law from Wollega University 2021. his p art co ncluded that disputes over land are rife in . View Case Status View Appointment Status Dec 12, 2024 · iv APPROVAL SHEET As members of the Examining Board of the Final MPMP Open Defense, we certify that we have read and evaluated the thesis prepared by Getu Belete Gutema, entitled: Practices and Challenges of Public Property Management in Oromia National Regional State: The Case of Oromia Supreme Court and recommend that it be accepted as fulfilling the thesis requirement for the degree of I am passionate about contributing to the success of any organization by providing expert legal counsel and guidance. With an area of 353,690 km2 (about 32% of the total area of the country), it is the largest reg Mana Murtii Waliigalaa Oromiyaa- Supreme Court of Oromia 4d Baga Ayyaana Cuuphaa Geessan ******** Manni Murtii Waliigalaa Oromiyaa hordoftoota amantaa Kiristiyaanaa maraan baga ayyaana cuuphaan isin gahe jechaa ayyaanichi kan nagaa, gammachuu fi milkaayinaa akka isiniif ta'u hawwii qabu ibsa. The Oromia Supreme Court ordered their release, but Oromia police ignored the rulings and appealed to the Federal Supreme Court. 240/2021. View Eshetu Yadeta’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Visit Today : 243: This Month : 1263: Court Fees Calculator Director, Change Management/Reform Directorate Supreme Court of Oromia · I have served for 4 years as Zonal and Regional Prosecutor of former Oromia Justice Bureau (Oromia Regional State Attorney General Office), I have served as legal expert (assistant judge) of Oromia Supreme Court for nearly for for years and Judge of Supreme Court of Oromia for over five years. The Federal Supreme court set a court date to hear the The Oromia Supreme Court 2B+G+13 Building Project is located in the capital city Finfinnee; Yeka sub-city; Woreda 04 around an area which is locally named 6 Kilo (Caffee Tumaa) with a specific location in front of Addis Ababa Education Bureau. Mar 29, 2021 · When the court asked for the reason Lammi and Dawit remained in custody despite court orders, the letter by Oromia police commission pointed to appeals made by Oromia’s Attorney General Office to the Federal Supreme Court on March 4, 2021 to repeal Oromia’s Supreme Court ruling. The survey revealed lapses in quality, efficiency, and accessibility in Oromia’s judicial system, according to GezaliAbasi, president of the Oromia -- · Experience: Supreme Court of Oromia · Education: Haramaya University · Location: Addis Ababa · 49 connections on LinkedIn. The establishing laws, Customary Courts’ cases, statistical data obtained mainly from the Oromia Supreme Court, documentary films, secondary sources, and interviews conducted with elders, judges, Abba Gadaas, Haadha Feb 22, 2022 · Oromia Proclamation to Provide for the Establishment and Recognition of Oromia Region Customary Courts, No. View Ifa Sheberu Jima’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. The FDRE Constitution vested federal authority to the Federal Supreme Court which is cassation division and presides determining and overturning decisions made by the lower federal courts with itself has regular division assigned to review Oct 24, 2024 · Second, available data does not substantiate a big reduction in formal court caseloads because of customary courts. Kabaja Guyyaa Dubartoota Addunyaa (March 8)-----(Bitootessa 14,2016 MMWO, Finfinnee) Guyyaan dubrtoota Addunyaa (March 8) n sadarkaa Mana Murtii Waliigalaa Oromiyaatti gamoo Mana Murtii Waliigalaa Oromiyaa ijaaramaa jiru irratti bakka hojjattoonni dubartootaa Mana Murtii Waliigalaa Dhaddacha Giddu Galeessaa fi keessummooni afeerraan taasifameef argamanitti kabajameera. Nov 5, 2022 · Addis Ababa: Police in Adama, East Shoa zone of the Oromia Regional State, detained three judges of the Oromia Supreme Court, Eastern Criminal Division, without due process of the law, an informant who is close to the matter but asked to remain anonymous told Addis Standard. Profile of the RegionThe Regional State of Oromia lies in the central part of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, with larger projection towards the south and west. View senbeta negasa’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. 17 This time, District Courts are loaded with many tasks and the Oromia Supreme Court envisaged its possible implication on judicial accessibility. ” He is a senior judge in Oromia Supreme court. View Gezahegn Beraka’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Joost Van der Zwan similarly The Oromia Supreme Court is the Ethiopian Federal Supreme Court department based in Oromia Region. The Division condemned the fact that the Oromia high court disregarded the Authority's argument invoking the Ethiopian Roads Authority Re-establishing Proclamation and the Oromia Supreme Court's holding that the cited law does not allow the Authority to take away sand found on a land held by another person. work. At the same time, the Supreme Court had already known through research findings that Kebele Social Courts were not accessible to Welcome To Court Automation Management System List. He has earned his LLB degree from Wollo University and LLM in International economic and Business law from Wollega University 2021. 100,880 likes · 1,775 talking about this. · He is a senior judge in Oromia Supreme court. 10/2021 Jan 24, 2024 · Oromia Regional State established Customary Courts by law. Follow us. . Join to view profile Apr 8, 2022 · A post shared on Facebook in Ethiopia claims that Addis Ababa University’s Yared School of Music will be demolished to pave way for the expansion of the Oromia Supreme Court. · Experience: Oromia supreme court · Education: Unity university · Location: Oromia Region · 132 connections on LinkedIn. Jul 24, 2023 · On March 29, 2021, the Oromia Supreme Court upheld its dismissal of charges against Lammi Begna and Dawit Abdeta for the second time, only for Oromia police to rearrest them as they left the Oromia Supreme Court . The judiciary of Ethiopia consists of dual system with parallel court structures: the federal and state courts having independent administration. Mar 1, 2018 · Practices and Challenges of Public Property Management in Oromia National Regional State: The Case of Oromia Supreme Court @inproceedings{Getu2018PracticesAC, title={Practices and Challenges of Public Property Management in Oromia National Regional State: The Case of Oromia Supreme Court}, author={Belete Getu}, year={2018}, url={https://api High court judge at oromia supreme court · Experience: oromia supreme court · Location: Ethiopia. Apparently, the president of the Federal Court, Meaza Ashenafi, was not even aware of it. SUPREME COURT OF OROMIA. The claim is misleading; the court’s complex, located adjacent to the music school, is undergoing an expansion, but there have been no announcements about any plans to destroy the music school nor to encroach on its Sep 19, 2023 · In the case under discussion, the Cassation Division of Supreme Court of Oromia has obscured the distinctions between the two types of actions and combined them as one. 7% in 2023/24, even though customary courts handled significantly more cases (107 681) in that time. Adugna has served as district Jul 4, 2024 · 23/03/2024 . It shares borders with the Sudan and Kenya in the West and Southwest and with all regions of Ethiopia except Tigray. Nov 5, 2022 · Three judges of the Oromia Supreme Court were detained by police in Adama without due process, allegedly for terrorism-related offenses. I am confident that the combination of my practical work experience and solid educational Nov 1, 2023 · Federal supreme Court; Biiroo Abbaa Alngaa W/Oromiyaa; SCO. She said: “All problems existing in courts haven’t been solved, but cases take less time than they used to, and Supreme Court’s project on court annexed mediation [a process by which some civil cases are settled by departments of mediation, under the auspices of the court Apr 14, 2024 · Judges and justices across 363 of Oromia’s courts (331 of which are First Instance) took on more than 600,000 cases last year, according to a survey conducted by the Oromia Supreme Court. Manni Murtii Waliigalaa Ethics and Inspection Department Leader and Senior Judge at East Shawa Zone High Court · Experience: Oromia Supreme Court · Education: Ethiopian Civil Service University · Location: Adama · 173 connections on LinkedIn. And to put The purpose of this study was to assess the practices and challenges of public propertyrnmanagement in Oromia Regional State in the case of Oromia Supreme Court. 100,552 likes · 3,264 talking about this. Student at Haramaya University Collage of law · Judge at first instance Court at Oromia regional state Arsii Zone Jajuu Woreda district court · Experience: Oromia Supreme court · Education: Haramaya University Collage of law · Location: Ethiopia · 23 connections on LinkedIn. Judge at Oromia Supreme court · Experience: Oromia Supreme court · Location: Addis Ababa · 1 connection on LinkedIn. 240/2021, Regulation No. View zawude fekadu’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members.
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