Pamunkey tribe surnames America were matrilineal, but since Opecancanough was Nisketti's PATERNAL uncle, they would have considered themselves members of different clans and hardly Jul 22, 1998 · In reply to: Pamunkey Indians of VA Ria Hendrix 7/22/98 Chief Wahansonacock Powhatan was the father of Matoaka (also known as Pocahontas and later Rebecca), Pochins, Taux, Mantequos, Cleopatra, Tahacope and Matachanna to name a few. since I am a descendent, way down the ladder. J. The history of the Pamunkey Tribe has been recorded by archaeologists, anthropologists, and historians, and dates back 10,000 to 12,000 years. com user July 29, 1998 at 04:09:25 The Pamunkey Indians make their living for the most part in true aboriginal style. Oct 15, 1998 · Read more on Genealogy. Dennis. Trying to seek heritage of Pumunkey Davenports and related surnames, Webb and Baker. In reply to: Aug 22, 2006 · I'm not researching the Pamunkey families myself but there is a rootsweb mailing list for those who are: NA-PAMUNKEY. • Pamunkey potters use symbols from the past as well as new ones to tell stories with painted or pressed designs. Were they intermarried with the Pumunkey Tribe or called Pamunkey Davenports because they lived on Pamunkey land? Is there evidence the Davenports delt in Indian slave trade? Feb 13, 2025 · C: Smith taketh the King of Pamaunkee prisoner Some scholars believe that the Pamunkey have occupied their tribal area for 10,000 to 12,000 years. In reply to: Re: Pamunkey Indians of VA 7/29/98 We are supposedly the be decendents of Pocahontas. 1. , VA, of Indian blood 1600s By William Deyo November 10, 2001 at 06:46:37. com user May 29, 1999 at 05:07:24. Susannah of the Pamunkey Tribe seems to only exist in unsourced Ancestry trees and Internet messages. They spoke a dialect of Algonquian and were one of the six core tribes of Tsenacomoco, a political alliance of Algonquian-speaking Feb 13, 2025 · Map of Powhatan Paramount Chiefdom The Chickahominy Indian Tribe–Eastern Division shares an early history with the Chickahominy Indian Tribe, who, despite their similar language and culture, lived independently of the Algonquian-speaking Indians of Tsenacomoco. Re: Pamunkey Indians of VA 2005 at 06:59:59. John Lightfoot whose estate was across the river from the Pamunkey reservation and had difficulties with the tribe, and In reply to: Re: Pamunkey Indians of VA 7/29/98 I know that it has been all most a year since you posted the message about your research on Pocahontas, but I would like a copy of your info. His land was on Totopotomoyes Creek which fell in Hanover Co. These surnames are a testament to the tribe’s resilience and cultural heritage, passed down from generation to generation. Strongest in numbers, this tribe has also proved strongest in vitality; a few trilling remnants and a few uncertain and feeble strains of blood only remain of the other tribes, but the Pamunkey Indians, albeit with modified manners, impoverished blood, and much-dimmed prestige, are still rep resented on the original hunting ground by a lineal Members of the Tribe E. In reply to: Re: Pamunkey Indians of The colonists later discovered that the paramount chief lived with the Pamunkey at Werowocomoco. So what does this tell us so far? We have the Lightfoot family whom in successive generations have a number of notable interactions with Powhatan peoples – Major Thomas Goodrich who was a signatory of a treaty and also fought in Bacon’s Rebellion; Col. No Member of the Pamunkey Indian Tribe shall intermarry with anny Nation except White or Indian under penalty of forfeiting their rights in Town. The Mattaponi, like the Pamunkey Tribe, were declared exempt from certain local and county taxes. com user September 10, 1998 at 08:20:28. He was the son of Thomas West, third Baron de la Warr, and "Rachel" Powhatan. Corrections and additions welcome! Please send email to: Pamunkey Baker Association Jun 19, 2024 · Genealogy profile for Cockacoeske, leader of the Pamunkey. In the late seventeenth century, the members of the Mattaponi tribe had been divided between two reservations, both established as a result of the Articles of Peace (1677). com user July 11, 2000 at 04:59:45 The following is a list of "core" surnames from the Native American community in Granville County that are most frequently discussed in this blog. Adamstown Indians or Upper Mattaponi Band One of the most important of the hitherto little known and unrecognized bands resides below Aylett’s landing, south of Mattaponi River, about a Citations: “There are a few Indians (Dr. 1715 line; ydna study showing in the FTDNA pedigree; not able to be the bio son of Thomas West, third Baron de la Warr, and "Rachel" Powhatan Dear Ms. In reply to: Re: Pamunkey Indians of VA. Our tribe was one of the subjects of Powhatan, as he stated in his own words, and a part of the Powhatan Federation. Nucksee= daughter. This list is not all inclusive and I will occasionally cover surnames not listed here. The villages on the coastline of the Chesapeake were the vassals of the Pamunkey Indians, who forged the confederacy. , VA, of Indian blood (1600s) By William Deyo November 10, 2001 at 07:11:44. i Introduction 1 Place 2 Culture & Community 3 History 4 The Pamunkey Indian Museum has a variety of vessels, as well as videos and exhibits, that explain the differences in construction methods, types of temper, and decorating techniques. Walter Plecker’s 1943 list, which targeted Native families Nov 10, 2001 · Bryants of Stafford Co. Cockacoeske became Queen of Pamunkey in 1656 and signed the Treaty of 1677 between the King of England, acting through the Governor of Virginia, and several Native American tribes including the Pamunkey. Battle of Bloody Run) and Cockacoeske Cornstalk Powhatan, "Queen Anne of the Pamunkey" Mother of Lady Mary Ann Dabney Research genealogy for Rachel baptised name Pamunkey Tribe Powhatan of Pamunkey River, New Kent, Virginia, United States, as well as other members of the Pamunkey Tribe Powhatan family, on Ancestry®. Movies about Pocahontas have given the impression that the “Powhatan Indians” were concentrated on the Chesapeake Bay. In reply to: Re Jun 29, 2018 · Now that the profile for Totopotomoi (Pamunkey-1) has been cleaned up, I'd like to remove the two people listed as his children. com! Pamunkey Indians of VA By Elton L. In Powhatan was not the name of a tribe but the name of a group of tribes under the leadership of one man. In 1785 Jefferson reported the Powhatan Indians reduced to two tribes, the Pamunkey and Mattapony, embracing only about 15 men, but be must have overlooked great numbers of these Indians, for at the present time there are several bands, including the Chickahominy, Nansemond, Pamunkey, Mattapony, Upper Mattapony, Rappahannock, Wicocomoco Amonute Matoaka (Powhatan) Rolfe abt 1596 Werowocomoco Village on Pamunkey River, Tsenacomoco - 21 Mar 1617 / managed by Native Americans Project WikiTree / last edited 2 Apr 2024 Ontonah (Powhatan) Meese abt 1625 Potomac River, Allegany, Maryland - 1700 / managed by Native Americans Project WikiTree / last edited 6 Mar 2024 In 1891 the writer was sent by the Smithsonian Institution to visit the Pamunkey Indians and make a collection of specimens of their arts. Re: Pamunkey Indians of VA By David Morenus February 20, 2001 at 01:13:38. I have not seen the books and wonder if all of these families married into the tribe and if any BUSH families are named. I think the story is less romantic than that. The Pamunkey Indian Tribe of Virginia. Several specimens from Pamunkey and Mattaponi are illustrated, showing their conformity (figs. In Jul 5, 2024 · The chief men of the Pamunkey Indian Tribe presented this counter petition, dated November 26, 1842, to the Virginia General Assembly on January 21, 1843. No member of the Pamunkey tribe is of full Indian blood. Jul 9, 2024 · My 11th great-grandparents were Samuel Maycock and Mary Pierce Maycock, both killed in the Indian Massacre on March 22, 1622. and just north. Pamunkey River, St. Please note that all of these families were "free people of color", meaning people who were… Genealogical Records Search Search Results Results Opechancanough "Eagle Plume" chief of war of the Pamunkey Indians, Powhatan Woman (1545 - 1618) Try FREE for 14 days Try FREE for 14 days The Pamunkey Indian Tribe played a vital role in England’s early settlements in North America, and documents preserved in the archives of the United States and England show the existence of the Pamunkey Indian Tribe since the first visit of Captain John Smith in 1607 when the English settled Jamestown. We are looking for any family member that can provide genealogy history of our family history. We also know this from the testimony of Henry Spelman, who lived for a number of years with Chief Japasaw. Apr 6, 2011 · Russell - I don't believe the first Cornelius Dabney ever lived in the Pamunkey Neck (today this is King William County) as he was a vestryman for St. Read more about: Upper Jul 29, 1998 · Read more on Genealogy. Please see the archive report: Louisa County, VA Jul 1, 1999 · Melungeon and Melungeon-related surnames (North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, and Kentucky) Brass Ankles (South Carolina) Carmel Indians (Ohio) Cubans (North Carolina) Guineas (West Virginia Melungeon) Lumbee/Croatan Indian (North and South Carolina) Pamunkey/Powhatan Indians (Virginia) sm ithson ianinsti tt'i<)> bureauofethnology:. Peter's Parish in New Kent Co. I have been told that my line goes back to a Pamunkey indian woman. ArcGIS StoryMaps has everything you need to create remarkable stories that . 1716; has descending lines via his Maj James West d. com user June 11, 2001 at 10:28:47 Read more on Genealogy. Battle of Bloody Run) and Tottopottomoy "Queen Anne" Cockacoeske of Pamunkey Powhatan (1624). Their chief occupations are hunting and fishing and although they do not neglect their truck patches they cherish a hearty dislike for manual labor and frequently hire negroes to come in and work their little farms. Environmental Read more on Genealogy. Bush Family + Pamunkey Indian Tribe of Virginia By Linda schlenker September 28, 2003 at 05:49:31. The swamps provide cover for consider-able game, and it is in these fastnesses that the Pamunkey of today, as they did of old, pass much of the time in gaining a livelihood. Home > Forum > Surnames > Pocahontas. In 1844 Rev. It has been called a confederacy but it was more of a dictatorship. In 1614, following the First Anglo-Powhatan War (1609–1614), they became tributary allies of the Virginia colonists, and in 1646 Feb 13, 2025 · Indian Town of Passaunkack Although the Upper Mattaponi tribe was not known by that name until 1921, its members are descended from a group of Indians who lived near Passaunkack in the 1700s. Dec 17, 2011 · Kinney "Indian Town, VA" Pamunkey Decendents 1764 By YYVETTE KINNEY December 17, 2011 at 05:01:12. Ill feeling between the tribe and their neighbors is almost unknown. Birth: 1616 East Sussex, England Death: Jan. One visiting Indian town at the present day would not find a vestige of the Pamunkey language even in the names of persons or things. The Chickahominy tribe history offers a problem in its political and social aspects, which seem to have been somewhat different from those of the Pamunkey. Nov 7, 2008 · Corrections and additions welcome! Please send email to: Pamunkey Baker Association Feb 11, 2022 · The Pamunkey tribe after decades of waiting, just received federal recognition from the Bureau of Indian Affairs and have become the FIRST Virginia tribe to receive such recognition. Albert S. In The Chickahominy tribe history offers a problem in its political and social aspects, which seem to have been somewhat different from those of the Pamunkey. By 1607, when the first English settlers founded Jamestown, the Pamunkey lived in towns and villages along the . The Commonwealth's general assembly responded in 1894 by appointing five trustees to the Mattaponi Tribe. i'()wki>l,dikectok the pamunkeyindiansofvirginia by jno. If you look in the original drawings of the women and men in a traditional Powhatan culture, you will notice tattoos on their bodies and arms. Gatscliet found 30 or 35 in 1891) living on a small reservation of some 60 or 70 acres on Mattapony River, about 12 miles north of the Pamunkey reservation. Because the Patawomeck Tribe was a part of the Federation, its rulers were appointed by the head of the Federation. com! Home > Forum > Surnames > Pocahontas. Connection to the Pamunkey River, which surrounds the Reservation, continues to provide sustenance to the Tribe, including fish for consumption and clay for traditional Pamunkey pottery making. Allmond A. Re: Pamunkey Indians of VA By Eagle Jones February 05, 2000 at 11:59:21. , when it was created long after his death. She was tattooed from her chin down to her ankles. Tracing Native American lineage can be a complex process, but it is possible to uncover the history of your ancestry. Every year, the Pamunkey people continue to honor this treaty by bringing Virginia’s governor gifts, including a deer. In Susannah Pamunkey Swann was born in the year 1643 in Pamunkey River, New Kent, Virginia, Verenigde Staten, daughter of Thomas "Toby" West, Chief Totopomoi Totopotomy of the Pamunkey Indians (d. I For good reasons the Mattaponi 1 may be classified definitely as a branch of the Pamunkey. Nov 10, 2001 · Bryan of Stafford Co. government recognize the Pamunkey Indian Tribe as a sovereign Native nation. Read more on Genealogy. The Bryan(t)s and their descendants have multiple The tribe was disrupted in 1683 by an attack from an Iroquoian-speaking group. The “town,” as it is somewhat improperly called, forms a very small part of their original territory. For its part, the Mattaponi Tribe adopted bylaws for its governance and established a school on its reservation. Pamunkey tribe surnames hold cultural significance and provide a connection to the tribe's heritage and traditions. The Chief of the Pamunkey died in the Battle of Bloody Run; dad of Maj John West, d. The paramount chief, known as Powhatan or Wahunsenacawh, ruled over both tribes. Jul 29, 1998 · Read more on Genealogy. They have not only an absolutely identical cultural foundation, but are a member of the same original political body divided from the main body by a distance of ten miles, and occupying land which was evidently a portion of the original tract reserved under the name of Pamunkey reservation. Feb 13, 2025 · The Chickahominy Indian Tribe is a state and federally recognized Indian tribe located on 110 acres in Charles City County, midway between Richmond and Williamsburg. Leona Lathan and I have been having some more advanced discussions on this aspect of the Pamunkey matrilineal monarchy if you would like to view my postings of July2000 on Pocahontas' uncle Opechancanough, and the postings of Leona preceding it. They used to be located in Gloucester Va. He simply intermarried with prominent women from each of the tribes and therefore had a considerable degree of control over each of them. Some researchers refer to Toby West as a nephew of Pocahontas while other family trees show his mother as a first cousin of Pocahontas. Their daughter (my 10th great-grandmother), Sarah Pace, was the sole May 16, 2017 · Pamunkey Origins. Cockacoeskie (ca. Re: Pamunkey Indians of VA By Kathleen Rogalla May 27, 2007 at 11:45:19. 1686) was a 17th-century leader of the Pamunkey tribe but also the Weroansqua or Commander over the Pan NA Powhatan Confederacy, who signed the Middle Plantation Treaty in 1677, in what is now the American state of Virginia. The reservation population has for a considerable time approximated 150 souls. The Indians on the Mattaponi River, only about ten miles from the Pamunkey, appear to have been closely affiliated with the Pamunkey, and the recent history of the two bands has been practically identical. Yet not until 2016 did the U. The population of the “town” has varied little in the last century. "Metoanna" (took name Martha Fox) daughter of Wahunsonacock EMPEROR "Running Stream" CHIEF POWHATAN. We know that a great grandmother was Indian and was a decendent of Pocahontas, her name was Nancy Harmon Burnette. It may be noted that among the various surviving Indian communities of Virginia slight differences are observable in the proportions and leather grips of these tools, yet at Pamunkey and Mattaponi they are alike. i Introduction 1 Place 2 Culture & Community 3 History 4 Jun 19, 2024 · Toby Totopotomoy - West. Few articles could be found which were distinctively Indian productions. We would like anyone to contact us that may have information or would like to connect with us. Hello? There is a guy named Wolf Goodpipe from Canada who wants to research his family tree and he wants to research one of his lines: Goodpipe. 1st Res. Were not the Pamunkey closely related to the the tribe of Powhattan?I think their reservations were in New Kent co. Cultural: Surnames are tied to the tribe's culture and beliefs. I have not found much info on the web about Pamunkey other than they exhisted. • Digging for clay along the banks of the Pamunkey River and cleaning it takes a lot of work. They advertised availability of subleases fairly widely in both England and the colonies Read more on Genealogy. The marsh flats provide feeding and roosting grounds for hosts of wild fowl which engage the attention of the Indians during the migration periods. 97, 98). John Lightfoot whose estate was across the river from the Pamunkey reservation and had difficulties with the tribe, and May 16, 2017 · Pamunkey Origins. Some enrolled members of the Pamunkey Tribe carry the surname Nuckols. 1, 1656 Richmond Richmond City Virginia, USA. There are thousands of surnames in the books including BURRAS, QUISENBERRY, TANDY, & VIVION. If you look on a map of Virginia, it is near the Pamunkey River and it is possible to visit there. In Pamunkey Davenports & Tribe By Dorothy July 27, 2000 at 11:13:30. com user March 10, 2000 at 01:36:27. She was married in the year 1668 in St Peter Parish, New Kent, Virginia, United States to CORNELIUS DABNEY I Aug 16, 2018 · After many decades of work, in 2016, the 200-person Pamunkey tribe succeeded in getting federal recognition. Jefferson, writing in 1781, estimated their number to be 100, and Howe, nearly seventy years later, placed it at the same figure. Re: Pamunkey Indians of VA By genealogy. May 16, 2017 · Pamunkey Origins. Then in January 2018, President Trump signed into law a bill granting federal recognition to six other American Indian tribes in Virginia: the Chickahominy, the Eastern Chickahominy, the Upper Mattaponi, the Rappahannock, the Monacan Rachel baptised name Pamunkey Tribe Powhatan Birth: 1540 Pamunkey River, New Kent, Virginia, United States Death: 1624 Pamunkey River, New Kent, Virginia, United States Jul 16, 2022 · The Pamunkey Reservation was confirmed to the Pamunkey tribe as early as 1658 by the Governor, the Council, and the General Assembly of Virginia. The Nuckols (Knuckles) and Mitchell surnames also appear on Dr. They are exceeding proud of their lineage and love to tell how bravely and stubbornly their forefathers resisted the encroachment of the Jul 22, 1998 · Pamunkey Indians of VA By Ria Hendrix July 22, 1998 at 01:04:50. 18th 1886 for the Ruling of the Pamunkey Tribe of Indians. The Bryan(t) family of Stafford County in the mid 1600s and beyond connects to the royal blood of the Patawomeck Indian Tribe through their last chief, Wahanganoche (alias Whipsewasson), nephew of the great chief, Powhatan, father of Pocahontas. Jul 2, 2024 · The surnames of the Pamunkey tribe hold great significance and importance as they are not only a way to identify individuals within the tribe but also provide a link to their rich ancestral history. com user August 30, 1998 at 09:07:06 Sep 19, 2022 · Today, the Pamunkey seat of government remains in place on one of the oldest Indian reservations in North America, established in 1646. The Pamunkey Indians of today live at what is known as “Indian-town” which is situated on and comprises the whole of a curiously-shaped neck of land, extending into Pamunkey River and adjoining King William County, Virginia, on the south. Some Pamunkeys still live on the tribe's original land which is located adjacent to King William County, Virginia. M. Located on the reservation, the museum provides "Antient Press", publisher of books for genealogy research in Virginia has books on the "Pamunkey Neighbors of Orange County, Virginia". May 17, 2024 · Pamunkey Tribe Surnames. I recommend detaching Susannah from parents Totopotomoi and Cockacoeske and merging her with Swann-869. However, within a generation or two, a number of europeans obtained leases from the Pamunkey Indians for large tracts of land. Bradby T. S. The remaining Mattaponi may have moved in with the Pamunkey where the current Pamunkey and Mattaponi reservations are located. They were not. However, I think you may be wrong about Nisketti and Opecancanough. R. Aug 25, 2005 · (Mattaponi/Pamunkey) 7. Find out how they adopted English first names and surnames after the mid-seventeenth century. I believe it was Pocahontas's (Matoaka's) father. 1620-40? -d. Pocahontas 8. , and there are frequent mentions of him in the Parish registers until his death bef May 1694 in that parish. Powell January 31, 2002 at 10:46:35. Green, Thank you for posting your request on History Hub! We searched the National Archives Catalog and located three series: Indexes to Student Records by Name of Tribe beginning with Pamunkey, Student Records, 1879 - 1918, and Card Files Relating to Indians in World War I, 1920 - 1920 with 11 files in the Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (Record Group 75) that may include Read more on Genealogy. The petition from Ann, queen of the Pamunkey, is pictured and described in The Common Wealth: Treasures from the Collections of the Library of Virginia (1997 Read more on Support. Jun 15, 2012 · There are, therefore, about 110 Pamunkey Indians now living. The actual legal status by the white man's criteria does not come into existence until the 1646 and 1677 treaties with the King of England. The assault may have come the Seneca from New York, one of the other groups in the Iroquois Confederacy, of the Susquehannock. Peters Parish, New Kent, Virginia : Death: February 05, 1724 (80) Hanover, Virginia Immediate Family: Daughter of Thomas "Toby" West, Chief Totopomoi Totopotomy of the Pamunkey Indians (d. Page G. Chief Wahunsonacawk, Pamunkey Tribe Wife Winanuska, Mattaponi Tribe Maternally, Pocahontas was Mattaponi. A. [8] The Pamunkey ensured their Pamunkey Indian Tribe Museum, built in 1979, resembled the traditional yehakin. Most of the Indian tribes of N. Today, many Pamunkey potters buy their clay online. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the Pamunkey Tribe, part of the Powhatan Confederacy. w. It was a response to a petition by white King William County residents arguing for the sale of the tribe’s reservation. John Lightfoot whose estate was across the river from the Pamunkey reservation and had difficulties with the tribe, and The Pamunkey Davenport Papers contains three volumes of The Further Chronicles of the Pamunkey Davenports, together with five annotated supplements covering subjects as wide-ranging as the DNA results that place some Pamunkey Davenports in limbo to the records and analysis that separate the Pamunkey Davenports from other Davenport lines of the The Pamunkey Tribe and its History. INDIVIDUAL CHARACTERISTICS. The Pamunkey Indians are temperate moral and peaceable. Cook W. The Bryants and their descendants have multiple lines The Pamunkey Indian Tribe of Virginia. That they were not completely unified with Powhatan , we have occasional testimony. T. Goodpipe surname/Sioux Tribe By Wendy Rieth October 20, 2005 at 11:01:10. Harness the power of maps to tell stories that matter. Re: Pamunkey Indians of VA By shirley leonard April 24, 2005 at 06:59:59. Jamestown was founded in 1607 on land recently conquered by the Powhatan Confederacy. 1 The Pamunkey Indians have a reservation in Virginia currently. Early in the twenty-first century its population numbered about 875 people living within a five-mile radius of the tribal center, with several hundred more residing in other parts of the United States. The following Laws made and approved by chief and council men Feb. com! FORUM ARTICLES SEARCH. snow white 1/30/02. Pictured on the left is a pot created by Mary Alberta Page Bradby (Pamunkey), ca 1925. genealogy. It is an Indian name that is common among the Sioux Indian people. Six key aspects of Pamunkey tribe surnames include: Historical: Surnames often reflect the tribe's history and experiences. In reply to: and great men” of the Pamunkey tribe (folder 17, item 27), a 1766 ferry pass for seven Nansemond Indians (folder 46, item 17), and the 1744 Treaty of Lancaster (folder 41, item 14). Dalrymple collected the following seventeen words 1 which so far as the writer can ascertain are all that remain of the language of the Pamunkey Indians proper: Tonshee= son. garlandpollard washington oovernmrntprintingofku' k 1k i Read more on Genealogy. Elton, I thought your letter was very interesting, and I agree with your contention that people should be more careful about documentation. The Pamunkey Indian Tribe played a vital role in England’s early settlements in North America, and documents preserved in the archives of the United States and England show the existence of the Pamunkey Indian Tribe since the first visit of Captain John Smith in 1607 when the English settled Jamestown. The individual known and/or self-proclaimed as Crown Prince Emperor El Bey Bigbay (or other variations of this name) and also known as William McRae, is not associated in any manner with the Pamunkey Indian Tribe nor the Pamunkey Tribal Government, despite statements made by this individual and/or others, either spoken or written, to include the Facebook identity, “Pamunkey Nation” and the May 16, 2017 · Pamunkey Origins. A 1625 treaty with the Pamunkeys had set off the Pamukey Neck as Indian land and forbade european settlers from claiming land therein. However there are close to a dozen of state recognized tribes in Virginia that are still seeking federal recognition, and they are facing quite an uphill battle Apr 5, 2023 · Challenges Of Tracing Pamunkey Tribe Surnames. John Lightfoot whose estate was across the river from the Pamunkey reservation and had difficulties with the tribe, and The Pamunkey leader at the time, a woman the English called Queen Cockacoeske, was among those who agreed to the pact. (Her mother Princess Wing Powhatan of Pamunkey Tribe was born in the year 1597 in Pataneke-Potomac-part of Powhatan Confederacy, daughter of Emperor - Chief Running Stream; "Chief Wanaton" Wahunsenacawh (DNA)"Wahunsonacock" Winansiske: Chief of the VA Powhatan Confederation and Matatishe Genealogy for Thomas "Toby" West, Chief Totopomoi Totopotomy of the Pamunkey Indians (d. Battle of Bloody Run) (1616 - 1656) family tree on Geni, with over 265 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. Home > Forum > Surnames By genealogy. The primary challenge in researching Pamunkey families and their genealogies lies in the limited records created by colonizers. Powell April 11, 2000 at 08:40:24. Re: Pamunkey Indians of VA By Elton L. Michael, I agree with what you say of Powhatan gaining power by intermarrying with influential women of neighboring tribes. E. The Powhatan tribe at what is now Tree Hill in Henrico County was separate from the Pamunkey tribe living at Werowocomoco, located on Purtan Bay of the York River. Feb 13, 2025 · Learn how Virginia Indians used multiple names with different meanings and purposes, such as Pocahontas, Powhatan, and Pamunkey. Since you have a computer it may be that you can get an address for the Reservation. May 24, 2024 · The Chief of the Pamunkey tribe, he gave his life in the Battle of Bloody Run, helping the English Colonists. I too will enjoy watching this new site on Pocahontas. xhdss lthtl zyve hyp mnmsnjjm bjhec aijz upnb ymddnt vqiyru apj vcqpho nybn nil tjrax