Singular plural words. Nouns that end in -es are always plural.

Singular plural words ) He sings, and they shout. Collective nouns like “team” or “family” refer to a group of people or things. Rules for singular and plural nouns May 20, 2024 · In other words, they are the same in both the singular and plural forms (similar to the word sheep in English: one sheep, many sheep). frog - frogs). 4. All Free. Nouns that end in -es are always plural. In Arabic, plurals can be sound or broken. Rule 1 Feb 27, 2022 · The English language can be complicated and confusing. "Plural" contrasts with singular, which means only one. Feb 6, 2022 · This list of singular and plural words will help you understand the difference between the two. Now, let’s talk about invariable plurals. Countable nouns can be singular (=one) or plural (=more than one: two, three, four, etc. These singular and plural nouns examples are exceptional which you have not found in any book. Key exceptions to standard rules: z → ces (luz → luces) í → íes (rubí → rubíes) ú → úes (bambú Plural Noun Endings in German Grammar. com or your favorite search engine. it is easy to differentiate between singular and plural nouns, and if we remember some basic rules, it is easy to convert a singular noun to plural. Adding "-en" [according to the N-Deklination] Words with a Greek or Latin ending in "-at", "-ant", "-ent" and "–ist" are declined according to the "N-Deklination". अधिकांश Uncountable nouns सामान्यतः Singular व Plural forms में प्रयोग किए जाते हैं, किंतु जब वे Plural फॉर्म में प्रयोग किए जाते हैं, तो 100 Singular Plural Nouns List Examples in Urdu or Hindi with PDF. There are also some plural nouns in English that do not appear to have a singular equivalent. Singular nouns name a single entity, making them straightforward and easy to identify. In this lesson, we focus on countable nouns. child - children, die - dice, louse - lice, mouse - mice, ox - oxen, person - people; 6. "Singular" contrasts with plural, which denotes more than one. Hoof: The plural of Apr 21, 2024 · Singular – Man-servant, Woman-servant, Lord-justice, Plural – Men-servant, Women-servant, Lord-justices,. Thief: The plural of 'Thief' is 'Thieves'. . The word ‘measles’ refers to a desease, and ‘mess’, refers to something being dirty. Jul 31, 2023 · However, there are also instances where the spelling of the noun changes to indicate its plural form. Shelf: The plural of 'Shelf' is 'Shelves'. Learn how to form singular and plural nouns with suffixes, spelling changes or no changes. (Singular) The team are wearing their uniforms. For example: We normally make the plural by adding -s to the singular of a noun: a pen - two pens, a window - three windows, a tree - a lot of trees, a boy - many boys There are, however, a lot of exceptions to this rule. Wolf: The plural of 'Wolf' is 'Wolves'. ("He" is a singular pronoun, and "sings" is a singular verb. What Are Singular and Plural Nouns? Nouns can be defined as words that name a person, place, thing, or idea. In such scenarios, “-es” comes to the rescue to ensure that the word remains easy to pronounce and sounds harmonious to the ear. While most English nouns change their form when they shift from singular to plural, there are a few exceptions that remain the same. However, there are a variety of irregular nouns whose spelling changes when making the singular form plural. Sep 30, 2017 · In this article, we will explore the basics of singular and plural nouns, including their definitions, rules, and examples. What is the rule of singular and plural? The general rule is to add -s for plurals, but you must also account for exceptions such as irregular forms and foreign-origin nouns. ) She sings, and we dance. You can make most nouns plural by adding -s or -es. SINGULAR Y PLURAL - PLURAL NOUNS - Plural y Singular - SINGULAR Y PLURAL - Repaso: sustantivos en singular y plural - SINGULAR AND PLURAL NOUNS Explanation: ‘Teeth’ is a plural form of the singular noun ‘tooth’. Here are some multiple-choice questions (MCQs) to test your understanding of singular and plural nouns. ” 5. Good luck! Jul 10, 2021 · In the first sentence, “class” is singular and in the second sentence, “students” is plural. Knowing the rules of forming singular and plural. There are many cases where this is useful, such as any automation based on user input. ; Singular nouns refer to one person, animal, thing, or concept, while plural nouns denote two or more of them. The difference between singular and plural nouns is easy to spot. Both count nouns (whether singular or plural) and noncount nouns take articles. There are different types of plurals used for proper nouns, common nouns, collective nouns, and mass nouns. (bus) · He has three _____. To help you plan your year 1 english lesson on: Nouns: singular and plural, download all teaching resources for free and adapt to suit your pupils' needs. Singular Noun Definition : When a noun means one only, it is said to be singular. The number (singular or plural) depends on whether you view the group as a unit or as individual members. Examples: The team is winning. When changing a noun from singular to plural, some accent marks may be dropped. Subject-Verb Agreement with Invariable Words. Dec 19, 2023 · Mistake: Ignoring context and using the wrong form based on singular/plural usage (e. Singular means one and plural means more than one. As a noun, dice is the irregular plural form of die, a small cube typically marked on each side with one to six spots and used in pairs for games of chance. These singular and plural nouns examples often come in competitive exam. If Nouns: singular and plural - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary Sep 15, 2023 · अजकी लेख आपके लिए Noun Number को लेकर है। इसमें आपको Noun Number, Singular Plural के बड़े में बताऊंगा। Singular to plural in Hindi rules को आपको बहतरीन से To solidify your understanding of singular and plural nouns in Hindi, try the following practice exercises: Exercise 1: Convert Singular to Plural. [DOGS is a plural countable noun. Apr 5, 2021 · Below is a list of 100 singular and plural words in the Tamil language, which could prove helpful for students as well as people who are learning the language for various purposes. ] Plural is a form of a noun that refers to more than one person or thing. Sep 23, 2022 · These irregular plurals can be challenging to learn, but they’re also fascinating! Here are a few examples of irregular plurals: man -> men; woman -> women; child -> children; mouse -> mice; Invariable plurals: when singular equals plural. Leaf: The plural of 'Leaf' is 'Leaves'. This helps you see how words change. Example: The team are discussing their strategies. 2. The word "plural" means "more than one in number. Some nouns have no singular form. Therefore: The media are presenting the story inaccurately. This article provides an overview of what these terms mean, how plural forms are created, and some common exceptions to the rules along with their 100 examples . Certain Spanish words remain unchanged in plural form, including: Days of the week (lunes, viernes) Some compound words (el/los paraguas) Words ending in -s with unstressed final syllable; Common Irregular Plurals. Apr 15, 2021 · A singular noun refers to one thing whereas a plural noun refers to many. From the Middle English dees, an interchangeable singular and plural form, dice was reborn as a verb with to dice meaning to chop something into small die-sized cubes. singular - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. The general rule is that most singular nouns are made plural by adding an -s, -es, or -ies to the end of the word. When a noun has more than one plural form, the irregular one appears first, though that doesn't necessarily mean that the irregular form is more widely accepted than the regular form. Before introducing Montessori sorting cards, it is essential to explain the concept of singular and plural nouns to preschoolers. " (Plural is the opposite of singular. In this guide, you’ll find 200+ singular and plural words categorized alphabetically to enhance your vocabulary and understanding of English grammar. Wade. Most nouns are made plural by putting an -s at the end (e. 14. Using a singular and plural nouns worksheet is a great way to learn important English rules. Examples: alms. ] I love dogs! Which Nouns Are Plural? The word “noun” is the name of a person, place, or thing. Plurals are a form of a noun to show the quantity of that noun is more than one. If the singular noun ends in -on, the plural ends in -a. When it comes to grammar, there are three main ways to make a singular word into a plural word: by adding -s, by adding -es, or changing the word altogether. Some nouns, however, follow special rules when changing from singular to plural form. We do not say sheeps … no, there is no S at the end. A noun is a word that names a person, thing, place, or animal. Why do we still use Singular Nouns when they can be made Plural? Singular nouns are usually used when the name of an object is unknown to For instance, the noun apples is the plural form of the singular noun apple. Singular is a form of a noun that refers to only one person or thing. · There are few _____ on the road today. If you refer to them in the singular form, they are followed by “is. (son) Life Beginner, Lesson 3c, Grammar: Plural nouns - Irregular Plural Nouns - Irregular plural nouns - Irregular Plural Nouns - Irregular Plural Nouns 5. Loaf: The plural of 'Loaf' is 'Loaves'. this lesson consists of 100 Singular Plural English words with meanings in Urdu used in daily life. Singular words refer to one person, place, or thing, while plural words indicate more than one. For example with the word sheep. Example: The family is happy. Most singular nouns require an 's' or 'es' suffix to make them plural, but there are Irregular Plural Nouns that don’t change in English. We cover -s nouns, -es nouns, -ies nouns and of course all the irregular forms too (like children, oxen, mice and women). In the list below, you'll find singular noun forms in the left column and the corresponding plural forms in the right column. In case where it doesn’t have an answer then I would recommend you look it up on Merriam Webster or Dictionary. That means you need to use a proper noun (singular or plural) according to the situation. Nov 15, 2023 · This singular and plural nouns worksheet is easy to understand. Each example sentence will show how using a singular or plural noun affects the meaning of the sentence. We say 1 sheep and 2 sheep …there is no change between the singular and plural form. Fruit. Are there nouns without plural forms? Jan 16, 2025 · Plural nouns are words that refer to more than one person, animal, thing, or concept. Singular/plural6A Singular/plural6B Sing/plural7A Sing/plural7B. The use of singular and plural forms is linked to: 1. The starter quiz will activate and check your pupils' prior knowledge, with versions available both with and without answers in PDF format. Is “All” Singular Or Plural? “All” is both singular and plural. Advice: If you have to take a German test, learn the gender and plural of "der Käse" as it’s one of professors’ favorite words. A If the singular noun ends in -is, the plural ends in -es. ” Using a singular noun instead of a plural or vice versa could change the whole meaning of a sentence and lead to potential misinterpretations. Jul 1, 2016 · Words ending in o, plural -os or -i. The ending of a nouns give us a clue as to which plural ending to use. Feb 13, 2024 · Rules for singular and plural nouns. Examples: alphabet. The same is true with the noun buses, which is the plural form of the singular noun bus. Nov 18, 2024 · How to form plural nouns. g. This article provides a comprehensive list of singular and plural words to help you understand their formation. These words often have historical or linguistic roots that explain why they have retained their singular/plural form over time. die Milch or plural form e. Singular and plural - Singular and Plural nouns - Singular and Plural Nouns - Plural and Singular Match - Singular and Plural Pronouns - Group Sort In English, common nouns can be countable or uncountable. Each rule also has handy examples. When phrases like “as well as” are attached to a singular subject, it stays singular. How to use singular and plural nouns in sentences? Singular: “The dog is barking. Convert the following singular nouns to their plural forms: 1. The use of correct singular and plural word forms means that the grammatical structure of sentences will be correct. ) The term "plural" does not apply to just nouns (e. Nouns are either singular or plural. if we talk about Plural the things that are 2 or more than one are called plural. , The data is/are). Sound plurals /jamʿ sālim/ are created simply by adding a suffix to the singular form (ـوْنَ or ـيْنَ for the masculine and ـاتٌ for the feminine), whereas broken plurals /jamʿ taksīr/ change the internal structure of the singular (ergo the term ‘broken’). So, the word "dog" is a singular noun, but "cats" is a plural noun. The family are arguing. According to simple grammar rules, we can usually make a noun plural by adding certain endings like ‘s’ or ‘es’. See 100+ examples of singular and plural words and their sentences. money. English also contains many irregular plural nouns that do not follow standard rules. Some nouns are the same in their singular and plural forms e. 100 Singular Plural Nouns List Examples Singular Urdu Meanings Hindi Plural Actor اداکار adakar Actors Answer جواب jawab […] What Is a Plural Noun? A plural noun is a word that refers to more than one person, place, animal, or thing. os). For example: One dog and two cats (The word "dog" is singular, but "cats" is plural. You might think it’s as simple as adding an ‘s’ at the end of a word, but oh, how the waters deepen. Elf: The plural of 'Elf' is 'Elves'. For example: ‘Where is the piano?’ In this sentence, the noun is the word ‘ piano ’ and it is singular because there is only one. The word "singular" denotes a quantity of one. The majority of courts have followed Roe v. You’re able to refer to them in both the singular and plural for different reasons. Some plurals are easy, like adding -s to a word (cat → cats), but others have special rules (child → children). How do I know if a collective noun is singular or plural? Check if the group is acting together (singular) or individually (plural). Moreover, there are certain nouns that remain the same in both singular and plural forms. For example, “cat” is singular, and “cats” is plural. The other two words are singular nouns. Examples: o oásis the oasis | os oásis the oases Nov 22, 2020 · When the words in a compound subject are joined by “and,” it is plural. ). For example: One dolphin and three sharks (The word "dolphin" is singular, but "sharks" is plural. Sep 6, 2023 · 100 examples of singular and plural: singular sentence practice. Nouns can take two forms: singular and plural. armadillo: armadillos avocado: avocados or avocadoes banjo: banjos or banjoes bistro: bistros Before you write the word “all” in your sentences, it would help to know whether it’s singular or plural. Plurals are commonly used for multiple quantities of a countable noun or entity such as articles, people, books, and cats. 50 A singular word is a word that describes one thing, while a plural word is a word that represents more than one thing. furniture. Some words have the same form in the singular and plural: I can see one sheep on the hill. English uses two grammatical number: singular and plural. Irregular plural nouns. If there were more than one piano, the Be certain to use the correct form of these nouns, and be sure that the related verbs are compatible with the noun’s status as singular or plural. Students are required to read the singular form of the nouns and then search the plural form in the puzzle. Singular and Plural meaning. May 17, 2024 · In this article, we have studied Singular and Plural Words in English, examples of Singular and Plural, and also we will learn how to get plurals of singular nouns by adding ‘S, ES, IES, VES, and so on. Once the class understands these, you may present abnormal and more complex examples and eventually move to solidify the concept through interactive and engaging activities. The difference between singular and plural nouns is simple once you know what to look for. Some nouns have no plural form. (as a unit) vs. Singular nouns refer to one person, place, or thing, while plural nouns indicate more than one. Mar 28, 2024 · Among these slippery basics in English are the concepts of singular and plural forms. More specifically, the word "shark" is a singular noun, and the word "sharks" is a plural noun. Self: The plural of 'Self' is 'Selves'. The first three singular nouns are highlighted for you. In French, an s is added to A collective noun is plural when the members act individually. 1. Matthew has a dog. 3. Nouns that end in -s are always singular. Jul 29, 2020 · Plural nouns are the nouns that denote more than one person, place, thing, or any other noun. It might be helpful, then, to review the definition of a noun. Learn the difference between singular and plural nouns and how to use them. Firstly, nouns have two forms: singular and plural. graffito: graffiti (the plural form is almost invariable used in place of the singular form) libretto: librettos or libretti virtuoso: virtuosos or virtuosi. Understanding the difference between singular and plural nouns is essential for effective communication. When translated for example to Finnish that uses the same amount of grammatical numbers you would use "one;{0} kappale jäljellä;other;{0} kappaletta jäljellä" Life: The plural of 'Life' is 'Lives'. Nouns that do not change in the plural. With this list of 100 examples of singular and plural words, you can easily expand your vocabulary and speak correctly. die Eltern. German plurals are formed by adding -n/-en, -e, -r/-er, -s. A Word search puzzle to practise regular and irregular plural forms of nouns. We sort out very very important singular and plural words. Some Irregular Plural Forms: man - men woman - women foot - feet tooth - teeth child - children medium- media Attention: A singular subject takes a singular verb, and a plural subject takes a plural verb. Women are usually more sensitive than men. (individually) 5. In this lesson, we learned about singular and plural nouns. We only use it in the singular … All Is or All Are – Is “All” Singular or Plural? Read More ». o vs. Most singular words have their plural ending in s but there are exceptions and particularities to certain words that will be observed in this lesson. Rules for Changing Singular Nouns into Plural Nouns. These free worksheets help your kids understand 'more than one', as well as the singular versus plural form of words. It’s good for everyone, whether you are just starting to learn English or if you already know some. I live in Eastern Canada, and one of our well-known animals is a moose. What are Singular and plural nouns? Singular and plural nouns describe the number of entities being referred to. It puts one thing and many things side by side. Choosing which article to use (if any) with a noun is a complex matter because the range of choices depends on whether the noun in question is 1) count or noncount and 2) singular or plural. Dec 20, 2024 · Singular nouns refer to one person, place, or thing, while plural nouns indicate more than one. 100 singular and plural words in english. For example, apple is singular, and apples is plural. Now plurality is where the discussion becomes more interesting. The plural form of the singular noun bug is the noun bugs. Jun 7, 2024 · 100 Irregular Plural Nouns List . Jan 19, 2022 · Sometimes the best way to understand what singular and plural verbs are is to see examples. 1 sheep – 2 sheep; 1 deer – 2 One fundamental concept in English grammar is the difference between singular and plural words. Jan 28, 2025 · If a noun ends with ‘s’, you must mark the singular and plural form with a determiner word. It means there can be two or more apples. Jan 18, 2025 · Rule 19: Use of Collective Nouns in Singular and Plural. The only part that changes in Portuguese would be any variable words that go with it, such as definite articles (e. Table of Contents. When they are joined by “or” or “nor,” the verb should agree with the part closest to it. Example: phenomenon - phenomena. Learn Singular Plural (Wahid Jama) in Urdu meanings. Jun 25, 2020 · dice. die Löffel whilst others are mostly used in the singular e. Singular/plural8 Singular/plural8A Singular/plural8B Singular / plural - crossword; Plural nouns - handout; Plurals - worksheet handouts to print pdf. Jun 7, 2023 · What Are Singular and Plural Nouns? Only nouns can be singular or plural, so when we talk about singular and plural, we're always referring to nouns. and plural word forms? Singular and plural word forms are important because they distinguish one thing from many. The plural form is applied to nouns, adjectives, pronouns, and verb conjugation as needed. Are these words singular or plural? That is, when you use them as a subject, should the verb be singular or plural? Here’s the American rule: If the members of the group are acting individually, then the noun is plural and requires a plural verb. This list is very helpful for the children of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th classes. Understanding the difference between singular and plural nouns helps in constructing grammatically correct sentences. See subject verb agreement Forming Apr 15, 2024 · Plurals that take -es with an “iz” pronunciation and one added syllable (listed by level) Words which add -s to make plurals, but an “iz” pronunciation (listed by level) List of plurals ending in -ies by level; List of plurals ending in -ys by level; List of plurals ending in oes by level; Related articles: Mar 10, 2023 · Conclusion – Words the Same Singular and Plural. We will make 25 sentences using nouns of the singular variety. Check out our A to Z guide of Singular Plural Words List From A to Z to expand your vocabulary! What are Singular and plural Words? A singular word or a thing can be counted and that is 1 and a single person, thing, or idea. singularpluralJuz4 Singular/plural5A Singularplural5B. One area that often confuses English learners is the distinction between singular and plural nouns. The first addition to today’s 100 examples of singular and plural revolves around singular sentence practice. Apr 30, 2019 · For anyone still stumbling across this in 2021, I suggest using the Inflector package from Doctrine. To help those navigating the complexities of English, this article provides 50 examples of singular and plural nouns in sentences. Feb 26, 2025 · Here are some tips on how to use singular and plural nouns sorting cards in preschool: Introduction to singular and plural nouns. In English, while many nouns adopt a simple “-s” to indicate their plural form, there are specific instances where this pattern doesn’t suffice due to phonetic challenges. Doctrine Inflector is a small library that can perform string manipulations with regard to uppercase/lowercase and singular/plural forms of words. Singular and Plural Words List - Summary. किताब (kitaab) – book 2. Some other irregular plural nouns are the words that do NOT change in plural form. Mastering these word forms will help you communicate more clearly in both writing and conversation. Singular/Plural Juzz 3 singularpluralJuz3 template baqarah197-228. List of Singular and Singular and plural - Singular and Plural Nouns - Singular and Plural Pronouns - Group Sort - Singular and Plural Nouns - Plural and Singular Match Nouns: singular and plural - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary singular ou plural - baralho plural e singular - caÇa-palavras, singular e plural - singular e plural - singular e plural - singular e plural Jun 25, 2023 · Here we are going to share the Singular and Plural Words List PDF with you. If a singular noun ends in l, r, n, d, z or j and is a palabra esdrújula (a word with three more syllables that is accented on the third-to-last syllable), the singular and plural forms are the same. कुत्ता (kutta) – dog 3. The dog Learning singular and plural words is important for speaking and writing correctly in English. , cats, mice), it also applies to pronouns, determiners, and verbs. Singular and plural - Singular and Plural Nouns - Singular and Plural nouns - Singular and Plural Pronouns - Group Sort - Singular and Plural Nouns Are you having trouble figuring out the plural for a noun then enter the word into the plural noun generator below to receive an answer from hundreds of plurals for common nouns in American English. Singular and Plural Noun Exercises . First, let’s define what singular and plural nouns are. Latin plurals that are often used in English include: Latin words ending with -um changing to -a (“a medium/ some media”) Latin words ending with -is changing to -es (“a crisis/ some crises”) Latin words ending with -us changing to -i (“a fungus/ some fungi”) Latin words ending with -on changing to -a (“a criterion/ some criteria”) Understanding singular and plural nouns is essential for clear and effective communication in English. Nov 21, 2023 · Singular and Plural Nouns: Review and Practice. It includes words from A to Z, so you can practice your skills whenever you have a free moment. Knowing whether “are” or “is” is more appropriate when using “all” is going to be a big help. Plural nouns are words used to indicate that there is more than one person, animal, place, thing, or idea. Some plurals are made by simply adding -s or -es , while others change completely, like man to men . आदमी (aadmi Dec 22, 2019 · Number of Nouns (Singular and Plural) Read more about ‘Singular and Plural’ Singular and Plural Worksheet 11 (pdf file) Complete each sentence with the plural form of the noun given. Allison has three dog s. Learning the rules for forming plurals, along with common exceptions, helps improve both writing and speaking skills. " So, the plural form of the word "cat" is "cats," and the plural form of "mouse" is "mice. Correction: Consider the context and choose the appropriate form based on the intended meaning. Singular Plural Juzz 1 Singular Plural Juzz 2 S&P Al-Baqarah163-188. trousers. लड़की (ladki) – girl 4. These are words where the singular and plural forms are the The word "plural" means a quantity greater than one. Words ending in o, plural -os or -oes. Jun 25, 2024 · Some plural nouns have irregular forms, like “children” (from “child”) or “mice” (from “mouse”). Learn more about these verbs with this helpful chart of samples. Singular and Plural in French « Previous; Beginners; Next » Le singulier et le pluriel / Singular and Plural : French plural are more complex than English plurals. Even though they may automatically sound wrong to your ear, the sentences below are all correct, with the subjects and verbs compatible in grammar. Plural of the nouns: regular and irregular plurals in English Here we have described some singular and plural nouns rules and more than 100 singular and plural words in English. Here, also we have provided the Common Singular and Plural English Words List, and you can download the Singular and Plural Word List PDF. A singular noun refers to one person, place, thing, or idea, while a plural noun refers to two or more people, places, things, or ideas. Find answers to frequently asked questions on singular and plural nouns. Most plurals are formed by adding -s or -es , but some words change completely. Jun 20, 2023 · Transform any singular noun in English into a plural noun! Read this handy guide to learn the eight main ways. The journey from singular to plural is packed with exceptions, irregularities, and quite a few surprises. For example: Singular: cat This module uses a pre-defined list of rules, applied in order, to singularize or pluralize a given word. It may not seem like much of a difference at first but it will make your writing sound awkward if you don’t get it right! A singular noun refers to one person, place, or thing, while a plural noun means more than one. If you are a tourist and know how to read the Tamil script, this below list will be quite useful for you too. Example: axis - axes. For Example: Apple, cat, house, mango, boy. [DOG is a singular countable noun. one starts singular pattern and other starts plural pattern. A plural noun is a word used for more than one May 9, 2022 · It would be best to introduce the simplest examples of singular words versus plural words to kindergarten, ones that require just a letter /s/. Which Other Words Are Both A Plural Noun And A Singular Noun? There are plenty of other English words that follow a similar trend as “people” do. Here are some common examples: man – men; woman – women; child – children; tooth – teeth; Plural Nouns with no Singular Equivalent. Specific changes in plural forms. spectacles. Some English nouns change in spelling substantially in their plural forms. Singular and plural - Possessive Nouns - Singular and Plural Possessives - Singular & Plural Possessive Nouns - Singular and Plural Possessive Nouns Free plural words worksheets. ” Plural: “The dogs are barking. Singular form nouns refer to a single person, place, or thing and are easy to understand. fwegs zqaiv vkdm eqi revf lytmdnq wteyi zzz iqudi vhvlm tdr okzovry vvfktn tpjh iohzom