Skyrim sina follower And serana dialogue add-on is pretty good since it massively expands serana's character and she doesn't turn into Lydia+ after dawn guard she is a bit campy in place tho. Jan 17, 2025 · Through a new dialogue, where you can assign or remove horses from followers using an interactive list. Skyrim Special Edition close Clear game filter. bsa files from data folder. esm=1 SummerWear. A few I haven't had a chance to really use (still prepping for another playthrough) include Nessa (a Redguard by the same author as CoT and Mythos), M. Mod uses ESP-FE plugin. esp 20 14 Tofbik Followers. Found in the Ragged Flagon in Riften, but not necessarily part of the Thieves Guild. Aug 31, 2020 · Extract all core files (Inside 00MeshesAndTextures) to your Skyrim Data Folder. Yes that’s how it started and it’s nuts to think all I wanted in the beginning was my wife to go on Skyrim adventures with me. chevron_right. Emi Preset Below should be the only hard requirements for the preset. You can try them without Expressive Facegen Morphs, but if they aren't turning out right, not having it is the most likely cause. Ruslana Preset Below should be the only hard requirements for the preset. esm=1 HighResTexturePack01. Feb 28, 2021 · Fix 3: Use a quest that actually replaces your follower such as the Proving Honour quest. Now she is a mage. Once enrolled as a member of the College of Winterhold, you may recruit your fellow students to join you in your travels, if you have completed their personal quests. esp 23 17 SKY_Lumen-Cael. I. Ancient old things, N nets have also been removed I used the Cathedral Assets Optimizer and SSE NIF Optimizer to convert the Legendary Edition into a reset version Recruitment Location: Cagrezer Is between Wind Helmet City and Rift Valley City, on the left side of the map He will For other uses, see Followers. ; As your party grows you will learn shouted commands that can direct all followers in a growing radius simultaneously. Delete her dialogue folder in Sounds and "Silah--" scripts from scripts folder 本記事では、SkyrimSEに導入することができる、おすすめの"フォロワーMOD"(Followers & Companions)を紹介していきます。 本記事作成の時点で、すべてのMODの導入確認はおこなっておりますが、MODを導入したことによって被った損害・損失については一切の責任を負いかねます。 Mar 26, 2016 · This mod makes Legate Rikke marriageable and recruitable as a follower. Serana Dialogue Add-On. Followers, by default, are considered Feb 8, 2019 · Add 21 standalone followers to Skyrim. Aug 5, 2017 · If you choose to, however, expressing interest in Bosmeri culture and Auri herself, will make your companion open up to you, and perhaps reveal more about the reasons for her arrival in Skyrim. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets Sina Follower by ddppl & Bonono. esm=1 SexLab. Citizens of Tamriel (by the author of Mythos) has four followers in addition to its non-follower NPCs. Lonely City Brocade Accessories Store recruitment, CBBE body shape, update V1. The famous bad ass babe will join you in Skyrim. and I came to know some of the mods Meiya follower From 9Damao Mods (Skyrim SE - Followers) RSS Feed Started June 20, 2022. Skip to content. Sina Follower v1. A dragonborn who stopped her journey and living the simple life near SolitudeYour CBBE/3BA MeshesDiamond True CBBE 4k Custom TexturesHigh Poly Head AddOnESMFEESP 3 days ago · Choosing the best archer follower in Skyrim ultimately comes down to personal preference. Jan 23, 2025 · Senna is a Hot Breton priestess at the Temple of Dibella, She spends all of her time in the entrance area of the temple at the top floor, informing visitors of the temple's closure. She can use a bow, a 1H sword or magic. Adds Shiva, a CBBE/3BA standalone Ka Po' Tun female follower to Snow Shod Farm. Total views. g. (Located in Riften) <Character> The tables below list the permanent followers available in Skyrim. This allows you to convert character with special service (e. Followers cannot be traded between players. Mar 16, 2017 · This mod is add the follower. The ads help support this community. All games (3,540) Recently added (63) My games. Multiple Followers Framework is a custom follower system for basic followers that increases the follower limit by 1024. esm=1 ZaZAnimationPack. esm=1 Silverpeak Lodge. Jan 13, 2025 · Ruslana Follower Vampire follower with base vampire powers. And modified its attributes and fighting style. Your favourited games will be displayed here. esm=1 BTC. It also includes a mount system for each follower, and is capable of temporarily converting just about any NPC into a follower. Jan 3, 2017 · So, I loaded my last save file and my follower was missing. Aniya - A Custom Voiced Follower is a companion/quest mod. I used Lazy Followers, I made my wife in Game, then I was like, I sure wish she had a voice! I looked into and so started my long rabbit hole of making a custom voiced follower mod. [SE] The latest version Khajiit Will Follow 4. The more you speak to her, the more she will have to say, and finishing her mini-quest will unlock more idle commentary, and several conversations. Add a Standalone follower, Ina. skyrim, Sina Abbasnia. A real master of illusions, blades and sneaking. esm=1 Update. Oct 1, 2024 · Dismiss your followers. Jun 12, 2016 · Skyrim mod spotlight 2016 - Sina Follower; Skyrim mod spotlight 2016 - Sina Follower. 3 days ago · Before diving deeper, it’s crucial to understand how follower mortality works in Skyrim. Oct 26, 2024 · A: I don't know this is my first follower mod and I'm sorry if I messed it up somehow. Simply talk to them and they'll tell you what you must do. Now scarred by civil war, Skyrim faces its darkest days with the return of the legendary dragons and their leader, the World-Eater Alduin. May 24, 2023 · 9Damao Mods (Skyrim SE - Followers) RSS Feed [SE] [Tamriel MOD Group]Sina follower SE Remove ALL ads (Including pop-ups) by getting a membership. Followers are various characters found throughout Skyrim. The mod features support for popular female body mods as well, such as CBBE and UNP. Thanks! Sina Follower by ddppl & Bonono. esp 19 13 DibellasCompulsion-NudeSpell-1-1. Recruit him in your team now and find out how. She fights using the sword which shoots the magic of water. 2. esm=1 OSA. Mar 15, 2019 · About this mod. COMPATIBILITY Adds Hinata Hyuga to your game as a follower. Found outside Half-Moon Mill. Race: BretonGender: Female Level: 15-100 (Levels With Player) Miya is a high-poly follower with CBBE 3BA, BHUNP 3BBB, and TBD support. Mod name Notes Oct 4, 2019 · Credits and distribution permission. This will also make the Skyrim LE "HDT-PE" stuff convert to skyrim SE "HDT-SMP". Introduction to character background Sara is a student a 8 hours ago · The crown for the meanest follower in Skyrim, without a shadow of a doubt, goes to Cicero. (<- on "Option/Non HDTHair" Folder) That's it. Feel free to upload picture. 1 Khajiit Will Follow Simplified Chinese Chinese Mar 6, 2016 · Skyrim mod spotlight 2016. The BAT option is currently the only option available! Nov 10, 2021 · Skyrim is the homeland of the Nords, a fierce and proud warrior people who are well suited for the bitter cold and mountainous terrain which defines the land. You can change your Follower at the beginning of your turn, but not during Combat. It doesn't matter at all. esp 21 15 Sina Follower. Altro da esplorare Nov 5, 2024 · No, If you place the modified follower mod above other NPC replacer mods, it will use the appearance from the modified follower mod, and there will be no other conflicts. Give feedback. She can be found at Radiant Raiment in Solitude. A. Whether fixing the way that base game followers behave or adding all-new followers to the system, there is no shortage of great mods created by some of […] Standalone mage follower Selina or Serana replacer, both High Poly Head and ESL flagged. The Magic Swordsman Meiya Fixed the flashback bug and the neck chromatic aberration bug Added a set of original clothes and a sword, the first time you meet, you will not be naked, and other values have not changed. Q: Why dosn't he play the lute? A: I suck at creation kit. All games (3,524) Recently added (76) My games. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. Farkas will replace your follower. 0fixed with Tats-74010-0-1t-fixed the game from SKSE only I just changes the load order from the launcher. Unselect and delete . placeatme [ID]" or just use AreYouThere - Actor NPC Follower She has two AI Packages, which makes her a better, more 'intelligent' follower. A female Breton follower found in the Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun. Inno Follower by Sinitar Gaming. 솔리튜드의 Radiant Raiment에서 만날 수 있습니다. A Beautiful High Poly Elf Follower That's Actually Standalone This Time ;) Skyrim Special Edition close Clear game filter. The ads Nov 8, 2024 · Supports up to 7 followers and 7 animals, set to 3 by default (configurable). esp=1 UndergroundBathhouse. There are 50 Followers overall. -For some reason, she's missing on every auto save file, but when I played she was there -She's not dead, she's essential, and I didn't "fired" her -As a test, I tried getting another follower, but he said I still had one -I went to the spawn place and didn't found her. Skyrim close Clear game filter. Back close Close Nov 8, 2024 · Emi Follower Duel weld style follower. 40. Consider Leaving an Endorse if this Mod List helps you <3 Check out NSFW Skyrim (Brothel Buffet Oct 8, 2020 · 18 12 Recorder Follower Base. One of the packages is made by coldsun1187, who helped me A LOT with follower creation. Keep in mind that you should only use the game slot if needed - saving a game with a follower in the game slot and loading that game is likely to kick the Mar 14, 2024 · 不过我的已支持最新c身,原旧版本用新身形胸部会浮空。 这个mod本来是代替瑞姬副官这npc的,声音也是瑞姬款。 Jul 15, 2017 · This is my first Skyrim mod, also it is the first Skyrim follower mod. The infamous Sofia needs little introduction as she causes trouble across Skyrim. Nov 6, 2016 · Since she uses a vanilla voicetype, it was just a matter of plugging in some console commands to add her to the follower faction, and then some tweaks in TES5Edit and SSEEdit. The distance change only affects the first follower in the chain. Include English, Chinese and Japanese translation. INFO: Name: Yuna Race: Yuna (Based on Ningheim) Standalone: Yes Body: CBBE Class: This is a RSS feed of 9Damao Mods website. Most NPCs can be converted into followers if one has their factions and relationship rank altered, since their AI is tied to the factions they are. So after going to the remake, I remade this girl's follower. ESL'ified/ESPFE file. com/skyrim/mods/74010Music: Vindsvept - Light the Bonfire: https://www. Dec 19, 2024 · You can have as many Followers as you want, but only one can be active at a time. R. Followers Core Game Aug 2, 2019 · 2) Follower Limit-- Amount of followers you can have accompany you has been raised to 15 (not including dogs or quest NPCs). KNOWN QUIRKS In a multi-follower setup. It's form 43. Requirements . Jun 23, 2022 · I. Okame's Japanese followers. P. Feb 20, 2018 · Hi guys, I'm trying to contact the authors of 'Lies corset armor' and 'Sina follower' to ask for permission to use some of their mod's assets, but I can't reach them. esm=1 Dragonborn. Aela the Huntress offers a solid foundation of archery skill, versatility, and essential status. DR These followers can neither carry nor equip items, except in Mar 6, 2016 · Skyrim mod spotlight 2016. Since she uses a vanilla voicetype, it was just a matter of plugging in some console commands to add her to the follower faction. She has a bunch or perks on destruction,conjuration and restoration tree. She's a potential spouse. Games . He can also be helpful enchanting-wise in his own way. N. esp & . esm=1 TeenVoice. If this is the case though you can pick them up there. Experience Skyrim in a whole new way with Mar 6, 2016 · Skyrim mod spotlight 2016. 25 are in the Core Game, and a further 25 are included in the Dawnguard expansion. Wears heavy armor preferably! Weight : 100 (0 Optional) Voice : FemaleCommander Race : Imperial Jul 14, 2017 · ATTENTION: This is my first follower mod, maybe there are some errors. Sabrina is a new follower with a Custom UUNP HDT body. 3) Riding for followers-- 8 follower horses can be found at major cities and stables around Skyrim for followers to ride. esp 22 16 Elysia Follower. Q: Where is the Thief from your series? A: I will hopefully make him a follower after Jesper is in a more dialogue complete state. Commenti. H. Jan 12, 2025 · Now you can have her as your follower, She is really strong recommended for higher difficulty use. With a new spell, allowing you to point to any follower you wish to manage horses for. Animal followers that talk: -Curious the Raccoon Aug 20, 2022 · 9Damao Mods (Skyrim SE - Followers) RSS Feed ; Sina follower SE Remove ALL ads (Including pop-ups) by getting a membership. May 25, 2024 · Adds a female Nord follower named "Nena" inside "Riften Hall of the Dead" in Riften. Click on the video tab to see the "How-To" provided by @Clockwork Tot who has been using this for several months. May 8, 2016 · Spotlight of a beautiful mod "Sina Follower" by ddppl and Bonono:http://www. Enter a different cell (enter/exit a building) - Deactivate the plugin. Skyrim mod spotlight 2016. Sylvanas Windrunner - the Dark Lady by MCking & ddppl. esm=1 HearthFires. 1 170 Mar 6, 2016 · Skyrim mod spotlight 2016. Sina Follower by ddppl & Bonono. 1. I won't open it in Creation Kit and save for 44. [Lorena follower] She is standalone follower that does not require additional mods. Aug 5, 2018 · Enderal - Sina Follower deutsch; Enderal - Sina Follower deutsch. Yunsol has HDT Hair wig. Problem is due to the chronic problem of HDT, When done fast travel or moving to another area, She may be invisible. Uses the vanilla follower framework. Aug 25, 2020 · Silvia Uses one handed weapons and a bow against her enemies. High Poly Head 3BA HDT follower and 3BA preset. esp 27 1b AnellaFollower. Feb 7, 2022 · About this mod. esm=1 RSkyrimChildren. esp About this mod. esp 25 19 The Ordinary Women. While some might mistake his eccentric behavior for mere quirkiness, a deeper look reveals a truly Axiy - the dwemer constructor Axiy From 9Damao Mods (Skyrim SE - Followers) RSS Feed Started September 10, 2022. Back close Close navigation menu. Mods . Endorsements. Video information. Skyrim Special Edition close Clear game filter; Games. The NPC appearance replacement worked, but when entering the designated area to place the original follower, the game crashes. I personally like one of the girls. Unique DLs-- *die Stimme ist direkt aus Skyrim, die FemalYoungerAger Voice. The rest fallback to the vanilla distance from the follower that precedes them in the chain. 1. Jan 6, 2024 · What to do if your follower in Skyrim dies? If your follower in Skyrim is missing due to being dead, there’s really not much you can do about it. esm=1 TERAArmors. Mods. Games This is a port of the original Skyrim mod to SSE with permission from the original authors. [Tina follower] She is standalone follower that does not require additional mods. Off-site requirements. Apr 4, 2022 · If you want to spawn her, press "~" and write "help selina", find her ID and then write "player. All games (3,342 Bonjour et Bienvenue à tous, cette semaine je vous présente une petite paillotte sympa, un cheval qui parle, une followeuse hyper belle, une lame épique et l Mar 8, 2016 · Sina Follower by 몽키D Skyrim의상&방어구 ; 형태방어구 ; 원피스형태방어구 ; 보이네보여님 작품전 ; 스카이림무기 . Suppose your follower dies, and you can locate its final resting place. works really well in almost all cases. Games; Aug 29, 2021 · SE port of Ina Follower by Yakisoba-pan with permission via nexus pm. Serana is easily the most popular vanilla follower – and a couple enhancement mods can make her even better. Games. Nexus Mods . Fix 4: Sometimes your follower gets tired of waiting for you and will return to their home, but it’s dependent on the follower and this doesn’t always happen. Feb 24, 2019 · It has all the same basic features then all other prominent follower mods, plus it features complete DLC support, a MCM menu, follower widgets, custom skill and follower magic menu, the option to teach spells and powers to followers, setting their combat style and actor class from a range of 18 shemes, setting their carry weight, speed Mar 2, 2018 · This is a port to SSE of the original Skyrim mod YuiH Standalone Follower - Sha (Renewal) with permission from the original author, yui0820/YuiH. (a friendly Dwarven Centurion), Dzarkim (a talking Dwarven Spider with a Centurion head, also by the same author as CoT and Sina Follower by ddppl & Bonono. She's become a potential follower and spouse. Added on 12 June 2016 12 I think the most complete female follower on the nexus is Vilja, she coulda been more complete if the incels and creepers didn't chase off the mod author. Jun 20, 2022 · is a very sexy female follower, produced by Bonono, the god of pinching on the face of Korean net. They can travel with, battle for, perform tasks for, and carry items for the Dragonborn. esm=1 Dawnguard. Solution is to take her wig off or Use optional Non HDTHair . esp 26 1a Marcia Follower. esp follower indora. A subclass of followers is non-humanoid followers, such as dogs, armored trollsDG, rieklingsDR, Steadfast Dwarven SpiderDR, and Steadfast Dwarven Sphere. Jul 14, 2023 · 9Damao Mods (Skyrim LE - Followers) RSS Feed [LE] - 【泰姆瑞尔MOD组】希娜随从 Sina follower SE Remove ALL ads (Including pop-ups) by getting a membership. Feb 19, 2024 · A follower from LE . . 3,9mil follower. The ads help support Mar 6, 2016 · 동료로 영입 가능한 여성 NPC를 추가 합니다. Learn more. Jun 24, 2023 · What are the best Skyrim follower mods? Although the follower system in Skyrim is worlds better than the one featured in Oblivion, there is still room for improvement. tavern. Mar 21, 2018 · GameMode=Skyrim Skyrim. Q: Why doesn't he do x thing? A: I suck at creation kit. 0 if 10 followers are being used). You can find her at The Temple of Mara. esp 24 18 Moniko. Jul 25, 2021 · Credits and distribution permission. blacksmith, spellcasters, unique NPCs Sep 16, 2021 · Removing a follower from the game slot (either by using the slots page or the follower is dismissed) will set the game count to normal (only sets to 1. Other user's assets This author has not specified whether they have used assets from other authors or not; Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances Dec 17, 2020 · Optional, If you want to use him as a follower: Miggyluv's Presets - Faldas (Bosmer) If you want him as a follower: Miggyluv's Presets - Florus (Breton Imperial Nord Redguard) Optional, If you want to use him as a follower: Miggyluv's Presets - Galyn (Dunmer) Apr 24, 2019 · 8. Kudos to every one of you. Other user's assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors. Go visit this profile Jul 21, 2023 · [LE] - 【泰姆瑞尔MOD组】希娜随从 Sina follower SE From 9Damao Mods (Skyrim LE - Followers) RSS Feed Started July 14, 2023 【泰姆瑞尔MOD组】希娜随从 Sina follower SEView the original Mod page. She is a Nord mage with various functions to use, a quest that will explore her background and character, a detailed romance system, and plenty of lines for unique scenarios, many unexpected! The following page is dedicated to creating custom followers via console commands, as well as a list of potential characters for the conversion. esp=1 Jan 10, 2024 · ESPFE Follower - Eslify facegen and voices at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus. Aug 3, 2022 · A standalone male ninja follower that brings some oriental air to Skyrim. This file came to be when I noticed that there are a bunch of mods to make Ulfric Stormcloak a follower, but not Legate Rikke. Axe, and dagger. This limit is shared with the number of followers you can have relaxing at place of your choosing. -Follower pack Tasheni Followers allows 7 followers at once, just like Anna NPCs Dovahkriid Grezganger: doesnt replace your vanilla follower but it offers 7 custom voiced followers which you can only take two from the custom ones. esm=1 BBLuxurySuite. VORTEX. esm=1 GeneralStores. 2 handed follower that resides in Jorrvaskr, She's a good follower that you can get early on in the game. She can be found in at the Morthal in the Moorside inn. Introduction For the legendary version, I made a mod with 3 followers. Your primary tool to make Serana the best she can be is the Dialogue Add-On, which opens up her chitchat options and gives her a lot more depth. 한손 ; Jul 18, 2016 · Yes, korean girl group AOA outfit. She is set as Essential. Added Hroki replacers with the same face and stats in ver. 6k. Share your ideas, discuss them with the community, and cast your vote on feedback provided. Ancora nessun commento. Check Out This Mod. Now with ESL support. nexusmods. 0. Using the MCM menu, where you can view a list of followers to assign horses and clean slots. Aggiungine uno per avviare una conversazione. esp Plugin file. 출처&다운로드 Sina Follower by ddppl & Bonono. All games (3,280) Recently added (42) My games. Added is a bonus CUSTOMIZABLE follower for a vanilla playing preference and a guiding quest with voice acting in V Nov 16, 2021 · Skyrim RSS feeds ; 3dmgame Followers RSS Feed ; 汉化~韩式女随从希娜~Sina 2018 Follower Remove ALL ads (Including pop-ups) by getting a membership. College of Winterhold Followers . Conversion to SSE and additional body and textures options provided by bchick3 Nov 1, 2016 · Skyrim's most endorsed follower is back for more in Skyrim Special Edition. Your favourited games will be This adds a beautiful female follower named Sina to the game. my follower Sina face of AOA member Choa face same. 18. The description below is copied from the original Skyrim mod. Is there a command to put me close to an NPC, like "coc xxxxx"? Jan 11, 2025 · -ESP-FE Custom Voiced Followers:-Male Custom Voiced Followers:-Japanese/Chinese Custom Voiced Followers :-NSFW Custom Voiced Followers: Credit: Thank you to all the mod authors who made our games and this list possible. 7. 1 (2018 version) hair change + face fine-tuning + latest Korean net beautification. You can always make your peace with it and recruit another follower, and as a last resort, you can use console commands. ArtStation. Sina Follower by ddppl & Bonono. Once your mesh is made, you can just drag and drop the mesh in this tool and it will generate your XML. bkbmys fvndrhv jxif fevcye uwuwdo tepzx dksbt xkwt mfuw ybha phcwxi gbqd kiovzlvb wwp gwm