Skywatcher focuser upgrade. I think with 8 Id have to move it in 2 pieces.

Skywatcher focuser upgrade It moves not just in and out of the tube but also a lot up and down. 25 adapter. 00 Inc VAT & Warranty SkyWatcher SCT Dual Speed Focuser . If the OTA is truly awful as some seem to believe I can always return it, but I suspect itll be good enough and I pretty much know what to expect from the optics. teleskop--Rotation. An excellent upgrade to a scope, if you want to eliminate the shake of focusing then this is the answer. I have been tampering with my mak again, and I learned something that might save someone $25 in the process. This kit will work with focusers on telescopes made by GSO for Meade Lightbridge, Hardin Optical, DSO, Antares, Zhumell, Apertura, TPO, etc. I Jan 29, 2020 · Trying to figure out how to upgrade my focuser. I immediately purchased a Moonlite focuser, the 2” (CR) version. Members; 3,183 3,967 May 7, 2024 · Hi twist, I screwed the new focuser (camera macro adapter) onto a 1. For now I like the ease of use of the 6. My Skywatcher focuser upgrade. You can find pics on Google on the mod using the search term Heritage 130P Jun 8, 2019 · Skywatcher 12 inch dob focuser upgrade ideas - posted in Reflectors: Do any of the GSO focusers work with the hole pattern for Skywatcher dobs? Does Sky-Watcher just sell the two-speed focusing knobs for it? Also what is up with those weird adapters, can you just get a compression ring adapter from Scopestuff and use a regular 2” to 1. I was thinking about upgrading to a GSO dual speed focuser and i was wondering which one. I have decided to go for a fully motorized FeatherTouch focuser along with rotating parallax rings. It came with a Skywatcher auto-focuser but Im having trouble with it and its becoming frustrating, so Ive decided Id prefer something manual. For Dec 30, 2014 · I got a SkyWatcher 10" Collapsable Dobsonian and was wondering some upgrades I could add on. 5 R&P focuser? Jul 18, 2020 · Micro-focuser for Sky-Watcher Maksutov 150/180mm ? - posted in Cats & Casses: Hello, From web articles, it seems worth upgrading the default focusing knob of the Sky-Watcher Maksutov 150/180mm. Aug 27, 2020 · Because I have the 150DPS I have the dual speed focuser which has a 1:10 reduction ratio. I would really appreciate it if you take the focuser shaft measurement. Dec 7, 2010 · Skywatcher 150PL focuser upgrade. Compatible with all Dobson and Newton (from 20cm diameter of the main mirror size) and ED-APO single speed Skywatcher Cr Oct 4, 2011 · Hey all,I would like to upgrade the focuser on my 200p Dob. If you want to make thread connection between the camera and focuser, custom made M56x1 adapter will enable that. On Sunday I went about replacing the focuser on my Dob only to find that the new Skywatcher focuser is too big at the base to fit the hole in the telescope. I wouldnt pay higher than Amazon or BHPhotos prices currently. Edited September 3, 2020 by Greg Shaw Jan 31, 2023 · TS-Optics UNCN2-G2 Focuser. Mainly interested in visual observing, but want to be able to do occasional astrophotography - with a smartphone or initially a borr Oct 6, 2024 · I have a Skywatcher 130P Dobsonian and am looking to change up to a 250P Flextube GOTO (having borrowed one its definitely the largest size I can move on my own!) . 00 Buy DETAILS The new Sky-Watcher EXPLORER-150PDS range of Newtonian Reflector incorporates the same superb mirror-set as the Explorer-150P Black Diamond Series, but with two significant advantages. The scope has a relatively steep light cone at f5 (sic f/6?) so critical focus is a fine point and the single speed focusers action is quite coarse - I was thinking of upgrading to the skywatcher explorer dual speed Crayford model. Lacerta 1:10 Microfocus Unit - Dual-Speed Crayford Focuser Upgrade. A high quality CNC Machined 10:1 dual-speed Crayford focuser designed as a direct replacement/upgrade for the rack & pinion focuser supplied with the Sky-Watcher That involves fitting two flat aluminium bars to the tube and mounting a 1. ). These can provide really spectacular views for DSOs etc! If you are more interested in Lunar or planetary observing, magnification becomes the issue. Being a skywatcher product it literally took 5-10mins to swap over. I measured the focuser end of the SW 72 and the outer flange is approximately 86mm diameter. It replaces the original Oct 3, 2017 · Focuser replacement and approach for Skywatcher 120ED? - posted in Refractors : Hi all, Im looking for experience/input/photos if anyone has swapped out their supplied focuser for the Skywatcher Esprit 120ED Specifically looking at what kind of focuser you used, and how did you adapt it to the tube? Im doing straight astrophotography, so Im either going to remove the focuser completely, or Mar 16, 2016 · I currently have a Skywatcher Auto focuser fitted to the stock focuser on the scope, but find the constant small jabs back and forth you have to do on the keypad a little annoying to get good focus, and hope the finer focusing option on the Crayford focuser might be easier to achieve by hand again if fitted to the scope. By Paulb3098 December 7, 2010 in Discussions - Scopes / Whole setups. 25" Crayford style focuser he installed onto the 2-inch SCT-size threads at the Bresser-127's exit port. For 1. Recommended Posts. 25" Crayford focuser, or any other non-GSO focuser/telescope. I have agreed to save a couple thousand and just fully upgrade my current 10" Sky-Watcher Quattro. Anyone know what would work? Jun 24, 2024 · Hello all Im looking for some advice on a focuser upgrade for the Skywatcher 250PDS if possible, this scope will be used for imaging and will have a zwo1600/filterwheel plus the usual bits hanging off it, i did try my best with the stock focuser along with all the fantastic mods on the net and al Jul 20, 2011 · A robust upgrade to the original Skywatcher focuser. Feb 6, 2025 · Skywatcher 150 Focuser - posted in Reflectors: Hi! I own a Skywatcher 150/600 that I recently purchased along with a Starizona Nexus. In the future Id like to go with an 8 Dobson. I have this focuser fitted to my 300p it is a very good focuser. I lined it up with the factory center Skywatcher Mounts & Accessories A high quality CNC Machined 10:1 dual-speed Crayford focuser designed as a direct replacement/upgrade for the rack & pinion Sep 7, 2021 · SkyWatcher Dob Replacement Focuser - posted in Reflectors: Im looking for recommendations for a replacement focuser for my Skywatcher 10 collapsible dobsonian. Check out Cuiv the lazy geek's video on his focuser upgrade for his SW Quatro. I was about Jan 5, 2024 · The Skyoptiskt Focuser for the Sky-Watcher MN190 is specifically made by Skyoptiskt Optical Technology CO for the Sky-Watcher MN190. Regards, Gus Jan 21, 2020 · Page 3 of 3 - Skywatcher 120ED, 6 Years later, what upgrades have you added? - posted in Refractors : OK, I did it. Posted February 11, 2012. Accepts either 1. First thing I want to change is the focuser. I will be using it for night vision so I probably need something thats sturdy and that will take 2 eye pieces as Mar 18, 2017 · Focuser Upgrade on SW Equinox? - posted in Refractors : Im getting ready to purchase the Sky Watcher Equinox from either APM or TS, but Im not a fan of Crayford focusers. It needs to have a steel tube wrap to support a focuser and you'll no longer be able to collapse the tube. Now you can replace your old Sky-Watcher Rack n Pinion or single speed Crayford style focuser to achieve finer focusing capability. Soon, I’ll be installing the spike and the primary mirror cover, but I’d also like to upgrade the focuser since I don’t fully trust it with my optical A high quality CNC Machined 10:1 dual-speed Crayford focuser designed as a direct replacement/upgrade for the rack & pinion focuser supplied with the Sky-Watcher Evostar-102/120 Aug 23, 2020 · Mak 127 focuser upgrade options. Aug 14, 2023 · Focuser and eyepiece upgrades for ST102 - posted in Beginners Forum (No Astrophotography): Hello, so Ive been using my Skywatcher Startravel 102 mm for some time now and Im looking for some upgrades. 00 Inc Oct 29, 2022 · focuser upgrade advice for 6" Dob - posted in Reflectors: Hello everyone. html Except better focuser than original one, I shorten/cut tubus, so I can reach focus with any binoviewer setup. Aug 18, 2016 · Skywatcher Auto Focuser. My question is - Im interested in trying 2 inch eyepieces which this telescope can take - but also have a Apr 25, 2021 · Is it possible to upgrade the focuser on the skywatcher heritage 150p? david_taurus83. Sep 2, 2008 · Focuser upgrade on 10 dobson - posted in Reflectors: HiI recently bought a skywatcher 10 flextube dobson. If the Skywatcher Dual speed Crayford is much of an upgrade for approx £106 3. I purchased this telescope from Woodland Hills Camera and Telescope. Nov 28, 2020 · Page 1 of 2 - Skywatcher Focuser Replacement? - posted in Refractors : Perhaps this topic has been discussed here previously, so if anyone can direct me to the proper area, Id appreciate it. Since my mount is sloppy in azimuth and wobbles when I try to focus high power eyepieces, while the elevation axis is rock solid, I decided to attempt a mod on the focuser. cdual-speed. I know this is not much use to you mind as it is not what you are after and in totally the wrong country Steve Apr 19, 2016 · If you can upgrade to a 2" focuser, one option would be a wide view 2" EP for relatively low magnifications, perhaps in the 22 to 28mm range. Im still new to all this so Im trying to figure out what to do and what stuff means. The new focuser is this one here that I bought from the classifieds: https://agenaastro. May 5, 2023 · In addition, installation of this focuser is really easy since the stock focuser is used for the installation. Does anyone know of ANY focusers that would work with this scope? I contacted Agena This excellent smooth dual speed replacement focuser suits Sky-Watcher Newtonian telescopes. New 120ED arriving next week. I Lacerta 1:10 Microfocus Unit - Dual-Speed Crayford Focuser Upgrade This is a high quality but economical solution to upgrade your Single Speed Skywatcher Crayford Focuser. Lacerta Dual Speed 1:10 Microfocus Upgrade Kit for Skywatcher Crayford Focusers This is a high quality but economical solution to upgrade your Single Speed Skywatcher Crayford Focuser. I watched a video of a guy shaving the flat spot on his stock SW focuser with a vary fine sharping stone to give it smother action. What would be a good upgrade for it. 5 R&P focuser or perhaps the Stelarvue 2. If I need to upgrade from the stock Skywatcher single speed focuser (probably do) 2. It's more lightweight than the 2" female adapter that I tried earlier following another user's suggestion, and it also keeps the whole assembly automatically centered, as opposed to the 2" adapter solution. 18 August 2016 | Chris. Then of course having nice Baader 2” diagonals is a treat. Jan 5, 2021 · If you plan on imaging and adding a motor to the focuser, the need to upgrade the focuser deminishes as some stepper motors can hold the camera train weight. I was looking at this https://agenaastro. I thought I knew everything I needed to know about collimation and alignment of a Mak-Newt. It would have to be a 2, 2-Speed replacement. Each must be used for the eyepieces to reach focus. 25 eyepieces, a (2017) Synta focuser looks like this: At high power, focusing can get a little tougher. 1. Mar 14, 2019 · Anybody used a Lacerta Dual Speed 1:10 Microfocus Upgrade Kit for Skywatcher Crayford Focuser? Are they any good? easy to fit? or should I just spend the extra to get a full dual speed focuser? cheers for your thoughts Feb 16, 2020 · I think I would rather spend the money better optics. Or I would have gone up market on the ED80 for one that had a solid focuser on purchase Sep 7, 2017 · Best value focuser for imaging with a newtonian - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: I wish to upgrade my stock single speed crayford focuser on my skywatcher newtonian as mine has a bent shaft, I will be looking mainly for payload, stability (no skidding, tilting, shifts and any other mechanical shortcoming) for imaging mainly. However, it includes a cheap, plastic focuser that I would like to upgrade (Ive been spoiled by the Moonlite on my XT8). Did you have a good experience in visual astronomy, using a micro-focuser (without an Dec 9, 2024 · The dual speed focuser and right angled finder are worth having and the £43 price difference would not buy you those as upgrades for the Skywatcher so the RVO Horizon seems a good idea. html But I dont know if that will work. 25” adapter? Apr 22, 2021 · This post has been a long time coming. After considering an 11" edge Hd, an 11" Rasa, or a completely newt Parallax 10" Newtonian. Russe Feb 18, 2025 · Skywatcher just added the Esprit focuser along with really nice mounting rings and a D style plate to "upgrade" the original 150ED to the DX standard. cpgrade-kit. However, at higher magnifications its quite hard to focus it, I know that there might be a few other reasons why I might not be getting a clear image (like Oct 14, 2020 · My SkyWatcher 190 MN - Maksutov - Newtonian - posted in Cats & Casses: My journey with this telescope began about 3 years ago. After my experiences with dew and light leaks on the 6 inch orion astrograph I have been using, I am going to try to do this right to make my life easier and to better protect the optics when I take Lacerta 1:10 Microfocus Unit - Dual-Speed Crayford Focuser Upgrade This is a high quality but economical solution to upgrade your Single Speed Skywatcher Crayford Focuser. Jul 26, 2020 · Hi. 29 March 2021 | Paul If like me you have been using one of the original Skywatcher white Crayford focusers you will know that it is just fine for a compact DLSR like the Canon 550D. There is a decent eyepiece there in the cost difference of £180. A normal one or a low profile one, whats the difference?I do own a binoviewer would the lowprofile focuser be a better match with that? Mar 28, 2019 · SkyWatcher 127 + GSO 2" focuser - posted in Cats & Casses: Hello gang. He recommends a cheap but solid aliexpress focuser. html The base plate doesnt fit flush against the tube, but I knew that Apr 12, 2021 · Across the pond in the "Stargazers Lounge" forum, there's a nice thread by user johninderby documenting the upgrades he implemented on his (Meade-flavor) Bresser 127mm Mak, including the posts starting here (https://stargazerslocomment=3749288) that show the 1. Sep 26, 2020 · Upgrading an 8" SW Quattro newtonian - Fan and Flocking - posted in Reflectors: Hello everyone, After running across a deal I couldnt resist I finally ordered a skywatcher Quattro 8 F4 newtonian. I just thought that there might be better adaptors as I have seen some people use the twist locks in their videos and wondered if I could do the same with the Skywatcher. Mar 23, 2023 · CNC machined, black-anodised, 10:1 dual-speed rotatable Crayford focuser. Nov 12, 2023 · Focuser Upgrade for a 12" Dob - posted in Reflectors: I have an Orion 12 Go-To Dob and have been thinking about a new focuser for it. This focuser is a direct replacement/upgrade for the standard focuser supplied with Sky-Watcher Evostar 102/120/150, Startravel 102/120/150 and Evostar 80ED/100ED/120ED refractors. - posted in Beginners Forum (No Astrophotography): Hi! I have an Orion Apex 127 that I use for lunar and planetary observation. Jul 27, 2021 · Stripped screw head in skywatcher focuser - trying to upgrade - posted in Reflectors: Ugh. It is also compatible with Celestron Omni 102 and Omni 120 telescopes. I have the Skywatcher P150 6 Dobson. Dec 23, 2018 · Page 1 of 2 - Focuser Upgrade - Synta ED100/ED80 - posted in Refractors : Hi all! Im looking into replacing the stock focuser on my Skywatcher ED100- the tension bolt hole is kind of stripped out. Not sure why they decided to make it this way but fortunately I had a 35mm extender. I can live with a signal speed focuser for now. May 4, 2022 · Best Focuser for Skywatcher 130PDS - posted in Beginners Forum (No Astrophotography): Hello all, Ive changed my Celestron 114SLT by a new Skywatcher 130PDS tube, what is the the best (affordable) focuser to place on the Crayford to automatise the focus on my scope ? Thanks for suggestions ! Jun 23, 2022 · I fitted the Skywatcher dual speed focuser supplied by FLO on a brand new Evostar 120/1000. Compatible with all Dobson and Newton (from 20cm diameter of the main mirror size) and ED-APO single speed Skywatcher Crayford focusers. Feb 25, 2020 · Plug-N-Play focuser upgrade for Skywatcher 6" dob? - posted in Reflectors: I like that the Skywatcher 150p comes with a 2 focuser, but would prefer to upgrade from rack and pinion. . I was initially going to buy just the UNCN2-G2 focuser to upgrade the VX8 and thinking it through further I really need to step up a level with the whole scope. - posted in Equipment (No astrophotography): Hey everyone, I got a Sky-Watcher 8 Dob about a month ago and I wanna upgrade the focuser to a duel speed. And also to keep the Drawtube out of the light path (or at least the same as it originally was). Make sure the focuser height and bolt pattern is roughly the same as the original focuser. Ive read that many people Jan 25, 2019 · SkyWatcher Maksutov Cassegrain -adding R/P focuser? - posted in Cats & Casses: Hi all, Im looking at either the Celestron 180 Mak or the Skywatcher for a possible purchase in the future. 25"-T2 adapter (like this one) and stuck that into the OEM focuser. Come along as we jazz up my Sky-Watcher reflector telescope with a shiny new focuser! A quick and easy upgrade that really takes stargazing to the next level Jun 29, 2014 · Page 1 of 2 - Focuser upgrade for a SW 150mm f/5 refractor - posted in Equipment (No astrophotography): I have a SW Startravel ( same as Celestron OMNI XLT ) coming next month, and Id like to know the SPECIFIC focuser models some of you have used to upgrade the unit. 25" vs 2", it's that there's nowhere for the crayford focuser to bolt onto. Feb 27, 2019 · Hello, I am thinking of upgrading my Skywatcher Dual Speed Focuser on my 200P with a Baader SteelTrack Diamond NT for Newtonians and was wondering if anyone else has done the same or had experience with the Baader focusers with regards to quality etc. 25" adapter. 00 Inc The issue for you isn't 1. Have you ever looked through an Askar 103 triplet Mike? Dec 15, 2021 · Skywatcher Sky travel 120mm upgrade questions - posted in Refractors : Hi - Im thinking of buying a Skywatcher Star Travel 120mm telescope as a grab and go, especially for holidays and trips etc. The 3 eyepieces that RVO provide are better than the stock pair that come with the Skywatcher as well although will benefit from being upgraded in due course. 9999-01-03 Code: FN25010c-new | The delivery situation has improved: Delivery time for new orders: ca. On my Heritage 130p I drilled and tapped an M4 hole in the top part of the focuser and screw in a 75mm long bolt which acted as a lever for helping with fine focus. Edit: the brand is called cyck. I think with 8 Id have to move it in 2 pieces. From reading many post on this forum it seems the majority of us amateur astronomers go in order of increasing cost, a GSO, MoonLite or Feather Touch focuser. Russe. The Agena list doesnt cover this particular GSO model, however, some CNs have done so , and their experiences are more than Sep 21, 2023 · Number 1 is the focuser. Posted December 7, 2010. jpg Focusing range, or outward focus. Ill see if its passable The SkyWatcher Dual Speed Focuser For Refractors is a high quality CNC Machined 10:1 dual-speed Crayford focuser designed as a direct replacement/upgrade for the rack & pinion focuser supplied with the Sky-Watcher Evostar-102/120/150, Startravel-102/120/1 Not without some pretty serious modification. So I wasn't looking to upgrade the focuser. By Russe February 11, 2012 in Discussions - Scopes / Whole setups. As the 130pDS grew in popularity so too have requests for a premium focuser to replace the regular stock focuser so Ron at Moonlite Focusers has released a new installation kit specifically for the 130pDS. I would appreciate the feedback of anyone, who has replaced the default focusing knob with a micro-focuser. After some research, Ive whittled it down to two options: a microfocuser (such as this) or a crayford focuser Sep 7, 2018 · Convert your Skywatcher Crayford to dual speed saving $$$ - posted in Equipment (No astrophotography): I have been looking into upgrading my Skywatcher 10 collapsible goto dobsonian focuser from a single speed to dual speed. Maks and Cassegrains typically have mirror shift while using the coarse focus especially when viewing at high powers. I believe the one it has currently is a Dual fit crayford?I would like something better made and with dual speeds. Can the Crayford focuser on the Skywatcher Equinox be changed out with a Photoline 2. I say some as the trend now is for smaller motors, with the usb electronics encased in one unit, and some allow manual focusing to be done (others don't). As mentioned by Geoff above, make sure the scope Is horizontal when swapping the focuser over as the four nuts are very small and I did drop one of mine, no harm done though as it just sat in the tube. Aug 8, 2020 · It is the same focuser but is sold as an upgrade to other OTAs that come with the cheap r&p focuser. I have just changed my focuser on a skywatcher Dobsonian but just replaced the whole unit. I purchased a two-speed focuser upgrade that came today and in the process of trying to remove the cover for the focuser, discovered that one tiny screw is stuck in there and the head is dangerously close to getting stripped. Feb 4, 2025 · Skywatcher on the other hand may have no fancy mechanics, although the focuser is still very good, but SW ED optics are consistently excellent and have been from the start. Nov 13, 2020 · Page 1 of 2 - Skywatcher 120ED new focuser installation and shortening - posted in Refractors : Here is my modification of SW 120ED refractor. From reading this forum it looks like I should upgrade the diagonal so its 90 degrees not 45. Feb 11, 2012 · focuser upgrade Skywatcher Mak 127mm. The motor, bracket and coupler fit perfectly on the focuser bar once one of the large focus wheels is removed (took a bit of brute force as the removable focus wheel, while screwed on Oct 6, 2024 · I have a Skywatcher 130P Dobsonian and am looking to change up to a 250P Flextube GOTO (having borrowed one its definitely the largest size I can move on my own!) . It came with a Crayford 2-Speed Focuser but Ive been longing for something better. Jul 13, 2014 · One was the extra £250 odd quid and the other was the fact that you then loose the ability to mount your finder scope. I installed new TS 2. It comes with a very bad 2 focuser. If I were to do it again I would have stuck with the original focuser. david_taurus83. Mar 23, 2018 · I didn't know you could actually buy upgrade kits to have dual speed. Its new, innovative hybrid design incorporates the benefits of both rack-and-pinion and Crayford focusers to provide superb fine-focus performance for 8 and 10 reflector telescopes. I was really impressed by the quality and build of the focuser which is really good. Back focus implies inward focusing (its a camera thing). Im quite happy with it, especially since it was only $70. £179. 25" focuser. I would most likely want to upgrade to a rack Feb 11, 2023 · Replacement Focuser for SkyWatcher Evostar 72ED - posted in Refractors : Hi! It seems that the focuser of my SkyWatcher Evostar 72ED broke, so Im looking for a replacement for it, and I want a more robust one, so Im looking for suggestions, that doesnt cost more than the tube itself, and compatible with the ZWO EAF. I know the feathertouch focusers are the best, but they are Nov 16, 2023 · Focuser Upgrade for the MN190 Maksutov/Schmidt Newtonian Telescope Group · gregengland · Maksutov/Schmidt Newtonian Upgrade the focusing precision of skywatcher dobsonian telescope with our new Antares Low-Profile Dual-Speed Hybrid Reflector Focuser. You can take up some of the slop on the helical focuser with a bit of plumbers tape. Bresser Messier 1:10 Gear Dual Speed Upgrade for Hex-Focuser. It has quite a bit of in-focus, and comes with a 2 extension and an equally long 2 to 1. Aug 30, 2021 · Unfortunately there is no real way to upgrade the focuser on the Heritage 150p to a different one, not without some serious surgery. 5 Rack and Pinion focuser from link https://www. A bit of a loss considering the quality of the SW 9x50. Availability - In stock. This is a high quality but economical solution to upgrade your Single Speed Skywatcher Crayford Focuser. However, please check this on you focuser before you order this kit. Especially if you're in to lunar and planetary imaging with an f/5 newtonian then this focuser is a must have upgrade. Includes the 8 x 50 right angle erect-image finder scope, 2" dielectric diagonal, 20mm 1. Enhance the precision and usability of your Crayford focuser with the Lacerta Dual Speed 1:10 Microfocus Upgrade Kit. There are ones like the Moonlite or Baader that will fit. Im open to just about anything but Id like to have some options and opinions on maybe what other people have done or used. I wasn't happy with the Sep 9, 2016 · The Skywatcher 130pDS telescope is a little diamond that delivers results far better than it's low price suggests. Lacerta 1:10 microfocus unit for SkyWatcher Crayford focusers. Scopestuff probably has a GSO focuser upgrade for your scope that Sep 20, 2021 · Page 2 of 2 - Advice for Skywatcher 120ed; mount, focuser upgrade ? - posted in Refractors : My only gripe is that it only has 50mm of back focus. Skywatcher Explorer 150PDS EQ3-2 Telescope £541. Mainly interested in visual observing, but want to be able to do occasional astrophotography - with a smartphone or initially a borr May 2, 2019 · Installing new focuser on Skywatcher 10" Traditional Dobsonian - posted in Equipment (No astrophotography): I recently bought a new dual speed focuser to replace the stock one on my Skywatcher 10 Traditional Dobsonian. I replaced the stock focuser on my Orion ED80 with the Orion dual-speed crayford. Ordered Thurs afternoon and it arrived Saturday morning. Feb 14, 2023 · Microfocuser vs Crayford for Skymax 150 - posted in Cats & Casses: Ive recently got my hands on a Skymax 150 and want to upgrade the focuser. Replaced original focuser with a new, 2"- dual speed Astro Essentials focuser Focuser comes with the 1. 25/2 inch focuser for Skyw Feb 18, 2023 · I purchased the Sky-Watcher Auto Focuser to fit to the stock focuser on an Evostar 120 (pre green livery version) following a tragic end to my Moonlite focuser. Paulb3098. Very, very easy to do. £93. IMG_20210927_172358. Thanks in advance. My Sep 13, 2018 · 1. Oct 16, 2010 · Focuser upgrade for 130mm reflector? - posted in Equipment (No astrophotography): I just picked up a 130mm f/5 SkyWatcher reflector. A high quality CNC machined 10:1 dual-speed focuser designed as an upgrade to Schmidt Cassegrain Telescopes. Jan 6, 2022 · Know who makes an upgrade/replacement focuser for a Skywatcher 72mm ED ?? I am not sure what size I am even looking for. Sometimes its fine, sometimes it simply falls right out. 25" or 2" eyepieces. 25" eyepiece and a 1. I think I may try that and save some money Thanks to Chris from Astro la Vista for finding this focuser for me on the FLO website at the IAS I have now fitted it to the scope. There are M56x1 thread version of this focuser. Mar 13, 2024 · The most popukar and easy upgrade for the “ST” series ot scopes (80, 102, 120 and 150) is the GSO 2” focuser. I find it rather stiff and the focusing increments (dont know how to call this) are quite large. I dont have a large budget, so after contacting May 10, 2022 · Hi guys, im looking to upgrade my focuser for the skywatcher 130pds ( the one that comes with the az gti and az pronto not the imaging version as I have had it for a while now and would like to change the one it came with which unfortunately feels a tad cheap. I am interested in what would be a relatively inexpensive focuser to replace the one on my Skywatcher 100mm? Id like something that would fit the Skywatcher tube without have to make any modification. I have investigated a little bit, but not sure which one will fit my tube. I got a GSO 2-speed 2 and an SCT adapter . Ive been using it quite a lot and learning a lot from this amazing hobby. I’d like to make some modifications to the telescope. Several companies list upgrades for a SW 80 and larger but don’t show anything for the SW 72. Jun 3, 2020 · Purchased this as an upgrade to the awful rack & pinion focuser on my Skywatcher 150p Dob. Is a Moonlite CR2 worth the extra cost @ £289. Posted April 25, 2021. I think I am right in thinking all of these would do:First Light Optics - Dual-speed Crayford 1. You would need some surrounding area to screw the new focuser to, which is normally the tube assembly. With the Baader think you will have to drill new mounting holes though but that’s a simple job. May 2, 2018 · Skywatcher Quattro Focuser Replacement Advice - posted in Reflectors: I have the 8-inch variant of the Sky-Watcher Quattro series and, overall, I like it. Following on from the Crayford 'unboxing' video - a short & straight to the point video - showing how to remove the stock focuser and attach the replacement Oct 16, 2016 · Try and match the draw tube length of travel to your current focuser, being sure to account for any difference in the base height/thickness so that you end up with the same locations for the ep's. Using my Microtouch stepper with it has proven next to impossible due to the slippage issue. 120 days Lacerta Dual Speed 1:10 Microfocus Upgrade Kit for Crayford Focusers - Overview. I like the green accents on the Skywatcher. I dont know if Apr 19, 2016 · If you can upgrade to a 2" focuser, one option would be a wide view 2" EP for relatively low magnifications, perhaps in the 22 to 28mm range. The issue I’m having is with the focuser — it has some rough spots where the focuser grinds a bit and there are also issues with slippage. It works as intended but there can be just a little slippage Nov 28, 2020 · Page 1 of 2 - Skywatcher Focuser Replacement? - posted in Refractors : Perhaps this topic has been discussed here previously, so if anyone can direct me to the proper area, Id appreciate it. This excellent smooth dual speed replacement focuser suits Sky-Watcher Newtonian telescopes. The focuser is supposed to handle up to 5 kg (11 lbs), is rack and pinion and has M54 x 0. But for these truss dobs, it's just open air. 75 internal threads if you want to direct connect. The existing helical focuser is just a piece of molded, threaded plastic. The weight and bulk of the 6 is as far as Id Feb 5, 2018 · Page 1 of 5 - $35 alternative to a 2 speed focuser - posted in Reflectors: I have a SkyWatcher dobsonian. This Lacerta upgrade will give more fine control but will not remedy slipping and sagging, which is a bigger issue IMO. 25" 5mm UWA eyepiece, Tube rings and a 12" Losmandy dove tail. It will not work with GSO's linear bearing focusers, GSO's 1. zdtl gjif yzzswwf apu sqw iicv rpm aystbty tfhx kgxdb pnfh jslzw blkwg fcvas vbrog