Stoneblock 2 best storage Should I switch to ME System or another? If you want something in between Crates and AE2, RFTools Modular Storage can work nicely. Apr 18, 2014 · Ender IO Capacitor Banks. This is a subreddit dedicated to the video game series named Story of Seasons! Story of Seasons for the Nintendo 3DS was the beginning of a new chapter in the Bokujo Monogatari series, a long-standing and top-selling farming/life simulation franchise. Like my content? ♥Thumbs Up♥The Stone Block mod pack is kind of like a Sky Block modpack, except you don't start with a tree and you're surrounded by stone. The change is I have added the textures I have drawn for Create, Just Hammers, LaserIO, Farmer's Delight, Pocket Storage (cred: Llama Farmer), Simply Backpacks (cred: HanFox), and most importantly Tinkers' Construct (6000 out of 7800 textures are drawn). StoneBlock 2 Presented by FTB is a kitchen sink modpack with challenges and quests to complete. Currently first playthrough of stoneblock and I'm in early game, got a smeltery and some auto sieves but the only way I'm currently making energy is through coal generators which don't make much and constantly make me refill them, is there any good ways to make energy quickly while early in the game? PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION! LIKE/COMMENT/SUBSCRIBE! ChosenArchitect Merch is in the air so warm up with a Mug for that perfect cup of coffee or with a Chose Nov 26, 2022 · I have now updated Stoneblock 3 to version 1. 2Grf/t without a single watch. I just run the output from my mob farm to a drawer controller and have all the storage drawers locked so it only accepts what I want to keep. Feb 10, 2019 · In which Rees demos the Storage Drawers mod and how he plans to use said Storage Drawers in his own StoneBlock 2 let's play world! STONEBLOCK Twitch Launch I was wondering if anyone has done the math yet and figured out what the best 2 or 3 levels to mine at in Stoneblock 2 are. in the center of the front is placed the feeder from the cows mod, with wheat being piped into it. what are the best/biggest storage options in stoneblock 2? Most people use drawers for their ingots, gems, dusts, stone, dirt, etc. I have the roost collector connected to an ender chest, and that ender chest connected to my drawer controller. So I have the transmutation tablet, and learned the infinity booster cards, but they only work with Applied energistics Terminal. It's a personal preference thing though, I get that. Honestly it just IS an improvement, but it's still more like Stoneblock 1. The Mindcrafters had a simple to understand tutorial here, but the short of autocrafting with AE requires Crafting Storage, Crafting Co-Processor, patterns, pattern terminal, and the mechanisms that will perform the crafting recipes. I think at the max tier I still only had 6. Though that is expensive as hell. AE2 has Molecular Assemblers and ME Interfaces that serve as ways to autocraft recipes that would be made in a Place some storage chests, recommended at least 5 (even the expensive 64K byte storage cell will only hold 63 slots), fill them with storage cells (64k, 4k or 1k) and hook them up to the controller with ME Cables. AE2: PROs: more precise control over items, spatial I/O, allows subnetworking, allows piggy-back setups, auto crafting setups perform faster/smarter and are stackable. The flux plugs is where it transfers power to the points and storage. Ive got a setup in that modpack (made in creative, but should be possible in survival) that makes 2. Below are my methods. youtube. If you don't find what you need, ask the community. Feb 12, 2019 · A brand new Modpack for 2019. I'd say SB1 has a bit more grind, but also very unbalanced lootbags, so if you haven't played either, I'd probably pick 2 unless you like gambling on OP lootbag rewards to skip the grind (or you just like grinding). Jul 5, 2013 · #2 Ender IO can transport all three in one block, but it requires the three respective pipes. The second installment managed by Feed The Beast. 0). For storage, I would recommend storage drawers with an ME Storage Bus placed on the Drawer Controller. One for power, one for items, one for fluids, and there's even one for redstone and for AE cables. Cheatsheet. We begin today with getting the Welcome to another modded Minecraft playthrough with Lonedebater7. Check out the mekanism Steam Turbine, combined with the steam generation from Thermal foundation dynamoes and extreme reactors actively cooled. Here is a listing of the Chickens & Cows we have so far. They need to make a network after setting up the plugs on the power sources. Currently have a Generator from Draconic Evolution and im trying to set my magmatic dynamo up, but i have no idea how to, especially since i am about to set up the ME drive quest line in the storage quests. Thanks for visiting. Item Conduits and Energy Conduits are then the best way to transfer energy and the wheat and seeds compactly. Set the 2nd condenser to make a high EMC item for storage/transport to you tablet. After that you move to Project E for everything with EMC and keep your AE System for everything that doesn't have EMC. Lava generator is good as the first source, but if you have z good lava production, you can jump into Magmatic Dynamos. This drawer controller is linked to a bunch of drawers. Another option later on could be an Environmental Tech Ore Miner, but the problem there is that you won't be getting Nether Quartz solely. Everything needed to keep it running can be obtained with EMC directly or indirectly, even experience (as solidified experience from AA) to make [Stoneblock 2/Integrated Dynamics] Automate Mechanical Dryin Basin / Squeezer Hey guys! I've tried everything, all kinds of cables, extractors, conduits, item/fluid ones, even the Integrated Dynamics' Item Importer, but I just can't extract any produced item out of the Mechanical Dryin Basin or the Mechanical Squeezer. EDIT: also according to the page RFTools is in both packs, the only difference there is that Stoneblock II also adds RFTools Power. FYI. For the crafting storage, I like 2 64k's, a crafting monitor and 24 coprocessors in a 3x3x3 multiblock. This modpack is similar t Jan 12, 2025 · This guide will give you a complete overview of the FTB StoneBlock 2 (SB2) modpack, including a starting guide, brief overview of key mods, and general tips and tricks. 2 so idk if it'll work with the pack. I've never noticed any lag issues where RS was included in other packs, so that came as a bit of a surprise (but then I'm not all that techie). Hey all, what are the best cables to use for pulling out of roosts into storage drawers? I have a wall of roosts and another wall of storage drawers and want to pull out and then push into drawers, tried ExUtil2 transfer nodes but they take so long searching and also tried retrieval nodes but exactly the same Place 5 additional interfaces on the assemblers on the top and each of the 4 cardinal directions. Recipes can automagically pull whatever form of metal is called for - blocks or ingots or nuggets - without requiring additional autocrafting steps or manual conversion. Make sure to mine in the caves as that will be much faster than strip mining. I am wanting every chicken, and already have a really good ME Drive system that I spent hours trying to figure out. I heard EnderIO multiblock capacitors are laggy, is it true? Minefactory Laser Drill is a possibility, but it isn't a storage (obviously). The first condenser will make more beans. The best place to start if you're new is right below in our "Rules" section. Then for cows I set up about 14-17 "breeding pens" which were basically 3 wide 2 deep spaces with walls and fences across the front. So in interest of keeping the base clean and organized, I go all in on liquid storage. I was wondering a good flow you might be able to tell me for transmitting items from say a Roost Collecter into an ME Interface. I never played Stoneblock 2 but it seems like the same modpack but now through FTB. Theres like 10 ways of doing it, combining them can get you some insane results Some of the best is tier 3 growth crystals, a watch of flowing time+dark matter pedestal and lots of inferium growth accelerators. yea, solar flux reborn has 7 tiers of solar panel that, in stoneblock, have EMC, and even higher tiers like waevern, draconic and chaotic, and Nutronium solar panels. Magic Mods are pretty limited in Stoneblock 2, mainly you're looking at Thaumcraft(which has a quest page, but is set to "wuss mode", so it's bittersweet), and Botania. I am using at the moment a storage module, scanner and terminal linked to a drawer controller. I had a reply to an FTB Forums post where someone said that RS caused lag issues. You can also use an ME Drive, which is like a chest but holds 10 storage disks instead of one. Let’s get rid of all those loot crates in a sensible way, with the loot crate opener. Good to get everything apart from Draconium which I would just collect in the end anyway. This goes double for Stoneblock 2. By default a regular drawer holds 64 stacks of one item, you can put upgrades in to increase capacity, or use a void upgrade to void excess items, typically used on drawers that hold junk like dirt or cobblestone. ly/Fikibreaker Support me on 4) like what u/AwesomeTuba682 mentioned as well, you could collate the output of the cloches into a drawer and slap an storage bus to a drawer controller, or if your main network already has a drawer controller setup just pull everything out into a central hub/chest then import from that single chest Colossal Chests also seems to be removed, which is a shame. You can easily squeeze out 2-2,5 million rf/t. Place assemblers on every exposed interface face. which without ProjectE would SUCK to make in If Stoneblock 2 is the first one you plan to get to end game then it is a massive improvement. It has a Mekanism fusion reactor running on 1000mb/t of D-T fuel producing power and heat, the heat is piped to a boiler which boils water into steam and goes into an industrial turbine. The only real limits are how fast you can drop and pick-up items which is why translocators transferring a stack per tick are best. Hello! I am currently on a play of Stoneblock 2, and am wanting a good transfer system for my chickens. com/channel/U The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. Just connect one of the 47 (?) slot EMC links to your storage system (via a storage bus) and teach it to use EMC for parts for the next tier power flower and it gets real easy to max it out. The 57th episode of the Minecraft mod Stoneblock 2, where I get sick of constantly running back and forth to gather resources for crafting, so I get to work The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. With a storage system that combines the compacting from Storage Drawers with the easy access and autocrafting from Refined Storage, there's not much you can't do. upvotes Join us in celebrating and promoting tech, knowledge, and the best gaming, study, and work platform there exists. AE2 and/or RS for central mass storage, Storage Drawers, Iron Chests, Actually Additions Crates, Quantum Storage for deep storage and less demanding inventories, etc. Jan 11, 2022 · In this episode we took on the responsibility of making our storage area finally- - - - Take CTRL Today! Code "Connor" For 10% OFF Your Order! https://d That's just how the different mods work. Stoneblock 2 Fluid Storage. So I was wondering if I could make an ME system then hook up a storage bus to my current Refined Storage System, so that way I wouldn't have to move my millions of items to an ME system, and convert all my autocrafting to ME. ly/Gam I used a Fluid Storage Tank (Cyclic) and then connected it, using Fluid Extraction Cables (Cyclic) attaching to it and regular Fluid Cables to attach and feed into the Fluid Placer. If you don't specifically want to use the draconic reactor but still want multi-MRF/t power - especially for Balanced Clay setting up the Rainbow Generator from ExU2 is trivial in Stoneblock 2. Quests, There's also the matter of liquids that don't have a solid form - like Liquid Death. Probably gonna stick to Stoneblock I as I find working with AEs 63-item limit rather tedious, especially in a pack with lots of items like Stoneblock. twitch. Thought I'd share my methods so all you brave souls trying to complete this quest can learn from what I've tried. Mystical Agraditions: "Storage" Thermal Innovation: FluxBore (resonant) Applied Energestics: 64k ME Storage Component Extra Utilities: Drop of evil (2) Storage Drawers: Upgrade 2 (Iron) Project E: Repair Talisman Applied Energestics: ME Drive Thaumcraft: Void Metal Ingot (2) Random Things: Advanced Item Collector Storage. 2) Bonsai pot tree farm, feed the logs into a resourceful furnace to make charcoal with essence as a bonus. Merely open the app and navigate to mods, then Minecraft, browse modpacks, and select StoneBlock 2. Feb 8, 2019 · FTB StoneBlock 2 - Ep. IMO, in Stoneblock 2, the whole of the Environmental Tech mod is completely nuetered and a waste of time. Multiblock power storage. If you have guitar related questions, start with the "search" field at the top of the page. Each one increases RF input and output as well as storage. We'll update as we play and I'll input any comments that are shared and validated. Base tier generate only 40 RF/t bu can easy upgrade them with Upgrade Kits and get up to 4 upgrades slots for Auxiliary Transmission Coils. 2 will probably have had more recent development (bug fixes, updated mods, etc. I am looking for an affordable storage system that automatically sorts my items and I can search it easily. #2 Akali's Kunai and Kama. If you need more, for the balanced clay, projectE watch of flowing time + extra utilities rainbow generator can do as much as your computer/server can handle. I also suggest a Flux Network Flux Point, energy production should be centralized imho. , etc. Still, the Fluid Placer won't work. Hello everyone is welcome to the twelfth episode of stoneblock 2, we are getting closer to the end of this modpack, but still we have a couple of interesting If you have guitar related questions, start with the "search" field at the top of the page. The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. When I played Stoneblock 2, my place was just many rooms without decoraton lol, the only "decorated" place is inside my huge spatial storage where I mainly stay as the overworld is beginning to lag from too many machines in one place I was hugely disappointed to see that Refined Storage has not been included in FTB's StoneBlock 2 modpack. Stoneblock2 A Modpack which starts you in a world of only stone. Apr 28, 2019 · More #StoneBlock2 in which Rees needs a LOT of power, which means he'll need a massive energy storage core! STONEBLOCK Twitch Launcher: https://app. Drawers make great storage for items you get massive amounts of before you unlock some variety of black hole storage. So I have gotten to a point in stoneblock 2 where I have power set up and every type of chicken and have now started to automate almost everything but I was wondering if there was a way to wirelessly deposit items from each farm into me system and if not is there some other way because I havent been able to figure out a way. In this episode, we get some animals and a Wandering Trader, who has something we need, and then we get started working towards Refined Storage, making most I am currently playing Stoneblock 2 and am trying to automate my chicken farm. Fourth. STONEBLOCK I'm currently working on getting all of the chickens in StoneBlock 2 and ran into the problem of losing track of the chickens I had and not knowing what I hadn't gotten yet (123 is a lot to mentally keep track of) so I found a list of the Chickens and then modified and updated it to help me track my progress. Also great with void upgrades to stash things that are being generated infinitely without risk of them overrunning your storage system. In which Rees investigates various types of early-game storage techniques to determine which is the best option for his dire storage situation. Combine with black hole controllers for large storage issues, until you can make the big drives. I recall a while back a thread debating all the different mods energy storage methods including the RF battery from Reika's Electricraft. I always used Mechanism Ultimate Energy Cubes, but it's not enough for me. Then assign the points to that network as well as the storage. If youre unarmored and dont have a good weapon, prepare to die several times in order to kill the aggroed chicken. [Stoneblock 2] Flux Network and Draconic Core I wanted to know if someone is there who is familiar with both the Mod Flux Network and the mod Draconic Evolution. 2 (it also works for versions down to 1. It just seems so messy and unnecessarily gated behind time (those pure crystals take HOURS to get, WHY?) or an over complicated amount of machines. 2 rather than a true sequel. I'd love to hear additional methods you've tried, feel free to share! I'm trying to get my way through advancing to computer storage, instead of having copious amounts of chests, also auto farming materials and resources. The mining dimension has lots of charged certus, just fortune 3 it. Storage options are basically the same as most other modpacks. We're currently playing the Bedrock Edition of Stoneblock 2. Simply open the app and navigate to mods The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. 16x 10/10/10 Nether Quartz chickens should pump out enough Nether Quartz to keep you satisfied for a good while. 10. I am not far off making an induction matrix. I’ve been desperately trying not to install RS into my enigmatica 2 save, but I can’t stand having 15 storage crates and not having everything I need available in the crafting table. The best way to transfer power around is definitely flux networks (the mod). 1) convert your Dynamos to steam output and setup a mechanism turbine. I cant recall which one came out on top now! I am playing enigmatica 2 expert and need to decide where to go soon. . It turns out the best for efficiency is a complete fuel rod with no coolants in between, and a single layer of coolant between the fuel rods and the casing, at best Resonant Ender, second best Gelid Cryotheum, third best Redstone (liquid), or whatever else you have really, and the control rods turned to 99% or something. The Personal The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. Autocrafting, first choices are AE2 or Refined Storage. 9: BEST STORAGE EVER! (Modded Minecraft 1. Now you have a low level AE2/RS Network! Mid-game I've had fun with a couple different options. 4. ). 3. TBA Stoneblock 2 has quite the challenge with Big Spender quest. Jul 12, 2019 · I really enjoyed Stoneblock and want to give this another shot! Hope you peeps enjoy! Subscribe for daily videos: http://bit. I thought it might be useful to others so here is my Chicken Tracker. If you can't make black hole storage yet, use storage drawers in their stead but be careful, storage controllers->storage bus is a TPS choke point, and can cause lag if one is overly dependent on them. WE DO NOT HAVE A DISCORD. 2) | iJevin - YouTube. Stoneblock 2 is basically Stoneblock 1 with the FTB guys brought in to help with polishing. The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. How To Download and Install The StoneBlock 2 Modpack. What is the best energy storage I can get atm? My Big Reactors setup gives me about 30kRF/tick. 12. TBA; ProjectE. Those make it impossible to uniformly set up a standard storage for all the cow liquids as solids. I tried placing a Redstone Torch by it, nada. Create additional crafting flowers as necessary for additional pattern storage. Actually Addition Crates are dirt cheap and massive. Plus it has a cheap wireless option. Join this channel to get access to perks:https://www. We are going to be progressing through FTB presents Stoneblock 2. It is massively different than the Java version. Quick Stoneblock 3 guide to using the Functional Storage drawers and the Pipez mod. In Revelations I found mining at levels 12, 25, and 50. Disk storage is setup to be quantity-focused so is best for systems with high item counts but few differing types. I am trying to find a way to make sure that each of the 27 inventory slots of the ender chest is assigned to one of the 27 outputs (ie slot 0 is iron, slot Minecraft FTB StoneBlock 2 - Storage Upgrades & Mob Farming! #3 [Modded Survival] with GamingOnCaffeine★SUBSCRIBE for daily gaming videos: https://bit. I have the following problem: I produce electricity and want to feed it into my energy core using a flux point. And the storage can charge people inventory and equip items. Stoneblock 1 was fine overall. For current or aspiring Akali players, the best and cutest Assassin in League of Legends! Members Online Modeling every (physical) weapon in league of legends in blender. As this seems to be the best shot for getting through the questbook and continuing without fucking everything up. An AE2 Storage Cell tends to be 4x larger (can get up to 8x larger if only storing a single type) than the equivalent RS Disk, but is limited to only 63 types where as RS doesn't have a type limit (other than the size of the Disk). Actually Additions Storage Crates Get into Xnet ASAP RFTools Storage Scanner Connect storage drawer controllers, crates, colossal chests up with Xnet connectors and wires and a channel on the controller Connect the storage scanner to the xnet network. The laser uses very little power and can easily change 10+ stacks of cocoa to lapis per shot. Some important early-game things that make my life a lot better: actually additions small crates (just wood) and storage drawers (or compacting drawers) for inventory management, fluiducts for tinkers furnace/ores, hopping bonsais for wood/sticks/apples and paper. EMC links made it so much easier to deal with everything. ProjectE and AE2 - Stoneblock 2 Is there anyway to get the transmutation table to work with AE2, I know of Equivalent Energistics but it has only been updated to 1. i'm playing stoneblock 2 and i've been using magmatic generators until now but they are starting to lack the power i need, since i can't find any good power source can anyone help me? i've tried mekanism electrolytic separators and gas burning machines but i can't seem to make them be usefull, and i can't find a way to get yellorium for the reactors. Draconic Evolution has the Energy Core which can be upgraded to store 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 rf (max 64 bit int). Points can go on machines that require powers. Feed the charcoal into a compacting drawer to auto craft blocks then into petrified fuel generators. Up to tier five is easy and the materials are readily available, but tier 6 requires dragons breath, and tier 7 takes dragon eggs. The easiest way to install the StoneBlock 2 modpack is to use the Twitch App. ––– Description ––– Welcome to Stoneblock 2. I went with my friend's advice and put a lever on it, nothing. I'm playing Stoneblock 2 and im getting into draconic evolution , and it just hit me that i'm still using spectre coils to generate power , what's a good way to make , store and distribute power? I have pretty much infinite awakened draconium and draconium ingots and EMC since i have chickens in case i need that I'm playing stoneblock 2, I would say I am at the mid-game, I haven't killed the Ender Chicken yet but I have killed the Wither. Then the conduit continues past the drawers to a trash can with whitelists of the items I want trashed, on as many sides as it takes to cover all the different material types of armor. Just not enough new stuff for the people that played before, but just enough quality of life improvements that it is objectively an improvement. Hi all, i recently started my stoneblock 2 journey and im kind off stuck in power generation. I would say this is the best answer in Stoneblock 2. Draconic Evolution. Stoneblock 2 is more of a kitchen sink pack than a questing pack. Using Refined EMC Links, you can set Items in the Link, and then rig up an ME Storage Bus, but be warned, unless the Storage Bus has a lower Priority than some other Storage method, or is Partitioned, any Item with EMC will be transformed back into EMC when inserted into the system. mpzwhb tgilg dtt ykuxs tqrfcb uojw affcby nqjnh bfgqh ofckdg ojqpffw afrr gpanwujc qciaz sufomj