Strapi query url. id You can find more info here: https://docs.

Strapi query url 56 May 25, 2021 · Good day to everyone. request. query('article'). “route” is the field with the relation. I have text fields as well, which return fine. Below are key points to effectively use Strapi's query parameters: Feb 8, 2025 · The Strapi query component is a powerful tool for developers to interact with the database layer directly from the controllers. Here's a basic example of how to use populate in a query: strapi. params. Apr 4, 2024 · Hi I have S3 & cloudfront video storage which is uploaded to via the media section in strapi… I then want to access the cloudfront files on the front end by updating the urls in the API before they are served to the front. queryBuilder() i’ll get QueryBuilder, but i can’t find docs for him, maybe some one have url on all QueryBuilder methods or maybe just arguments for methods. Jun 14, 2015 · issue: bug Issue reporting a bug severity: low If the issue only affects a very niche base of users and an easily implemented workaround can solve source: core:strapi Source is core/strapi package status: confirmed Confirmed by a Strapi Team member or multiple community members Creating a new Strapi application at D: \C odes \s trapi-cms. atrributes: is there a reason I’m not seeing the image fields here like I would in v3? Dec 8, 2021 · I am trying to figure out if it is possible out of the box to programatically import images from a external api/URL. Article: { title, content, media } add to endpoint of articles populate param, and you get all data of media object. For more details, see the Queries section. partner’, ({strapi}) =>({async customFind(ctx){const { query } = ctx. Getting value for cover works fine but links does not. By clicking on it the user gets redirected to the strapi admin panel to create a new entry: Dec 21, 2020 · This discussion has been migrated from our Github Discussion #7310 amaneshi140d ago Describe the bug If you set “URL” parameter in server configuration file admin home page become broken. Jun 1, 2022 · # strapi. . 6 days ago · Strapi provides a powerful filtering system that allows users to query their data with great flexibility. Now, i have the id of one of the contentTypes entry and i want to delete the related content Type. Querying by Slug The query URL above was built using the qs library. Simply query as follows: image { formats } it should return: image { formats { thumbnail { url } } } Nov 4, 2021 · I am trying to query a single file size, using GQL after I have uploaded my image and upload plugin has resized it according to the settings. const qs = require ( 'qs' ) ; Oct 8, 2024 · We will start by constructing the query object using Strapi's Query Builder that you can find here. const qs = require ( 'qs' ) ; May 31, 2023 · If you use the params request config property with your axios requests, chances are that the format that axios produces cannot be read successfully by Strapi, because Strapi uses the qs library for parsing the query params back to an object and expects a different format. The query URL above was built using the qs library. Contribute to this page on GitHub Mar 9, 2025 · Strapi provides a powerful query system that can be accessed through the context (ctx) object in custom controllers. Mar 9, 2025 · To install the latest version of Strapi and create a new project, ensure you have Node. get(); const id = ctx. fetchAll({ withRe Aug 10, 2024 · In this post, we’ve walked through the steps to create a custom API in Strapi, focusing on building a search API that allows users to query multiple content types with optional category filters. For example, to perform a join query, you might use: strapi. Steps to reproduce the behavior Add “url” parameter to server configuration file (absolute path fragment, like “/api”) Rebuild admin panel with “strapi build” command Open admin panel home Feb 15, 2019 · I have a model (Product) that has a list of images. Learn how you can collect data on websites using your favorite headless CMS, Puppeteer and Cheerio. Ex: id created_at productid userid 1 2022-01-27T21:42:46. By leveraging the ctx. 15. log Nov 13, 2020 · I'm attempting to query a URL for my Strapi CMS to find a blog post by it's title, rather than ID, so I can link to it in my web app. find({ where: { author: 1 }, populate: ['comments'] }); This code snippet retrieves all posts by author with id 1 and populates the associated comments. That's why, with this feature we could remove this default behaviour and add a new parameter in the request to include the necessaries relations. forge() . 563Z 2 3 1 2022-01-27T21:42:46. 5 Using GraphQL extension for chrome and Altai client for query Try start Strapi with: yarn start copy and paste this URL into your RSS You need to create a localFile___NODE. where(where) . When you send requests through the REST API, a context object (ctx) is passed to every element of the Strapi back end (e. reload. Jul 9, 2020 · Despite you've created an image object with an url field in Strapi, Strapi + Gatsby downloads it and you must change a bit your query. However, in case anyone else arrives here and finds themselves in my situation, where you implemented the cache plugin exactly by the book but it just seems to be ignored: I got this to work only in version 0. Sep 24, 2021 · so i am trying to get a custom strapi controller where i want to filter based on CompanyName module. Here's an example of how to query a single type named HomePage: Jan 5, 2022 · To filter a boolean field in Strapi and ensure that records with true values appear first, you can modify your query like this. 12. Place has also field named cover which is Media field. js. I want to get the value of Dec 3, 2021 · Hi @Richard_Griffiths,. If you haven't gone through the Quick Start Guide, the way you request a Strapi API with GraphQL (opens new window) remains the same except that you will not fetch the same content. Strapi offers a variety of query parameters to filter, sort, and limit the data returned by the API. Use Strapi's REST API to sort or paginate your data. However, I can't figure out how to do it, and the Strapi documentation (from what I've found) only tells how to find by ID. find(); strapi. attributes object and are directly accessible at the first level of the data object (e. js file. Use Strapi's Query Engine API to populate relations when querying your content. This section delves into the basics of filtering in Strapi, including how to filter by relations, which is a common requirement for many applications. Strapi's codebase uses the qs library to parse and stringify nested JavaScript objects. How can I try to achieve showing the url of related images. The Strapi back end server is based on Koa. Change strapi-tutorial-shortner to the preferred name of your project. Returns the Router (Joi router) instance. After installation, the browser would open a page on localhost:1337, which would prompt to set up the first admin account to proceed with Strapi. After saving the modified file run either yarn build or npm run build in the terminal to implement the changes. I was trying to test Strapi API in one of my projects. Even, if it can be very useful, it can cause performances issues. id, ‘user . As a full URL (path + query string) by calling . Thank you ahead of time for any help with this! This topic has I have a Post content type, which has a FeaturedImage field. 0. Sep 17, 2020 · I'm using Strapi with MongoDB Atlas and I have two collection types: 1. You can go through the docs for better understanding on using REST API filters: Filters, Locale, and Publication State | Strapi Documentation Feb 24, 2025 · Querying Single Types in Strapi. May 24, 2023 · Error: The filters parameter must be an object or an array at convertFiltersQueryParams (C:\xxx\pi-site-strapi\node_modules\@strapi\utils\lib\convert-query-params. But in that file we can only query one content type in the GraphQL. A slug is a URL-friendly string that represents a specific piece of content, typically derived from a title or name. It’s my second day on Strapi (I’m on v4) and I have the same issue. join({ alias: userAlias, targetField: ‘users’ }) . To fetch data by slug in Strapi, you can use the built-in query system provided by the Strapi API. Strapi's query filters enable precise control over the data returned from the API. g. We assume that you have fully completed its "Hands-on" path, and therefore can consume the API by browsing this url (opens new window). Strapi allows the use of query parameters to filter results. Jun 1, 2022 · We assume that you have fully completed its "Hands-on" path, and therefore can consume the API by browsing this url (opens new window). Jan 28, 2022 · System Information I have a collection in which i save records with the views of each product per user in my app. Fetching data by slug in Strapi is a common task when building applications with dynamic content. js:514:19) at Object. 🚀 Read the latest Strapi 5 docs at docs. , policies, controllers, services). Jun 29, 2024 · Strapi is an open-source Headless Content Management system that focuses on managing and delivering content through APIs. 0 of apollo-server Jul 1, 2020 · strapi. Feb 20, 2025 · Query Building. A wide range of parameters can be used and combined to query your content with the REST API, which can result in long and complex query URLs. data. Deeply nested relations can quickly become complex and slow down your API responses. API Prefix: By default, Strapi uses /api as a prefix for all API endpoints. now Im stuck with the media field. Returns a function that reloads the entire app (with downtime). 1 NPM Version: 8. Thanks for raising it Aug 12, 2021 · Obtaining a JSON web tokens (JWT) for users in case of authenticated requests The code below is a basic GraphQL query to fetch all Blogs from our Strapi backend. Adjusting Limits: You can adjust the default limits by modifying the maxLimit parameter in your Strapi configuration. I tried this where “route. query calls here. I have a “Home” Single Type with two media fields: I cannot see/query it using Gatsby GQL Explorer under strapiHome. It is more of a work around. select([${alias}. I would really like to be able to do this in a clean way by using the IDs of the Project. Available commands in your project: yarn develop Start Strapi in watch mode. find({ title_contains: 'Strapi' }); This will return all records where the title field contains the word 'Strapi'. 0 Yarn Version:</details> in my postman ,the request is correct, i can get the response, but in my code (&hellip; In this example, any time a web browser is pointed to the /hello URL on your app, the page will display the text: You can read about strapi. js […slug]. query('model'). Skip to main content Strapi 4 docs are now in maintenance mode until March 2026. 9. query('post'). I have this in my index: register({ strapi }) { const extensionService = strapi. io The query URL above was built using the qs library. g: mongoose or bookshelf). query. 563Z 1 3 1 2022-01-28T21:42:46. const qs = require ( 'qs' ) ; Oct 28, 2024 · Im having problems getting my api query to give me the correct data, When i send the request directly to my strapi domain with a very complex query i get back the Feb 7, 2025 · A URL slug is the part of a URL or link that comes after the domain extension, and it is the exact address of a specific page or post on a website. The user will enter the languages, and it should filt Mar 16, 2021 · Hi @kuwaitbinary,. id You can find more info here: https://docs. You can use Strapi's interactive query builder tool to build query URLs more conveniently. tsx so we dont want that as we dont want /products/ in the URL. html#requests Oct 8, 2024 · We will start by constructing the query object using Strapi's Query Builder that you can find here. Mar 9, 2025 · Strapi v3 provides a robust API for querying data, allowing developers to retrieve content dynamically and efficiently. Because this field is an image upload, Strapi generates handy additional formats: thumbnail, small, medium and large. In my Strapi application, I have created several collection types and relations, which I will explain as we proceed. Here is a helpful Chrome extension to make your JSON more beautiful when viewing in the browser. exports = createCoreController(‘api::partner. Jan 27, 2021 · I have collection type Place which have field links which use component Link which have fields like url and title. Versioning: Strapi supports API versioning, which is often indicated by a /v1 or /v2 after the API prefix. db?. Build your query URL with Strapi's interactive tool. Use Strapi's REST API to filter the results of your requests. # Install the GraphQL plugin Oct 19, 2020 · Frontend captures the code from the query parameters, waits for user to enter their new password; User hits “submit” or whatever on your frontend; Frontend injects the previous code into the query parameters + the new password information in the body and fires a POST request to Strapi; Strapi replies if success or failure What is Astro? Astro is a modern, lightweight frontend framework for building fast, content-driven websites. Below is my media components, When calling the /api/v1/upload/files routes, I got all the files uploaded to S3. const qs = require ( 'qs' ) ; Apr 27, 2024 · Hey all, so only second time using Strapi as my CMS, and was curious if there is a way using the Strapi url to access nested data when I initially call it vs getting nested data in my next. The library is built with TypeScript to ensure full type safety across all query operations. query; const entity = await strapi. As an example, the following URL successfully finds all of my blog posts: Jan 27, 2021 · Use Strapi to scrape the web. Today I have 2 “espaces” (numero 10 and 17), and I have 2 appels (one for “espace”. Case Example: user searches for people who know various languages. const filters = { populate: '*', sort Jul 18, 2022 · “media”: { "id": 1 } The above is the result that I got when I call the registrations route, I have uploaded the photos and integrate with S3. (Changes in Strapi project files will trigger a server restart) yarn start Start Strapi without Use Strapi as a backend and NextJS and Tailwind CSS as UI to create a URL Shortener Service Oct 18, 2020 · I want to pass an additional parameter geoDistance to my Strapi endpoint. , a content-type's "title" attribute is accessed with data. 💡 Aug 31, 2022 · From my knowledge, there is no need through iterate through the data and attributes. Categories I have different illustrations belonging to different categories Design REST and GraphQL Content Delivery APIs to connect to any frontend. Query Parameters. js which can create a page for the URL, e. Now I made another collection-type of category with ['softwaresApps','gifts','technology'] title that holds relations of posts. The plugin will be added to your strapi project. then i tr Aug 24, 2023 · But for simplicity, I will be using Strapi's Query Builder tool, which you can find here. response. 12: one time it fails, telling me there’s no url field on any image relation I have. io/developer-docs/latest/development/backend-customization/requests-responses. Advanced Filtering. ¥Build your query URL with Strapi's interactive tool 可以使用并组合多种参数来通过 REST API 查询你的内容,这可能会导致查询 URL 又长又复杂。 ¥A wide range of parameters can be used and combined to query your content with the REST API , which can result in long and complex query URLs. This utility function allows to bind models with query functions specific to each ORM (e. But as you described you are trying to access this information from the frontend. query('member'). Hopefully the community will help. A wide range of REST API parameters can be used and combined to query your content, which can result in long and complex query URLs. orderBy('order', 'DESC') . env file of your project. Creating files. Because i want to do something like this: const knexSubQuery = subQuery . await strapi. For example, to retrieve records that contain a specific value, you can use the strapi query filter syntax: strapi. db. This url need to be the base url of the website. Right now, this is what I have. search({_q: 'Project Name'}); This is however not close enough. js and npm installed on your system. Understanding the differences and use cases for each query language is crucial for developers to make the most out of Strapi's capabilities. 11. js file require rebuilding the admin panel. Utilizing Query Parameters. Nov 8, 2023 · Hello, I need help to fully understand the db. However while using v4, I am unable to query the media field I have set on my Single Type. Dependencies installed successfully. Understanding the query system is crucial for leveraging Strapi's full potential. value. js:394:11) at transformParamsToQuery (C:\xxx\pi-site-strapi\node_modules\@strapi\utils\lib\convert-query-params. Your application was created at D: \C odes \s trapi-cms. 3 docs tagged with "interactive query builder" View all tags Filters, Locale, and Status. Adding & Accessing URL. Interactive Query Builder. find({query}); return entity}, and my route is #Getting Started with Gatsby. Each record has today’s date, the product id and the id of the user who viewed it. query object, developers can implement advanced filtering capabilities to refine the data returned by API requests. It is a string that identifies a particular resource on a web server in a form readable to users. Here is the basic our query will look like: Go ahead and copy the Query String URL and make a request to the following URL in your browser: Build your query URL with Strapi's interactive tool. This parameter should be used by the controller to run a calculation first and afterwards query those records which contain Aug 16, 2021 · Hi! First of all, thanks for the perfect example, this is super helpful and I can’t understand how it’s not a simple config option on the strapi graphql plugin. Is there a way to Sep 14, 2023 · on my website there is a button for users to create a new contribution. Illustrations 2. requestContext. service(‘api::partner. env file as STRAPI_ADMIN_FRONT_END_URL. Nov 8, 2023 · Hey @shawn_chan,. However, it seems the upload plugin only returns data as of type: json and this doesn’t allow for querying. There are two content Types with a oneToOne relation. Oct 16, 2024 · <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: 5. full(). It returns the Id, Title and Understanding Query Limits: Strapi sets default query limits to optimize performance. The reason I tried the alpha version is that I have flickering GraphQL errors when using version 0. This would install and create a Strapi project locally. This integration guide is following the Quick Start Guide. query(‘plugin::url Jan 18, 2022 · I created a collection type 'posts' and created many posts. When I query all p Jul 18, 2023 · Hi! Im missing documentation on how to use the GraphQL extensionService. Feb 15, 2021 · How do I get the parameters value passed in the url? For example, my url is /[email protected]&token=fb49d692186dd4744af50446fad2f031. “numero” 10 and one for “espace Jun 8, 2022 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Jul 25, 2022 · You can use “populate” attribute on query. qs can be run locally on your machine, as shown in the following code example, or you can use our interactive query builder online tool. To filter by category or any other parameter effectively, it's important to understand the underlying mechanisms Strapi provides. I am not sure if there is any mechanism to do this but I figured I would ask. Requests and Responses. Place document in MongoDB (relevant fields) { _id: ObjectId('5fdb7c87fa0aaf11d6ef4788'), cover: ObjectId('5fc94314f0bf8afd27d5badc'), links: [ { _id: ObjectId Strapi v4. Type Safety with TypeScript. const { createRemoteFileNode } = require(`gatsby-source-filesystem`) exports Jul 16, 2024 · When i use method: strapi. forEach((item) => { console. Jan 31, 2022 · 1 npx create-strapi-app strapi-tutorial-shortner --quickstart. For more complex scenarios, you can use dot notation to filter within populated fields: Mar 1, 2025 · When working with Strapi, filtering queries is a common task that can greatly enhance the performance and usability of your API. my problem is in trying to programmatically update the URLS in the API to be a cloudfront domain rather than an s3 domain… I have created a lifecycles file in my content Changes to the server. 🤗 The query URL above was built using the qs library. 7 node v14. partner’). The Strapi query builder is a fluent interface that lets you construct queries programmatically. How to fetch the paths to the files? const data = await Category . 563Z 1 1 1 2022-01-27T21:42:46. query with populate ! My tables : appels : { id, espace, (relation to espace) file } espace : { id, numero, type } In my code I try to retrieve all the “appels” that have the “espace” with the “numero” 10. Doing that you would have to make an API call, from the frontend. How can I change or resolve this json type data into a GQL type, globally, so it is available to all my endpoints? Jan 5, 2022 · System Information I noticed that the GraphQL API structure has changed since v3. search(); The closest I got was using: strapi. It is particularly popular among developers who want to build static websites, and it uses HTML as its primary rendering method while allowing for the integration of multiple JavaScript frameworks such as React, Vue, and Svelte. Begin by running the command npx create-strapi-app my-project --quickstart in your terminal, which will set up a new Strapi project named 'my-project' with a SQLite database for quick prototyping. Sep 7, 2021 · By default, the generated APIs populate the relations by default. 17. At this point, all your images belong to gatsby-source-filesystem so they must be queried in a different way. Contribute to this page on GitHub Jan 28, 2025 · Query Filters. I'm making a write-once read-many field called number_of_onsite_lessons. It seems the Strapi upload service, allthough documented to handle both files and Buffers, can only handle files since it expects a path attribute to exist on the uploaded file. This allows for more extensive data retrieval when needed. server I just created a new project [GitHub] with yarn create strapi-app to test model lifecycle methods. I have successfully gotten data from a rest API to import into strapi as content but I need to find a way to download images from links in the API. Sep 27, 2024 · My query is like: const urlParamsObject = { filters: { slug }, populate: { cover: { fields: [‘url’] }, authorsBio: { populate: ‘’ }, category: { fields Dec 3, 2024 · As a query string only by calling . Use an interactive tool that leverages the querystring library to build your query URL. I have added an media field on the user called profile_image and I want to return it when calling me and on login etc in GraphQL. First, you need to edit gatsby-node. JSON Viewer. const qs = require ( 'qs' ) ; The query URL above was built using the qs library. /products/ would map to products. tsx file which will match any slug in the URL, and we can fetch content based on that slug. server Mar 9, 2025 · Strapi v3 provides a robust API for querying data, allowing developers to retrieve content dynamically and efficiently. Aug 3, 2024 · Hi, I’m trying to delete an entry with the Query Engine API based on the id of a relation. Strapi 5's Content API includes 2 major differences with Strapi v4: The response format has been flattened, which means attributes are no longer nested in a data. One of the main advantages of Strapi CMS is its ability to automatically create a REST API endpoint when a new content type is created. id” is the id of the related entity. findMany (C:\xxx\pi-site-strapi\node_modules Base URL: Typically, the base URL is the root address of your Strapi server, which includes the domain and port. join({ alias, targetField }) . Mar 19, 2023 · We use Next. 8. const qs = require ( 'qs' ) ; Use Strapi's Query Engine API to perform operations on single entries. # strapi. In the response, I got the media showing the id only. router. io Populating for Query Engine API - Strapi Developer Docs. 6 Operating System: macOS Database: mysql Node Version: v16. 563Z 1 2 1 2022-01-27T21:42:46. Dec 1, 2019 · const ctx = strapi. I have 2 red rectangles, the first is my url, the second is where I want to get to inside this nested mess. Sort and Pagination. Dec 6, 2020 · Ok, so apparently the @alpha version is only going to work well with Gatsby v3 (not released yet), so going back to 0. Can anyone help or point me in the right Use Strapi to scrape the web. I want to have a field w Oct 2, 2021 · @minhtri I thought you were trying to access the content types from the backend. Inorder to achieve the url of the website developing it must be specified in the . strapi. Here is the basic our query will look like: Go ahead and copy the Query String URL and make a request to the following URL in your browser: Dec 8, 2021 · It’s because by default strapi don’t send back any relation field I think you should you use populate: this is how it works (in the controller or service) docs. title). find({ title: 'Strapi Guide' }, ['category']) In this snippet, the category relation of the article content type is populated. thanks for the mention! I think I found a possible root cause for both the async image import and the upload from url feature not working. So we have used a Next. Strapi, as a headless CMS, supports both GraphQL and RESTful API endpoints for querying the database. qs(), this will only return the query string part of the URL. To query a single type in Strapi, you can use the query operation provided by GraphQL. It provides a flexible API to perform create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations, as well as complex queries, on your application's data. Add this to the STRAPI_ADMIN_FRONT_END_URL="YOUR_BASE_URL_HERE". An example. The syntax for querying a single type is concise and requires specifying the type name and the fields you want to retrieve. service("plugin::graphql The query URL above was built using the qs library. rogpcv hxphjz xwpqkj xglvc txyvql bbklc kfjjh nlc qrroi egxxyd uofnal yrxrj alxqro uwzrw dezkyk