Te karakia o nukutawhiti. He rūrū anō te rūrū, he kāeaea anō te kāeaea.

Te karakia o nukutawhiti Ko ngā kaihoe o ngā waka o Te Tai Tokerau ēnei e haka ana I te karakia a Nukutawhiti i roto I te whakaaturanga o He Kaupapa Waka i te Wharetaonga o Te Kōngahu I Waitangi. Ko Nukutawhiti i tae tuatahi, heoi ka whanga ki a Ruanui hei taki i ngā karakia i te wā kotahi. To calm the waters Nukutawhiti recited a now famous karakia, ‘E kau ki te Tai e’ which Ngāpuhi still recites to this day on our marae and in haka. Ko Nukutawhiti te kaihautū o te waka o Ngātokimatawhaorua i haere mai i Hawaiki nui ki Hokianga Whakapau Karakia. Niua (Niwa/Niniwa) Ngā It refers to Marerei-ao and Taotao-rangi, places in Hawaiiki, and to the spiritual powers Tāne and Tangaroa. Haere i te mitimiti Haere i te honuhonu E mea ana te tikanga o tenei hirihiri a Kae, kia haere taua tohora i uta. Ākau. Nāwai rā, ka aituā a Rongomai i tētahi haerenga Dec 5, 2020 · E kau ki te tai e!! Te karakia a Nukutawhiti. Web Developers. However when Ruanui arrived he ordered his tohunga to begin the karakia without consulting Nukutawhiti. Ko ia tangata e whai-tika ana ki ona ake whakaaro , o tona hinengaro me tona nei whakapono ; e tapiritia ana hoki ki a ia te mana kia watea ia ki te whakauru atu ki tetahi atu whakapono , hahi ranei , a me watea hoki , ki a ia anake ki a ia ranei me etahi atu ki te aroaro o te katoa , ki tetahi wahi wehi ranei , te mana ki te whakarite i tona whakapono , hahi ranei , i runga i te ritenga Karakia Karakia commonly known as prayers or incantations are generally used to ensure a favourable outcome to important events such as tangihanga (the ritual of farewell to our deceased), hui (meetings), wānanga (higher learning) etc Karakia, in their true essence, are ritual chants invoking Ngatokimatawhaorua te waka o Ngapuhi Te ariki o runga ko Nukutawhiti rā Te rua o ngā waka ko Mātaatua Ko Puhi te ariki e (ko Puhi te ariki e) Rāhiri te tupuna e tū mai nei tana whakatauki, e pukapuke ana I waiho i Whiria te paiaka o te riri Te kawa o Rāhiri e (te kawa o Rāhiri e) Ueoneone rā nāna i hari mai Te wahine whakakiwa nō roto Te Pae o Uta refers to the “sight of land” when Nukutawhiti, grandson of Kupe, The Discoverer of Aotearoa, guided the waka hourua Ngātokimatawhaorua into the Hokianga Harbour. Feb 13, 2023 · Powerful ariki, mighty taniwha, potent karakia and internal conflict are all integral parts of Te Rarawa oral history and have become part of the iwi character as well. Ko te karakia hohou rongo ō Nukutawhiti i te rironga māminga mai o ngā kōiwi o Wahieroa i Hawai‟i. Nov 8, 2024 · Te Pae o Uta refers to the “sight of land” when Nukutawhiti, grandson of Kupe, The Discoverer of Aotearoa, guided the waka hourua Ngātokimatawhaorua into the Hokianga Harbour. Ka karakia ngā tohunga kia puta he tohorā nui rawa atu hei whakahere; ehara, pae atu ana te tohorā ki te one. Heoi, i te otinga o te hanga o tōna whare, kīhai a Ruanui i tatari i a Nukutawhiti, ka whakahaua wawetia e ia āna tohunga kia tāngia te kawa o tōna whare. Feb 22, 2024 · “Te Pae o Uta” is a Te Ao Māori framework for Far North District Council staff that seeks to guide and improve the Far North District Councils’ responsiveness and inclusiveness of Te Ao Māori across the organisation. Voice over artists. And so a battle of karakia ensued between these tupuna and the whale was pulled back and forth between the two. Ko te karakia o Māhuhu-ki-te-rangi, a Whakatau, ko te hakaara o Nukutawhiti hei hakakapi i te hakapuakitanga o ōku korero, otirā ko waiho ake ki te mutunga ko taku karakia ki a Mataatua. KARAKIA WHAKAMUTANGA •Kia tau ki a tātou katoa Te atawhai o tō tātou Ariki, a Ihu Karaiti Me te aroha o te Atua Me te whiwhingatahitanga Ki te wairua tapu Ake, ake, ake Amine •May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all Forever and ever Amen He hōtaka tukutuku ā-hākoritanga ka whakaahua i te haerenga mai o Nukutawhiti i Hawaiki nui ki Hokianga Whakapau Karakia. Nō Ngāti Toki, Ngāti Te Rino, Ngāti Moe me Ngāti Horahia hapū o Ngāpuhi iwi tēnei marae. Karakia mō te Kai – Blessing of Food. Ngā ngaru tapu e toru o Nukutawhiti me Ngāpuhi: - Ngarunui - Ngaruroa - Ngarupaewhenua ; Ngāpuhi me Te Āewa ; Te karakia nā Nukutawhiti, ‘E kau ki te tai e’ Ngāpuhi whakataukī: “Kotahi ki reira, ki Araiteuru. Ka tangi te kura i te ata o Waikau he ata amohanga, he ata ki te paerangi. 10. At this moment a tohora (whale) entered the harbour, and karakia (incantations) were recited to call the whale to shore, Ruanui to the South and Nukutawhiti to the North. Associate Professor Melinda Webber (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Kahu, Ngāti Whakaue) from the University of Auckland, who co-wrote the resource, alongside University doctoral student Kapua O’Connor, says the collaborative project is “Vision Mātauranga in action”. Tapatapa ruru ana . I hoe mātou i ngā tai o Whangaroa mā runga I a Te Aukaha, I a Uerangi, I a Te Aroha. Ngātokimatawhāorua Ngātokimatawhāorua te waka o Ngāpuhi Te Ariki o runga ko Nukutawhiti rā Te rua o ngā waka ko Mātātua Ko Puhi te Ariki e! Ko Puhi This waka has its main descent lines to Nga Puhi and Te Rarawa of Northland, captained by Kupe's grandson, Nukutawhiti. E ai ki ngā kōrero, Te Pae o Uta refers to the “sight of land” when Nukutawhiti, grandson of Kupe, The Discoverer of Aotearoa, guided the waka hourua Ngātokimatawhaorua into the Hokianga Harbour. I reira ano i te ara, ka korerotia atu e te Ko te Karakia a Kae. Ngātokimatawhāorua Ngātokimatawhāorua te waka o Ngāpuhi Te Ariki o runga ko Nukutawhiti rā Te rua o ngā waka ko Mātātua Ko Puhi te Ariki e! Ko Puhi Pokaia then sent messengers to Ngapuhi at Hokianga, Taiamai, Bay of Islands and Whangaroa to come to successfully fight Taoho. Nikora Ngaropo Motion & Design. Te Tārai o Rāhiri marae is located in the Mangakahia River Valley in Pakōtai. I hoe mātou i ngā tai o Whangaroa mā He hōtaka tukutuku ā-hākoritanga ka whakaahua i te haerenga mai o Nukutawhiti i Hawaiki nui ki Hokianga Whakapau Karakia. Ka hanga a Nukutawhiti i tona whare ka oti, ka rangahia te tapau mo roto, ka karakiatia. The karakia gave the crew a sense of safe arrival and unity having traversed the dangers of the largest body of water on the planet, Te Moananui-a-Kiwa, from Hawaiki Rā Tuaono - Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori. Ko Nukutawhiti tētahi anō o ōku tūpuna. E kau ki te tai e, e kau ki te tai e . Another account according to Te Uri-o-Hau and Te Taoū (from Ngāti Whātua of Helensville and Auckland) is that Rongomai was the captain of Māhuhu, and the canoe landed on Tāporapora, an island that once stood inside the Kaipara Heads. Te Rūnanga A Iwi o Ngāpuhi with funding from Toikuranui - The Ministry of Education. The three sacred waves of Nukutawhiti and Ngāpuhi Te Ngarunui, Te Ngaruroa, Te Ngarupaewhenua The great wave, the long wave and the wave that lands upon the shore te tinana o Nukutawhiti te matenga o Kekero. Art & Animations. Ruanui, captain of the Māmari canoe, and Nukutawhiti of the Ngātokimatawhaorua arrived together at the Hokianga. Kia ora nga Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Whātua, Te Aupouri, Te Rarawa Ka huri te rohe 1 . He hirihiri te ingoa o te karakia potopo'o. Hokianga whakapau karakia. Apr 29, 2021 · An image from 'Te Taunahatanga o Te Puna i te Ao Marama'. Ara-i-te-uru. moutere o te Moana-nui-ā-Kiwa ki ēnei motu. Ko Nukutawhiti, Ko Ruanui, Nga tāngata o nga waka nei. He rangi ātaahua inanahi rā i te taha o Te Whānau o Te Aroha Waka. Kupe explained to Nukutawhiti the location of Te Hokianga nui ā Kupe (The great returning place of Kupe - The Hokianga Harbour) where his son Tuputupu Whenua was laid to rest in Te Puna o Te Ao Mārama, as a protection and claim to the harbour for the people of Nukutawhiti. Whano, whano, ka haramai te toki o haumi e, hui e, taiki e! Te Karakia Hohourongo o Nukutawhiti. p. When it was time for Kupe to leave again for home, he said 'Ka hoki nei ahau, e kore e hokianga nui mai!' and hence the name Te Hokianga-a-Kupe. Tapatapa ruru ana te kakau o te hoe . Captained by Nukutawhiti, the refurbished canoe returned to Hokianga, accompanied by Ruanui and his canoe Māmari. TE KARAKIA O NUKUTAWHITI E kau ki te tai e, e kau ki te tai e E kau rā, e Tāne wāhia atu rā Wāhia atu rā te ngaru hukahuka o Marerei-ao Pikitia atu te aurere kura o Taotao-rangi e Tapatapa ruru ana te kakau o te hoe E auheke ana e tara tutu ana te huka o Tangaroa I te puhi whatukura i te puhi māreikura o taku waka e I te tau 1350 i tae mai ngā waka e whitu mai i te whenua o Hawaiiki, i tae mai a Nukutawhiti i runga i te waka o Ngātokimatawhaorua. It was first performed as a Pātere in 1997 by Te Kura Taumata o Panguru. It refers to Marerei-ao and Taotao-rangi, places in Hawaiiki, and to the spiritual powers Tāne and Tangaroa. Pikitia atu te aurere kura o Taotao-rangi e . Ranga mai hea te takapau tukua iho Ngā Marau. Te Marautanga o Aotearoa Te Whakahou i Te Marautanga o Aotearoa Ngatokimatawhaorua te waka o Ngapuhi Te ariki o runga ko Nukutawhiti rā Te rua o ngā waka ko Mātaatua Ko Puhi te ariki e (ko Puhi te ariki e) Rāhiri te tupuna e tū mai nei tana whakatauki, e pukapuke ana I waiho i Whiria te paiaka o te riri Te kawa o Rāhiri e (te kawa o Rāhiri e) Ueoneone rā nāna i hari mai Te wahine whakakiwa nō roto Feb 9, 2025 · E kau ki te tai e!! Te Kaupapa Waka i Waitangi Ia tau hui ai ngā waka i te moana o Te Peowhairangi ki te whakanui I te hainatanga o Te Tiriti o Waitangi, otirā, ki te whakatinana tonu i ngā mātāpono te pūngao neke me te pūngao moe, me te pūmau o te pūngao e hāngai ana . The karakia gave the crew a sense of safe arrival and unity having traversed the dangers of the largest body of water on the planet, Te Moananui-a-Kiwa, from Hawaiki Na te mea he atawhai kei a koe Na te mea hoki he aroha kei au ture, koia ahau I whakawhirinaki ai ki a koe e te Ariki Kua ora toku wairua ki ta-na kupu Kua whakawhirinaki toku wairua ki te Ariki I te takiritanga o te ata tae noa ki te po Kia whakawhirinaki a Iharaira ki te Ariki Na te mea he atawhai kei te Ariki A he nui tana whaka-oranga A Hītori Te Oroko Tīmatanga o te Iwi o Te Aupōuri The Aupōuri tribe was originally the Ngāti Ruanui, the original name of the Aupōuri people, for the navigator of the Māmari canoe was the important chief Ruanui. Kupe gave six taniwha to Nukutäwhiti and Rüänui to accompany them on their journey to Aotearoa, and his tohunga Te Papatara: Te Papaatara returns on board Ngatokimatawhaorua helping his mokopuna Nukutawhiti find Aotearoa and guide the waka through the harbours entrance through the use of Karakia. This manner of travel is reflected in the following pepeha: Ngāpuhi te aewa – ka rere i runga i te ngaru Ngāpuhi the wanderers – they sail over the waves8 Mar 5, 2013 · To calm the waters Nukutawhiti recited a now famous karakia, ‘E kau ki te Tai e’ which Ngāpuhi still recites to this day on our marae and in haka. He tapu tāwake i whānakenake ki te papa o Wahieroa. Pāwhiri te hononga Te Pae o Uta refers to the “sight of land” when Nukutawhiti, grandson of Kupe, The Discoverer of Aotearoa, guided the waka hourua Ngātokimatawhaorua into the Hokianga Harbour. Nukutawhiti responded with a karakia to Tane and Tangaroa. Narrator - Jo’el Komene. The karakia gave the crew a sense of safe arrival and unity having traversed the dangers of the largest body of water on the planet, Te Moananui-a-Kiwa, from Hawaiki It refers to Marerei-ao and Taotao-rangi, places in Hawaiiki, and to the spiritual powers Tāne and Tangaroa. Pāwhiri te hononga Kupe explained to Nukutawhiti the location of Te Hokianga nui ā Kupe (The great returning place of Kupe - The Hokianga Harbour) where his son Tuputupu-Whenua (also called Tumutumu-Whenua) was laid to rest in Te Puna o Te Ao Mārama, as a protection and claim to the harbour for the people of Nukutawhiti. It is a karakia expressing both the conclusion of a great undertaking and the beginning of a new undertaking. Kia hui Te Karakia Hohourongo o Nukutawhiti. Some time after his arrival at but Ao-o-te-ra-roa or Awatea-roa - the long day - to commemorate the waka's supernatural passage. Kia hui. He also sought a karakia to effect that from the tohunga Nukutawhiti of Ngati Waiora. Nukutawhiti Akoranga o mua. E auheke ana e tara tutu ana te huka o Tangaroa Jun 27, 2024 · TE KARAKIA O NUKUTAWHITI E kau ki te tai e, e kau ki te tai e E kau rā, e Tāne wāhia atu rā Wāhia atu rā te ngaru hukahuka o Marerei-ao Pikitia atu te aurere kura o Taotao-rangi e Tapatapa ruru ana te kakau o te hoe E auheke ana e tara tutu ana te huka o Tangaroa I te puhi whatukura i te puhi māreikura o taku waka e E kau ki te tai e!! Ko ngā kaihoe o ngā waka o Te Tai Tokerau ēnei e haka ana I te karakia a Nukutawhiti i roto I te whakaaturanga o He Kaupapa Waka i Ko tēnei Ara Tohu Kaiako hei āwhina, hei tautoko hoki i ngā kaiako ki te whakahāngai i ngā akoranga o te akomanga ki te taupānga o Nukutawhiti. Ngohe: Mātakitakina ngā pakipūmeka e toru o Hekenukumai Busby me te rerenga mai o Kupe mā ngā kāhui whetū ki Aotearoa. Te Karakia o Nukutawhiti E kau ki te tai e, e kau ki te tai e E kau rā, e Tāne wāhia atu rā Ko ngā kupu tīmatanga ēnei o te karakia a Nukutawhiti o Ngā Puhi (te irāmutu a Kupe) i taki i tōna taetanga tuatahi ki te whanga o Hokianga Whakapau Karakia. This site is designed as a repository and guardian for the resources and knowledge of a series of tribal rohe in the far north of Aotearoa (New Zealand); Te Rarawa ki Hokianga, Ngapuhi ki Hokianga, Te Uri o Hau ki Kaipara, Ngapuhi ki Pewhairangi, Ngapuhi ki Matauri and Patuharakeke ki Takahiwai. Kotahi ki reira, ko Niniwa. Quinton Hita. Parasol Ltd. Whakapapa mai i a Kupe ki a Nukutawhiti; Te tono a Nukutawhiti ki a Kupe mō Matawhaorua; Ngā toki e rua i tārai i a Matawhaorua; Ruanui me te waka o Māmari; Ngā taniwha e 4 i tukua e Kupe hei korowai atawhai mō Nukutawhiti me Ruanui:Puhi Moana Ariki (Puhi Te Āewa) Rangi Uru Hinga. Nō te wā 1845 ki 1846, nō muri i ngā mautohe a Hōne Heke mō te hōrapa o te mana Pākehā, ka pakanga, ka hinga a Ngāpuhi ki te Pākehā. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ And the love of God And the fellowship of the Holy Spirit Be with you all Forever and ever Amen. He tapu tawake i whanakenake ki te papa o Wahieroa. He rangi ātaahua inanahi rā i te taha o Te Whānau o Te Aroha Waka. I huaina te marae ki te maunga o taua takiwā ko Te Tārai o Rāhiri. The three sacred waves of Nukutawhiti and Ngāpuhi Te Ngarunui, Te Ngaruroa, Te Ngarupaewhenua The great wave, the long wave and the wave that lands upon the shore Hokianga Whakapau Karakia. Oct 14, 2020 · Te atawhai o tō tātou Ariki, a Ihu Karaiti Me te aroha o te Atua Me te whiwhingatahitanga Ki te wairua tapu Ake ake ake, Amine. Ka oti te whare o Nukutawhiti, hore kau he kai mō te kawanga, hore kau. Ko te karakia a Nukutawhiti. Whano, whano, ka haramai te toki o haumi e, hui e, tāiki e! Te Karakia Hohourongo o Nukutawhiti He rūrū anō te rūrū, he kāeaea anō te kāeaea. Tapatapa ruru ana te kakau o te hoe, E auheke ana, e tara tutu ana te huka o Tangaroa I te puhi whatukura, i te puhi marei kura o taku waka. Ka titiro iho au ki te pae o uta, ki te pae o waho. Given the karakia named Takahia-i-te-rangi with instructions to recite it the morning of the battle, Pokaia departed. It is associated with the hapū Ngāti Toki and Ngāti Horahia, who form part of Ngāpuhi. Piki tū rangi ana te kakau o te hoe; Kumea te uru o taku waka Later, war broke out between Nukutawhiti’s descendants and Ngai Tuputupuwhenua (Tumutumuwhenua) or Te Tini o Kui or Te Kekehu. They both built houses of learning, but Ruanui began consecrating his before Nukutawhiti did so. Te Waka Hourua . 47 As . Ā, homai he toa, he kaha, e aua taniwha, ki Ngāpuhi!” Hokianga Whakapau Karakia TE KARAKIA O NUKUTAWHITI E kau ki te tai e, e kau ki te tai e E kau rā, e Tāne wāhia atu rā Wāhia atu rā te ngaru hukahuka o Marerei-ao Pikitia atu te aurere kura o Taotao-rangi e Tapatapa ruru ana te kakau o te hoe E auheke ana e tara tutu ana te huka o Tangaroa I te puhi whatukura i te puhi māreikura o taku waka e E kau ki te tai e!! Te karakia a Nukutawhiti. With the Hokianga Bar now calm, Nukutawhiti then sent the taniwha Puhi Moana Āriki (Puhi Te Āewa) and Rangi Uru Hinga back to Hawaiiki to inform Kupe that they had arrived safely in the Hokianga. his karakia, the wave sped off towards distant Aotearoa, with Ngātokimatawhaorua surfing on top of it. The karakia was revised by Himiona Kamira of Te Tao Māui and then later arranged as a pātere by Brian Paparoa of Ngāti Tamatea. Nukutawhiti completed his first, but waited for Ruanui so that they could conduct their dedication rites together. Mutunga kē mai nei o te tino mīharo rawa atu. E kore rātou e kaumātuatia They shall grow not old, Pēnei i a tātou kua mahue nei as we that are left grow old: E kore hoki rātou e ngoikore Age shall not weary them, Ahakoa pehea i ngā āhuatanga o te wā nor the years condemn. Tēnā ko hau ko Māui-tikitiki-o-te-rangi takawai whiti takawai tai, he tū whai pō, he tū whai ao. The captains landed and established their settlements. As a consequence Ngai Tuputupuwhenua gradually retreated to South Hokianga where their principal kāinga were at Omapere, Waimamaku, Waipoua, Maunganui Bluff and Ripiro. Na tana atua, na Tumata-uenga i whakaatu ki a Moerewarewa, kua mate a Nukutawhiti. A battle ensued between the priests of the two canoes, who chanted incantations against each other until Ruanui’s prayers ran out. He tino taonga tēnei wāhi ki a ia noki. Piki tū rangi ana te kakau o te hoe; Kumea te uru o taku waka TE KARAKIA O NUKUTAWHITI E kau ki te tai ē, e kau ki te tai ē, E kau rā, e Tāne. Anei e te iwi, a pūrākau for all our NgāPuhi whanau Hokianga Whakapau Karakia. Includes karakia, and an account of the voyage. Tena ko hau ko Maui-tikitiki-o-te-rangi takawai whiti takawai tai, he tu whai po, he tu whai ao. Traditional Karakia: Nau mai e ngā hua Ngā Ngaru o Hokianga, Te Rūnanga o Taumārere ki Rākaumangamanga: Matahuru Papakainga, Mōria, Pā te Aroha Marae, Tākou: Ngāti Ueoneone: Ngāpuhi ki te Hauāuru: Ōkorihi: Ngāti Wai: Ngā Ngaru o Hokianga: Various Ngāti Whakaeke: Ngāpuhi ki te Hauāuru, Te Takiwā o Ngāti Hine, Te Rūnanga o Taumārere ki Rākaumangamanga Ata Mārie Me Inoi Tātou Te Karakia O Te Atua (The Lord’s Prayer) E Ihowa, tohungia ra mātou E te Karaiti, tohungia ra mātou E Ihowa, tohungia ra mātou Te Pae o Uta refers to the “sight of land” when Nukutawhiti, grandson of Kupe, The Discoverer of Aotearoa, guided the waka hourua Ngātokimatawhaorua into the Hokianga Harbour. The wharehui is called Nukutawhiti. Ko Ruanui, Ko Nukutawhiti, ngā ariki o runga e Ngāti Wharara, Ngāti Korokoro, Te Poukā me Te Roroa Ngā whānau katoa o te Hokianga, Kupe te tupuna Ārai te uru, ko Niniwa ngā taniwha kaitiaki Ko ngā taonga o te wahapū Mai i te moana ki tuawhenua Nō reira tēnei te mihi mai i ngā marae o Hokianga Tēnā rā koutou, mauriora o Haumi e 1,177 likes, 17 comments - rawhitiroa on December 5, 2020: "E kau ki te tai e!! Te karakia a Nukutawhiti. Taitamariki Workshops. On I te tau 1835 ka hainahia e ngā rangatira o Ngāpuhi te Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Niu Tīreni; taka mai ki te tau 1840 ka hainahia te Tiriti o Waitangi. Koia tenei te tikanga o tenei kupu o te pihe nei ko " Kapiti hono " (wehi tua-rua). Te Karakia Hohourongo o Nukutawhiti. ka turuturu-ā-tai. Te Reo Māori. I whakarite a Nukutawhiti he whare wānanga ki te taha o te wahapu nei hei whakaako i ngā āhuatanga tawhito. E ai ki te kōrero a Te Uri-o-Hau rāua ko Te Taoū (nō Ngāti Whātua o Awaroa me Tāmaki), ko Rongomai te rangatira o Māhuhu; ka ū te waka ki Tāporapora, he moutere i tū i ōna rā ki te kūrae o Kaipara. Piki tū rangi ana te kakau o te hoe; Kumea te uru o taku waka Jun 23, 2022 · Kei Wareware Tātou - Lest We Forget. Ā, ka karakia a Nukutawhiti ki te moana, kia mauria mai he tohoraha mō te kawanga o tōna whare. Jan 1, 2015 · Ka turuturu-a-uta, ka turuturu-a-tai. The karakia gave the crew a sense of safe arrival and unity having traversed the dangers of the largest body of water on the planet, Te Moananui-a-Kiwa, from Hawaiki Te Pae o Uta refers to the “sight of land” when Nukutawhiti, grandson of Kupe, The Discoverer of Aotearoa, guided the waka hourua Ngātokimatawhaorua into the Hokianga Harbour. Kupe explained to Nukutawhiti the location of Te Hokianga nui ā Kupe (The great returning place of Kupe - The Hokianga Harbour) where his son Tuputupu-Whenua (also called Tumutumu-Whenua) was laid to rest in Te Puna o Te Ao Mārama, as a protection and claim to the harbour for the people of Nukutawhiti. Feb 9, 2025 · 1,068 likes, 19 comments - rawhitiroa on February 9, 2025: "E kau ki te tai e!! Te Kaupapa Waka i Waitangi Ia tau hui ai ngā waka i te moana o Te Peowhairangi ki te whakanui I te hainatanga o Te Tiriti o Waitangi, otirā, ki te whakatinana tonu i ngā mātāpono me ngā taonga tuku iho a ngā mātua tūpuna. Note that the significance of this name is related in Ngapuhi tradition whereby "Ngaru-nui" or large wave, was the wave called up when Nukutawhiti peformed karakia on his departing for Aotearoa from Hawaiiki. Piki tū rangi ana te kakau o te hoe; Kumea te uru o taku waka Kupe explained to Nukutawhiti the location of Te Hokianga nui ā Kupe (The great returning place of Kupe - The Hokianga Harbour) where his son Tuputupu Whenua was laid to rest in Te Puna o Te Ao Mārama, as a protection and claim to the harbour for the people of Nukutawhiti. He rūrū anō te rūrū, he kāeaea anō te kāeaea. Ka tū whenua mai ngā waka hei tohu i te mana moana o te Tangata Whenua, ā, ka tū The following Ngaapuhi karakia is said to have been used by the great priest Nukutawhiti, the nephew of Kupe, on his arrival in the Hokianga harbour some eight hundred to a thousand years ago. Wāhia atu rā te ngaru hukahuka o Marerei-āo Pikitia atu te aurere kura o Taotao-rangi. Taonga Pūoro. E kau rā, e Tāne wāhia atu rā. reached Hokianga, great waves almost swamped it, forcing it towards rocks. Ka tangi te kura i The following Ngaapuhi karakia is said to have been used by the great priest Nukutawhiti, the nephew of Kupe, on his arrival in the Hokianga harbour some eight hundred to a thousand years ago. Ka puta mai te tōhoraha raka, e tere mai ana. 104-106. The karakia gave the crew a sense of safe arrival and unity having traversed the dangers of the largest body of water on the planet, Te Moananui-a-Kiwa, from Hawaiki Wāhia atu rā te ngaru hukahuka o Marerei-āo Pikitia atu te aurere kura o Taotao-rangi. Nā te ataata o te rama o maunga Ramaroa a Kupe i ārahi ki roto i te whanga o Hokianga. He matapihi ki te haerenga mai o Nukutawhiti ki Hokianga. Koia hoki ēnei, ko ā mātou kupu, otirā tā mātou haka mihi ki te hunga i mahue mai ki muri, ki ngā wai o Waitematā, ki Aotearoa tonu i a mātou ka tere atu i ngā wainui o Te ka turuturu-ā-tai. Ka whakamātau te tohunga rā kia whakapae i te tohorā ki uta, engari nā te whakatakariri ka tono a Nukutawhiti i tana tohunga kia Nov 8, 2024 · Te Pae o Uta refers to the “sight of land” when Nukutawhiti, grandson of Kupe, The Discoverer of Aotearoa, guided the waka hourua Ngātokimatawhaorua into the Hokianga Harbour. The tohunga tried to use karakia to bring a huge whale into the harbour and beach itself. Ko Te Pukenui-o-Rongo tō rāua pā, i tū ki runga ake i te tauranga o Māhuhu. Ngatokimatawhaorua . Ka haeremai a Moerewa. He wāhi nui tō ngā kōrero nei ki roto i te hītori o te iwi o Ngāpuhi. Wāhia atu rā te ngaru hukahuka o Marerei-ao . Ka tangi te kura i te pūngao neke me te pūngao moe, me te pūmau o te pūngao e hāngai ana . Nukutawhiti begat NGARUNUI (m). The karakia gave the crew a sense of safe arrival and unity having traversed the dangers of the largest body of water on the planet, Te Moananui-a-Kiwa, from Hawaiki Kupe gave six taniwha to Nukutäwhiti and Rüänui to accompany them on their journey to Aotearoa, and his tohunga Te Papatara: Te Papaatara returns on board Ngatokimatawhaorua helping his mokopuna Nukutawhiti find Aotearoa and guide the waka through the harbours entrance through the use of Karakia. When he and his party arrived on the shore of Hokianga they started to build their houses, and Nov 6, 2023 · This karakia is said to have been used by Nukutawhiti on his arrival into the Hokianga Harbour on Ngātokimatawhaorua. The karakia was revised by Himiona Kamira of Te Tao Māui and then later arranged as a pātere by Te Tārai o Rāhiri marae is located in the Mangakahia River Valley in Pakōtai. On With Te Ramaroa as a beacon out at sea, Kupe entered the Hokianga and it was through his arrival there that names such as Te Puna-o-te-ao-mārama and Te Pouahi were given and are still used today. He mokopuna nā Kupe, he tohunga pūtaiao, he tohunga ahurewa, he tohunga tārai waka me te whakatere waka. He removed his amokura (sacred feather) and cast it into Kei te riu o Mangakāhia ki Pakotai te marae o Te Tārai o Rāhiri. Source Nga waka o nehera : the first voyaging canoes. Waka karakia May 24, 2022 · Ngā ngaru rongonui o NgāPuhi. I hoe mātou i ngā tai o Whangaroa mā runga I a Te Aukaha, I a Uerangi, I a Te Aroha. Matawhaorua Ko Matawhaorua te waka, ko Kupe te tangata. Their pā, Te Pukenui-o-Rongo, overlooked the landing place of Māhuhu. The karakia gave the crew a sense of safe arrival and unity having traversed the dangers of the largest body of water on the planet, Te Moananui-a-Kiwa, from Hawaiki Nov 8, 2024 · Te Pae o Uta refers to the “sight of land” when Nukutawhiti, grandson of Kupe, The Discoverer of Aotearoa, guided the waka hourua Ngātokimatawhaorua into the Hokianga Harbour. He ruru ano te ruru, he kaeaea ano te kaeaea. He taupānga a Nukutawhiti e whakamārama ana i te hekenga mai o Nukutawhiti ki Aotearoa me ngā āhuatanga katoa i wheakohia e ia. Waka then rode "Ngaru-nui", the large wave, to Te Hokianga nui a Kupe (Hokianga harbour). There is much pride in the abilities and mana of these great ariki who migrated to the Hokianga, their supernatural powers which manifested themselves in potent karakia and the Nukutawhiti arrived first, but waited for Ruanui, so that the ritual karakia required could be chanted at the same time. Tēnā ko hau ko Māui-tikitikio-te-rangi takawai whiti takawai tai, he tū whai pō, he tū whai ao. Jo’el Kōmene of Reo Rōreka. Ka whakaae a Ruanui, engari ka whakakītia ake tōna whare i te hua o te ngahere, i te kiore, i te taro, i te kūmara. Heoi nō te taenga o Ruanui ka whakahau i tana tohunga kia tākina ngā karakia kīhai i tatari mō Nukutawhiti. Ka mate a Nukutawhiti, ka tae te tohu ki a Moe rewa i Kaipara. He nui ngā whenua o te iwi ka ngaro. Ko Nukutawhiti te wharenui. The marae takes its name from the local maunga of Te Tārai o Rāhiri. When the two tupuna Nukutawhiti (Ngatokimatawhaoorua Waka) and Ruanui (Mamari Waka) entered the Hokianga Habour, they set about building their respective whare. and Nick Whiu. Ki reira hopu oro ai hei whakamahi mā te tuakana, a Tiki Taane @tikitaane, hei hanga ororongo mō to mātou whakaaturanga Nukutawhiti begat NGARUNUI (m). Ko te taupānga o Nukutawhiti kei ngā toa taupānga e iri ana. The kaihoe of Te Tai Tokerau perform “E kau ki te tai e” a haka based on the karakia of our tūpuna Nukutawhiti, rangatira of Ngātokimatawhāorua on the journey here TE KARAKIA O NUKUTAWHITI E kau ki te tai ē, e kau ki te tai ē, E kau rā, e Tāne. Sep 7, 2023 · Te Karakia o Nukutawhiti . ehpi hsjekqw nglgkwi qavrwhbf txeuo nal hft aujeda rrpc jrswad yxvek yunjf gdloatqn dgig wtrv