Th10 farming army no heroes What I do is I first get all easy resource collectors and storages. Ash here! Today in this video I will show you ⭐⭐⭐ Th10 No Heroes Farming Attack Guide with Army Copy Link in Clash of Clans. co Farming, baby dragons/sneaky gobs/super barbs are good. com/playlist?list=PLdckuUJXi It helps with farming and overall attack, also if you do war it would greatly help to have max heroes. go to gold 1 or 2. My heroes are now 23 and 22 , I'll need max them to 40. It is the Baby Dragon Farming Army. I just boosted all my pumps and collectors, but I honestly have no trouble sustaining my DE cost. Do you want Level 40 Heroes? Kenny Jo, explains how to achieve this in Episode 2 of TH10 Upgrade Guide Part 2! . besides that in 97% of bases breaking an outer wall + a jump spell is more then enough to get to whatever i want (which is basically only dark elixer since gold and elixer comes enough passively regardless). If you funnel and use “distraction” methods correctly, you can smash most th10 bases. They're my preferred easy spam 2 star no-de army. Keep up the hero upgrades as it will boost your offensive power by a lot. 1 replaced my 105 Goblins with 35 boosted Sneaky Goblins. May 18, 2021 · Kenny Jo explains the Top 6 TH10 Farming Strategy without heroes in Episode 4 of Town Hall 10 in 2021. I was in the lower titan leagues cuz it's quite easy to find good dark there and you get a decent bonus every attack as well. Then as I become a stronger TH10 I stayed around crystal1/master3. Clash of Clans Attack Strategy Guide How to 3 Star without Heroes at every Town Hall level: TH7, TH8, TH9, TH10, TH11, TH12, TH13, TH14, TH15, TH16. And near max heroes for my th. Hey in this video I'm going to show you the best farming attack strategies for town hall 10. Goblins to take out collectors and miners to destroy the TH or get at least 50%. I'll also like to at least have a tiny profit in elixir. I've used them from th10-th12. Th10 Farming Army Without Heroes. I have been farming for about 8 days now, and have constantly been between 80-90k DE. For farming? Mass baby dragons on dead bases with full collectors, easy 400k+ and 3k-4k dark. These people generally have no idea what they're doing I enjoy miners a lot and they unlock at th10, so it may be worthwhile to spend a month or two there (depending on your farming rate) to get all your barracks upgraded and miners leveled to 3. When your heroes reach lvl 30, maybe then will you start upgrading DE troops like bowlers/golems/witches. I've also seen Loonion. I’m nearly maxed but I don’t want to upgrade my Town Hall just for Sneaky Goblins. clash. There is some dark elixir cost, but you still turn quite a profit. The cost is higher than edrags actually including spells and without it is almost the same. Fastest training army ever,zero de wasted too. Your army: 16 giants, 16 wiz, 6 wbs, 42 barbs, 42 archers. If you're farming there's really no reason to use proper attack strats, it lowers the cost/gain ratio of elixir. ninja Show your Suppor Dec 26, 2024 · ️ Today Hooked will showcase the top 3 attack strategies at Town Hall 10. Fortunately, you can use it early on, since there is no need to use Heroes at all. Welcome to the subreddit dedicated to the mobile strategy game Clash of Clans! A subreddit dedicated to Fire Emblem Heroes, Nintendo's 3rd mobile title released on February 2nd, 2017. com/en?action=Support at th10 i would bring half the army of badrags and the other half loons. Take out 2 air d with lightning spells. com/sargtraingaming https://twitter. i always found dead bases with around 600000 gold and elixir and like 4-5 thousand dark. use 4 earthquakes to open the nearest route to the th Reply reply usernineoneone A Brief Th10 Farming Guide. Baby Dragons are best farmers at Th 10. twitch. As of now, farming is really awful but I still use this army though I'm experimenting with other army comp but your options are really limited without the heroes. For th10, the majority of my trophies just came from using baby dragons farming and getting 1 star (and then mass miners if i got donated something to take down cc with). 👀 Suggested Videos Overall, it’s a very powerful and easy Army Composition to use when you are TH10. For that I need my queen For queen charge. No Royal I am using an army composition of 20 giants, 31 wizards, 8 wbs, spells are 2 heal, 2 jump (or rage) and 3 eq, bowlers and eq in CC I farm dead bases with full collectors and get enough gold/elixir to build 3-5 level 10 walls per day and average 50-70k DE per day by attacking a few times per hour this is all without heroes! You are not simply sharing an idea for a farming army. com/en?action=SupportCreat Jun 11, 2019 · 2healing,2 jump if no wall wrecker, 2 rage if wall wrecker 1freeze . 2 star army on th11 if wisely attacked without cc troops. I am talking about farming dead bases which usually have the collectors outside so 4-6 edrags and heroes can usually snipe all the loot, so in that case the time is even less than miners. Forget about upgrading both your Heroes to level 40, you don’t need that to use Zap Witch Attack. I suggest maxing bowlers to level 2 since they're actually pretty goated. I’ve selected Jun 21, 2021 · TH10 No Hero Farming Requires the Best Farming League for TH10 in Clash of Clans! Kenny Jo shares two TH10 Farming Strategy without Heroes for 1 hour of farm Hey guys, in this video, we'll be discussing the Top 3 Th10 attack strategies without hero's | No hero's attack strategies th10 2023. They cost 25K DE, but you get that back within 3-5 attacks. Join the ranks of the elite and experience the unrivaled strength and security of a meticulously crafted TH10 base. I've been raiding with this in Titans for several weeks. Hey there, this might not directly apply to you since I’m a th11 with Level 5 miners. Lavaloonion was mentioned below. It is very common for a TH10 to earn >12k DE per hour just by using barch in C1-2. I just got to champion last week as TH10 with baby drag zap, it is easy to three star even max TH11s as long as you can get some good zaps in. Nov 20, 2018 · Queen Charge Miner (TH10 – TH11) Farming Strategy. Nevertheless, try attacking bases with single target infernos or no infernos Lure CC FUNNEL, most important thing. com/en?action=Suppor QC Baby Dragon. 3star army on th10 if wisely used with cc troops. I farmed about 170 of my walls to level 12 in 1 season using this. Then find a spot with minimal to no 2x2 gaps to drop it in so you don't risk dropping them on a giant bomb. Don’t worry too much about defenses because chances are you’re not going to defend (as you are only th10). And the new siege barracks makes this farming strategy even easier because of the free pekka and wizards. I know you want to use normal elixir to upgrade walls but the DE grind is really big, so eventually you will have enough elixir to dump into walls too Trust me,you have got to try out mass miners. Like a Gowipe, but use just one golem and no DE spells. The game is available worldwide on iOS and Android. For war, probably edrags (without heroes, but at least the warden is reccomended) Reply reply Proof This Army is No Joke! TH10 How to Farm Dark Elixir Fast for Hero Upgrades in Clash of Clans Track Your Base: https://www. 0. it can 3 star bases that meet these criteria and May 7, 2021 · New Town Hall 10 Players in Clash of Clans. 1. 2 lightning spells, 2rage, 2 haste and a poison. Your base slot on your village awaits! Nov 30, 2017 · SargTrain Gaming ProductionFollow Us on the Socials: Twitter: https://twitter. As a new TH10 I stayed around gold1/crystal3. Send loons at the other. As a TH10, you find much more dead bases with 3 maxed drills allowing to farm 4k DE per raid with no effort at all. M how is the barching with 220 level 6 barch troops at masters 2? do you get enough DE to upgrade both heroes? asking coz I am gonna be th 10 in a couple days :( dread the thought :) you get collector bases with drills there? I mean I also need to farm my army camp and lab etc. I did it with a mix of clone, rage, haste and freeze, but now with the smaller lightning, that can be a viable thing to add you your spell mix as well. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe. Example: i started th 11 a few months ago with rushed heroes and now the only hero i have left to max for th 11 is grand warden which has 4 days left until its maxed at level 20. I like dragons at TH10 but zap witch will be an army you can use up to TH12. Send a blimp in with e drag and 1 max loon, drop 2 lvl 2+ clones and a rage where the blimp drops and watch it clean the inside of the base. Members Online Nov 26, 2020 · Easily Farm WITHOUT Heroes! Best TH13 Farming Armies in Clash of Clans Support by Using My Creator Code in Clash of Clan! https://link. Let me know please :) The reason i'm farming up here is because literally 2 minutes ago i had an attack for 5800 dark with this laloon army and over a million in other resources. for farming without heroes i just used like 30 miners together with 4 baby dragons for funneling and 3 freeze and 4 heal spells (maybe a poison for a freeze if you want). Bowler poison max in cc. Apr 29, 2022 · Best Th10 Farming Attack Strategy 2022 || Grab all loot This is hands down the best th10 farming strategy without heroes. just pray there is no clan castle troops on the enemy base and preferably upgrading heroes, or dead defenses or rushed bases. 5 icy g can be a follow up to this when you move to th11. 7 drags rest loons (sometimes with a handful of special purpose troops like 2 wiz 2 arch for things like corner huts) is a reasonably strong farming and war army. Nov 30, 2017 · SargTrain Gaming ProductionFollow Us on the Socials: Twitter: https://twitter. If you good with air troop, go with QC Lalo. Simplest strat that got my th10 to masters 1 is 4-5 pekka with bowlers behind. busy days ahead man You have a limited number of attacks per day and 5 builders able to work 24 hours per day. clashofclans. That way you can be upgrading your heroes and still attack. Whether you're upgradin Jun 22, 2019 · Th10- Farming without both heroes. Apr 13, 2017 · The best farming throughout the entirety of TH10 is simple barch, nothing fancy needed. com/en? Hi there. In this video, I will show you my #tips and #tricks to farm dark fastest way possible. Welcome to the subreddit dedicated to the mobile strategy game Clash of Clans! it is not worth it because it takes more time than everything else and you don't use most of it, you'll most of the time have your farming army and war army maxed out. u can use any farming strategy which is below 150k elixir. I take 2 clones, 1 rage, 6 invis. This includes zap witches, zap dragons and queen charge hybrid. Also stay around 1400-1800 trophies, it's best for finding dead bases. ( this makes your DE cost 0) now search for a th9 or th10 with monster resources or a th11 with huge resources that has easily accesible DE( you may have to take an occasional loss against the I recently moved up to TH11 and after using this attack for pretty much all of TH10 with great results, I thought I'd share with you all :) I know DragZap is the current meta for TH10 but this is a great option if a base is anti air or you just want to try something new. tv/9xan Show your Support ht There are 5 TH10 farming attack strategy without heroes Hey in this video I'm going to show you the best no hero farming attack strategies for town hall 10. Hello Everyone it's Mr. 1 SG can take out a resource collector, leaving ~18 for the Posted by u/Curious-Statement611 - 40 votes and 38 comments 631K subscribers in the ClashOfClans community. Do you have any suggestions about a good army composition for farming without heroes? Archer Queen Army. Keep your Heroes upgraded. I'm not playing as much as i used to so i'd rather trade 4-5 high loot attacks per day than 20+ low attacks I’m looking for a dark elixir based farming army because I’m completely full of dark rn and CWL is going on, preferably it’s reliable without siege machines as my clan is slow af at donating them. 3. Send the blimp towards the AQ because you Townhall is #1 priority, so I find it and see if there are core defenses next to it, eagle > scatters > infernos. We gonna look at this strong th10 m Heroes are used just to get some extra damage, I surrender before they lose too much health so i have them for the next attack. So suggest me some qttack strategy for Th 10 bases without heroes (and without seige if possible) atleast to collect enough dark elixer. As a new TH10, collector farming should be your sole income, either through barch (recommended) or goblins. Along with 6 different TH10 No Heroes Attack Strategy, Clash with Jo explains best So I haven’t been upgrading my Archer Queen and Barbarian King and I need to start grinding them so I’m looking for an army strat for TH10 that… Best No Hero, No Siege TH10 Attack Strategy | TH10 Farming Army No Heroes in Clash of Clans Follow 9XAN: https://www. Then use combination of wallbreakers, siege machine and jump spells to open route to th, then have a small cleanup army of maybe 1 ice golem + couple wizards/archers (the current ram riders work wonders to clear defences in an area you want to clean up) that I use to get to 50%. May 23, 2020 · Best No Hero, No Siege TH10 Attack Strategy | TH10 Farming Army No Heroes in Clash of Clans by Clash Attacks with Jo @sargtraingaming #clashofclans #clashon Clash Champs is the Premier Tournament League for Clash of Clans War Champions. Apr 27, 2024 · This is Shahzex and this video is all about two best strategies without heroes for you, which you can use for both multiplayer and war battles. There are 2 TH10 farming attack strategy without heroes in this Aug 7, 2023 · Welcome to our Clash of Clans TH10 Dark Elixir Farming Guide! If you're a Town Hall 10 player hungry for that precious dark elixir, you've come to the right TH10 Farming Strategy without Heroes | Dragon attack | Log launcher | Upgrade heroes fasterTH10 Strategy Playlisthttps://youtube. You are saying it’s bad if you don’t rush to th 11 due to this one troop. I mostly bounced back and forth between crystal and masters. Once you have decent leveled heroes you can vary your strategies and try out new attacks (or just try new things if you’re feeling burnt out from baby drag army). The only losses are me purposely snagging some easy resources with a few gobs and surrendering. I liked to use 11drags + 12 loons, 3 rage 1 heal 3 freeze when I was upgrading my th13 heroes (2 or 3 heroes at a time), cuz the army costs no dark and it's pretty easy to get most of the available dark in any raid. I've seen things like gibarch and goblin knife but have no idea how many troops to use and what spells. and if i really need to go one wall deeper, i just invis I wanted to know if there is a good TH 10 Farming Attack Strategy since I haven’t unlocked Sneaky Goblins yet. Best TH10 - Farming Attack Strategies to use in 2022This video has the best th10 attack strategy 2022, so pick the th10 attack strategy for farming here. What are good troop amount and spell setups for farming armies? Mass baby dragons Army: All baby dragons in camp and 11 lightning and stone slammer or siege barracks or log launcher Personally i use the same but with wall wrecker as i have 2 heroes in upgrade and 2 are free TOP 5 BEST TH9 FARMING ATTACK STRATEGIES WITHOUT HEROES!! | Clash of ClansIf you enjoy the video leave a Like👍 and Subscribe! Subscribe to Sturge - https:// 25k is like 3-4 attacks which is pretty noticable if you casually farm and do like 5-6 attacks a day having to pay it every 3 days. the loot is crazy. Any other army for farming resources is terrible in comparison. You can also use queen charge hybrid when your Queen is level 40. Enjoy th Hi there. I must say at th10, the lack of heroes really does tilt your attack and not in your favor. The 2 best farming armies at th10 are zap baby dragons and miners. Th10 Farming Army Without Heroes Max your heroes, you won't get very far without them (take them to level 40 before moving on to th11, so might as well have them down all the time). Then, continue with the army camps and also if u want to play with the new troops upgrade the barracks. Walls are of lower importance to me, since the defensive value relative to the cost is rather low. Welcome to the subreddit dedicated to the mobile strategy game Clash of Clans! Lalo if you can get a blimp works well if you can pull it off. It's good for raiding with no heroes. Recommended army composition: Troops: - 4x Pekkas - 20x Hogs - 10x In this video I am going to tell you about Th 10 Best Dark Elixir Farming Army. No hero, but full army attacks, that work in th12 are: Dragons (e-drag, regular drag, drag-bat, inferno-skele), pekka smash, yeti smash, mass witches, pekka bobat, bat slap etc. Is it a better use of those limits to use your builders working on small bombs, while farming with weak TH9 armies, or to use your builders on army camp, barracks, lab, spell factory, while farming with stronger TH10 armies and getting more loot per attack? Nov 20, 2018 · Queen Charge Miner (TH10 – TH11) Farming Strategy. get a lava and quake in the cc. But u will surely get lots of dark elixer. I'm in master 2 league, maximum times I come up with Th11 in wars too. Mar 30, 2020 · How to Keep Farming Loot without Heroes at TH10 | Miner Farming Army with No CC in Clash of Clans Show your Support by using Creator Code: ClashJo Need a If you have almost maxed labs, farm with strong army then. You’d be surprised how strong this is even without heroes. Not dropping below 80k once. Th10 Farming Strategy. Apr 29, 2020 · Easiest TH10 Army You Will Ever Use | Pekka Farming Trophy Pushing Army in Clash of Clans Show your Support https://link. com/ti_globetrotter Discord: https:// Mar 7, 2020 · TH10 Dark Elixir Farming Without Heroes! Keep Those Heroes Upgrading in Clash of Clans Show your Support by using Creator Code: ClashJo Need a Clan? Join Hi Guys,Welcome back to another clash of clans video. Th10 Farming Army Without Heroes And CC. Welcome to the subreddit dedicated to the mobile strategy game Clash of Clans! Using magic items and gold pass to bring in lots of HERO levels! TH10 LOONIAN Farming MASS LOOT, LIVE WAR ATTACKS and LEVELING HEROES! Best TH10 Farming Atta Best TH10 Farming Strategy Without Heroes (2021)-Video. But particularly during beginning TH10, barch is even more important. If my queen was available then I incorporated a queen charge just for practice. Use haste/freeze for loons as necessary. I bring giants in my CC, so use more giants and fewer barch if your clan doesn't donate high level giants in a timely manner. Walls are a long term project, I want to finish them before I upgrade my TH, but heroes are a midterm project, I want them upgrading early and often. 644K subscribers in the ClashOfClans community. That or baarch, or gob archer. By Far The Best TH10 Dark Elixir Farm Army To Upgrade Your Heroes in Clash of Clans Show your Support https://link. I’m trying to farm Dark Elixir to get my final upgrades for my King (upgrading to level 33) and tons of Lab Upgrades left. Pretty strong farming army, can even take for cw if you confident with your skill. Right now I use lavaloonion to farm loot, then drop the queen and surrender to drop back down. When I drop it I do invis -> wait for super wb to pop -> double clone -> rage -> chain invis May 23, 2020 · Melhor estratégia de ataque sem herói, sem cerco TH10 | TH10 Farming Army Não Herói em Clash of Clans por Clash Attacks with Jo @sargtraingaming #clashofclans #clashon O Clash Champs é a Premier Tournament League dos Campeões de Guerra do Clash of Clans. Relatively quick train time (when compared to a 3-star army) No Dark Elixir Cost HEROES AND CC TROOPS ARE OPTIONAL That's right, you don't need heroes or even a clan castle to use the Goblin Knife. also, i avoided using more than 1-2 spells cuz they add to the costs 571K subscribers in the ClashOfClans community. This is by far the strongest farming strategy right now and I use it for several weeks myself in Legend League with great success (have lost 2 out of 130 attacks) & farmed millions with it & even scored multiple 3-Star attacks (would have been more when not running out of time). It costs 500k elixir, though. For comparison, the next best farming army would net you only 1/2 the loot per hour at best. Th10 Farming Attack Strategy. I would advise you to upgrade your troops and spells to use this Army Composition. And don’t forget the collectors! After these, I personally go with preferred defenses. . As for the troops, always upgrade the ones u use the most in your team composition (archers are always a good choice!). Also you can buy seige machine and troops cc with raid medal. There are some idiots who farm with qw but not maxed queen. Youtube for guides, might need to increase some funneling troops. People don't attack me full on so my DE pumps work away with no problem. 🪙? If you ever want to keep all 3 heroes upgrading, there is no easier way. I'm keeping all 3 heroes going, now at 55/56/26 and I still need to gem because I'm farming too fast. Another super low DE-cost army for raiding without heroes at TH10 is BD Loon. youtube. So, that u could Sep 23, 2016 · People often quote this as “loot penalty” but it is the single most important thing that made TH10 the farming heaven it is now. Th10 2 Bes Th10 Farming Army. Purely elixer troops and very efficient in dark farming . Home Jul 26, 2021 · TOP 5 BEST TH10 PUSHING ATTACK STRATEGIES WITHOUT HEROES!! | Clash of ClansIf you enjoy the video leave a Like👍 and Subscribe! Subscribe to Sturge - https:/ Need atack strategy for war. Members Online Best Fleet for Critical Hits Farming Army - With Super Troops - I found out about Sneaky Goblins and tried them 1 time 3 months ago and I have no idea how I managed to farm without them before. This is the part that doesn’t track. All help is appreciated. But I get bored with them, it's the same thing again and again. Maybe use pekka smash as a farming/war army so that you don't have to invest your dark elixir on troop upgrades just yet. The high elixir cost may seem prohibitive but it isn't a problem when your army gets ready so fast . It trains 40% faster than your edrags, can use only half the army to get all the loot, and if played perfectly it is impossible to not 1 star every single base design. With this I reached around champ 3 (but it is quite a grind). Enjoy. I maxed hybrid and im just waiting for my heroes to be max th12 to go to TH13 With those 3(4) troops, I have access to one of the strongest attacks in TH9 (TH9 LaLoon can 3 star many bases in war with little to no support from heroes), an effective TH10 attack (and great DE farming army for when Barch is boring / you want to transfer some Elixer to DE), and both of those are also viable at TH11 once you have the warden New Jungle Queen Skin and Pekka Farming TH10 in Clash of Clans! Kenny Jo reveals the June 2021 Gold Pass Hero Skin in Episode 6 of the TH10 in 2021 Series wi Heroes are a top priority for me since they have a large impact on offensive capability. Apr 3, 2020 · Proof Baby Dragons Are The Easiest TH10 Farming Army | No Hero Farming in Clash of Clans Show your Support https://link. even i was a new th10 and maxed out my base within a few seasons. com/ti_globetrotter Discord: https:// Jun 7, 2023 · Whether you choose our TH10 Custom Base service or opt for the TH10 Pro Base Pack, Blueprint CoC is here to empower you on your path to victory. My dark troops are all maxed and heroes are as follows: K16 AQ37. FedEx84 • Additional comment actions Best Dark Elixir Farming Army th10 | Th10 No Heroes Dark Elixir Farming Army | Clash Of Clans - COCSecrets of Dark Elixir Farming for New TH 10 Players in Cl Jul 4, 2023 · Best TH10 No Heroes Attack Strategy in Coc | 3 Star TH10 Without Heroes in Clash of Clans★ Suggested Videos:No Heroes Attack Strategy: https://www. Your spells: 1 rage, 1 heal, 1 freeze, 4 eathquakes, 1 poison. HoPe. ggwq xsd nwry rryza aqscnq znzfjba jizq aap bgz xdqg stnabsk oufwb whsa wisfrxbu yvz