Vba xml request. I get the SOAP XML response fine (displayed below).

Vba xml request Print "Done" End Sub Public Function InitService(serviceUrl As String, Optional asyncMode As Boolean = True) Set objConn = New XMLHTTP30 objConn. 0の参照設定. Jul 15, 2015 · So, to anyone else who runs across this, the simple solution was to remove the following line from the second call:. 0. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. com Apr 11, 2022 · Microsoft XML, v6. that it what the " myfile = path & C. I am not necessarily a newbie to VBA but I am a newbie to POSTING xml and posting help request to this forum. DOMDocument at the following sites: Manipulating XML files with Excel VBA & Xpath Mar 5, 2012 · I want to cache xmlhttp request 's returned value so as NOT to wait too long when calling hundreds of such request. 3, I can submit a request successfully using the request editor (to a web service). The process uses XMLHTTP. I know for a fact that once the response data is loaded it is appended to a div that has an ID of "resultsTable" However, my attempts to loop until that DOM element was found did not work. Be sure to know which library is being used. async = False: XDoc. XMLHttp,顾名思义就是网络请求库,vba可以直接创建调用. Here’s how to send a simple HTTP GET Mar 15, 2018 · 第一种,先看VBA 第二种,XML Http Request,是不是似曾相识呀 这个先放着,回头补充。 网抓(XML Http Request、VBA)实现 - 怎么著都不成 - 博客园 会员 Also, you should add an Accept header to the request with application/xml or application/json to specify the format of the requested data. My current list has one column: Title (I added the below list item Scrape website with XML HTTP request with Excel VBA: wait for the page to fully load. Print sXML 'at this point it doesnt load the string as an XML because maybe this method (loadXML) needs an xml file instead of a string' If oXml. com Sep 20, 2005 · I’ve put together a basic script for sending an XML string or file to a webserver using Excel VBA and a simple PHP script to receive the data. Jul 21, 2022 · The VBA code produces a URL containing XML elements that are sent to the USPS Website. ServerXMLHTTP object. Jul 28, 2015 · If you consult the preamble to the Pinnacle Sports XML feed here (it will take a few seconds to generate the page), you will see that the XML file returned by the call you are making is only updated every ten minutes. I aiming to reuse the same method. HTTP, or HyperText Transfer Protocol, is the protocol used to request and serve HTML webpages. Response. The goal is to create a simple upload script to update a server with XML data created from a spreadsheet. Nov 1, 2020 · 外部REST APIサービスから情報を取得し、EXCELシートへ反映したいという要件が上がってきました。pythonやnodeを利用し取得することを検討しましたが、VBAからREST APIを呼び出しすることができるようでした。調査結果を記 Jun 25, 2013 · From there you can parse and get the data you need. CreateTextFile(xml_file_path, True, True) 'API Request with objXMLHTTP Object If objXMLHTTP. 0を探しだし、チェックを入れます。 実際のVBAコード Mar 1, 2025 · An XML parser that supports DOM will take the XML data and expose it via a set of objects that we can program against. Extracting data from product page (using XML HTTP request), but cookie value is not used Jul 22, 2019 · I want to make SOAP request using VBA excel VBA request Public Sub httpclient() Dim Req As Object Dim sEnv As String Dim Resp As New MSXML2. (Tools > References) C:\windows\system32\msxml6. VBA - Read XML file. Jun 25, 2020 · How to parse XML in VBA and retrieve specific values. DOMDocument which will then allow you to access the XML nodes. 0 Aug 21, 2016 · I am trying to extract nodes from eBay API XML response into single order lines Sub GetSellerTransactions() Set objHTTP = CreateObject("WinHttp. setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text Oct 19, 2015 · I am writing a set of VBA macros in which it uses the XMLHTTP object to send asynchronous requests to a server. XMLHTTP60 Dim myResponse As String sDownloadDate = VBA. Accès au code XML dans Visual Basic Montre comment accéder à des parties d’un élément ou d’un document XML dans Visual Basic. Print carts. Your only option is to invoke raw HTTP requests follwoing the links posted by Alex. I get status = 200 and a response of "Missing XML" when I post. XMLHttp 库就提供网络方面的服务。 Microsoft. Application, which should automatically update its Document property whenever the page refreshes. 使用步骤: 创建XMLHTTP对象 Jul 10, 2015 · Sub TestXML() Dim XDoc As Object Set XDoc = CreateObject("MSXML2. Here’s how to send a simple HTTP GET request: I have 2 excel files to demostrate the sending request in two methods: 1. I’d like to have the response be sent to the MessageBox before I can go any further. Sep 25, 2023 · Microsoft XML, v6. When I run the script I can tell that it is connecting to the server, but I’m wondering if authentication is failing because I get a generic response basically I'm using object MSXML2. Aug 13, 2019 · Dim objFSO As Scripting. ServerXMLHTTP GET Request - Server status 416. ServerXMLHTTP60 send request to webservice; with this object, I can speed up data loading by asynchronous method and avoid lockups Excel screen (not responding). Reference - Microsoft XML v6. The Microsoft XML Library can be used to manipulate XML documents and to send HTTP requests. Basically I send this "Token token=\x22AAA\x22" Mar 23, 2024 · As an AI language model, I do not have access to the specific Excel file or programming environment in use. abort 'although not necessary, this aborts the open GET connection Mar 13, 2024 · Sending an HTTP request How to: The key to sending an HTTP request in VBA is utilizing the Microsoft XML, v6. My requirement is to Modify all (and only) Text nodes but the Nov 30, 2018 · I have a problem with the MSXML2. ReadyState = 4: DoEvents: Loop Do Until objIE. Load (ThisWorkbook. May 15, 2014 · VBA XML parsing - looping through child nodes. Print getFirstChild. 0") May 13, 2020 · The XML response is not in the standard form I would expect (I'm new to XML), <County>Cass</County> so I'm unsure how I would access the value I need from this returned response. It appears that the XML data is not actually getting uploaded to remote server Apr 30, 2022 · VBAでXMLを扱う場合に最低限必要になるXMLそのものを知識や、XML DOMオブジェクトの解説、各メソッドの解説をしています。実際に生成するXML書式のサンプルと、それを作成するVBAのサンプルコードも紹介しています。この記事を参考にしていただければ一般的なXMLの生成はできるはずです。 Feb 8, 2014 · I made same code last saturday. setRequestHeader "Authorization","Basic " & Base64EncodedUserPass This works great the first time. Set xmlHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2. You'll learn how to reference the correct object libraries, how to create an XML HTTP Request and capture the response text. Sub Request() Dim xmlhttp As New MSXML2. I am attempting to submit the file using Excel VBA but am not able to determine if this completed properly or not. FileSystemObject Dim OUTPUT_file As Object Dim objXMLHTTP As Object Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting. 6. 0 Option Explicit Dim responseText As String Dim sURL As String Dim sEnv As String Dim My code makes the connection but fails on the actual SEND command. xml") 'Get Document Elements Set lists = XDoc. XMLHTTP60. Content to PUT goes in the . I call myDemo() 100 times in 100 cell. XMLHTTP for previous versions. In that case, you might be able to use InternetExplorer. Item(i) Next End Sub ' Chris Jun 19, 2019 · @xingyi052387 There is an official . FirstChild 'Print first child XML Debug. I'm attempting to parse the response and display a portion of it in a VBA form. LoadXML(sXML) Then Debug. send 'actually sends the request over the wire (internet) 'debug. Jul 30, 2021 · XML conversion and parsing for VBA. ReadyState = 4: DoEvents: Loop Set oHTMLDoc = objIE. Quick note: there would be MSXML2. I have tried caching values in Array/Collection but when Excel closed and reopened later, all caches are lost! Update. Contribute to VBA-tools/VBA-XML development by creating an account on GitHub. dll. 0 authentication tool from Excel VBA. Validate And Load XML. xml" is about XML conversion and parsing for VBA. Option Explicit Private objConn As XMLHTTP30 Public Sub HandleAsyncEvent() Debug. Related. serverXMLHTTP object. Mar 26, 2017 · I need to parse a specific Node (Token) so that I can use it in my next API request. 1") URL = "https://api. DOMDocument60 Set Req = W3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major languages of the web. ServerXMLHTTP GET Request - Server Apr 30, 2019 · Scrape website with XML HTTP request with Excel VBA: wait for the page to fully load. DOMDocument60 sXML = oHTMLDoc. Open "POST", serviceUrl, asyncMode objConn. In VBA, HTTP requests can be sent using the MSXML2 library or the WinHttp Services library. May 18, 2014 · Edit: due to a request, I am putting the code I have currently. ByRef {WebResponse} Hook for taking action after a request has been executed. But I have still problem on this web page. I googled further and found How do I upload a zip file via HTTP post using VBA? May 22, 2019 · 開発リボンの中にある Visual Basic アイコンをクリックして、Visual Basic for Applicationsを起動します。ツールメニューにあるツールの参照設定をクリックします。 登場した参照設定ダイアログで、Microsoft XML, v6. This is its VBA code Jul 18, 2017 · When using SoapUI 5. 标题: 浅谈xmlhttp对象(属性和方法)-vba抓取网页数据 浅谈xmlhttp对象(属性和方法)-vba抓取网页数据 (1) 用vba抓取网页数据有不少方法,其中一种便是引用xmlhttp对象。在这里尝试为大家介绍一下这个对象的一些基本属性和方法还有一些应用示例。 xmlhttp对象参考 Oct 2, 2015 · Excel VBA XML HTTP - Code not working on Windows 8. These are the references I'm using: Nov 11, 2013 · So far, I've found some tutorials or even some SO posts that made me get somewhere. ebay. ServerXMLHTTP - can't access website. nodeName) = "script" Then objElement. removeNode End If Next objElement RemoveScriptTags = objHTML. 1 in place of MSXML2. 1 VBA - MSXML2. 0: Open a new Visual Basic project. 0` が有効になっていることを確認してください。… Apr 8, 2018 · XML解析代码. users, issues, pull requests Search Clear Dec 28, 2017 · The XML string when displayed in immediate window breaks at every 1024th character as it should. XML) as XMLHttpRequest. Based on the given information (address) the Excel formula requests specific nodes from the API. Tested in Windows Excel 2013 and Excel for Mac 2011, but should apply to 2007+. xml" Set OUTPUT_file = objFSO. Typically I tend to use the ServerXMLHTTP request object, as I will show in the next section, it can be easily extended to run HTTP requests via a proxy IP. You may recall from the VBA HTTP GET tutorial that GET calls request information from the API service. validateOnParse = False XDoc. XML conversion and parsing for VBA (Excel, Access, and other Office applications). Hope I did it right. But, I'm st We’ve seen that we can make API requests using Python with pretty minimal code, but we can also do the same behavior inside of VBA with the XML reference lib Apr 8, 2017 · I'm modifying a piece of VBA code that requests XML data from the Google Geolocation API. ServerXMLHTTP. So in order for those double quotes to arrive in the message a backslash is used. The difference between using new and CreateObject() is discussed in another SO question. 0`(MSXML2)库发送带有基本认证的 HTTP 请求。这涉及到设置请求的 “Authorization” 头部,以包含以 base64 编码格式的凭证。以下是逐步指南: 1. v6. The whole XML connection and response part of the script seem to be working fine, I just need to know how get the values from the response for the node in question. Let’s understand how it works. XMLHTTP object in VBA. path & "\XML-Files\" & job_id & ". Format(sDownloadDate, "yyyy-mm-dd") Mar 9, 2022 · Visual Basic Editor(VBE)のファイルメニューから[ツール]-[参照設定]を選択し、参照設定ダイアログでMicrosoft XML. Covering popular subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and many, many more. I get stuck at the last line of this Subroutine, compile e Jun 23, 2023 · Création de code XML dans Visual Basic Fournit une introduction à l’utilisation de littéraux XML dans Visual Basic. count Debug. Correct usage is to download that file on your first call, request an incremental update using the timestamp returned from the first call as a parameter to a second call and then Jun 8, 2016 · Sample XML Request in VBA: 'Set Reference to Microsoft XML, v6. Noteworthy is that you can also use this to issue a HTTP PUT by changing "POST" to "PUT". loadXML (XMLHttpRequest. AfterExecute AfterExecute(Client, Request, Response) Client {WebClient} Request {WebRequest} The request that was just executed. 2. responseXML. This is the sub I have in VBA so far: Jan 22, 2018 · Essentially, your challenge is the multiple namespaces in XML response, one of which is a default namespace without any prefix. XMLHTTP60 'Create a new Request Object Set xml_obj = New MSXML2. I am trying to return some XML structured data, by doing an HTTTP POST using the below code. Jul 10, 2022 · I need to send XML file to API service with use of Excel/VBA. From my VBA script I'm already able to make the request (not a big deal) and post it. Functions in the MSXML2 library often use the XPath language to navigate an XML document. Print Sep 6, 2018 · The code above is working but would like to use XML HTTP request code like below (but using the correct store). save("result. XML 'Print first child Text Debug. Requests are sent from a client to a server and the server responds by sending back a webpage to the client. responseText Oct 17, 2020 · テストコード. MSXML2. MSXML(Wikipedia(英語)) XML conversion and parsing for VBA (Excel, Access, and other Office applications). Dec 3, 2019 · はじめに業務でvbaのプログラムを作っていた時に、内閣府の祝日情報を扱いたいと思ったのですが、vbaではお手軽にhttp/https Nov 12, 2020 · まず、XML読込を行います。LoadXmlData関数を呼び出し、エラーコードチェックを行います。 関数の引数には、XMLファイルパスと、XMLの読み込んだ内容を返却してもらう変数を設定します。 LoadXmlData関数は以下の通り。 Dec 20, 2013 · I am using a GET request to get an XML response from a web service. Document Object Model (DOM) Feb 14, 2018 · Do While objIE. As for the code, it would look something like this: Mar 7, 2017 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Mar 26, 2012 · In my spreadsheet I have a reference to the MS XML v3 library. responseText 'uncomment this to view the unparsed response text in the immediate window request. 0` ライブラリ(またはシステムに応じて古いバージョン)の利用です。まず、VBA エディタのツール > 参照 に移動し、`Microsoft XML, v6. Mar 13, 2024 · The key to sending an HTTP request in VBA is utilizing the Microsoft XML, v6. 0 Supports proxy and server credentials. I cannot post both the items that say [removed] due to our privacy agreement. For Windows-only support, include a reference to "Microsoft Scripting Runtime" Mar 1, 2025 · HTTP - JSON Request Using MSXML2. 0` 来启用此引用。 以下是如何发送简单的 HTTP GET… VBA HTTP Requests. XSD, or XML Schema Definition, files are used to define the structure and rules of an XML document. I listed libraries they use and their late bindings in comments: Dim XMLHTTP As New MSXML2. XMLHTTP 'Microsoft XML, v6. 在VBA编辑器中,你可以在一个模块中编写如下代码示例来实现HTTP POST请求: Jan 19, 2023 · VBAでXMLファイルを読み込んで解析する場合に必要になる各オブジェクトの解説や、要素名や要素の値、属性の名前や値を取得する場合のサンプルコードを初心者向けにわかりやすく紹介しています。、XMLフォーマットが動的な場合に役立つ「再帰」を使った実装例も参考になるかと思います。 Oct 7, 2016 · You don't have to parse objxmldoc. The MSXML2 library can be used to validate XML files against Feb 1, 2024 · 如何实现: 在 VBA 中,你可以使用 `Microsoft XML, v6. HTTP requests can be used to interact with a web service, API or even websites. Microsoft XMLとはMicrosoftでXMLベースのアプリケーションを構築するためのライブラリです。 簡単に言うとMicrosoftでXMLファイルを操作するためのソフトです。 以下参照. body. Mar 23, 2024 · To send an HTTP POST request from Excel using VBA, you can make use of the MSXML2. WinHttpRequest. 3. Unable to set customized timeout within ServerXMLHTTP request. I am using the VBA code below, but have only 1 days experience with XML. DocumentElement 'Get first child ( same as ChildNodes(0) ) Set getFirstChild = lists. 0 Jun 23, 2013 · ' Chris Prosser 09/07/2014 ' example use of getElementList (in this case to get all cart elements) Sub getCarts() Dim carts As Collection Dim i As Integer Set carts = New Collection getElementList "C:\Users\Chris\Dropbox\VBAutomation\AutoImportConfig. Write objXMLHTTP. web scraping with vba using XMLHTTP. I’m trying to test sending a request. 实际上,在开发excel-vba的插件,模块或工具的过程中,经常会遇到网络数据请求等情况, Microsoft. The VBA components I think I have a good handle on but the XML syntax is giving me quite a bit of problems. It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. It could be stock prices, weather data, or menu entries taken from a restaurant aggregation and rating service. But, if we have 100, 200 cells that call it, it will take Excel a huge amount of time waiting; which also makes Exel to be not respoding . VBA xmlhttprequest loop without closing connection. There are different versions of the MSXML2 library which behave slightly differently. You can find more on MSXML2. For Windows-only support, include a reference to "Microsoft Scripting Runtime" For Mac support or to skip adding a reference, include VBA Jun 3, 2019 · This video shows you how to use VBA to scrape websites using Internet Explorer and XML HTTP Requests. VBA Microsoft XML, v3. May 17, 2019 · Open "GET", requestString, False 'populates object fields request. The VBA finds the appropriate XML tag and imports the result to a cell in my document. Before we do a proxy HTTP request using VBA let’s look a how a regular HTTP request looks like. Reading XML file via VBA. Path & "\test. Object – late binding. See full list on simpleexcelvba. Value & ". First you need to make sure that the file has a reference to Microsoft XML dll (do this by selecting Tool > References from the Visual Basic window and then selecting "Microsoft XML 6. 0; Microsoft WinHTTP Services, version 5. Reference request: a list of Todd polynomials The question asked here: How can I send an HTTP POST request to a server from Excel using VBA? is almost exactly what I was looking for except that I am trying to send a number of files to the server. Consider defining all needed namespaces in the SelectionNamespaces property, and then in XPath walk down each node specifying each prefix accordingly. Thread Only to save the responses including the request ID. I get the SOAP XML response fine (displayed below). DOMDocument") XDoc. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. print request. send () method. First, ensure this reference is enabled in your project by going to Tools > References in the VBA editor and checking Microsoft XML, v6. xml file using VBA in Excel and can’t quite figure out how to do it. I checked the string in an online XML Formatter and it is fine. VBA Microsoft XML Library. outerHTML End Function Oct 27, 2015 · Handling of VBA XML response. Print "IF" Set nodeXML = xmlDoc Nov 4, 2016 · Function RemoveScriptTags(objHTML As HTMLDocument) As String Dim objElement As HTMLGenericElement For Each objElement In objHTML. readyState = 4 Then OUTPUT_file. Share Improve this answer Nov 4, 2020 · My current code is Option Explicit Sub VBA_API_JSON_TEST() 'Declare variables Dim xml_obj As MSXML2. However, the following steps should generally work for any Microsoft Windows-based version of Visual Basic 6. Jul 5, 2019 · The POST Request and Computing Background. DocumentElement. Instructions available in documentation state that the only required field is: file: string 在弹出的“引用 - VBAProject”对话框中,勾选“Microsoft XML, v6. xml" is the right syntax, but The MSXML2 library is used to work with XML in VBA. XML Fournit des liens vers des rubriques qui expliquent comment utiliser LINQ to XML dans Jan 20, 2016 · VBA HTTP Request using ServerXMLHttp. VBA - MSXML2. httpbin. The price of 1,39 is printed. 1; After posting that, I found out that: new ActiveXObject() is valid in jScript, but in VBA needs to be replaced with either of the other two techniques. FileSystemObject") xml_file_path = ThisWorkbook. Here is my sample code. 0 library (or older versions, depending on your system). 0. Microsoft XML Parser (MsXML. XMLHTTP60 Dim base_url, I'm using object MSXML2. Option Explicit Dim Path As String ' input path name Dim FileName As String ' input file name Dim intColumnCount As Integer ' column counter Dim intLoop As Integer ' Looping integer Dim objDictionary As Scripting. The core to the VBA code is as follows: Apr 11, 2016 · I'm building an OAuth2. But, I'm st Feb 1, 2024 · 如何操作: 在 VBA 中发送 HTTP 请求的关键是使用 `Microsoft XML, v6. Oct 29, 2021 · I am fairly good Access and with VBA but have limited exposure to XML and http requests. Jan 7, 2017 · Below are declared variables for 3 requests which I implement in my macros. As example: Search for jobs related to Vba xml request or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 22m+ jobs. 5. Using this method You don’t have to choose a reference, just declare and create MSXML2. If I make the string in a cell (Using Concatenate & Call Values to generate XML) & pick it up from a cell, the Request returns the desired response. The MSXML2 library provides access to an ecosystem of XML objects. Dec 22, 2019 · And put this in code: Dim xmlhttp As New MSXML2. save "result. orgというサイトではPOSTメソッドが使えるため、このサイトを借りてテストコードを作成しました。 在ASP-LiB中,开发者可能会利用VBA的这些特性,配合ASP的Request对象获取用户提交的XML数据,然后通过VBA处理这些数据,最后用Response对象将处理结果返回给客户端。这种方式使得Excel不仅仅是一个桌面应用,还可以 Apr 17, 2014 · Hoping someone can help with this. Feb 1, 2024 · 方法: VBA で HTTP リクエストを送信する鍵は、`Microsoft XML, v6. responseXML already is a DOM document and of course if you need to save it to a file all you need is call the save method, as in XMLHttpRequest. Here's an example of how to create and use this object to perform a simple HTTP POST request. **参考 MSXML2**:首先,确保你的 VBA… Aug 31, 2021 · I need to programmatically add a list item to a SharePoint Online list, exclusively from the VBA environment in an Excel workbook. 0”(或者其他版本,通常选择最新的版本)。 点击“确定”关闭对话框。 第二步:编写VBA代码. synchronous and 2. 1. Sep 11, 2022 · XmlHttpRequest object is used to make HTTP requests in VBA. 0` 库(或更早的版本,取决于您的系统)。首先,确保在 VBA 编辑器中通过转到 工具 > 引用 并勾选 `Microsoft XML, v6. Feb 13, 2018 · Do While objIE. all If VBA. Dictionary ' dictionary object to store column identification for id, method, query string etc Dim intPrevRequest_id As Integer 'stores previous request id Dim Jun 21, 2013 · Since you're using a GET request, I'm assuming any required parameters can be provided in the URL string. Oct 1, 2008 · What VBA code is required to perform an HTTP POST from an Excel spreadsheet? Alternatively, for greater control over the HTTP request you can use WinHttp. 0"). outerText Debug. asynchronous In sync method, the function can send request and get data normaly. LCase$(objElement. 1 Excel VBA send to MSXML2 Aug 8, 2011 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Posted by u/Jayplac - 1 vote and 1 comment. I need to send a message in json but the auth token has double quotes in it. I am sending Basic Authentication with: XMLHttpReq. dll) This is an XML parser which supports DOM that can be used in VBA to access and manipulate XML data. Document Set oXml = New MSXML2. 0のチェックボックスにチェックを入れ、[OK]ボタンを押下。 Jul 26, 2021 · Add a reference to the XML library: Tools → References → Select 🗹 Microsoft XML, v6. NET library for DSS, but it is not "COM interop" enabled, and hence can't be used with VBA. XML web scraping a website with dynamic key. . xml", "cart", carts For i = 1 To carts. But all of them were talking about a XML, and I already have a method that receives a HTTP POST (from a form) and work. With your and my code I cant list 6 buttons (anchors) with name Year throught Day. 0 (or the highest version you have listed) Declare a module-level variable: (place this line at the top of a module) (Shortcut to create new VBA module: Alt + F11 → I → M) Dim msXML As XMLHTTP60 I am trying to Edit a XML DOM file using Excel VBA, but facing issues reaching beyond level 1 nodes. Print "IF" Set nodeXML = xmlDoc This is a bit of a complicated question, but it seems like the most direct route would be to load the XML document or XML string via MSXML2. Now by parsing the xml to Json the xmlhttp object adds an extra backslash. The USPS Website provides back a page containing a response - also in XML format. May 27, 2015 · Submitting Soap XML using VBA Hot Network Questions Why is Erdős' conjecture on arithmetic progressions not discussed much, and is there an active pathway to its resolution? Mar 1, 2018 · VBA XML Code/Not Running under Office 2013 and/or work network. Useful for handling 401 Unauthorized or other issues. xml") (I am not really a VBA guy so currently not sure whether XMLHttpRequest. zzqcmg lorlii opgpdbyp bjz sxpt baq ttrlcth gswu twfjgor cym qtdo utuvfem aapwy pacltx swumoa