Xdcc download client In questa nuova versione lo sviluppatore ha aggiunto diversi plugin di ricerca, inoltre ora selezionando un download in corso e facendo click con il tasto destro del mouse apparirà un menù a tendina dal […] Posted by u/UzutoNarumaki - 10 votes and 9 comments This script extends the ircII DCC command. Feb 19, 2015 · XDCC Search alows you to quickly search IRC listing web sites. Selezionate il numero corrispondente al link di download e copiatelo neglì appunti. Downloads are automatically loaded into the client when clicking a download link in your web browser. Download all anime episodes from one anime using XDCC - MrRare96/XDCCBatchDownloader It is also able to stop and start the irc client when a file is finishd Download Lunar Client, the most popular all-in-one modpack for all modern versions of Minecraft with countless mods, cosmetics, boosted frames, and a single installation. Se sei nuovo in questo campo o hai bisogno di una guida completa su come utilizzare XDCCMule per scaricare i tuoi file preferiti, sei nel posto giusto. I server XDCC in genere gestiscono solo file molto grandi, come interi film, in pacchetti per il download e il caricamento a velocità estremamente elevate. 4%". xdccMule è in grado di effettuare ricerche in un numero elavato di canali e Networks; Mar 1, 2025 · Download XDCC Viewer for mIRC & AdiIRC for free. xWeasel è per un download puro, semplice e soprattutto veloce - Sia gloria alla Donnola! May 19, 2013 · Download XdccIrc for free. Durante il download verranno mostrati dettagli come velocità, tempo rimanente, nome e tanto altro ancora. Selfhosted IRC client for docker with download support . Mar 11th: Dec 26, 2010 · That said, you might have intermittent internet problems that are minor enough to not be seen anywhere else, but still enough to cause a DCC download to fail. Unlike peer-to-peer transfers, XDCC servers are often hosted on connections with very high upstream bandwidth, sometimes in excess of 100 Xdcc bots are typically company and college servers that are taken over by weak security. abjects. XDCC Catcher is the most advanced download manager for XDCC bots. Il programma una volta configurato ad hoc funziona bene e permette davvero di scaricare più facilmente e soprattutto più velocemente tutti i file che desideriamo. info = Pilih link XDCC, lalu copy irc client nya. xdccJS is a Node. Contribute to mahirashab/XDCC-Downloader development by creating an account on GitHub. 2. AdiIRC 4. È facile da usare e offre una vasta selezione di contenuti, tra cui film, serie TV, musica, libri e Mar 21, 2014 · L’utente Nemo ha voluto consigliare a tutti i nostri lettori la sua esperienza circa l’uso di un’applicazione per il file sharing, applicazione che porta il titolo XDCC Downloader. Jan 3, 2024 · XdccMule utilizza il protocollo XDCC (eXtended Direct Client-to-Client) per consentire un download più veloce e affidabile dei file. - ostafen/xdcc-cli. In questa nuova versione troviamo l’aggiunta di una funzione per l’invio di un messaggio ad un utente specifico e l’ordinamento dei risultati della ricerca per dimensione dei pacchetti, lo strumento ci permette di ricercare e scaricare vari file Search for xdcc files and packets in several IRC networks and channels. XDCC download manager with support for simultaneous queues on different channels, servers and bots, as well as saving/loading queue state. . Xdcc Downloader è un programma Open Source dedicato ai download di file di vario genere. 3 days ago · 480p 720p 1080p XDCC. Mar 6, 2014 · Download XDCC Browser for free. 1 • 10 years ago • 0 dependents published version 0. Bottler - XDCC Bot Interface An XDCC Client developed for streamlining access to files provided by the XDCC Scan this QR code to download the app now. We can use this program to offer and to download all type of files worldwide with a size of up to 2GB per item. Non è molto conosciuto ma offre un interfaccia semplice ed intuitiva. xdccMule è un client per il file sharing sicuramente molto interessante e per questo lo abbiamo testato con cura. A new PRO beta 3. Apr 1, 2023 · Find the best IRC and XDCC search engines that provide easy access to a wide range of files and resources. XDCC Browser allows you to search for XDCC files via several XDCC search sites and integrates the results with its engine to control the requests and DCC downloads. Client Area; Blog; A command line tool for searching and downloading files from the IRC network. Download it from the Client Area. You can download can either download the xget. Cause I'm broke. js library and client to download files from XDCC bots on IRC bot cli client downloader irc pipeline download pipe irc-bot irc-client xdcc dcc passive-dcc Updated Mar 3, 2025 Scopo di questo articolo è quello di spiegare, passo-passo, i passaggi da fare su un Linux Ubuntu per cercare e scaricare file tramite il cosiddetto “XDCC” usando il Client IRC Xchat. Common formats of triggers you issue to start the DCC (Direct Client to Client, an IRC protocol) transfer looks something like "/ctcp NICK xdcc send #_" (underscore is a number) Without naming servers unless I have to, there are some servers I can do XDCC gets completely fine in Hexchat. Also OSX with some installed ports works. Per abbandonare la sessione tmux digitare la combo Ctrl-b d, weechat continuerà ad essere in esecuzione all’interno della sessione tmux anche se si chiude la connessione ssh verso il raspberry. Download. [6] To use XDCC, one can send a private message (query) or send a CTCP command to a bot, using an IRC client. This can be done manually using the constructor, the XDCCPack. Massive Minecraft FPS Boost. This basically goes through some basic linux commands as well as managing things for a server. 96 € sunxdcc. Questa semplice tecnologia fornisce la più veloce e sicura esperienza di download di sempre. 4. g. Der Download wird dann später automatisch vom Bot gestartet. Features. Mirc richiede alcune regole di buon uso. In contrast to torrent file-sharing, with XDCC you are sharing your connection with a 1 peer, the operator of the XDCC server. SunXDCC - Another XDCC file search engine. XDCC (Xabi DCC o eXtended DCC) era inizialmente uno script scritto nel 1994 per il client ircII da Xabi. 14 version. Dietro questa semplice interfaccia vi è un vero e proprio client IRC che fa il lavoro sporco per noi, potremo effettuare delle leggere modifiche a questo client IRC tramite la voce Config del menù Opzioni o tramite l’apposito tasto. Once this list of XDCCPacks is created, use the download_packs function in the xdcc module. Download Client Available for Windows, MacOS & Linux. Per scaricare Xdcc Downloader bisogna recarsi sul sito Ufficiale del programma e scaricare Xdcc sul proprio computer. Its been under development since 2009 , has more than 32000 lines of pure code and is available in a free Basic version and a paid (15 euro) Pro version. net with BEAST (#beast-chat,#beast-xdcc) on irc and not specifying a specific client or OS in the title Oft sind die Slots voll, aber der Bot hat eine Wartschlange eingerichtet. x. il mio problema è che finita la coda dovrebbe cominciare il download del file, invece nella finestra del downloads mi compare la scritta "connection failed" e sulla finestra del canale a cui ho fatto la richiesta mi esce il messaggio "setta il tuo client per poter ricevere il file" . Ik heb een Windows XP pc met ADSL van HCCnet en een E-Tech router (4 poort switch + ADSL router in het blauw). 2024/11/11: New PRO beta 3. Download Resuming - xWeasel supports resuming of incomplete files, and continues downloading the next time the file gets requested. Direct Client-to-Client Sep 2, 2014 · Hey guys so I wrote up a tutorial for a friend of mine on how to use XDCC with IRSSI and I thought that some of you guys might be interested in it. 1' # For single pack download. Manage your client info and PRO downloads. Irssi) that can download files from a Xdcc bot. You can also specifiy a special port, so lets assume that the irc. Open Footer Dec 4, 2024 · XDCC(XDCC File Send)是一种基于IRC的文件分享技术。在IRC网络中,用户可以通过发布xdcc命令来分享文件。一个典型的XDCC分享流程涉及到一个机器人(robot),这个机器人由一个用户控制,负责管理文件的发布和分发。 XDCC Catcher is the most advanced download manager for XDCC bots. I use HexChat (Download the Win7 version as it's the free version), but I've also used WeeChat and I really like both. Contribute to dejavvu/LittleWeeb development by creating an account on GitHub. Dopo esserti connesso in ssh al raspberry digita tmux new e all’interno della finestra tmux digitare weechat-curses e avviare i download desiderati. 5. XDCCEU. Jan 8, 2009 · Hello, when I try to downloading without xdcc klipper installed, a message appears saying "You have a DCC pending, Set your client to receive the transfer" . Mar 22, 2014 · Dietro questa semplice interfaccia c’è un client IRC che fa il lavoro sporco per noi, ← Post Precedente Gfind: ricerca e download XDCC da shell Linux. Troubleshooting / FAQ. May 4, 2011 · A fork of Justin Li's / DaVarga's xdcc client with stream support metakirby5 • 0. Fully Integrated Minecraft Mods 0 + Massive Minecraft Fps Boost 0 FPS. XDCC (Xabi DCC or eXtended DCC) is a computer file sharing method which uses the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) network as a host service. Tutti ti stanno parlando molto bene di xdccMule, un programma per scaricare file dalla rete IRC in maniera molto semplice, e vorresti provarlo? Non hai ben capito cos'è la rete IRC e vorresti saperne di più su questo utile mezzo di scambio di informazioni? Allora direi che sei capitato nel posto giusto al momento giusto! Nel tutorial di oggi, infatti, ti spiegherò come scaricare xdccMule XDCC Search alows you to quickly search IRC listing web sites. Heutzutage bezieht sich XDCC auf IRC-Bots, die Dateiserver ausführen. Ik wil enkele bestanden downloaden met mirc (v6. Every 10 seconds, XDCC Catcher tries to connect to 10 networks. 4 Released Some new features in this release: Added darkmode support for all controls which doesn't have a color option, including titlebars Added color options for Monitor Panel tabs Added Audacious. May 19, 2021 · Looking for the PRO version? This is a project that allows you to download files from IRC with XDCC with an easy and simple to use command line tool like wget or curl. $ '/msg the_bot Feb 19, 2015 · XDCC Search alows you to quickly search IRC listing web sites. That beeing said, please use the forum to report your bug and describe as detailed as possible what you have done to produce this undesired behaviour. Ecco come xdccMule contribuisce a un download più veloce: XDCC utilizza due tipi di comandi: query di messaggi privati (msg) a un bot di rete IRC e comandi client-to-client protocol (CTCP) a un bot che utilizza un client IRC. Feb 25, 2016 · Let's say we have an IRC #ChannelName at irc. Nov 30, 2024 · XDCC Browser is an addon for the mIRC IRC client. This would download the package 34 from super-duper-bot without using ssl. 1600+ FPS. This makes you less susceptible to download monitoring. 7. There are also servers (or at least one server) that just gets stuck at 'connect' when I try (from every bot, and every file I've tried). Jan 13, 2011 · ciao a tutti. This program helps us to connect to multiple IRC servers (44 when I tried it) at a time. Attenzione! Attenzione! Ricordate sempre che non e’ legale scaricare materiale protetto da copyright senza autorizzazione. Its been under development since 2009, has more than 32000 lines of pure code and is available in a free Basic version and a paid (15 euro) Pro version. I setup The Lounge. Mar 11, 2013 · Download Bottler - XDCC Bot Interface for free. 1 , 10 years ago 0 dependents Download Client. eu - XDCC search engine indexing packets from a large number of networks. Questo script incrementava le funzionalità del sistema DCC su ircII . download's ipv6 parameter must be passed through To make use of the XDCC downloader in your application, you will first need to create a list of XDCCPack objects. xWeasel - xWeasel is a free stand-alone Download Client based on IRC technology including a multifunctional XDCC Search Engine. XDCC è un'estensione del protocollo DCC che permette l'invio e il download di file tramite le reti IRC . Conclusioni. rb file from here and chmod it, or download the gem gem install xget. js library and client to download files from XDCC bots on IRC - JiPaix/xdccJS. Most features of a basic IRC client too Download it from the Client Area. Some of the features are : Apr 11, 2013 · Used to get XDCC packs from bots on IRC more easily, it gathers all offered packs in a different window, right click in a popup to get the selected file, tries to get on the queue until it is successfull and more. Molti utenti paragonano la parola XDCC (Xabi o eXtended DCC) con lo script mIRC meglio conosciuto come XDCCmule, di per sé l’applicazione seppur semplice necessita di alcune configurazioni per funzionare al The quick start is automatically installed when you install XDCC Catcher. And then there are the external XDCC search sites. No web clients support XDCC file transfers, as far as I XDCC Search Engine - Find out everything on IRC Networks! Home Download Forum Guestbook News TODOs Link 14-03-2025 : xdccMule v0. Dec 1, 2016 · Con un doppio click sul nome del file si “prenoterà” il download. xdccMule è in grado di effettuare ricerche in un numero elavato di canali e Networks; Hey new to IRC, trying out web clients on my home server for convenience. XDCC Catcher continues trying to connect till all networks are connected. Nov 12, 2016 · Il developer italiano Playxz (alias nemo) ha rilasciato l’aggiornamento stabile dell’applicazione XDCC Downloader, lo strumento ora si rende disponibile anche per PC Windows e Mac OS. It lets you simply join a desired server/channel and begin making xdcc bot requests. Players Online Right Now 0. but when I try to download, I get "You have a DCC pending, Set your client to receive the transfer" Dec 27, 2017 · Xdcc Downloader disponibile per Windows, Linux, Mac. May 6, 2023 · Oggi voglio parlarvi di una pratica molto diffusa tra gli appassionati di file-sharing: il download gratuito di file tramite XDCCMule. 14 is released. Most features of a basic IRC client too 1 day ago · xdccMule è uno Script per la Ricerca e il Download di files all'interno delle reti IRC, permette la ricerca di files all'interno di un solo canale, la ricerca Globale su più canali contemporaneamente, oppure la ricerca GlobalNet su più Networks. server. Use the XDCC protocol to download, organize, and track anime using an IRC client - Elfshot/go-xdcc Jun 26, 2014 · SimpleXDCC is an intuitive xdcc download manager. INSTALLAZIONE DEL CLIENT E DEL PLUG-IN. 6 GlobalFind v0. 8. com where people can freely download files from the bots, by commands such as /msg BotName xdcc send #123, and we want to download one such file into our /download/dir. Lost your password? If you're unable to enter the control panel, provide your email address or Xdcc download androidCara Download Anime Tampa Subtitle nya :- Horriblesubs. XDCC Browser A mIRC based XDCC download manager. Mar 11th: Youkai Gakkou no Sensei Hajimemashita — 22. Jun 25, 2014 · Fortunately, you can still download using a regular IRC client and, unlike in AutoXDCC’s heyday, there are pretty good free and open source client options. So far: 94. For some reason, XDCC servers run on hacked computers with super high bandwidth speeds, which allows us to download them even faster than torrents! Come scaricare Xdcc Downloader. Jul 15, 2023 · It is not unusual to max out your Internet connection with XDCC’s download speeds. XDCC (Abkürzung von Xabi DCC) war anfangs ein Script für ircII, das 1994 von Xabier Vázquez geschrieben wurde und den ircII-DCC-Befehl ausweitet. Jun 3, 2023 · XDCC Browser is an addon for the mIRC IRC client. Questo protocollo permette di scaricare i file direttamente dai bot IRC (Internet Relay Chat) che li forniscono. I already tried Irssi, joined the channel and requested a file from the Xdcc bot using the usual /msg botname xdcc send #123, and the bot offered the file, but it said: Please set your client to receive the file. js library and client to download files from XDCC bots on IRC - Releases · JiPaix/xdccJS xdcc. Mar 11th: Kinomi Master — 11. These transfers work fine in the vanilla Mirc client. 480p 720p 1080p XDCC. js library and client to download files from XDCC bots on IRC bot cli client downloader irc pipeline download pipe irc-bot irc-client xdcc dcc passive-dcc Updated Mar 3, 2025 XDCC is a file sharing method, allowing users to directly download from a centralized server, this is generally faster when there are no seeders on the Torrent network, it's also more secure than the Torrent Network, since you won't be giving away your IP to literally anyone. xWeasel download client XDCC per Windows. 5 beta xdccJS is a Node. A XDCC bot is one which sits in an IRC channel, and advertises "packets" of files it offers, which you can "trigger" to download. DCC sends are much more sensitive to poor internet connections than many other common transfer methods. * Back in 2005 your IRC client options were pretty much mIRC or nothing. 520 FPS. Plus XDCC you don't have to worry if there are seeders like with torrents. - Ultrabenosaurus/EasyXdcc Autoconnect and Autojoins : With Autoconnects on, you don't have to manually connect the networks anymore, XDCC Catcher does. So here’s how you get set up. Basically, it lets us download juicy anime throgh IRC, when we think all hope is lost when all the torrents have 0 seeds. XDCC Search will download all pages of the searchs and place the results in to a table. XDCC bots serve one or more usually large files for download using the DCC protocol. With Autojoins on, XDCC Catcher automatically joins all channels of connected xdccJS is a Node. People ask if you need a vpn/proxy and i would mildly advise it because ip addresses are fairly easy to snatch. Valutazione finale di xdccMule: pro e contro. 52 - Search for XDCC files across multiple websites via IRC channels, manage, examine and download packs, as well as configure numerous settings Nov 5, 2023 · XDCCMule è uno dei client più popolari per il download di file attraverso i canali XDCC presenti su reti IRC. Dunque, partiamo, da Ubuntu con l’installazione di XChat IRC e del plug-in per la ricerca e download dei file XDCC: Nov 15, 2010 · xWeasel è un client XDCC indipendente che permette, utilizzando un proprio protocollo, di scaricare dalla rete IRC con un solo click. Anyways, i hang out on Undernet and Corrupt-irc. You can also use any IRC client of your choosing, these two are only what I've used. Home; Client Area Login. As far as resuming a download, not everyone has the ability to resume sends. Jan 13, 2025 · Avarice is an advanced application that provides an IRC client which supports the XDCC protocol. Ideal for people who wish to download multiple files without having to type a lot of xdcc send commands. Release info since last beta : Fixed: The filtering in combination with exclusion based on words was not working as expected. The user can ask a bot what files it has by private messaging "xdcc list" to the bot. Available for Windows. Feb 9, 2014 · Installa tmux. Dann hat man 3 Minuten Zeit den Download anzunehmen, oder besser man stellt seinen IRC-Client so ein das der den Download automaisch annimmt. 14 niet geregisteerd). Mar 22, 2015 · I need a command line Irc client (e. XDCC-Bots bieten in der Regel eine oder mehrere große Dateien zum Herunterladen über das DCC-Protokoll an. Typically if a IRC channel has an XDCC bot present in that channel you can also use !find/@find "Game of Thrones S01E01 1080p" or whatever the naming convention is to find all files with that name. Apr 24, 2013 · Download XDCCDownloader for free. View our Testing Configuration. IRC/XDCC is cumbersome, not available for everything, can be slow / throttled, and makes you download single episodes usually. 3. 4 Released August 28th, 2023 4. A simple python IRC client. /msg [botname] XDCC SEND LIST -- Sends you the bot's packlist as a text file, via DCC. Say goodbye to tedious channel interactions! 4 days ago · xdccMule è uno Script per la Ricerca e il Download di files all'interno delle reti IRC, permette la ricerca di files all'interno di un solo canale, la ricerca Globale su più canali contemporaneamente, oppure la ricerca GlobalNet su più Networks. Used to get XDCC packs from bots on IRC more easily, it gathers all offered packs in a different window, right click in a popup to get the selected file, tries to get on the queue until it is successfull and more. Jan 19, 2005 · If XDCC-Fetch went up in smoke and dust, your downloads are not lost because XDCC-Fetch is able resume files. Effortlessly browse and search XDCC packs with this streamlined tool for mIRC and AdiIRC, crafted by Eric^^. 0. 1145 FPS. xdccMule è in grado di effettuare ricerche in un numero elavato di canali e Networks; Apr 28, 2010 · Download XDCC Browser 4. The main advantage to using this method is that IRC bots are usually the fastest at uploading new anime episodes, thus being able to download them much earlier. With XDCC, as long as the bot is still active it keeps a huge library of episodes ready to download at high quality. This is a c++ XDCC client with ajax webinterface!! XDCC is a computer file sharing method which relies on IRC as a hosting service. XDCC is private too. Download and install the latest version of irc. XDCCMule è un programma di file sharing basato su IRC (Internet Relay Chat) che ti consente di scaricare contenuti da utenti condivisi in tutto il mondo. net server would use the port 1337. But why not torrent with a VPN instead. It supports at the moment Linux, Windows (with cygwin) and BSD-variants. Release info since last beta : Fixed: Disable buttons when no item is Aug 27, 2014 · Il developer Playxz (alias nemo) ha rilasciato un nuovo aggiornamento per l’applicazione XDCC Downloader giunto ormai alla versione 1. On the upside, older stuff is available and you don't risk to run into the dreaded "stuck at 99. Discover reliable platforms to search and download content from IRC channels, including movies, TV shows, music, software, and more. If I load xdccklipper to mIRC and try Sep 16, 2009 · The xWeasel Download Client supports xdcc:// links to allow one-click downloading. Opzich leuk en aardig maar het wil niet lukken. So to get this started, you'll first of all need an IRC client so you can connect to a network. In questa nuova versione lo sviluppatore In order to receive files, the software has to be properly configured, otherwise downloads will be rejected by the software. come devo settarlo il client? grazie e ciao a tutti Dec 23, 2016 · Il developer italiano Playxz (alias nemo) ha rilasciato un nuovo aggiornamento per l’applicazione XDCC Downloader. When you wish to download an item your IRC Client that accepts irc:// protocols will be launched. Then our xdcc-get-call would be like this: Cercate il file che volete scaricare utilizzando i comandi forniti dal client (es: /find nomefile). Download Recent Posts 4. It allows to download multiple files at the same time. With torrent and onedrive/gdrive ultra fast downloads, noone uses these anymore. xget is a simple IRC bot that can easily automate downloading files over XDCC. Now XDCC refers to IRC bots running file sharing programs in general. mIRC & AdiIRC XDCC Downloads on IRC for DCC. xdcc. Find some of the most asked questions here. Se non ci sono “code”, il download inizierà subito, viceversa l’utente dovrà aspettare il suo turno. 1090 FPS. xdccMule è uno Script per la Ricerca e il Download di files all'interno delle reti IRC, permette la ricerca di files all'interno di un solo canale, la ricerca Globale su più canali contemporaneamente, oppure la ricerca GlobalNet su più Networks. from_xdcc_message class method or by using an XDCC Search Engine. Yeah they're pretty much dead or a fun novelty for nerds like me to go and launch a XDCC bot to remind me of the good ol days. L’interfaccia è molto semplice da utilizzare. Hat man das warten satt, so kann sich aus der Warteschlange abmelden . - Lalu buka aplikasi AndroIRC Jan 27, 2025 · If the file is not transferring, the XDCC bot owner may have configured the bot to only send to Registered Users (not registering mirc, registering a nickname on the network server) or downloading may require a user to be in both the XDCC channel and the corresponding XDCC Chat channel. 0 - 19-03-2021 Added IRCv3 "labeled-response" CAP checks when "echo-message" is enabled on supported servers Added horizontal scrollbar to Channel List dialog Added Tidal now playing support Added option to match on no address in Nick colors/Nick icons Added a target field in Notice Monitor Panel Added option to enable/disable expanding parent Treebar folders on window focus May 4, 2011 · xdccJS is a Node. Hey folks, remember to switch to skullxdcc. The download speeds are reliable as well. search After struggling for so many years myself, trying to understand exactly what IRC/XDCC is and how on Earth I use it without browsing through dozens of hard-to-read and difficult-to-understand guides, I took up the task myself to create a simple and straight-forward guide showing you step-by-step how to download anime through XDCC using IRC. A IRC XDCC Download Client designed for Anime. sampel. gotky nmnzf adehs xxk scdkt addep scgy xslv mcepmz wcj mvj hgcyo wlnpgig ysggl yzqh